
Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
I almost lost to the Asol deck because I didnt know how that Vox dragon card worked lol. Ended up giving him a full hand of dragons.

Apparently if another dragon trades and both minions die, you still get the Fury proc.


Oct 25, 2017
I enjoy the new lab and I wish it was permanent. It's nice being able to get the easy PVP wins against the computer.
I have a feeling the pvp wins is a bug, and they will remove that from this lab let alone a perm version.

But I agree about having it be permanent.

I think going forward they should try to have a lab like this at least once a month, likely running two labs at once when you do it, so that people who want an alt PVP can have it.

Then after such a number of them you create a perm feature for them, where if you played the lab while it was live, you have access to it for free, if not perhaps like $5 to unlock the "season' of them, and in either case you tie some rewards worth at least $5 to them so that those who are paying for them get some stuff, and those who earned it for free have reason to replay them.

Either way i like the new lab, it's a decent start for a full blown pve mode I would like to see.


Oct 25, 2017
Speed Force
Oh the new labs counts as a PvP win? I'll remember to farm that tomorrow...

Anyway my new strategy against Spellshield is the same as my old strategy: I'm too busy going for your face to care about your units.


Oct 25, 2017
Oh the new labs counts as a PvP win? I'll remember to farm that tomorrow...

Anyway my new strategy against Spellshield is the same as my old strategy: I'm too busy going for your face to care about your units.
yeah I noticed it after a few wins in it.
I cleared both sides at least one and got my prize. I'm guessing it's just the one prize for each side. It also obviously counts for a lab win with a single victory even though it is multiple parts.

Either way I would love for it to stick around perm and give the pvp bonus. I'm still sad playing friends doesn't give the pvp bonus anymore :P
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah it's probably a bug since they actually specify PvP. I'll milk it until it's fixed though. I like having more AI opponents since I'm usually at work when I play, which makes PvP more difficult.

Speaking of bugs. I really wish they'd fix the one that happens if you try to play a card too fast and it just gets stuck in the air and you can't do anything.
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Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
I have run into a decent number of this Zed/Lee Sin supposed tier 0 deck but I have won all my games against it. It feels unfair when it hits the nuts and can protect Lee Sin but the rest of the deck kinda is whatever. I am looking at the stats online and its barely tier 2 status in win rate. Granted its a very high skill cap combo deck so naturally it will be lower winrate than its potential but I also think it isn't really tier 0 deck, its very counterable.

This is the deck I am using mostly for fun and experimentation:


This is a very weird deck but I made it mostly because I love all those 3 champions and they work kinda together. It's a super greedy deck. Stall out early game with stuns and day break cards. Yasuo and Leona are purely there as efficient value units, I don't really play for their level up condition at all (Leona is just a better Arachnoid Sentry in most cases and Yasuo turns your stuns into removals). Yasuo does level up very easily in late game with Mindsplitter and we have Dragon's Clutch to guarantee the Mindsplitter and Asol draws.

Lots of spells in here, I may cut one Bastion and maybe one GuidingTouch for a couple more units. Deny feels worse in the current meta unless you are running into lots of Warmothers so I cut it down to a 1 of. I actually won against a Warmother play because I simply killed all of their strong units through obliterate mechanics and the Asol champion spell lol.

Probably it's biggest weakness is wide boards, not real way to AOE down the board. There aren't too many of those type of decks out there right now which is why this is well positioned. Also does well against the Lee/Zed decks due to the high amount of spells and stuns, if they aren't running Will then a Mindsplitter play is an automatic win.
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Boat Times

Made the Grade
Oct 25, 2017
Wow, new expansion already? These really are coming at a faster pace then I was expecting. Gotta admit, Call of the Mountain has lost me a bit so a new expansion so soon is exciting.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Wow, new expansion already? These really are coming at a faster pace then I was expecting. Gotta admit, Call of the Mountain has lost me a bit so a new expansion so soon is exciting.
This is still the Targon set and will still be focused mostly around Targon. This will be a smaller expansion than the first one. Another smaller one will come after this one.

Follow up video:

Oh wow they are actually introducing a new card type! Landmarks are persistent effects on field.
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Smooth vs. Crunchy
Oct 25, 2017
This is still the Targon set and will still be focused mostly around Targon. This will be a smaller expansion than the first one. Another smaller one will come after this one.

