
Oct 28, 2017
Mega Man 11 feels like a wonderful breath of fresh air from a series I adore. Really looking forward to it.

jon bones

Oct 25, 2017
Sony: strong focus on high quality solo experiences

Microsoft: super sleek and powerful hardware, plus FH is one of the best racers out there

Nintendo: premium handheld with really great "pick up and play" titles like Smash & AC coming

Valve: making what looks to be my dream game


Oct 25, 2017
Sony: strong focus on high quality solo experiences

Microsoft: super sleek and powerful hardware, plus FH is one of the best racers out there

Nintendo: premium handheld with really great "pick up and play" titles like Smash & AC coming

Valve: making what looks to be my dream game

Is it the card game? That card game looks bonkers.


"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017

Phil Spencer communicates about as well as I could hope from a division leader at one of the world's largest technology corporations, it feels like Xbox division is headed up by someone that really has the right mindset and motivation, and the message stays strong through the years. Xbox leading the way in input accessibility with their accessibility controller is one of the coolest and admirable things I've seen in all of gaming in this entire generation and I hope it starts to take form in other platforms across the industry.


Their first party and console exclusives tallies up as one of the best damn lineups I've ever personally experienced in my entire life, starting with Bloodborne's release in 2015. I love the social media culture that seems to be occurring between the various studios that take on Sony-backed projects, they're all so congratulatory and positive toward one another and it's so refreshing having grown up in a fan-driven environment of console war toxicity -- this is actually seemingly a trend that's echoed across the entire industry at this point, but it's nice to see Sony's particular studios posting in-house-produced fanart to other Sony studios or studios that did Sony-backed projects.


Switch is already home to some of the best Nintendo-created software I've ever played with Breath of the Wild and Super Mario Odyssey. Switch has enabled gaming experiences I've never had before, allowing for TRULY console-grade experiences to be played on the go -- I was able to play Breath of the Wild completely around the clock and really, really immerse myself in the experience, and it was absolutely amazing. I was able to play what became my favorite game of all time at work during downtime, and even took my Switch on a business trip with me and it didn't feel like I missed a single beat with that game thanks to the Switch's capabilities.

Third party shoutouts-

Titanfall 2 and Doom 2016 made FPS electric and exciting for me again, a feeling I hadn't felt since Modern Warfare 2 dropped in 2009. Titanfall 2 felt like it elevated what was introduced in COD to an only-in-videogames level of pleasure and excitement with its various mobility options and its effortless scale-changing with the mechs it features. Doom 2016 brought back a decidedly classic mood evocative of its originating title and introduced its own stellar feeling of movement and combat flow that's just so brutally satisfying in a way that feels almost entirely unique to itself. Between Titanfall 2 and Doom 2016, I actually care about FPS games again, even if they're lesser than either of those two titles, and this generation has largely been a very FPS enthusiast generation for myself thanks to these two titles, opening a gateway into FPS appreciation that has trickled into an enjoyment of many other titles like Far Cry 5, Overwatch, and Infinite Warfare that likely would not have existed if I had not really gotten into the genre again.

Witcher III: The Wild Hunt was a hell of a game emotionally. I naturally (that is, without being guided or referencing a guide) got to one of the good endings and it was immensely satisfying to see Geralt, Ciri, and Yenn's journey in the main game come to that conclusion. I was so happy I cried tears for like 10 minutes straight as the credits rolled. I admit, I've cried at games before in the past, but I think this was the first time that I felt like one tapped into my young adult sensibilities and didn't just appeal to some heroic ideal being expressed as had been the case in previous instances. It felt like a tale that genuinely had characters that responded to human actions, and I legitimately felt convinced that I had shaped and driven those actions as the player. It wasn't like Mass Effect where I walked away feeling like I had been a real big goddamn hero; instead, it felt like I had barely made the right choices to earn some alleviation to the personal worries and struggles of Geralt and his family that I had grown so attached and invested in over the course of my 60 hour run time.

I'm at peak enthusiasm for this medium right now. It's not flawless and there are still obvious problems, I admit that, but I've gotten so much more attachment to this selection of games assigned to this particular generation of consoles than I've ever had before thanks to the glutton of well-made and increasingly well-thought-out decisions that have been put into play this time, and the technology that's enabled it. I do sincerely believe that there's no better time to be playing videogames, and I sincerely hope we stay on track to just get even better as time continues on -- and that means we DO have to acknowledge and address the problems that hold it back. But it's nice to express my enthusiasm in a cleanly positive way here and now. ;)


Nov 1, 2017
We have reached a point where just about every type of game can exist and find a market.

