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▲ Legend ▲
May 1, 2018
Playstation has a lot of remakes that they should do, and TLOU isn't one of them. Remake the PS3 Ratchet games. The Resistance trilogy. 3D Dot Game Heroes. Not TLOU, a game that frankly, still feels very good to play.

Bend saw a lot of success with Days Gone even if I didn't love it. Why not let them continue?
Oct 27, 2017
What the hell are you doing Sony? Are you forgetting that it wasn't just massive blockbusters that brought you to the top of the industry?

This feels like Raven being reduced to map makers for CoD multiplayer.
This is the best description of the Bend situation. By Far.

Sony used to be one of the best developers if you wanted variety. Out of the big 3 they were the ones I went with. You got Nintendo like games, japanese games, western game. AAA, AA, A games. They were doing something for everyone.

God I hate what they have become.


Oct 27, 2017
The Netherlands
Nobody is reading it...always expect nobody to read any article with more than a headline.

Yeah the amount of takes on this thread is amazing.

Schreier's article in a nutshell:
  • Sony's Visual Arts Service Group (SVASG)
    • SVAGS always had a supporting role.
    • SVAGS wanted to create something from scratch themselves and be able to create/direct their own games
    • They formed a new internal 'team' (and also hired external talent) with the aim 'to expand on the companies most succesful franchises'.
      • The article does not mention why the studio was to expand on current franchises (instead of working on new IP), except that it would be 'easier'.
      • The TLOU remake was picked because that seemed to be a more feasable project than a new Uncharted remake (because of Uncharted's age)
      • (altough one can also argue that it makes sense given the upcoming HBO TV Series).
    • SVAGS didn't get the necessary budget & support because of reasons not mentioned in the article (this seems to be a key question in the story), so we don't really know what was going on unless Schreier can tell us more.
    • Hermen Hulst wasnt impressed with the progress and found it to be over-budget for a remake. Project moved back to Naughty Dog (which makes sense). According to a tweet by Schreier, we can expect TLOU2 gameplay and graphics.
    • SVAGS ended up being support. People left the 'new team'. Which makes sense since they are back to where they started.
  • Bend Studio:
    • The Days Gone-IP seems to have been put on hold for now because because reception wasnt as expected and it had a too lengthy development.
    • Bend was asked to help out on ND's multiplayer game (most likely a new TLOU Factions), and work on 'an Uncharted' game.
    • Bend disagreed ("we dont want to become a Naughty Dog 'North'), people left, but also gave back the Uncharted-project so they could also work on a new game of their own, next to supporting the ND multiplayer game. The state of the new game is unknown, it's still very early.
  • Japan Studio:
    • basically got dissolved because Sony doesn't have the faith that they could produce games that were big successes world wide.
- Sony is prioritizing their big franchises and is asking other studios to help out.
- A new team (sourced from SVAGS + new talent) was put together to work on expanding Sony's franchises, but they 'devolved' back into a supporting role.
- We currently don't know what Sony's strategy is regarding new/smaller IPs, internally or externally.
Last edited:


Oct 10, 2018
Goddamn. Between this and going back to that TLOU port well again.


I... have nothing else to say


Nov 4, 2017
I find this both incredibly disappointing, but also unsurprising. The writing has been on the wall for a while now that Sony isn't very interested in funding a wide variety of games across many genres, but would rather play it safe with the blockbuster games they have now. I know there are a few exceptions, but it really feels like they've snubbed a certain audience that isn't as interested in these kinds of games as other people.
Oct 27, 2017
"Bend's developers feared they might be absorbed into Naughty Dog, and the studio's leadership asked to be taken off the Uncharted project. They got their wish last month and are now working on a new game of their own."

Doing the opposite, yeah. What a mess indeed.
Doing the opposite after tons of begging and having studio heads leave?

I guess they should be thankful /s


Apr 30, 2020
So i thought about it.

After seeing the huge, huuuuuge success Witcher 3 had after the Netflix series released, i can see why Sony wants a better looking game alongside the series.

As long as this is not NDs major project and they have something else cooking, i'm fine with this.
This is so obviously what it is. I don't understand how people here aren't putting that together.

