
One Winged Slayer
Oct 31, 2017
The spectacle. The emotions. The mid-fight flashback was amazing. They don't get enough credit but CyberConnect2 really does push the envelope.



Oct 31, 2017
The spectacle. The emotions. The mid-fight flashback was amazing. They don't get enough credit but CyberConnect2 really does push the envelope.

Wow.. What the fuck? I always thought games like this were low level tier. This is legitimately amazing. :o

Still giving me shivers every time I see this...

As a teen, this completely floored me. One day, we'll get our turn for a Remake.. in 2050.
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Mar 23, 2020
The undisputed greatest moment in video game history:


- You're playing DMC5 from Hideaki Itsuno with all the original voice actors back after 11 years
- You're fighting Vergil as Nero
- After a quiet, strings-only opening theme, you're prompted to hit the Devil Trigger button
- Hang on, Nero doesn't have a Devil Trigger though...
- Music switches over to a high energy remix of Nero's theme as Nero DTs for the first time, this game is dropping new mechanics on you in the final bossfight

On that note... Devil May Cry 1, unlocking the Sparda Devil Trigger. Admittedly, I was young enough at the time that the... rougher edges of the acting and script weren't on my mind, but seeing Dante just whip around and lolnope Mundus's attempt to kill him... and then you and the evil god have a dogfight in space where you're shooting literal dragons at him before you both plummet into a volcano... that was amazing.

And for me... the demo for MGS1 that came with my PS1 on Christmas 1998. Hearing that gaelic chanting as Snake swims into the base, watching credits pop up, like it's the opening sequence of a movie, figuring out how to get on that elevator. I went from Vectorman and Light Crusader to that. Like... that was the largest leap forward I've ever experienced in gaming--changing a generation utterly changed games for me in a way that later generations didn't. Graphics got better, gameplay got tighter overall, the overall quality of writing and voice acting improved (although MGS1 set a pretty good bar). But I never experienced that feeling of crossing a gulf I was completely unaware of again.


terminus est
Aug 12, 2018
I don't think I've ever really had this moment. Maybe, MAYBE, when I beat Pathologic and got the secret ending? Maybe when I finished Pathologic 2?

The only other closest one I can pick is when I found Havel amongst the dragons in Dark Souls 3. I was stunned by how good the writing and design of that arc was, across all three games, but I didn't really drop my jaw or freak out. I was just given a warm feeling because they stuck the landing so hard.

Rodney McKay

Oct 26, 2017
The Outer Wilds is the most jawdropping game i've played in many years. Everything from the first flight and realizing it basically checks all my boxes of what i want from a scifi game and more. I've never had so many moments that made my heart actually race and my stomach just tickle akin to riding a roller coaster as i had when i played this. They truly nailed the feeling of scale, loneliness while also maintaining such a character and warmth to so much of the game. The best game from 2019 and one of the best games of all time imo.


Dont be fooled by the fact that they come through it fast, those planets are big.
When I finally understood what was going on in the solar system I was really stunned.

One of the best games I've ever played.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Hmmm, I'm racking my brain and I can only think of two off the top of my head, and they're both very recent.

Seeing a dragon for the first time in Breath of the Wild. I remember catching a glimpse of one of them within an hour or so of getting off of the plateau, and I honestly couldn't believe what I was seeing. It just really captured the beauty and tone of that game for me very early on.

Rez Infinite in VR, particularly area X. I had an overwhelming emotional reaction to it all, and I had to sit down and really bask in my own feelings about it afterwards. Not since Mario 64 has a game made me feel like that.

Edit: The first time you see a puzzle hidden in plain sight in the environment of The Witness completely wrinkled my brain.
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"This guy are sick"
Oct 27, 2017
Most recently, Trails of Cold Steel III

"This weapon was Verne company made, it would not be caught by our metal detectors"

It was at that point when I figured out what the game was building up to. Haven't felt like that in years.


Oct 25, 2017
Pretty much everything in Route C and beyond in Neir Automata. Patricularly doing the big final hack as A2 and realizing all of the hacking stuff has been taking place inside of your menu UI was insane.
Oct 27, 2017
I guess sitting inside of a cockpit in Wipeout and my very first time using VR in RE7 made me stop and realize how crazy it was that I was now the owner of a personal theme park in my living room. The intro to God of War 3. Almost every time I turned on Mario 64 for the first week of owning an N64. That had to be the most magical period of time in my childhood. I remember to this day that every morning before school I would wake up early and run around the castle and first level having no idea what to do, just in awe. It took so long before it felt real to me. Even thinking about it now it feels almost like a dream and that's not even hyperbole in the slightest.


Feb 22, 2018
The endings of Half-life 2, Episode 2

Ishinn's Reveal, Guardian Ape's 2nd form


Jan 15, 2018
Almost all of FF7 remake

MGS4 return to shadow moses

Edit: Holy shit yeah, first time I saw a dragon in BotW. A lot of moments in BotW. Music changing near Hyrule Castle


One Winged Slayer
Oct 30, 2017
United States
When I was younger, the Pokemon BW scene in which all of the Gym Leaders come to help back you up at N's Castle. I found it really cool.