Donut County is such a wonderful and whimsical game.

Zachtronics Games are wonderful and mindbendingly difficult.

JRPGs are finding new playgrounds and homes.

Segas PC initiative (year of japan) is excellent.

Even EAs origin access looks great and I never thought I would say that.

Over the last few years we have seen the return of the middle ground games that the likes of THQ used to make.

Viva THQ Nordic who seem to be doing there best to buy as many dormant franchises as possible.

Sega releasing the reigns on there IPs so that people can create new sequels or remastered Shenmue and Resonance of Fate in the same year.
Oct 28, 2017

The hype was legit.


Oct 25, 2017
Fantastic thread idea! I was thinking about posting something similar before, glad you beat me to it.

The big 3 + PC + mobile + extra all have something to offer. I wish they would combine. I want to play Halo and Uncharted portably on my PlaystationX Switch hybrid system. Maybe just in my dreams :)


Oct 28, 2017
This game was the shining light of last year for me. A lot happened in gaming last year with the Switch release and building a new gaming PC but this game hands down was my favorite game. GOTY for me and really shows indie devs can make polished well crafted games.
The game had me feeling a bit lost and overwhelmed but I am determined to try it again. I felt the same initially with Celeste and then it all finally clicked and I was addicted


Oct 28, 2017
Fantastic thread idea! I was thinking about posting something similar before, glad you beat me to it.

The big 3 + PC + mobile + extra all have something to offer. I wish they would combine. I want to play Halo and Uncharted portably on my PlaystationX Switch hybrid system. Maybe just in my dreams :)
Thanks! And to the others earlier who liked the idea, didn't want to quote you all but glad you like!

My dream console would be something similar to that! I've thought a lot about Nintendo as a 3rd party making games for a Microsoft/Sony developed console/hybrid. I can only dream! I'd say Microsoft may be the better fit in terms of how they treat BC but I'd say this is unlikely.


Phil Spencer communicates about as well as I could hope from a division leader at one of the world's largest technology corporations, it feels like Xbox division is headed up by someone that really has the right mindset and motivation, and the message stays strong through the years. Xbox leading the way in input accessibility with their accessibility controller is one of the coolest and admirable things I've seen in all of gaming in this entire generation and I hope it starts to take form in other platforms across the industry.


Their first party and console exclusives tallies up as one of the best damn lineups I've ever personally experienced in my entire life, starting with Bloodborne's release in 2015. I love the social media culture that seems to be occurring between the various studios that take on Sony-backed projects, they're all so congratulatory and positive toward one another and it's so refreshing having grown up in a fan-driven environment of console war toxicity -- this is actually seemingly a trend that's echoed across the entire industry at this point, but it's nice to see Sony's particular studios posting in-house-produced fanart to other Sony studios or studios that did Sony-backed projects.


Switch is already home to some of the best Nintendo-created software I've ever played with Breath of the Wild and Super Mario Odyssey. Switch has enabled gaming experiences I've never had before, allowing for TRULY console-grade experiences to be played on the go -- I was able to play Breath of the Wild completely around the clock and really, really immerse myself in the experience, and it was absolutely amazing. I was able to play what became my favorite game of all time at work during downtime, and even took my Switch on a business trip with me and it didn't feel like I missed a single beat with that game thanks to the Switch's capabilities.

Third party shoutouts-

Titanfall 2 and Doom 2016 made FPS electric and exciting for me again, a feeling I hadn't felt since Modern Warfare 2 dropped in 2009. Titanfall 2 felt like it elevated what was introduced in COD to an only-in-videogames level of pleasure and excitement with its various mobility options and its effortless scale-changing with the mechs it features. Doom 2016 brought back a decidedly classic mood evocative of its originating title and introduced its own stellar feeling of movement and combat flow that's just so brutally satisfying in a way that feels almost entirely unique to itself. Between Titanfall 2 and Doom 2016, I actually care about FPS games again, even if they're lesser than either of those two titles, and this generation has largely been a very FPS enthusiast generation for myself thanks to these two titles, opening a gateway into FPS appreciation that has trickled into an enjoyment of many other titles like Far Cry 5, Overwatch, and Infinite Warfare that likely would not have existed if I had not really gotten into the genre again.

