Sep 24, 2018
Don't call me boy.

The following sentence is objectively true.

ISIS is worse than the GOP.

Add as many qualifiers as you want to hastily avoid having to step back your original statement, it does not change the fact that ISIS is objectively a worse thing than the GOP. You implying that the GOP is somehow worse is disastrously Ameriocentric and insulting to the victims of ISIS.

Now stop this ludicrous derailing mission and get back on topic, or continue your idiocy in my PMs. Either way leave the trash out of this thread.

ISIS probably wouldn't exist without the GOP. The Iraq War set off a chain of events that contributed to the rise of ISIS. ISIS is just another messed up thing that resulted from failed GOP policies.


Oct 25, 2017
He just blamed Obama for not picking judges and called democrats obstructionists. Idiot doesn't realize republicans obstructed Obama's picks.


Oct 25, 2017
He just blamed Obama for not picking judges and called democrats obstructionists. Idiot doesn't realize republicans obstructed Obama's picks.

I have a running theory that Trump legitimately doesn't understand how Congress works. He thinks all Presidents are supposed to be like CEOs where they demand something and it just happens. Has no idea how separation of powers, co-equal branches, or checks and balances function.


Oct 25, 2017
I am afraid that Kavanaugh's controversy could actually work in Trump's favour.

I remember reading that Kavanaugh doesn't believe a president should ever be prosecuted but I was never really certain that he would actually put this belief into action while sitting on the Supreme Court. As we have seen with some other Trump operatives, bending rules to help Trump isn't particularly rewarding or enticing with Muller looking over their shoulders.

However, if Kavanaugh is confirmed, it will be after basically everyone turned against him. If Trump actually manages to get him confirmed despite everything, he may be rewarded with Kavanaugh's undying loyalty. That is sure to come in handy in the years to come.


You wouldn't toast a NES cartridge
Oct 26, 2017
I don't believe in Karma, but isn't it crazy that one of Ken Starr's protege is now the subject of three sexual assault accusations, all the while he was going after a guy that had a slimy yet consensual affair.


Oct 28, 2017
Lol why is Trump doing this? I honestly don't get it the move here.

He has to fight back against sexual assault allegations because to not do so opens him up further to being called out on his own. And he's fucking stupid enough to believe that being the same old belligerent asshole to these women that he's been to all of his own accusers will work on the national stage. The hell of it is, to a certain extent he's right. His sociopathic base will eat this up. Of course it'll come off as a disingenuous shitshow to anyone with a conscience, though.

Oh shit. Did he just Mario stomp on top of Avenatti's land mine, then?

I certainly hope so.


Oct 27, 2017
Don't call me boy.

The following sentence is objectively true.

ISIS is worse than the GOP.

Add as many qualifiers as you want to hastily avoid having to step back your original statement, it does not change the fact that ISIS is objectively a worse thing than the GOP. You implying that the GOP is somehow worse is disastrously Ameriocentric and insulting to the victims of ISIS.

Now stop this ludicrous derailing mission and get back on topic, or continue your idiocy in my PMs. Either way leave the trash out of this thread.

You can literally trace radicalized Islam groups to the destabilization in the Middle East which was directly caused by warmongering of the GOP.


Oct 25, 2017
Holy crap. Avenatti wasn't bluffing. This is who they nominated to the supreme court? A fucking repeat rapist? "because he was young when he raped several girls and sexually assaulted others" ?

Is this what we've come to, my fellow citizens?
On the most recent 538 podcast they raise a good point about this: Why fight this hard for Kavanaugh?

No one seems to really love him in Congress, he comes with a ton of baggage that could galvanize the Democratic base, and the Republicans could easily pivot onto someone else. So why fight for him?

Outside of Trump liking his opinions on Executive power and simply not wanting to take an L, what is the benefit here? They could easily find someone "pro-life" elsewhere.


Oct 25, 2017
On the most recent 538 podcast they raise a good point about this: Why fight this hard for Kavanaugh?

No one seems to really love him in Congress, he comes with a ton of baggage that could galvanize the Democratic base, and the Republicans could easily pivot onto someone else. So why fight for him?

Outside of Trump liking his opinions on Executive power and simply not wanting to take an L, what is the benefit here? They could easily find someone "pro-life" elsewhere.

Trump doesn't get a lot of W's. He's had tax changes passed and gotten one SCOTUS justice in, and he's almost halfway through his term. Those are pretty much his only accomplishments. So he fights tooth and nail to get anything he can.


Oct 26, 2017
On the most recent 538 podcast they raise a good point about this: Why fight this hard for Kavanaugh?

No one seems to really love him in Congress, he comes with a ton of baggage that could galvanize the Democratic base, and the Republicans could easily pivot onto someone else. So why fight for him?

Outside of Trump liking his opinions on Executive power and simply not wanting to take an L, what is the benefit here? They could easily find someone "pro-life" elsewhere.

I've heard speculation that it's about the optics going into the mid terms. If they withdraw his nomination that's like admitting defeat, which will hurt them, but if he's defeated in a vote, that seems like a conspiracy to stop their judge getting on the courts which will galvanise their base.

On the other hand, they simply don't have time to confirm another candidate this late, before the elections, and maybe even before the new session begins in January. So they won't get another shot at this.


Oct 27, 2017
On the most recent 538 podcast they raise a good point about this: Why fight this hard for Kavanaugh?

No one seems to really love him in Congress, he comes with a ton of baggage that could galvanize the Democratic base, and the Republicans could easily pivot onto someone else. So why fight for him?

Outside of Trump liking his opinions on Executive power and simply not wanting to take an L, what is the benefit here? They could easily find someone "pro-life" elsewhere.

Trump needs to take back his nomination or the republicans have to vote no on him.

Either scenario puts them in a shit position: piss off the base by going against Trump or make Trump look weak by forcing him to withdraw his nomination (which he will never do).

In there minds supporting a rapist is their best option.