Follow up video:

Oh wow they are actually introducing a new card type! Landmarks are persistent effects on field.

Called iiiiiiiiit

Non-aura enchantments were something the game was missing, IMO. Having them take up space on the bench is an interesting balance decision.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Aw shit, lost to final boss on the gauntlet. My MF Lucian vs Pirate Burn. They won by 1 HP too. Jack the Winner too strong man. I banned their Kalista and Zed/Lee Sin, they banned my Ashe Nox.

For all the other games Yasuo Dragon deck was banned and I am not a big fan of this deck against wide board burn decks (I can still win but of they high roll them its hard). I put it in the line up to beat on greedy decks but all the greedy decks banned it lol.

The new tournaments coming see your gauntlet records so that has motivated me to try this mode out more. I really like the pick/ban gauntlet though as I said previously you can just coast off of 2 strong, versatile decks... the 3rd deck basically doesn't matter.


Oct 25, 2017
Speed Force
ugh I guess I should finally try fast ladder climbing next season

Landmarks could be cool, I do like those kind of effects but taking up board space could be a significant drawback, remains to be seen

I'm probably most excited for a new event, more cosmetics baby. That said the new shiny card effect... I don't love it. Kind of ruins the card art. I think maybe they should make the border art have the iridescent look but just add sparkles to the card art so it's still sharp. Hopefully it's something to spend shards on.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017

New cards revealed! Some new Deep cards as well including a Landmark.

That new Bilgewater archetype is very clearly themed around self harm minions. Probably will go well with Noxus decks (Vlad or Swain). Have to see what the champion build around is. Jack the Winner was a preview into this archetype as expected.

Sunk Cost is a bit too expensive but this is like the only hard removal that Bilgewater has so it has potential to see some play.

Crumble is decent in those Undying decks as you have the upside of killing your own units and removing their for a cost reduction. Otherwise I see Vengeance being used in other SI decks. Having more hard removal is never bad in this game.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I'm really not a fan of how almost all the new spells in Call of the Mountain are burst or slow speed. I understand lack of fast speed interaction is Targon's weakness, but we've only gotten two fast spells for other regions, and one of them (Passage Unearned) is complete garbage.

And these previews are continuing the trend.

Also, Crusty Codger is ridiculous off Petty Officer and Island Navigator.


Oct 25, 2017
Speed Force
I love these card reveals. Easily my favorite from Call of the Mountain so far. All the new units are playable. The new landmark is borderline, slower and pricier Jettison for a decent upside. Crumble is weak but oh well, SI has removal already. Bilgewater now has strong synergy with self harm Noxus and heal Targon which we'll likely see soon.


Oct 26, 2017
Tahm Kench reveal!


Feels like not quite viable yet without more reveals yet, but I love the flavor and how he positions himself between capture and slight self-damage synergies.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Tahm Kench is pretty cool, lots of combos and interactions possible with it. Eating Rekindlers, eating Frostbitten enemies, healing with Targon, Unyielding Spirit, Barrier synergy etc. That 1 mana two Vulnerable enemies is really good in Undying as is most of this package.

You know whats not cool? All these streamers mispronouncing Bayou as "Bay-you". My inner Louisininian is screaming out in pain!


Oct 25, 2017
Speed Force
Tahm Kench looking interesting. I'm not sure how viable he is currently, we need to see more Targon stuff I think. He seems like he really needs you to draw one Bayou Brunch at least. I also look at Wise Fry and think there must be a Targon unit that likes heals your board and then buffs itself based on the number of allies healed or something. It can't just be for Crimson, healing/damaged units with Soraka has to be a thing. I also think Shakedown could be lowkey good.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Before we get into the new expansion, I wanted to take the time to look back and see which new region combinations that Targon created with viable decks/archetypes and what worked and didn't work. While at the start it seemed like Targon won't really be compatible with many regions due to the focus on only 3 other regions (SI, Ionia and Freljord), there have been more decks that have popped up than anticipated.