Deleted member 1003

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I mean, Death's Stranding deal with Sony was in 2015-16. It's entirely possible (and probable) that Sony is in a stance of taking less risks and different projects 5 years later.
Obviously but anyone would look at the results and determine if future collaboration is even worth it. The game didn't sell well for however much money Sony invested. You can invest in quirky games as much as they sell. Hence why they go back to what does sell.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah the amount of takes on this thread is amazing.

Schreier's article in a nutshell:
  • Sony's Visual Arts Service Group (SVASG)
    • SVAGS always had a supporting role.
    • SVAGS wanted to create something from scratch themselves.
    • They formed a new internal 'team' and they started working on a TLOU remake. It's not 'clear' if they were commisioned to do that, or if it was their own idea; or whatever reasoning there was for a TLOU remake to be their first project. (altough one can argue that it makes sense given the HBO TV Series).
    • SVAGS didn't get the necessary budget & support because of reasons not mentioned in the article, so we don't really know what was going on unless Schreier can tell us more.
    • Hermen Hulst wasnt impressed with the progress and found it to be over-budget for a remake. Project moved back to Naughty Dog (which makes sense)
    • SVAGS ended up being support. People left the 'new team'. Which makes sense since they are back to where they started.
  • Bend Studio:
    • The Days Gone-IP seems to have been put on hold for now because because reception wasnt as expected and it had too lengthy development.
    • Bend was asked to help out on ND's multiplayer game, and work on 'an Uncharted' game.
    • Bend disagreed ("we dont want to become a Naughty Dog 'North') and gave back the Uncharted-project so they could also work on a new game of their own, next to supporting the ND multiplayer game.
  • Japan Studio:
    • basically got dissolved because Sony doesn't have the faith that they could produce games that were big successes world wide.
Conclusion: Sony is prioritizing their big franchises and is asking other studios to help out. We currently don't know what Sony's strategy is regarding new/smaller IPs, internally or externally.
Can we get a threadmark?

Deleted member 20892

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
I don't know if people are being dense about the situation, but the "studio" (more like a team, since they didn't even get internal recognition) needed to make a smaller scale title first before getting more funding. The company strategy was against non-AAAA development, so their options were to tackle a remake. They didn't get enough resources for an Uncharted 1 remake, which would have been more desirable, so they went with the easiest option which was TLOU1, which would reuse systems, mechanics and graphics from both the original game and the sequel.

And while the project is unnecessary, they didn't kill it, they gave it more valuable resources by making their most acclaimed and expensive studio work on it.

I really don't get the "so they didn't want to fund an unnecessary remake, so what?". The remake is being funded, and it's being developed by ND of all studios...
Yeah I really don't get these people coming in and going "yall arent reading the article, Sony didn't even support it" in the same article stating the executives displeasure with the project was solely the budget that studio was requesting and Sony deciding to give the reigns to ND to take control and have a bigger budget


May 9, 2019
- Sony is leading US, EU and Asia markets
Source on Asia? Switch is demolishing PS5/4 in Japan and it seems to be a decisive victor in China, Taiwan, and South Korea. There have been a ton of threads about Sony's waning influencing in Asian markets as a part of general Sony "doom and gloom" threads that I think hold a lot of merit. I also think it's unfair to say Sony is leading the US, but thats for a different thread lol.


The Shrouded Ghost
Oct 27, 2017
I don't understand. That "secret San Diego studio" is the same as VASG? If not, is it mentioned in the article at all? What are they doing?

The 'secret San Diego studio' was T1X (so, yeah, VASG). Jason referenced our speculation thread in relation to his article.

They were the 30 person studio that were pitching a TLOU remake but it got taken off them and given to ND.



Jun 8, 2019
Remember a few years ago when Sony were saying how they let the devs do what they want to do? It is really weird to me that Hulst (who got his promotion after Sony let them do what they want) would do the opposite.

God, what a mess this has been.

Except Bend told Sony they were unhappy with what they were being asked to do so were allowed to do something else:
Bend's developers feared they might be absorbed into Naughty Dog, and the studio's leadership asked to be taken off the Uncharted project. They got their wish last month and are now working on a new game of their own.