Witcher III: The Wild Hunt was a hell of a game emotionally. I naturally (that is, without being guided or referencing a guide) got to one of the good endings and it was immensely satisfying to see Geralt, Ciri, and Yenn's journey in the main game come to that conclusion. I was so happy I cried tears for like 10 minutes straight as the credits rolled. I admit, I've cried at games before in the past, but I think this was the first time that I felt like one tapped into my young adult sensibilities and didn't just appeal to some heroic ideal being expressed as had been the case in previous instances. It felt like a tale that genuinely had characters that responded to human actions, and I legitimately felt convinced that I had shaped and driven those actions as the player. It wasn't like Mass Effect where I walked away feeling like I had been a real big goddamn hero; instead, it felt like I had barely made the right choices to earn some alleviation to the personal worries and struggles of Geralt and his family that I had grown so attached and invested in over the course of my 60 hour run time.

I'm at peak enthusiasm for this medium right now. It's not flawless and there are still obvious problems, I admit that, but I've gotten so much more attachment to this selection of games assigned to this particular generation of consoles than I've ever had before thanks to the glutton of well-made and increasingly well-thought-out decisions that have been put into play this time, and the technology that's enabled it. I do sincerely believe that there's no better time to be playing videogames, and I sincerely hope we stay on track to just get even better as time continues on -- and that means we DO have to acknowledge and address the problems that hold it back. But it's nice to express my enthusiasm in a cleanly positive way here and now. ;)

Great post! Titanfall 2 and Doom 2016 are both a masterpiece IMO
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Oct 27, 2017
I live in an age where there are too many great games. And they're so convenient and easy to acquire now! Even if I quit my job I don't think I'd be able to play everything I wanted to.
Aug 29, 2018
Meh any backlash against Microsoft in this case feels like salt over some semantics. I don't even have an xbox but the fact that Microsoft lets people play the games they buy on any xbox going forward is a big deal and a great thing for those gamers. They won't have to buy re-releases for indie games or newer games that won't age much with a new console generation, they don't have to keep around old consoles or buy older consoles again once they break, and honestly it is so cool that they have even provided enhancements for older games.
Nov 8, 2017
Such a eye bleach thread, hope no one derails this.

Sony: Great story-driven titles push competitors to re-focus on making better games.

MS: Pro-consumer policies like BC and play anywhere program are a big leap for consumers.

Nintendo: The creativity of Switch set a new bar for handheld consoles.


"This guy are sick"
Nov 27, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
Sony: Been doing a great job with their exclusives this year including Yakuzas out the wazoo, God of War, and Spiderman.

Microsoft: Great stuff with BC an even improving games to 4k like Red Dead redemption. Also the MCC update has been delightful. Gamepass is a great value proposition all around with new titles being added regularly.

Nintendo: Loving the switch with exclusives like MHGU has been really having me devot a lot of time to it. the concept is so simple, but still blows my mind from time to time.

PC: Greatness all around with known titles such as Monster Hunter World and Yakuza 0 has been so great to go back with a whole new sheen.

Capcom: They have been knocking it out of the park this year with the Onimusha port, Monster Hunter releases and imminent RE2 remake and DMC5 communications. It feels like Capcom is finally listening to their fans.

Amidst all of the negativity going around lately. It's a great time to be a gamer.
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Aug 29, 2018
Indies! Even just this year I've played Hollow Knight, Deadcells, Into the Breach and Celeste, all games I adore with Hollow knight being one of my games of the generation

Capcom! is having some sort of crazy renaissance. MHW, DMC5 looks incredible and RE2RE looks so good it makes me want to cry

Fighting games! Outside of Capcom, fighting games are doing solid, and SNK is bringing it back too with this new Samsho

and although this gen wasn't as obvious a technical bump as others...just general technical improvements! Don't act like you weren't impressed upon entering Novingrad in TW3, that shit wasn't even possible before
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Vehicle Handling Designer
Oct 25, 2017
Great thread, am enjoying playing games more than ever, Spider-Man was amazing, Finally started Octopath Traveller and can't wait for Forza Horizon 4 which I am going to play on my PC, think that is all platforms covered!

