
Apr 9, 2020
Once we have more info on this I hope there is an option to mantain the current PS+ deal that can go for 1 year. cause I dont really care about anything else and Im not paying a monthly subscription.
Oct 30, 2017
So strange that we have people saying this doesn't "compete" without day one first party. Sony is already killing it out there even without this service. They have amazing games that people want to buy full price on day one. That says something.

A blend of PS+ and PSNow sounds excellent and a very natural way forward.
Natural indeed. It's kind of common sense especially as there has been redundancy among offerings.


Oct 27, 2017
Sony is very clearly seeing a trend here. Difference is MS has a well thought out plan and executing it steadily a plan that was happening despite PS5 and what Sony and Nintendo were doing. To see this reaction means MS bet on the right horse and something behind the scenes has shifted. So they are reacting.


Oct 27, 2017
I keep seeing the word "need", as in Sony doesn't "need" to do thing. You usually don't wait for an obvious need in business, it's more predictive than that. Sony making changes (even if they fall short of Game Pass) seems like they recognize there is a need to enhance their sub model.

Deleted member 93062

Account closed at user request
Mar 4, 2021
If Sony goes for the kill on retro, MS just can't match them.
PS Now already has some PS2 games that are emulated on PS4 that no one gives a fuck about. Sony doesn't own a lot of their "iconic" PS1 games and a lot of these are getting ports, remasters, and remakes on modern systems. PS Now also has PS3 games, as long as you're okay with streaming. This idea that Sony will absolutely crush Microsoft with just retro is so silly lmao. They are not Nintendo.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Nov 2, 2017
It doesn't work like this.

Why do you think Fall Guys came to plus day one?

It's a small indie title that nobody would have ever played or heard of if it didn't? It was mutally beneficial. For bigger games that are going to get people to subscribe to a service, you need to convince them that it's going to be better for them than selling it full price, and you do that by doing what Microsoft does, which is saying "here, look, would we do this if it were bad business?".


Oct 25, 2017
They really don't wanna put their 1st party on a service day 1, but it'll happen, just a question of time.


Hermen Hulst's Secret Account
Feb 15, 2020
Sony has a tradition of using lagging indicators for how the direction moves. It's how they lost marketshare in so many of their other parts of the portfolio. While Sony may be ahead for the time being, dictating business based off of lagging indicators instead of leading indicators gives rise to competition taking you out of the 1st place position, if not the running altogether.
If this were the case they would put their Day 1 games on their service, which they clearly won't do. I see it more as a movement to improve their services, especially PSNow.


Jun 9, 2018
If it doesn't include new games, then isn't this basically just the currently existing PSNow? They added an option to download the games and play them natively a while back.

Senator Rains

Oct 27, 2017
Only thing keeping me from buying an Xbox is the hope that Sony will do something like this, and thank god! Finally! I don't care about day-1 first party games (mainly since I'm more than happy to pay full price for the worthy ones) just give me the PS Now cataloug offline!


"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 27, 2017
They have 23 studios and over 40 teams and growing, not every game is also going to be a 40hr long slog either so it is completely possible and in the next 5 years it will be there. Most people sub first because of 1st party, second is the stream of games. Why would someone sign up for purely 3rd party games when you don't even know what is coming each month, I highly doubt people sub just because of 3rd party games only. 1st party first then 3rd party filling in the gaps for now, imo.

You're telling me people saw stuff like the entire Yakuza franchise, including 7 on GP and were like naa, not worth the sub? Scarlet Nexus is just filling in gaps?? Of course people are subbing for the third party games, it's not even something that should be stated.
Oct 27, 2017
It's a small indie title that nobody would have ever played or heard of if it didn't? It was mutally beneficial. For bigger games that are going to get people to subscribe to a service, you need to convince them that it's going to be better for them than selling it full price, and you do that by doing what Microsoft does, which is saying "here, look, would we do this if it were bad business?".

Not really.

They will get paid. MS does pay games to be on there. Not to mention, for MP focused games they get a quick access to the whales.

Sony's games are SP focused experiences. Not live service. Some AAA games are like this too and if they game needs exposure they could deal with Sony.