And the other part of the article can be summarised as: support studio will remain a support studio. I don't think anyone takes a job at the 'Visual Arts Service Group' expecting to be working on original games. Storm in a tea cup.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah the amount of takes on this thread is amazing.

Schreier's article in a nutshell:
  • Sony's Visual Arts Service Group (SVASG)
    • SVAGS always had a supporting role.
    • SVAGS wanted to create something from scratch themselves.
    • They formed a new internal 'team' and they started working on a TLOU remake. It's not 'clear' if they were commisioned to do that, or if it was their own idea; or whatever reasoning there was for a TLOU remake to be their first project. (altough one can argue that it makes sense given the HBO TV Series).
    • SVAGS didn't get the necessary budget & support because of reasons not mentioned in the article, so we don't really know what was going on unless Schreier can tell us more.
    • Hermen Hulst wasnt impressed with the progress and found it to be over-budget for a remake. Project moved back to Naughty Dog (which makes sense)
    • SVAGS ended up being support. People left the 'new team'. Which makes sense since they are back to where they started.
  • Bend Studio:
    • The Days Gone-IP seems to have been put on hold for now because because reception wasnt as expected and it had too lengthy development.
    • Bend was asked to help out on ND's multiplayer game, and work on 'an Uncharted' game.
    • Bend disagreed ("we dont want to become a Naughty Dog 'North') and gave back the Uncharted-project so they could also work on a new game of their own, next to supporting the ND multiplayer game.
  • Japan Studio:
    • basically got dissolved because Sony doesn't have the faith that they could produce games that were big successes world wide.
Conclusion: Sony is prioritizing their big franchises and is asking other studios to help out. We currently don't know what Sony's strategy is regarding new/smaller IPs, internally or externally.
Sticky this.
There is absolutely nothing in that article to warrant some of the hot takes in this thread. Completely logical progression if information that is presented is completely factual.

TLOU Remake is going to be lit.


Jan 16, 2020
What a shame. To me a TLOU remake seems like a unnecessary waste of resources, but it's gonna sell so much


Aug 17, 2020
Yeah the amount of takes on this thread is amazing.

Schreier's article in a nutshell:
  • Sony's Visual Arts Service Group (SVASG)
    • SVAGS always had a supporting role.
    • SVAGS wanted to create something from scratch themselves.
    • They formed a new internal 'team' and they started working on a TLOU remake. It's not 'clear' if they were commisioned to do that, or if it was their own idea; or whatever reasoning there was for a TLOU remake to be their first project. (altough one can argue that it makes sense given the HBO TV Series).
    • SVAGS didn't get the necessary budget & support because of reasons not mentioned in the article, so we don't really know what was going on unless Schreier can tell us more.
    • Hermen Hulst wasnt impressed with the progress and found it to be over-budget for a remake. Project moved back to Naughty Dog (which makes sense)
    • SVAGS ended up being support. People left the 'new team'. Which makes sense since they are back to where they started.
  • Bend Studio:
    • The Days Gone-IP seems to have been put on hold for now because because reception wasnt as expected and it had too lengthy development.
    • Bend was asked to help out on ND's multiplayer game, and work on 'an Uncharted' game.
    • Bend disagreed ("we dont want to become a Naughty Dog 'North') and gave back the Uncharted-project so they could also work on a new game of their own, next to supporting the ND multiplayer game.
  • Japan Studio:
    • basically got dissolved because Sony doesn't have the faith that they could produce games that were big successes world wide.
Conclusion: Sony is prioritizing their big franchises and is asking other studios to help out. We currently don't know what Sony's strategy is regarding new/smaller IPs, internally or externally.

Jason doesnt know if that new Bend game is actually still a thing.


Aug 5, 2020
It's important to focus on main IPs, but smaller projects should never be fully ignored.
Small projects usually don't mean big profits, but they are low-risk opportunities to try new things and experiment. And at some point, you are garanteed to find something successful that you can then turn into a bigger IP.

Considering we live in an era where indie games can become insane hits and humiliate even some AAA releases, it's absurd to not at least try smaller projects.