The games this year have been amazing, Blackout was far better than I expected it to be and Red Dead and Smash are still on the way.

Ace Combat 7 preorder is getting me Ace Combat 5.

Oh and GT is getting Fuji Speedway soon.

Am getting a PS1 classic for Christmas and I can't wait for the start up sound.


I still love making games.


Oct 25, 2017
Good thread idea.

MS - IMO BC and Game Pass are two great features. I wish BC was standard across all platforms, and Game Pass is something I'd immediately subscribe to if I had an Xbox (along with EA Access). I also like Play Anywhere and think it's a good idea.

Sony - I like the versatility the PS4 has. As someone with an aging PC, it is really nice to have the PS4 to play on, as it has access to most of what I'd like to play, from more niche Japanese titles like Trails of Cold Steel 3 (I'm assuming this'll be localized) and Disgaea 5, to the blockbuster multiplats like Battlefield V and GTA V, and I worry far less about stuff breaking or needing replacement. I've also been increasingly happy with the PS+ offerings recently. Also I really like the PS trophy system, and it's (IMO) at its best on PS4, with very fast syncing, and (IIRC) forcing all games to come with trophies.

Nintendo - I keep praising them, but the Directs are a great format that are great at giving you more to be excited for. I really like the idea and how they've been used. Also, their 1P titles have been consistent at being good over the past couple of years, and that streak looks to continue later this year and early into next year. I also really like their continued push for portability (which is a big plus for me) and also the support for the 3DS even at this very late stage.


Oct 29, 2017
Sony - Hmmmm... well I like some of their first-party work quite a bit

Microsoft - Another one for the backwards compatibility, and I also like the Play Anywhere concept.

Nintendo - The Switch, man. Just a sexy device.


Oct 28, 2017
Great thread, am enjoying playing games more than ever, Spider-Man was amazing, Finally started Octopath Traveller and can't wait for Forza Horizon 4 which I am going to play on my PC, think that is all platforms covered!

The games this year have been amazing, Blackout was far better than I expected it to be and Red Dead and Smash are still on the way.

Ace Combat 7 preorder is getting me Ace Combat 5.

Oh and GT is getting Fuji Speedway soon.

Am getting a PS1 classic for Christmas and I can't wait for the start up sound.


I still love making games.
Omg where do you get all the time? You've a lot to look forward to then!

What games have you developed or been part of recently?


Vehicle Handling Designer
Oct 25, 2017
Omg where do you get all the time? You've a lot to look forward to then!

What games have you developed or been part of recently?
The most recent game released i worked on was Far Cry 5 not as a handling designer though, can't talk about upcoming games yet though!

I probably should play less and find time to do other things if anything!


Oct 28, 2017
Sony- thank you for your investment in first party single player games. Your games have truly made this a generation to remember

MS- you had a really rough start this gen, but honestly you've turned most of it around, so thank you for that. Gamepass is a great service I feel everyone else should follow

Nintendo- thank you for the switch. All odds were against u in creating a hybrid console, by by the Gods you did it and it's fantastic. I wouldn't be surprised if the other guys are trying to figure out how they can tap into that market as well.


Oct 25, 2017
A Spider-man game just came out that has a better story than any of the movies and absolutely nails traversal and combat, things are pretty good.

In general I also feel like there are too many great games to keep track of, and I don't even care about multiplayer. There's always bullshit and the big 3 will continue to fuck up, but in the end the quality of the releases in all genres across platforms drowns that noise out.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't really have much of an opinion on any of the platform holders, positive or negative. I own a Switch, a One X and a PS4 Pro, so it's really just a matter of having good games to play.

Thankfully, it's easy to be positive when it comes to that these days. There's tons of good stuff on just about every platform, to the point where I can barely keep up. I pretty much always have at least one great game that I'm currently working on.

The biggest positive based on my personal tastes is that Japan is killing it this generation. I never felt like Japanese devs had gone away or anything, but it feels like they've really stepped it up these last 2-3 years. Just churning out one banger after another. Yakuza with multiple great games, Dragon Quest XI, Breath of the Wild, Nioh, Nier Automata, Persona 5, Octopath, Monster Hunter World, DB FighterZ, Resident Evil 7 - and those are just recent ones off the top of my head.

