
Oct 28, 2017
I think Kindred is pretty close to being viable. She's not meant to be a game closer, she's a control tool. But I think she just starts working a little bit too late to be effective in that role. I think her cost should be decreased to 4. She could even lose a point of power or maybe HP to compensate but just getting her out on the board a turn earlier would make a world of difference for her.

That is how Riot designs male champs in 2020-2021

A bad boy, handsome, bare-chest.

It's kind of refreshing tbh. Look at how Riot has been designing most of their female characters since 2009.


Smooth vs. Crunchy
Oct 25, 2017

Oh great, it's the Wife Guy. I'll never forget, I was covering my buddy during an invade and Viego started yelling at the fuckin' Gromp to find out WHERE IS ISOLDE

It's kind of refreshing tbh. Look at how Riot has been designing most of their female characters since 2009.
Yeah, they're sorta making up for lost time. There's a lot of them now.

And while they haven't grown as much in the other direction, there's a few female characters who break the "standard feminine face/body" mold. Looking forwards to them adding Illaoi to LoR.

Boat Times

Made the Grade
Oct 25, 2017
This does feel a LITTLE too early to be adding even more cards, especially as the meta is so diverse right now. But hey, can't REALLY complain about new cards!


Oct 25, 2017
Speed Force
The age of waifus is over

The age of husbandos has just begun

Also here's the Poro Deck that was mentioned:

I really like it but also I've been steamrolling it with aggro, you really do Porobot to roll Tough or Fabled Poro to hit Lifesteal.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
I am actually more excited for this expansion than the previous one (even though I have put in way too many games into Lurkers). Mostly because we don't know what's going to be in it and the archetypes they are pushing. Going into Rise of Underworlds you already knew there was going to be Pyke + Rekksai combo with Predict pay off through Ekko. This one I have no idea... I legit thought that they would reveal Viego at the end and he would be the only Champion with like 5-6 cards. Now I am hearing we still have a week more of reveals left and like 30 cards to reveal.. possibly more Champions as well.

Also the meta is super nice and I am having fun playing all sorts of stuff. I saw Swim's tier list and he had like 20 decks in A tier and yeah that's what it feels like. I just hope there aren't too many busted SI cards that make Thresh Nasus best deck again lol.
Oct 27, 2017
Don't want to ramble about LoL heroes, but the 2019-2021 design is all models with cosplay armor: both girls and boys. Perhaps it is to sell skins, perhaps it is because Chinese prefer those humans way more.

I am always for more creatures, machines and oddly shaped humans. And for all its worth, Xayak or Lilia are less creatures and more of those cosplayers with some supernatural spice.

All of the exotic stuffs is relegated to being skins and alt-versions.
Oct 27, 2017
Math is hard:


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
I love the teasers at the end of these videos... they are hiding 2 more spells that are either in Demacia or SI that we haven't seen yet.


Oct 28, 2017
Surprise new champion! Akshan looks interesting, love quests in card games.

So... is there a chance we get a third champion? Perhaps a proper champ version of Senna?


Oct 26, 2017
I was kind of hoping this would happen. Makes LoR feel more like a first class citizen in Rito's catalogue too.

I like the design, but not sure how well the champ translated from LoL to here. A 2m champ that doesn't require snowballing from t2 onwards like Elise and Lucian. Riven is an obvious choice, but I'd love to see Taric more tbh!
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Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
There has to be at least another champion. They got a week to go until this release and they are doing reveals every day. My money is on Demacia champion Senna.

Like I said super excited not knowing what's coming next. There is also a 5 mana unit in the video that wasn't revealed today (probably Akshan follower support card).


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Man why are there so many Zed/Sivir decks today? I mean I am cool with that but please wait until next week before spamming Sivir decks!

I feel like at this point pretty much every region combination has a viable/decent deck. I think only two exceptions I can think of are Demacia + Noxus (its decent but kinda vanilla), Demacia P&Z and Bilgewater + Ionia (used to have Elusives with Fizz but weaker now).