The Wise Ones
Oct 27, 2017
Can't say I'm too surprised, the PlayStation brand has been moving towards this for quite some time. My PS5 will still very likely be my "primary" current-gen console, but this just makes me want a Series X more and more.


Oct 28, 2017
I think it is problematic for leadership to not take the desires of good employees to heart if it can be accomodated. If a section of your business wants more autonomy and has generally proven to be good workers something like a remake under their own brand is not a bad pitch. Playstation is not hurting for funds to give this a try.

Sony Bend getting rejected on a Days Gone sequel isn't a big deal imo but they should have still had the autonomy to pitch a new title before becoming Naughty Dog's support team.
Oct 30, 2017
Why are people saying "TLOU, Sony what are you doing?"?

It wasn't "Sony" who commissioned it, a bunch of devs did it under their own steam and Sony didn't even support it.

Second paragraph of the article...

It's not that Sony isn't supporting the remake, it's that they're not supporting the team. It sounds like the remake was moved back to naughty dog where it's still being worked on and has more money. At least that's what I can tell from the article.


Jan 30, 2018
The fact that they were (or possibly are still) working on a remake of the last of us shows us their plans for backwards compatibility.

tiza blanca

May 9, 2020
It's not being made at ND. ND simply sent some devs to help out with the project after Herman Hulst saw the work and was disappointed by it. ND has close to 500 devs these days and growing.

I agree that this remake is a silly idea, but I'm also willing to bet a good portion of ND is working on a new IP.

But those who had wanted independence were disappointed. By the end of 2020, most of the T1X team's top staff had left, including Mumbauer and the game's director, David Hall. Today, the T1X project remains in development at Naughty Dog with assistance from Sony's Visual Arts Support Group. The future of the remainder of Mumbauer's team, which has come to be jokingly referred to as Naughty Dog South, remains unclear.

Well, this is what the article says, so..

But yeah, I agree that with how big ND has become the remake project wouldn't really affect the development of new IPs. I just wish they put the resources to make some new smaller titles rather than a remake.


Shinra Employee of The Wise Ones
Oct 27, 2017
All I can say is:

Where was this love for Days Gone on release?
Yeah the amount of takes on this thread is amazing.

Schreier's article in a nutshell:
  • Sony's Visual Arts Service Group (SVASG)
    • SVAGS always had a supporting role.
    • SVAGS wanted to create something from scratch themselves.
    • They formed a new internal 'team' and they started working on a TLOU remake. It's not 'clear' if they were commisioned to do that, or if it was their own idea; or whatever reasoning there was for a TLOU remake to be their first project. (altough one can argue that it makes sense given the HBO TV Series).
    • SVAGS didn't get the necessary budget & support because of reasons not mentioned in the article, so we don't really know what was going on unless Schreier can tell us more.
    • Hermen Hulst wasnt impressed with the progress and found it to be over-budget for a remake. Project moved back to Naughty Dog (which makes sense)
    • SVAGS ended up being support. People left the 'new team'. Which makes sense since they are back to where they started.
  • Bend Studio:
    • The Days Gone-IP seems to have been put on hold for now because because reception wasnt as expected and it had too lengthy development.
    • Bend was asked to help out on ND's multiplayer game, and work on 'an Uncharted' game.
    • Bend disagreed ("we dont want to become a Naughty Dog 'North') and gave back the Uncharted-project so they could also work on a new game of their own, next to supporting the ND multiplayer game.
  • Japan Studio:
    • basically got dissolved because Sony doesn't have the faith that they could produce games that were big successes world wide.
Conclusion: Sony is prioritizing their big franchises and is asking other studios to help out. We currently don't know what Sony's strategy is regarding new/smaller IPs, internally or externally.

This is a good summary. I do wish Days Gone got a sequel though. I enjoyed it despite all the naysayers.


