
Oct 27, 2017
I can't think of a bigger nail in the coffin for the, "good guys with guns" argument than a mass shooting at a Texas Walmart. The only place likely to have a higher concentration of "good guys with guns" would be a military base and we have already had shootings at those.
Yep. Everyone fucking carries in Texas. That argument got snapped by Thanos.


Oct 26, 2017
So this cracked the top 10 shootings here? And it was a white supremacist?
My condolences to those who lives were taken in such a cold act.
There's nothing to say at this point. What else is to say? This shouldn't be normal.

In the words of Korey Coleman, see you next mass shooting.


Oct 25, 2017

old media catching up, but at least confirming things.

yeah, fuck this guy.

gun control now, pls. open carry in texas and it didn't do shit to stop this. throw those stupid old arguments in the trash and get real.


Oct 29, 2017
Holy fuck, look at the first response to that. Fucking trash americans.

People in this country have been brainwashed to think this is just an unfortunate everyday occurrence in the world and that there's nothing we can do, so actually the best thing to do is to make sure we keep guns around so that the responsible citizens can combat the lunatics. Cue in the onion article


Oct 25, 2017
The fact there are "civilian AK-47s" is disturbing on its own.

I assume they are modded to be legal somehow?

Are they semi-auto?


Oct 25, 2017
Holy fuck, look at the first response to that. Fucking trash americans.
If the shooter was an immigrant they wouldn't be downplaying this, they would be talking about how huge a deal this is and all illegals need to leave the country now. Or anybody but a White person really. And this sentiment can be applied to millions of Americans not just some rando twitter user including OUR PRESIDENT.

Shooter is White :
America is huge, not a gun problem
Shooter is something else:
"Send them back" "Gangs are out of control" "They are coming to kill us all!"

Fucking pathetic human beings.


Oct 29, 2017
I just realized that I was about a mile from the shooting location a couple months ago and ate at a restaurant coming home from a trip to visit family in Texas. Man

The Struggler

Alt Account
Jul 3, 2019
If the shooter was an immigrant they wouldn't be downplaying this, they would be talking about how huge a deal this is and all illegals need to leave the country now. Or anybody but a White person really. And this sentiment can be applied to millions of Americans not just some rando twitter user including OUR PRESIDENT.

Shooter is White :
America is huge, not a gun problem
Shooter is something else:
"Send them back" "Gangs are out of control" "They are coming to kill us all!"

Fucking pathetic human beings.
White people cant be responsible for anything or take responsible for anything, to fucking fragile


Oct 27, 2017
Also, blame people that have a neurotic obsession towards firearms. Gun culture. They need to admit that they just want to fuck their guns already.


Oct 25, 2017
Man stop with this shit. Of course "old" media is going to be slower. They need to take the time to actually confirm facts before sending out false information. A process which takes time.

Yep, and often times in an emergency like this, or even a lesser incident like a car crash, police are very slow to release any sort of info on ID and the like.


Oct 25, 2017
The fact there are "civilian AK-47s" is disturbing on its own.

I assume they are modded to be legal somehow?

Are they semi-auto?
Yes they are semi auto. I have a few myself. 99.9999% of the guns sold are semi auto. Only very very few guns are full auto. And in the states that due allow them to be privately owned the owner has go through a grueling process to own one.


Oct 25, 2017


Oct 26, 2017
This shit is literally hopeless. I've pretty much come to terms that any significant change will only take place on time scales longer than the majority of my life.

Things have been set in motion by this disgusting political party, and we are destined to live through one of the worst fucking periods in American history.

Getting the fuck out and leaving this shit hole sounds more and more appealing every day.


Oct 25, 2017
Man stop with this shit. Of course "old" media is going to be slower. They need to take the time to actually confirm facts before sending out false information. A process which takes time.
lmfao, yes i'm a j-grad, i don't need any random stupid lecturing on this, alright?

that being said, none of what was posted on twitter ended up being false at all actually and we got the name/manifesto in about zero time. so what's your point? all twitter is is a tool, that everyone uses. and it's useful if you're discerning and not an easily fooled idiot. twitter breaks news everyday. it's quite something when compared to how slow-moving cable news is for instance.

and i did say they did good in verifying what was already found. they're legitimate news outlets, they're doing what they should be doing.
Oct 25, 2017

Nothing Loud

Literally Cinderella
Oct 25, 2017
Yes, that's going to end well.

This is what would be the headlines if everyone in the US carried a gun in public

"4 year old dies when grabbing mother's pistol in grocery checkout"

"Thousands die during Black Friday amidst shopping disputes with guns"

"Twins killed in line to rollercoaster when mother's gun gets trapped at the turnstile"

"20 killed at night club when bouncer and customer dispute turns fatal"

"5 children dead when child brought gun to school she found in mother's purse"

On and on and on it goes. More guns is more likelihood of unintended fatal accidents.


Oct 25, 2017
While I feel your frustration, this kind of racist bullshit is incredibly counterproductive.
Let me ask you a question. If the shooter was Arabic looking or Latino, do you honestly think that our President wouldn't be shouting about it on twitter? Instead, he fucking tweets out about a fight 14 mins after saying "thoughts and prayers"

There is a race factor in how America reacts to these shootings and we should talk about it.