Taliyah/Malphite Landmark deck for Shurima
Shyvanna/Asol Dragon and Taric/Jarvan deck for Demacia
Overwhelm or Draven or Riven + Taric with Noxus (this one is generally a pile but has been competitively viable)
Lee Sin/Karma with Ionia
TF/Aphelios or Soraka/Tahm with Bilgewater
Targon's Peak Asol with Freljord
Asol/Thresh and Nightfall with Shadow Isles
Rubin Pile with P&Z


Lurkers with Bilgewater
Azirelia + Zed/Sivir in Ionia
Aggro/Burn with Noxus
Thresh/Nasus with Shadow Isles
Ekko/ZIlean with P&Z (ok this one needs some buffs and more finishers but there is something here)
Sivir/Gaven or Jarvan or Renekton with Demacia
Overwhelm or Turbo Thralls with Freljord


Shen Jarvan with Ionia
Lucian + Draven aggro or Riven + Draven Field Promotion memes with Noxus
Mono Fiora, Poros or Yetis with Freljord (generally a pile of stats deck)
Matron Cithria or Lucian/Hecarim Plaza with Shadow Isles (and maybe SI Dragons in the next expansion)
Scouts with Bilgewater
Heimer + Lux or Demacia P&Z - Ok this one is pretty bad. Feels like this one should have worked with Lux but it really doesn't. I saw someone mess with Ekko Vi Demacia though.


FTR + Anivia Control with Shadow Isles
Ashe, Leblanc Yetis, Swain Sejuani/LIssandra, Vlad/Braum with Noxus
Teemo Sej/Ezrael Hex, Yetis and Poros with P&Z
Zed Elusives or Feel the Mina with Ionia
Plunder/Nab with Bilgewater


Aggro Burn or Ez/Draven with P&Z
TF Swain or Pirates with Bilgewater
Riven/Draven OTK or Yasuo/Swain (copium) with Ionia
Spider Aggro with Shadow Isles


Corina Control, Prankster/Chirean Burn with Shadow Isles
TF/Ez or TF/Fizz with Bilgewater
Ez/Karma, Lulu Jinx or Heimer/Vi with Ionia

Shadow Isles

Deep or Go Hard with Bilgewater
Ephemerals or Spooky Karma with Ionia


Elusives, MF/Irelia or Fizz/Lee with Ionia (mediocre pile mostly)

(Obviously I didn't list repeat combinations here and obviously there are more than 0 viable Ionia decks lol)

It seems that Shurima and Targon are the two regions that have worked the best with the largest number of regions. Probably because they have harder pushed regional archetypes like Lurks, Sand Blades, Dragons, Landmarks, Predict and Tahm/Soraka.
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Smooth vs. Crunchy
Oct 25, 2017
Wooo Akshan! I'm not surprised he got added, they're sticking him in TFT at the exact same time as League, too. Just wish they'd gotten around to adding proper Senna for the Ruination event :poodlecry:

Edit: Just now got around to actually watching the video and holy crap he's got some coundown payoffs, huh? Wonder if you could fit him in with mono-Shurima...
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Oct 25, 2017
Speed Force
Okay finally watching these new cards, I'm catching up with Swim.

Love Despair's card design. Love it. Viego, I'm not quite sure. Being a better finisher than Kindred still isn't necessarily a good card, but the 3 for 3/3 is a really nice support tool and just an overall good card.

My understanding is Akshan is very new so cool that Runeterra has 'caught up' to League, so to speak. I think he's easier to level than he looks - especially with someone like the featured Riven - but getting that second landmark payoff will take some work. The Absolver is a cool card that turns into a finisher, I appreciate that kind of design. Grappling Hook is really interesting, it's very powerful for 3 mana but also you'll basically know when it's coming with how specific the play condition is + slow speed.
Oct 27, 2017

Good start. Almost got 7 wins with Tahm/Soraka, but the opponent pulled an Elusive out of his ass at the last minute, preventing lethal :(


Oct 26, 2017

3m will obviously be played with Akshan.

4m I thought was the worse of the bunch, but I could see it find a place in Nox Aggro. Pump your 4/3 overwhelm and allow it to trade favorably. 4m feels too expensive to look for Fearsome synergy though.

5m is.... eh? I think it's playable, but Avorosan Hearthguard isn't played everywhere, so who knows. It is a little higher tempo, but the fleeting Lucky Find makes it iffy.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
I see Bruiser as like a River Shaper. It gives you worse cards on average but the cards are more easily usable as they cost 0 mana and also synergize with Akshan.

Safecracker is sort of a development punisher which Shurima actually doesn't have a ton of (well... a lot of good ones at least, it has a few bad slow spells). It's not that great but it's a decent Expedition card at least. Also works with Akshan due to the target text.

Also a lot of people seem to be hyping up the Absolver card (2 mana give 2/1, if champion leveled up for another 2 mana give another 2/1 and Overwhelm). Like people are saying that you jam this in Sivir/Zed and it will be busted. This card is very good and something that Shurima needed but it's not as insane as it looks. First of all in most of these decks, leveling up a Champion usually means you are winning the game anyway. If a Sivir levels up, then you are very likely to win the game anyway and Absolver turns into a win more card. There are already a few Shurima cards that have the text of do something if a champion is leveled (though not at this power level) and when you use cards like those you realize that it's trickier than it seems.