Oct 30, 2017
Urgh, if I was only looking forward to one not yet announced title, it was Days Gone 2. The (secred) ending offered such great options for a sequel, Bend really improved the game a lot, including a free PS5 patch at the end. A lot of people liked it from the beginning, it sold well and a lot of people and even media picked the game up again after some time and now with the new update again and most people really liked it and it sold well. They are bringing it to PC and with PS+ and PS Plus Collection there will be even more people looking for a sequel that will most likely never happen. I really liked the game from the beginning even, including it's characters and story and attention to detail. Can't understand why there are still people with "hate" for it, it is so much deeper than just another open world zombie killing game. Just compare it with State of Decay and heck even that get's a third entry...(while the second one was really bad, even the first one was more fun).

Also zero interest in Last of Us, why a Remake from a Remaster of a still pretty new game? I couldn't care less about that, you know everything and every detail and every story surprise, why waste time again to Remake that Remaster, which still holds up well? Sadly, they will continue to sell it fine, but I will never ever pay 80 bucks for that, heck not even 40 bucks. I played and finished it twice, not that long ago...I mean remake an actually old game, which would make sense at least. Sony should have enough access to great (old) games and IPs, like Capcom with RE2 for example.

Might be the reason why studio heads of Bend left...understandable...hope they still get to work on something new though...


Oct 25, 2017
Cologne, GERMANY
Source on Asia? Switch is demolishing PS5/4 in Japan and it seems to be a decisive victor in China, Taiwan, and South Korea. There have been a ton of threads about Sony's waning influencing in Asian markets as a part of general Sony "doom and gloom" threads that I think hold a lot of merit.
I meant Sony vs MS, sorry.
How do we know this?
Because no one thought that we gonna see the sequel revealed last year. No one.

Lord Fanny

Apr 25, 2020
Horizon is not the same, lol. Horizon was probably one of the best PS4 games, reviewed, and sold game of the generation. Hell, that's probably my favorite PS4 game. And the proof is in the pudding...Sony greenlit a sequel to Horizon and it' coming out this year. They didn't do that for Days Gone.

You used those three criteria for why the game 'probably didn't sell well.' I was pointing out that criteria is pointless because Horizon is getting a sequel and it, too, has been given away for free, is part of the Plus Collection and also has been on super sales not long after release. My point wasn't that you were necessarily wrong (although there's no proof it sold poorly, even if it obviously didn't sell enough). My point was you could apply those points to any major game from Sony. It's meaningless to try and draw correlation


Oct 28, 2017
I'd probably be classed as a PlayStation diehard but even I'm massively disgruntled. PlayStation represents diversity to me and it feels like it has narrowed significantly.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah the amount of takes on this thread is amazing.

Schreier's article in a nutshell:
  • Sony's Visual Arts Service Group (SVASG)
    • SVAGS always had a supporting role.
    • SVAGS wanted to create something from scratch themselves.
    • They formed a new internal 'team' and they started working on a TLOU remake. It's not 'clear' if they were commisioned to do that, or if it was their own idea; or whatever reasoning there was for a TLOU remake to be their first project. (altough one can argue that it makes sense given the HBO TV Series).
    • SVAGS didn't get the necessary budget & support because of reasons not mentioned in the article, so we don't really know what was going on unless Schreier can tell us more.
    • Hermen Hulst wasnt impressed with the progress and found it to be over-budget for a remake. Project moved back to Naughty Dog (which makes sense)
    • SVAGS ended up being support. People left the 'new team'. Which makes sense since they are back to where they started.
  • Bend Studio:
    • The Days Gone-IP seems to have been put on hold for now because because reception wasnt as expected and it had too lengthy development.
    • Bend was asked to help out on ND's multiplayer game, and work on 'an Uncharted' game.
    • Bend disagreed ("we dont want to become a Naughty Dog 'North') and gave back the Uncharted-project so they could also work on a new game of their own, next to supporting the ND multiplayer game.
  • Japan Studio:
    • basically got dissolved because Sony doesn't have the faith that they could produce games that were big successes world wide.
Conclusion: Sony is prioritizing their big franchises and is asking other studios to help out. We currently don't know what Sony's strategy is regarding new/smaller IPs, internally or externally.
Yeah can we threadmark this

Lys Skygge

Shinra Employee
Oct 25, 2017
Despite the articles negative tone, this news sounds pretty exciting to me 🤷🏻‍♂️. Sony is making more games I enjoy.
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