
Oct 27, 2017
The paracetamol numbers are about 10% higher than normal for a day hence why we actually have stock available for that as it is just normal daily demand. We are seeing an notable uptick in pretty much all cough and cold medicines though that has been building up all week so think next week we might see a similar blitz on those like we have had with hand sanitizers and wet wipes this week.

Yea that it was i'm afraid of, people that for whatever reason will try to hide the symptom.


Oct 25, 2017

At this point he's shifted from being a moron to just being extremely dangerous. This is the shit that doctor in NY was talking about. This administration is actively lying to us and it's only going to put people in more danger since his fucking supporters believe everything he says and won't take the precautions needed to stop this from spreading more.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm glad Trump's not coming to my city anymore, but fuck his reasoning. Oh it's a hoax, unless if effects me of course. As fucking usual. I wish he'd fucking die so bad, preferably from the virus. People that continue to support this trash all need fucking MRIs.

Where/when was this said?

Edit: nvm. Fucking piece of shit.
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Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
Probably old and already posted but jfc...

You know, maybe, just maybe the US' healthcare system might be fundamentally and from the ground up broken?!

where is this from?


Oct 25, 2017
Interesting how SK's CFR is sub 1% ... not sure what to attribute this to. More testing? Meanwhile Italy and China are both well above 3%


Oct 27, 2017
Which region? The Tesco right near work was empty with hand sanitizer, but handwash and soap was still plenty. All the Tesco's own stuff was sold out however. This was in the NW sandwiched between two hotspots. Cold and flu medicine was half full, tablet wise.

Barely saw any empty shelves.

They just got to keep at it. Whatever they are doing is working to minimise this greatly.

UK gov also announced further funds to combat the disease.

I keep seeing heat directed at the UK government for not doing anything, but honestly I'm positively surprised at the level of response so far.
Jan 29, 2018
Starting to get nervous about my planned international travel in 3 weeks. Updates are coming so fast and furious that who knows what things will be like then. I'm not afraid of getting sick so much as getting stuck somewhere.


Sep 22, 2019
Can we please get Trump out of here, he is an absolute disaster. Maybe just give this to him so he can take it seriously.


Oct 25, 2017
I looked up the warnings - the concerns I read online seem to basically be that some people either don't make it strong enough, or that it can be harsh on the skin.

If I'm wrong, please let me know.
I'm trying to google it but all the results are now stories about some liquor company having to tell people not to use it to make sanitizer jfc. The one story I found not about that had the two concerns you posted but I thought earlier in the thread people had posted links to officials saying not to, you may be right though about it just being due to strength/harshness. Be careful! <3


Oct 27, 2017
Starting to get nervous about my planned international travel in 3 weeks. Updates are coming so fast and furious that who knows what things will be like then. I'm not afraid of getting sick so much as getting stuck somewhere.

A large part of why I've decided not to go to Florida next month, the last thing I want is to end up in an American hospital as a non American, especially when travel insurance presumably doesn't cover his kind of outbreak


Oct 25, 2017
Interesting how SK's CFR is sub 1% ... not sure what to attribute this to. More testing? Meanwhile Italy and China are both well above 3%

The mortality rate (~0.7%) in South Korea is actually consistent with that (~0.8%) of Chinese provinces other than Hubei. I guess in a way this is the baseline mortality rate of the best-case scenario where patients receive medical care as soon as possible.

However, medical facilities are now overrun in Daegu city (the epicenter of Korean outbreak) so the mortality rate may begin to surge in the next weeks.


Oct 27, 2017
Just twiddling my thumbs in NYC waiting for my dumb office to let us work from home. Business as usual, though. But hey! They added more hand sanitizers around the office, so yay us!


Oct 25, 2017
Well, there was a justification for it as it was being spread by "experts".

However, if the study and data prove otherwise, thanks for the correction. Will need to read through this later.

Is there a specific part that is an easy quote to counter the misinformation?

our study showed a high degree of individual variation in exposure protection. This is important as it reflects the presence of many different sources of variation, behavioural as well as anatomical, which can also be expected to be present if the general population would be requested to wear face masks in case of a pandemic. Furthermore, we do not know from these experiments whether reduced exposure has a linear or non-linear relationship to the reduction of infection risk.