Even older Japanese franchises are coming back and seemingly getting the respect they deserve. Within the next 12 months alone we're due a new mainline Mega Man, a new Shenmue, a Japanese-developed Devil May Cry and Kingdom Hearts 3. Just a few years ago that would have sounded insane and not at all possible.


Oct 30, 2017
I'm still catching up on last year's best.

2017/2018 has been ridiculous. I feel like Nintendo was firing on all cylinders for the Switch launch and that the PS4's consistent first party releases have this generation at a real sweet spot. Microsoft's BC efforts will remain the stuff of legend for a while to come, too.


Oct 28, 2017
Microsoft: I actually think Game Pass is a good deal so far, likely to get better as Microsoft ramps up more exclusives which shows they listen to feedback, and yeah BC that improves the visuals of games at no cost is good value. Honestly they're doing the best out of the consoles so far when it comes to keeping their old collection alive, just like Windows itself does. Also appreciate that they support 4k blu-ray movies, especially on the cheaper S model.

Sony: Liked the patch where they added folders so you can organize your games better, custom themes are a neat thing, and God of War + Spider-Man were well-made exclusives this year. Ghost of Tsushima looks good for the future.

Nintendo: Nintendo finally embraced indies and it's paying off great for both of them. The Switch is such a nice device I'd be happy to pay them for an upgraded model later, especially if they improve battery life. Supporting USB-C was a smart move, as was micro-sd for expandable storage instead of doing something proprietary.

PC: Tons of great games as always, love that CRPGs are back, love that Age of Empires 4 exists. Nice to see Valve slowing improving the UI starting with the friend's list, love that the Steam Link works better now for cheap and Big Picture Mode makes playing on a big screen a thing in PC gaming, and great that Valve released their Steam Controller API for all other major game pads. Love that I haven't had to roll back a GPU driver in years and that they download in the background. Excited that new Nvidia GPUs are pushing real-time ray-tracing, for obvious lighting improvements and proper real-time reflections. Wallpaper engine lets me make my desktop look like a moving cyberpunk city. Love that so many Japanese devs have ported over content and support the platform now. Also like the remasters of deserving old titles like Homeworld, and offer 4k support to make everything clean.

Just more good games in general that give me a perpetual backlog, so I'm never bored.


Nov 3, 2017
All 3 of them are supporting indies more than ever to the point they are now head to head among iconic and classic videogame characters. One example would be the lil' guy from Shovel Knight wich is going to appear on Smash as an assist trophy, it has it's official amiibo and so on. Also Cuphead wich was supported tremendously by Microsoft.


Oct 30, 2017
I'm always up for a bit of positivity!

Nintendo - I've been thoroughly impressed with their software output on Switch so far. Zelda, Mario, Mario Kart, Splatoon, and Xenoblade in Year 1 was the best first year I've ever had with a console. Smash Bros looks amazing and is a nice end to a quieter year, while the future looks bright with Fire Emblem, Animal Crossing, Metroid Prime, and Pokémon Gen 8 on the way.

Sony - I've really enjoyed my time dipping back into PlayStation since missing most of the PS3 gen. I've loved having Digimon back again with the Story and World games and getting into the Persona series has been fantastic. Sony's first party output has been great as well, with Gravity Rush and Spider-Man being my highlights.

Microsoft - The Xbox One is my first Xbox and being able to play games with my closest friends has been nice. Thanks to game sharing, I've been able to try out a few titles that I probably would've never bought. While they may not interest me much, I have been impressed with their commitment to backwards compatibility and the Game Pass service.


Oct 26, 2017
Brooklyn, NY
So happy to finally have cloud saves with NSO! Finally was able to send my Switch in today for repair (top fan vent was busted :/ )

On another switch note, i'm just so happy to know they're doing another Animal Crossing. That game series has gotten me through the ups and downs of life many times and I can't wait to see what they come up with.


Oct 27, 2017
Sony: they made some great cinematic games this year and previous

MS: Play Anywhere works great (Win10 Store has been working for me), Game Pass is really good value.

Nintendo: I'm traveling soon, and stocking up on coop games I can show my friends/family is very very cool.

Multiplat: More and more non-paid exclusives are showing up on more platforms (yakuza on steam, FF everywhere, etc)

VR: devs are still slowly pushing its limits, like Flotilla 2.