Oct 27, 2017
Leaving the Hazuki Residence for the first time in Shenmue is a big one for me, personally. The fidelity and level of detail was just so much better than anything I'd ever seen up until that point, and it almost felt limitless at the time.


Sep 7, 2018
Some great ones in here.

I haven't seen it so far so I'll throw it in; a moment which made me laugh out loud and drop my jaw the same time was the entire end sequence of Portal 2.

Don't think I've finished a game with such a strong finale ever since, and certainly not one I've looked up on YouTube time and again.


Jun 8, 2018
The environments of Xenoblade games never fail to grab me. Satori Marsh is probably the first great example, but in X just about every region of Mira is absolutely amazing. But my absolute favorite is the stomach of the Uraya Titan in Xenoblade 2, especially when the saffronia trees are in full bloom. It is just so vivid, alien, and beautiful that I just have to sit there and take it in (and take screenshots).


Oct 25, 2017
The undisputed greatest moment in video game history:


- You're playing DMC5 from Hideaki Itsuno with all the original voice actors back after 11 years
- You're fighting Vergil as Nero
- After a quiet, strings-only opening theme, you're prompted to hit the Devil Trigger button
- Hang on, Nero doesn't have a Devil Trigger though...
- Music switches over to a high energy remix of Nero's theme as Nero DTs for the first time, this game is dropping new mechanics on you in the final bossfight
Biggest satisfaction in my gaming history.

This game is simply a love letter to the fanbase
Apr 3, 2020
Jaw dropping?

I just fell off from my chair, lying on my knees, holding my head when second phase cutscene for Ludwig kicked in

Deleted member 59976

User requested account closure
Sep 15, 2019
I went from Vectorman and Light Crusader to that. Like... that was the largest leap forward I've ever experienced in gaming--changing a generation utterly changed games for me in a way that later generations didn't. Graphics got better, gameplay got tighter overall, the overall quality of writing and voice acting improved (although MGS1 set a pretty good bar). But I never experienced that feeling of crossing a gulf I was completely unaware of again.

You nailed it big time. This gap was so huge... It was a paradigm shift never to be seen again.

But also very impressive:
- Going from Mega Man on NES to SF2 on SNES was a staggering event.
- Going from Soul Blade on PSX to Soul Calibur and Shenmue on Dreamcast was also damn impressive.


One Winged Slayer
VR. My first experience with it was Skyrim for PSVR and I was blown away even more than when I first experienced Super Mario 64. It was like I had somehow gone into the game itself. Seeing all the characters life-size, the trees and mountains towering overhead...absolutely nuts. Both the tech and its adoption by consumers are going to advance by leaps and bounds next gen, and I cannot wait.


Oct 27, 2017
It may not be the biggest, most impressive set piece but my jaw absolutely dropped the first time I saw

One of the dragons flying around in the distance.
you're just walking around and then you see a silhouette in the sky. You wonder what could it be. You get closer and then you see:

The fact that there are dragons just flying around in the world just comes out of nowhere

I loved it. That pure sense of awe, wonder and discovery. Amazing.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
The final hour or two of The Wonderful 101, had me grinning like an idiot. Excited for more people to discover it soon.
Yeah, this. The Wonderful 101 is one of those games that just consistently tops itself. So, of course, its final chapter is going to be something special. There are things you get to do in that game that would be a cutscene in other games. And, of course, the greatest QTE prompt ever.

I would add that moment in the boss fight of Operation 005-C when you realize exactly what you're about to do. "Wait, I've seen those controls before..." So out of the blue, but so awesome.

For those of you trying The Wonderful 101 for the first time when the Remaster is out, I'll give you one piece of advice: When you are about to start Operation 009, ask yourself if you have one and a half hours to play at that time. Not because there aren't any opportunities to save and stop during Operation 009, but because you won't want to.


Oct 25, 2017
Walking out of the opening dungeon in Oblivion. That would looked unbelievably amazing to me back then.


Oct 29, 2017
The outdoor high up setpiece in The Last Guardian with the collapsing planks. I can't find a .gif of it :(


Chicken Chaser
Oct 28, 2017
I mentioned this recently in another thread, but absolutely leaving the cave after the first town in Dragon Quest XI, and seeing that castle in the far distance. Scope was amazing for what I expected to be a pretty bland JRPG.

All of FF7 Remake has this effect on me.

Steve McQueen

Nov 1, 2017
Playing AstroBot on my PSVR

I truly believed I'd seen the future of gaming.

Also: The Halo CE combat. Just thinking of 'assault on the control room' and 'Two Betrayels' makes me wanna play again.

How can I forget Metroid Prime? The intro alone sets shivers down my spine


What Are Ya' Selling?
Oct 25, 2017
Melbourne, Australia
I'll post my proper list later, a lot of mine have already been listed.

Just wanted to say exiting the vault for the first time in fallout 3 was pretty dope.



Oct 13, 2019
Playing Elite Dangerous with an Oculus Rift headset on and a HOTAS for the first time...a truly mind-blowing sense of scale and immersion.


Oct 25, 2017
Entering Novigrad for the first time in the Witcher 3, getting to explore it and interact with numerous NPC:s. Even though I hadn't yet embarked on all of the exciting quests the city would take me. I was blown away how real and living the city felt and it was welcomed change of pace from all the little villages, swamps and woods. Loved the architecture and atmosphere.