Targon + Ionia = This was pushed heavily in the first expansion but it didn't really pan out the way that Riot intended. It was very clear that the theme of Ionia + Targon was going to be spell + buff oriented with support synergies between Lulu and Taric. What ended up happening is that the archetype morphed into a combo deck revolving mainly around Lee Sin and using many gems to proc the level up as well as Zenith Blade and Bastion to enable Lee Sin to single handedly win the game. Yes Zed is in this deck too sometimes but this is almost entirely a Lee Sin combo deck. Curious to see if the Targon + Ionia support package gets more support in the future or if Taric receives buffs. Lulu at least is relevant in Ionia + Demacia decks.

Targon + SI = This was pushed hard with the Nightfall archetype and I have to say it met expectations and exceeded them in some regards. Definitely a solid tier 2ish deck that plays for tempo with a sort of unique take on quicker decks as far as LoR is concerned. This is probably the most rigid archetype and really needs a lot more Nightfall cards and synergy cards to allow for it to be played in any other way aside from "CTRL+F" deck build. Diana and Nocturne are actually solid champions but Nocturne only works in this type of deck. Without future support, this deck might just get power crept out of the game completely.

Targon + Freljord = Initially the most successful new archetype presented in the expansion which is the Ramp ASol deck being carried hard by Trundle. Trundle is a super versatile mid to late game champ combined with Asol + Mindsplitter has resulted in a meta game that is slowed down considerably and late game plays are much more viable. The existence of this decktype also resurrected the Warmothers archetype as a way to play into the late game. Asol was nerfed just recently but this deck is still strong and played quite a bit though is being out performed by Warmothers usually.

Targon + Demacia = New archetype that is similar to Targon + Freljord but splashes Demacia for some mid game control in the form of Lux and Radiant Guardian (which was just recently nerfed). I feel like depending on if they support Demacia in this upcoming expansion, we'll see a lot more Dragon D+T type decks in the future. Currently being propped up heavily by Mindsplitter + Asol. This is also the type of deck that utilizes a Targon allegience deck.

Targon + P&Z = This was played with Ezrael initialy but was abandoned when Ezrael was nerfed and then replaced with Heimer Targon when Flash of Brilliance was buffed. A lot of people have spoken well about this new Heimerdinger deck though the deck isn't as popular as one might expect. The numbers are improving overall and once this decktype is refined it will make an impact. Also worth noting that Bastion buff was huge for this deck as well.

Targon + Bilgewater = So far I have really only seen Swim prop up this region which basically plays similar to Ezrael TF only removing Ezrael since he is much worse now and going more all in on draws and protection on TF. I have played this deck a few times personally and I really don't think it's that great mostly because without the key P&Z cards like Mystic Shot and especially Thermo Beam, the deck lacks way to interact with the opponent's board before TF is flipped/Rex is played. That said these new Tahm Kench Bilgewater card might work well with Targon due to gems, heals and buffs. We will have to wait on that, maybe Soraka is the key.

Targon + Noxus = Before the expansion was released, people were theorycrafting Draven + Taric decks with focus on buffs and overwhelm. That didn't end up panning out past the initial week and I don't think Riot will be supporting this archetype much at all anyway. Curious to see what their plan for Noxus is as that's the most unknown archetype aside from a new P&Z archetype. Please more stun synergy for my boy Yasuo!


Oct 25, 2017
Speed Force
Yeah I'm interested to see what Noxus gets. It's still mostly just an aggro and Swain engine, which isn't bad, it's competitive but bland. I'm still really leaning toward there being cards that reward you having damaged units/healing your units which would work well with Noxus, new Bilgewater, Demacia, Gems, etc.

Other than Crystal Ibex I can't say anything in today's reveals really stood out to me. ARAM is a fun meme, they should do a Lab with it.


Oct 26, 2017
Alternate heal wincon!


I love alt wincons, even if I never go for them. Playing against them always is a refreshing change of pace. Divergent Paths is a weird design.... If landmarks become really good with scant removal, then you're almost forced to play this card, which is trash against non-landmark decks unless you're able to tutor your own as a backup. Feels almooooost parasitic design?


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Pretty cool new cards, clearly pushing a heal allies deck and possibly with the new Champion for Targon Soraka. Not sure how powerful that win condition will be but there is possibility with all the regen cards in Freljord like Braum and of course Trundle.
Oct 27, 2017


But yeah... Downgraded my weekly investment into LoR to just Vault 5. I still get one champion and one token, chests are always crap anyway.