Oct 27, 2017
While there are some very distubring evolutions in the medium, overall I'm happy with the evolution of games, with bigger and more immersive worlds to lose yourself in. I don't think there's ever been such a high output of high production value titles, and I hope the industry can continue like this while keeping honest business models for most games.
Oct 27, 2017
I think this is the best gen ever, even though I dont think any of the consoles have reached the height of the PS2.

It has been very good, and even though I am mostly a PC player, the fact that I played a couple of titles on every system available each year is amazing. There has never been a gen like this for me.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Positive opinion: There are very, very few genuinely "bad" video games released nowadays.

The way that people are so quick to call the latest trending AAA game "garbage" is just like... really? Most games are objectively fine games nowadays.


Oct 25, 2017
Thanks OP for the thread.

All 3 console makers are doing great things for the industry so I hope it'll continue.


Oct 31, 2017
Dragon Quest XI is my first DQ game and I like it a lot. There is a pig wearing a witch hat and he's the best enemy in video games ever.


Oct 26, 2017
Dallas, TX
Sony's first party is absolutely on fire. Pouring support into a the sort of single-player games that third parties are reluctant to support has proven to be a great way to differentiate their console, and the games have been fantastic on top of that. No one does raw polish better

Xbox's experimentation with business models is really welcome. Their subscription plans and strong backwards compatibility pushes are exactly the sorts of things they should be pursuing to get back in the game after falling behind Sony.

The Switch is just a phenomenon. Nintendo's output is as good as ever, and by introducing a handheld whose power is up to the task of running pretty much all indies, last-gen titles, and stripped down versions of current-gen games, they've created a huge market making portable versions of games. Bring everything to the Switch.


Prophet of Truth - One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Games are better now than they've ever been, specifically the last 3 years or so, nowadays reviewers have had to get more strict to compensate but I honestly feel like most of the games released today would have gotten 9+/10 scores a decade ago with how polished they are, and it's not simply due to the extra power either as this increase in polish and smart design feels evident in indie and Nintendo games as well.
Oct 27, 2017
I've just subscribed to this; let's make sure this topic stays active! I agree that all of the recent negativity has felt very tiring and makes me want to post less.

I don't have a suite of positive things to say about all platform holders, but I will say I'm loving the photo mode in Spider-Man. Photo modes have become on of my favourite features this gen and I love seeing what I can do as well as the incredible creations by other people.


Oct 27, 2017
Los Angeles
I'm just going to say this: We are so spoiled for choice nowadays, that you absolutely cannot go wrong by owning any one of the major consoles on offer. Personally, I'll never be able to play all the games I want on any one system -- not even close to it. Now we just have to stop acting plain spoiled.


Oct 25, 2017
Namco and Capcom have been on fire with their releases and announcements as of late. (Sans the Capcom Vancouver studio closure. That does legitimately suck)


Oct 28, 2017
I really wasn't expecting such a positive reaction to the thread but glad to see such amazing input. It's hard to disagree with most of what has been said so far, thanks for the feedback.

If I could take the games we have today back in time to my 5 year old self in 1985 I would seriously not believe the progress. I started with a Commodore 64/Sega Master System combo and the amount of rubbish games was high. As someone posted above, it is very rare a poor game is made these days, yet we have threads with thousands of replies if a game scores an 8 or is slightly below their expectations.

As technology improves we perhaps become more demanding. But take a step back and appreciate just how spoilt for choices we all are.


Oct 25, 2017
The Stussining
Sony: My gosh they have been delivering absolutely amazing games this gen. Seriously I went from not caring about their output last gen to looking at their games studios as some of the best around at what they do.

Microsoft: They had a rough start but man their Xbox Gamepass and free BC update have honestly pout them on my radar this past year. It is great how much they are investing in the service features of an Xbox.

Nintendo: The Switch has been one of my favorite gaming consoles of all time. Power of a console on the go with seamless pick up and play capabilities. With their studios also putting out amazing heavy hitters like Odyssey and Breath of the Wild. Shit feels like I am a kid again when I look at my library for the thing.

Overall I'd say it is a pretty fucking good time to be a gamer.


Oct 25, 2017
Not a bad idea...