Home made masks, and to a lesser degree surgical masks, are unlikely to confer much protection against transmission of small particles like droplet nuclei, but as the reproduction number of influenza may not be very high a small reduction in transmissibility of the virus may be sufficient for reducing the reproduction number to a value smaller than 1 and thus extinguishing the epidemic. Greater reduction in transmissibility may be achieved if transmission is predominantly carried by larger droplets.

we cannot exclude that wearing of face masks, even FFP2 or surgical masks by patients might still significantly reduce transmission. However, the observed limited particle retention in our experiments may still be an overestimate of protection, as it may for instance be challenging to enforce adherence to mask wearing by a patient who is short of breath. Wearing of masks by caregivers might be more feasible and more effective, in particular where additional preventive measures are in place as well for caregivers.

we should bear in mind that this is an experimental study, with relatively small numbers of volunteers, which limits the generalisability of some of our findings. E.g., for masks to have any impact during an actual pandemic, people may need to be wearing masks during several weeks with many shorter or longer mask-free periods.

Further field studies are needed to assess acceptability and effectiveness of masks worn by people from the general population.


Oct 25, 2017
If things get bad in Singapore we know that warm weather has very little effect. It's 90+ degrees there.

Malaysia reported a large jump in cases too today (+28, 83 in total) :(

It's still too early to say for sure that the virus has adapted to the climate I guess. Maybe the spread in the tropics was largely undetected earlier (which is also bad, obviously).

Deleted member 17092

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
relative matters. It's nowhere the hottest yet here in singapore and it's still kinda humid now. June is where we enter the season known as 'scorched earth' temperature.

Most of the world doesn't regularly hit 90 F even in the summer though. And humidity is what you want to reduce droplet spread. Dry air is the main problem.

Twenty Three

Oct 28, 2017
If things get bad in Singapore we know that warm weather has very little effect. It's 90+ degrees there.
Warm weather doesn't have an effect, as far as I can tell. Singapore controlled it through ruthlessly efficient controls, and general good hygene and social awareness, up till now. But there appear to be more imported cases from overseas, and people that slip through the control net (no visible temperature etc). Also, the past two weeks have seen such a decline in cases, that people seem to be getting less careful (fewer masks, restaurants getting packed again, etc).


Mambo Number PS5
Oct 26, 2017
Fascinating stuff:

Jeremy Smith, Director of the Center for Molecular Biophysics, a partnership between the University of Tennessee and the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, explained their work is made possible by the "world's most powerful computer," or the Summit, at ORNL.

"It's capable of doing calculations very, very, quickly. The response to the new coronavirus needs to be quick," he said. Smith said the computer's speed is equivalent to 100,000 laptops working at the same time. "The work it can do in one day," he added, "would take months on a normal computer."

Jeremy Smith and Micholas D. Smith, a post-doctoral fellow and soon-to-be UTK research professor, began digital calculations to find a chemical, or drug, that might work against the virus.

This quick, digital, testing has worked previously, Smith said, and cited success in their efforts in the past in finding treatment for diabetes and osteoporosis, for example.

After performing simulations of more than 8,000 compounds, they have narrowed it down to, what they believe, will react to the actual sample.


Oct 25, 2017
People dont seem to be understanding exponential growth curves

of course rates are "doubling"

and if that alarms you, don't think about what they actually are

most people will get this

The amount of cases in emerging hot spots around the globe (and especially the US) are probably going to be very alarming next week. We're probably looking at several areas in the US with Italy-like numbers soon, thanks to the laughable US response.


Dec 11, 2017
Just twiddling my thumbs in NYC waiting for my dumb office to let us work from home. Business as usual, though. But hey! They added more hand sanitizers around the office, so yay us!
Same. The building finally put out hand sanitizer dispensers and our management finally acknowledged the virus via some informational posters. Our office isn't situated at all for a WFH scenario.


Nov 30, 2018
Do you guys and gals think that people's reticence to have physical contact in public due to the coronavirus will accelerate the push to cash less retail transactions?

I imagine a lot of posters use cards or phones already in lieu of cash but I wonder if this virus just pushes more people away from physical money.