Boat Times

Made the Grade
Oct 25, 2017
I've also only been going for Vault 5. AKA playing one day a week for maybe an hour or so to get 3 quests done.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah my play time has reduced to just dailies every 3 days. Mostly Labs, if not quick AI games to knock them out faster. A good limited/draft format is what kept me interested in other CCGs, and I never liked Expeditions from the get-go in LoR.

Still like to watch streamers however. Though the sentiment seems to be the worst meta right now among some. I am looking forward to tournaments, even if I'm just a spectator.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
I think the meta is fine, lots of different archetypes and regions are represented. Tournament meta especially.

The issue is that a few certain cards are well over tuned and almost all of them are concentrated in a couple of decks/regions. Mainly the recently buffed Lee Sin and Bastion alongside the ever present Hush. People know these cards will be nerfed by Riot's all admission so it feels extra bad to lose against cards you know are in an unfair state.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017

Soraka is here!

Draw every turn is pretty good. Very easy level up condition.

Stargazer looks kinda nutty.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I don't think any of the revealed cards today look good. But they do look fun as hell.


Smooth vs. Crunchy
Oct 25, 2017
Rakaaaaa yass queen.

I like her effect a lot. Means that if you're looking to make the most of her you need to be swinging in, very strong flavor and mechanics. Means you can't just sit there if you want to efficiently activate the landmark (unless you do some wacky freljord regen thing).

Now I just need a banana joke in there somewhere.

Lil Peanut Brotha

Motion Graphics Artist at Riot Games
Oct 25, 2017
I'm here for the heals. Excited for all this to arrive! Tahm is one of my favorites in league so I'm def gonna work on a new deck with him... Maybe with Soraka!

I have a Taric Fiora dragon deck in climbing with but I'm currently stuck in Silver 1 due to a bunch of noxus bilge aggro all of a sudden


Oct 25, 2017
Speed Force
Soraka is a very good draw engine. She's not "I've seen", she's super easy to level without trying. You don't have to go all in on heal either. Just gems, Guiding Touch and herself will be enough. If you need draw and a sticky unit, she's great.

The other cards are underwhelming. Stargazer will have some OTK combo but it won't be any better than like Cygnus I think.


Oct 26, 2017
Soraka can be a hilariously strong anti-aggro tool. 1/6 for 3m is stats that Braum wishes he had. And the fact that she will basically heal to full in the early game on attack is great. Gems on her can be really strong. I can see a world where control decks use Raka + gem package over Trundle to secure the early game.


Oct 28, 2017
Loving the artwork coming out of this set. There is something to admire just in the cropped images. With past cards we usually had to see the full image to admire what was drawn out.


Mar 16, 2018
These cards are so much more interesting than the previous set. The new heal synergy should have been included before, Star Shepherd for example felt dislocated.

Loving what they've shown so far.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Really interesting cards, except for the P&Z landmark which is purely a meme card.

Even the Poro card is really good, hitting Elusive on it is very strong. Seems like Riot is pushing Poro deck using P&Z and Freljord.

The Ionia clone an ephemeral card could lead to some degenerate stuff but then I remember that Hush is in the game lol.


Oct 25, 2017
Speed Force
At least from what we've seen so far I wouldn't be surprised for aggro/burn to get a lot weaker with Soraka around while elusives makes a come back.

Nopeify seems really meta dependent, could be trash compared to Deny or good tech


Oct 25, 2017
Man, not a big fan of the cards revealed so far, too many silver bullets, and too many narrow archetype cards, which means the meta will be shaped more by balance changes than new cards enabling new archetypes. Landmarks are dead before they are alive due to the two destroy landmark cards.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Quite a few more dragon cards signaling Shyvanna for tomorrow.

A couple of new Landmark removals already (combined with existing ones which will be reworked to work with landmarks( which means its difficult to base your entire deck around Landmark win condition. They are good as supplementary engine though.


Mar 16, 2018
Is the generate random cards region locked? Would the round end of the Noxus landmark occur after temporary effects dissipate? Imagine double dipping with Fiora.
I have so many questions.