Sony: I think they've found their groove in regards to what sort of market they aim for with their big first party titles, even if the cinematic stuff isn't always my jam, I think they're the frontrunners pushing that angle forward successfully in this business, arguably no one is doing it better.
Their store sales are frequent and noticeably even cheaper than their console competitors, the PS plus library a subscriber grows is understated in how many great titles you could have built up just from one year alone.

Nintendo: Holy shit they actually have third parties, in spite of the lacking power, I imagine they had to put in a lot of legwork to get those partnerships up and running.
Let's talk indies, Nintendo are embracing them full force and often placing the bigger titles on par with retail releases, and at this stage a ton of indie titles are deserving of that, mutually beneficial stuff all around. Overall they're getting past the droughts that plague their consoles, even if every WiiU port, new first party title or big name indie isn't appealing directly to you, fact is they've got the content for a change.
Also here's one some people will grumble at, supporting the 3DS is a good thing, nice they haven't just ignored that install base of kids who haven't been able to badger their parents for a switch yet.

Microsoft: Game Pass is a crazy steal, I nabbed that £2 for 2 months offer which opens up a ton of console exclusives and more, it's insane to me that a big autumn release like Forza drops soon and it's part of the gamepass package. The whole thing gives me choice paralysis at times.
Also embracing backwards compatibility is always a great thing, makes me wish I had more of my multiplats on 360 as opposed to PS3 now.

edit: more just because

Capcom bouncing back after their ill fated attempts to westernise everything of theirs late last gen.
They're putting a lot of stock into their classic franchises, great collections and remasters, reinvigorating Resident Evil once again, DMCV comes across as a true game for the fans, Mega Man lives, SFV continues to put more eyes on e-sports thanks to Capcom's push, monster hunter dominates. Point is they're doing good.

Sega managed to bring Yakuza back from the brink here in the west with a rapid string of localisations that have taken it from a true cult franchise into something of a known name. They put their biggest franchise in the hands of fans turned devs to deliver the arguable best Sonic game of them all with Mania. Oh and we're getting a legit console Valkyria Chronicles title in a week.

Japanese companies in general appear to be doing a lot better this generation.
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Aug 5, 2018
I love talking about support for indie games, so here's some positivity in that direction, specifically concerning consoles:

Nintendo: I think Nintendo has honestly gone above and beyond when it comes to supporting indies with the Switch, moreso than any company before it. I know some people liken what they're doing now to how PS4 supported indies during its launch, but I feel like people are severely under-valuing the amount of exposure and marketing Nintendo has provided these games. This year alone, they've had 2 Nindies showcases, an Indie Highlights showcase for Gamescon in EU, and the Indie World showcase for Japan. It boils down to literally 2 hours of marketing solely on indie games, giving eyes and exposure to many games that may never be talked about otherwise. That's not even mentioning the indie games that share prime time with Nintendo published games in actual Nintendo Directs, like the original Undertale announcement. We hear constant success stories on indies selling incredibly well, and I find Nintendo's efforts incredibly admirable.

Sony: While I do tout Nintendo, it would be remiss of me to not mention Sony's contributions. During the launch of PS4, Sony made sure it was the most indie-friendly platform to develop for at the time, thanks in no small part to Adam Boyes, who was key in showcasing indies. While I don't believe Sony gave as much marketing to indies as Nintendo has recently done, it's important to take note of how instrumental Sony was in supporting indies in order for them to even have a console presence at all in the current console generation.

Microsoft: Even before the PS4 though, there was an even earlier console indie showcase initiative called the XBLA, the Xbox Live Arcade, especially the Summer of Arcade back in the 360 era. Console indie games like Braid, Castle Crashers, and 'Xplosion Man were given spotlight during these annual features, and I'd say it was a big contributing factor to these games becoming well-known at the time. Even more recently, Cuphead is a perfect example of a big company coming in to support an indie dev in order for them to be able to successfully publish a great game.
Jan 29, 2018
I don't really have any complaints right now. I'm playing Shadow of the Tomb Raider currently and I'm blown away constantly by how good games look now. Just one stunning vista after another. When I'm finished I'm looking forward to picking up Spider-man and maybe Assassin's Creed, and maybe even that Graveyard keeper game on the indie side. I also found out recently that a SimTower-like is coming to Switch soon, and before you know it Smash will be here and everything is great. It's a damn good time to be playing video games.