However I will say one thing... this card is potentially very strong in Azir/Irelia since that deck can consistently and easily level up its champion and giving Overwhelm to Sparring Student could be game deciding. In that case yeah Absolver would be very strong but in most other cases, it's going to end up being a worse Twin Discipline or Shaped Stone.
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Oct 25, 2017
Speed Force
Yeah I'm iffy on those cards

Akshan seems like he wants to be played non committal so not sure I'd run that 3 drop, the 4 drop is on the situational/punishing side (but will be an expedition bomb) and the 5 drop is a good card engine that comes down too late. The Hearthguard comparison is good, technically solid value and stats but just too late to make a big enough impact.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Seems like the top dogs of the meta is going to be Shurima dominated. The best decks at the moment are Leblanc Sivir, Azir Irelia (yea you heard that right), Thresh Nasus, Thralls, Shurima Overwhelm and Zed Sivir with Pirate Aggro, Shen/Jarvan and Lurkers (also a Shuriman archetype) in the mix.

For tournaments that's fine since two of those region combinations are repeats. For Ladders that just means a lot of Merciless Hunters in your future though luckily all of the Shuriman decks are quite different from each other.
Oct 27, 2017

Pretty good. I don't play the second trial if I get enough wins on the first one. Still never got a chance to play lurk...

You telling me Targon is falling apart? Time to celebrate. I think Soraka/Leona/Diana are bit of the unintended losers. Having overloaded champion like Zoe (and Asol), and nerfing all supporting cards has the cascade effect on champions that aren't decked... Taric is alright because many supports got buffed. Landmarks (the Malphite ones) remain inefficient.

Waiting for the skins, emotes and event-track reward announcements.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Just got demolished by some Riven/Draven deck (not the Swim OTK Survival Skills version). Anyone know what deck that is? Seems quite strong.


Oct 25, 2017


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Y'all just missed the LoR game of the century.

Swim's Poro deck versus Sirturmund's Azir Irelia.

The game went to way too many rounds and the amount of decisions and blocks performed was out of this world. The ending will shock you..


Oct 25, 2017
Speed Force
Jesus Christ that game was biggest brain


e: also I'm a bad player someone give me Gauntlet lineup suggestions please
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Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Jesus Christ that game was biggest brain


e: also I'm a bad player someone give me Gauntlet lineup suggestions please
Won gauntlet with all 3 Shurima decks. I brought Thresh Nasus (been playing it a lot recently post nerf), Lurkers (have over a hundred games on Lurk now) and Overwhelm (something I brought to all Gauntlet). Solid all around decks that I can usually win by banning Azir Irelia.

I think the only thing I can say for sure is that Shurima is the way to go. Virtually all the Shuriman decks are good right now. Thralls, Overwhelm, Thresh Nasus, Azir Irelia, Leblanc Sivir, Sivir Zed, Lurkers etc. I think triple aggro is fine too if you bring Pirate Burn, Discard Aggro or Burn and Zed Sivir or Lulu/Jinx.

Other strong decks to consider are Ez Draven, Shen Jarvan, FTR, TF Swain and the various Ionia combo/Control decks. I saw a few of those Ionia combo decks with Lee or Karma but they kinda got stomped by Lurkers. These decks are hard carried by Eye of the Dragon and casting Vulnerable on them means they have to tax their resources to keep them alive.

There is no targetable meta in Gauntlet, just bring your 3 best decks.


Oct 25, 2017
Speed Force
I really like the new Swapbot. Is it great? Probably not. Is it a really interesting, versatile tech option, oh yes.

Won gauntlet with all 3 Shurima decks. I brought Thresh Nasus (been playing it a lot recently post nerf), Lurkers (have over a hundred games on Lurk now) and Overwhelm (something I brought to all Gauntlet). Solid all around decks that I can usually win by banning Azir Irelia.

I think the only thing I can say for sure is that Shurima is the way to go. Virtually all the Shuriman decks are good right now. Thralls, Overwhelm, Thresh Nasus, Azir Irelia, Leblanc Sivir, Sivir Zed, Lurkers etc. I think triple aggro is fine too if you bring Pirate Burn, Discard Aggro or Burn and Zed Sivir or Lulu/Jinx.

Other strong decks to consider are Ez Draven, Shen Jarvan, FTR, TF Swain and the various Ionia combo/Control decks. I saw a few of those Ionia combo decks with Lee or Karma but they kinda got stomped by Lurkers. These decks are hard carried by Eye of the Dragon and casting Vulnerable on them means they have to tax their resources to keep them alive.