Oct 27, 2017
PS Now already has some PS2 games that are emulated on PS4 that no one gives a fuck about. Sony doesn't own a lot of their "iconic" PS1 games and a lot of these are getting ports, remasters, and remakes on modern systems. PS Now also has PS3 games, as long as you're okay with streaming. This idea that Sony will absolutely crush Microsoft with just retro is so silly lmao. They are not Nintendo.
I care about them, but the emulation is kinda busted on PS5. Lot's of graphical glitches.


Jul 10, 2019
So strange that we have people saying this doesn't "compete" without day one first party. Sony is already killing it out there even without this service. They have amazing games that people want to buy full price on day one. That says something.

A blend of PS+ and PSNow sounds excellent and a very natural way forward.

Because the article said it.

And the comparaison since the beginning doesn't have sense, Game Pass is lot more than just console subscription. It's business model for game developers, Way for Microsoft to push the PC Market etc...


Oct 27, 2017
Looking on CDKeys, 12 months GPU is £139.99 RRP, PS+ is £49.99 RRP. Or are you on about the conversion trick which won't be there forever?

I'm talking about the price I paid for my three years of GPU compared to the best price I could have had PS Plus for (GPU - £23 per year - PS Plus £30 a year). Whether or not the "trick" will last forever (they've already had plenty of time to change it and have not) is irrelevant (to my own personal comparison). Plus you can stack for three years so not an issue until 2023/4 regardless.

I'm not talking about the RRP seeing as it was my personal take and it goes without saying that when making that comparison the only price I care about is the best prices available to myself. Who knows if the RRP will compare or not


Oct 27, 2017
Already subbed to + and Now. Hopefully this'll end up cheaper for me.

I'm very interested to see what classics they offer and how they'll offer them. I need RPGs from PS1 and platformers from PS2. Bust the doors wide open?


Nov 10, 2020
I'm subscribed to both but if I'm honest I can't remember the last time I used Now. Greater integration and an even wider variety would be great.
Oct 30, 2017
Sony is very clearly seeing a trend here. Difference is MS has a well thought out plan and executing it steadily a plan that was happening despite PS5 and what Sony and Nintendo were doing. To see this reaction means MS bet on the right horse and something behind the scenes has shifted. So they are reacting.
Partially reacting.
They've also made investments into improving PS+, PS Now, and cloud streaming over the years.

It's not like Sony is reacting out of left field or starting from scratch here.
While MS has clearly laid out their vision and executed, Sony isn't too too far behind. We have known for awhile this was coming. Jim Ryan said so.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
If this were the case they would put their Day 1 games on their service, which they clearly won't do. I see it more as a movement to improve their services, especially PSNow.

What I stated reinforces the tweet from Schrier. Sony doesn't see the need to publish day one games because they don't see that as the primary driver for why people subscribe. MSFT, whether you want to agree or not, is trying to change the mindset of consumers of expecting 1st party content day one through their subscription service. That's a differentiator. Sony looks at Gamepass and think that a catalogue of games through a subscription is what's changing the landscape. The lagging indicator is that Sony is looking at their current userbase and installbase and feels that they are ahead and don't feel the need to innovate on their existing services in order to keep up with the newer and more innovative offerings from its competition. Hence why the lack of day one first party games.

Deleted member 93062

Account closed at user request
Mar 4, 2021
After looking at PS Now library, this just seems like a PS Now rebrand. Add in a few PS1 games that already have ports, remasters, remakes on modern consoles and probably charge more for it. I find that Sony isn't Nintendo in the sense that they don't own a lot of their "iconic" franchises and can easily add them to the service. If they add PS3 emulation, that would be interesting, still not worth it but at least they're trying at something. Comparing this to Game Pass is like comparing FSR to DLSS... technically similar, but not really.


Oct 30, 2017
Sony can surpass Game Pass by a margin if they play their cards well. If the service allows a good non-streaming emulation for the pre-PS4 platforms and a huge collection of relevant titles, MS would be in a dire situation.
I am a Series X owner and the so boasted retrocompatibility, despite the efforts, feels like an incomplete feature to me. So many Xbox/Xbox 360 exclusives or relevant games still can't be played on Xbox Series.
If Sony goes for the kill on retro, MS just can't match them.