There is no targetable meta in Gauntlet, just bring your 3 best decks.
Thanks, I might just go triple Aggro and ban whatever the worst matchup is, I haven't played much Shurima stuff so I'm not as experienced with it. Mostly been awkwardly climbing with TK Soraka because I'm a masochist with too much time, but I'm not sure how that would fare in a gauntlet.

The Lee Karma Eye of the Dragon deck was pretty nutty, I got stomped because I just couldn't smash past three of them online by turn 5. But yeah Vulnerable would eat them alice.


Oct 25, 2017
Speed Force
You can get double Evolution in Labs

Combined it with a Trifarian Might and everything I'm dropping is massive and striking the board instantly


Oct 25, 2017
Anyone have any good Fiora decks? I've been trying out this Fiora/Ashe deck but idk. I haven't found it to be very great even if I know it should be.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Anyone have any good Fiora decks? I've been trying out this Fiora/Ashe deck but idk. I haven't found it to be very great even if I know it should be.
People generally either play ALL IN Fiora decks or Fiora with like Shen.

Here are the 3 best Fiora decks from the past but with slightly updated lists for current expansion:

Classic Fiora All In with Freljord:

Classic Fiora/Shen Midrange:

Fiora Butterfly Cheese deck (it's basically all-in on either Fiora or Butterfly):

There have also been All In Zed Fiora decks if you are interested.


Oct 25, 2017
People generally either play ALL IN Fiora decks or Fiora with like Shen.

Here are the 3 best Fiora decks from the past but with slightly updated lists for current expansion:

Classic Fiora All In with Freljord:

Classic Fiora/Shen Midrange:

Fiora Butterfly Cheese deck (it's basically all-in on either Fiora or Butterfly):

There have also been All In Zed Fiora decks if you are interested.

Put my own spin on Shen/Fiora. I tried it out during lunch, it's pretty nuts…the ace in the whole is Unyielding Spirit. Don't necessarily need the card but it wins games on Shen or Fiora.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Swim has updated his tier list website for the past two weeks:

Runeterra Decks and Meta

As expected large number of tier 1 and tier 2 decks, as it is a very open field. Most notable elements here are the fall of Turbo Thralls and TF Swain (from tier 1 to tier 2) and the sudden emergence of the Zed Sivir deck into straight tier 1.

I personally think that Zed Sivir is the actual best deck in the game right. Well until there are faster aggro decks like Discard Aggro and Ashe more prevalent in the meta. Also feels like that deck and Reputation would get a boost for the next patch as well.

Overall the best meta we have had but I would have liked to see a SI/Freljord control deck on the list. Its around tier 2 strength but the issue os that this is the most Deny we have had in the meta which makes FTR quite a bit worse for ladder play despite putting up OK stats.


Oct 25, 2017
Speed Force
Realized I didn't know how to play the new Discard Aggro or Zed Sivir so I panicked and just played the three decks I know 100%

So yeah I went 8-0 with Pirate Burn, TK Soraka and Deep lol. Turns out if you run out of the timer while you're in your final match it still counts as a Prime Glory which is very nice to know because this is the third time I've played without enough time to finish it.
jon bones

jon bones

Oct 25, 2017
Whew.... going to be an expensive patch for me!

Event Pass
Diana Skin
Riven Skin
Sentinel board + chromas

Legends of Runeterra

Choose your champions, make your move, and be legendary in the League of Legends strategy card game: Legends of Runeterra.
Oct 27, 2017
Why is Riot racist against lizards? I want the lizard skin... Pets look good, but they will look out of place on the basic bitch board.

Skins look weak. Really not something that grabs my attention.

Emotes are strong. Girl eating popcorn is easily among the best. Crying and Riven emotes are also good. At this point, expanding the emote bank to 10 slots is not only a QoL, but a business decision. Too many good emotes...
Oct 27, 2017
On the second look, Karma and Diana are the standouts. Looking at both LoL and LoR event skins, I think I like MF and Pyke the most.

I think "movie" levelup heroes are he ones who suffer. Something like Shyvana skin literally turns into default look for the movie. Champions whose level-up isn't portraying them mitigates this a little bit.

Still waiting for the Kpop/Project/Mecha skins.


Oct 26, 2017
Give me all the sentinel goodies. I especially like the Riven chroma for the board too. Roll on tomorrow!


Oct 25, 2017
Speed Force
I like the skins but again they're just way too expensive. I'll get the event pass as usual though, they're always good value.

might do the refund trick with the prismatic boards, I did it with the Dark Emissary board