While an increased focus on backwards compatibility is great, let's not pretend that the value and appeal of PS2 and PSP games is in anyway comparable to day 1 1st party titles for the vast majority of consumers.

I've had a great time playing through Sonic Generations, Max Payne and Timesplitters over the last couple weeks but I know I'm a minority and the value of getting Forza Horizon 5 and Halo Infinite day 1 is still much a much bigger deal even for me.


Oct 28, 2021
you're arguing against things that weren't said. it will not add validity to the nonsense you're posting.

Well can you tell me what you mean by this then?

"they need" comes off like hopium with dashes of warring.

I'm not wasting more of my time trading posts with you. go through life not knowing what a competitor/competition and differentiators are and keep thinking that to be a competitor you have to tick every single box someone else does. that's your choice. at this point i will just laugh at how dumb that notion is. At no point did I argue about wrong/right plays nor succeeding/failing. No need to attempt to move the conversation there. My initial post was regarding the competitor part.

You replied to me once. What are you even on about going through life not knowing what compeition is, you legit just cut what I said to fit your narrative, I said they need to tick every box and offer something extra OR offer something much more interesting if they can't match them. You can think a company can offer a lesser service for possibly the same price or ever more and expect them to grow all you want "through your life" as you say.

Smash-It Stan

Oct 25, 2017


"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 27, 2017
If it doesn't include new games, then isn't this basically just the currently existing PSNow? They added an option to download the games and play them natively a while back.

The report says they're expanding the offering. Maybe more games or maybe giving more recent games. Doesn't seem like it'll be a straight merger.


Nov 1, 2017
This is going to be nothing like the playstation alternative to gamepass that people hope it will be.
Oct 27, 2017
No, it's because you are claiming you arent downplaying the value of Day 1 releases yet continue to do so. Of course the backwards compat is great, but Day 1 is in another stratosphere in terms of features. What Sony is presenting here is absolutely not "taking on Gamepass". It's literally just a PS Now reskin.
Where do I downplay the value of day one releases? Where do I say that day one releases aren't actually a good thing? All I said is that Game Pass is more than just day 1 releases, it has more features that are just as exciting as day one releases. I'm a subscriber myself, I know the value proposition that is being offered. All I said was Sony doesn't have to match Game Pass 1 to 1 to be considered a competitor, their offering might be as good but they would still be a competitor. How does believing that this hypothetical subscription being a competitor that equal being a shill?


Oct 30, 2017
If this supports older games natively (as within the Xbox ecosystem), I'm all for it! :)

A PS Now and PS+ merger was inevitable.


Oct 29, 2017
Whelp. Good luck with that Jim.

I get that Sony wants the market to not change. After all they are winning. But they'll have to play ball eventually. It's just matter of time.

Gamepass has changed everything. How people value games. How people browse games. Etc.

Charging for a service ON TOP of 70 bucks per game is crazy juice talk.

Just like cross play, they'll change their tune soon enough. It's strange as they have such a strong following that they'd very quickly rack up millions of subscribers.


Apr 2, 2021
Without day one games, meh. That's what makes Game Pass Game Pass.

I'm sure Sony will get there eventually.
I don't really get this completely. People have been loving Game Pass for years and the majority of the content on it has not been 1st party games. I definitely think it's the biggest drawing point psychologically("I get all first party games day one?!"). But realistically the majority of it's use has probably not been on first party games. MS is now starting to drop more games like Forza and Halo soon, but like I said, Game Pass has been around for awhile and the statistics probably show the majority of games played have been 3rd party.


Jul 13, 2019
Apparently your services must be exactly the same to be a competitor now.

Your questions aren't really any different for xbox. What if I want gamepass but don't want to play online?

Then don't get gold and do get gamepass. The xbox system sin't tier based. It's more ala carte. Sony's system as described requires you to spend more if you want bak compat even if you don't want the features from the cheaper tiers.
Oct 27, 2017
I wonder if this reboot of PS Now means retiring the PS3 server blades for once. They are getting really old and I doubt they will get rid of most of the PS Now library because of it.


Jan 10, 2020
with this move, as it is described here at least, Sony's model would further diverge from Microsoft's, so I don't get a lot of the takes in this thread