Do you think the Nintendo Switch is a good value at $299?

  • Yes

    Votes: 1,338 60.7%
  • No

    Votes: 868 39.3%

  • Total voters


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Jan 5, 2019
the Spanish Basque Country
Dropping the price to 249 in 2021 would not be unreasonable if we are talking about hardware and power but we are not, so it's gonna be 299 because it sells a lot.


Nov 12, 2017
It's not a good value because of widespread reliability issues (joy-con drift) and because the games are incredibly expensive.

However, even if it's not particularly good, it certainly is decent given its the highest quality portable gaming experience you can get at any price. And if you are a huge fan of the portability or Nintendo's games, that value proposition changes because your perception of the value of those aspects changes.

In conclusion I would say it's not generally a good value for the average person who's not necessarily a fan of Nintendo. But for Nintendo or portable gaming enthusiasts it certainly is, and since I fit in both of those descriptors it's great value for me. Still could be better given the joy-con issues.


Oct 25, 2017
Western Canada



▲ Legend ▲
Sep 23, 2018
Uh, not that anything else is wrong with your post, but isn't the Switch set to outsell the PS4? And like, almost literally constantly out of stock? You also mentioned first-shipment still in stock, but uh, what? There pretty much aren't Switches available due to how much interest there is.

If this is a joke post I'm an idiot, otherwise, mega confuse
It's copypasta from a post made from the owner from the previous forum (who is a creep), is used to mock him for his dumb prediction


Oct 25, 2017
If you have never owned a Wii U then yes, the library is great. If you already played the Wii U games many years ago as I did then it's a bit less exciting. But I think you could still say that it's worth it.


Dec 5, 2017
Incomprehensible. The sole reason Wii U still sold 13m units is more than enough of a reason to consider fan factor.

As for "appealing hardware and tech" I beg to differ. Switch lost many multiplataform( FF XV/ Darksiders 3 etc.) games because it can't pull up graphics like PS4/XONE despite having newer tech.
I don't see how that can be attractive to consumers/players in order to justify the price after 3 almost 4 years and with an upcoming strong version of the console. It doesn't make sense in a rational point of view. For me, it's just fanboysm trying to justify the overprice.

Yes, but 13m is terible, why only 13m, why not 30m, 50m, 70m or 100m+ units like Switch will sell?
So what if Switch lost plenty of multiplatform games? Switch is selling like crazy despite there is no big multiplatform current gen games.
Simple, Switch has plenty of great games and more are coming, and you can play every single of those games like you prefer,
in full handheld mode or full home console mode, its not hard to see that, I mean sales speak for itself, Switch is basically selling to handheld and home console market in same time.
If it's overpriced, Switch wouldn't have such a big popularity and sales, just for comparison 3DS was overpriced so Nintendo needed to do price cut only 6 months after launch, Switch 3.5 years after launch still dont have price cut, because it doesnt need one.
Dec 15, 2017
Hell no. As if the other consoles didn't have great games to play as well. The next gen consoles having such agressive prices should make everything gaming related to down to stay competitive. Even pc hardware.


Oct 28, 2017
RIo de Janeiro, Brazil
Lmao come on with this bullshit

Take it lightly! It's just a silly joke. I'm a nintendo fan too!

look at it's form factor and library. That's why it's appealing. it's a different market, why do you think people buy iPads when they could buy more powerful gaming desktops???

I understand your point of view. Although the Switch is not all that when it comes to its game library. I mean, it's not bad at all, but I don't think it justifies the price. At least not yet. This year, for example, it was relatively weaker when compared to previous years.


Yes, but 13m is terible, why only 13m, why not 30m, 50m, 70m or 100m+ units like Switch will sell?
So what if Switch lost plenty of multiplatform games? Switch is selling like crazy despite there is no big multiplatform current gen games.
Simple, Switch has plenty of great games and more are coming, and you can play every single of those games like you prefer,
in full handheld mode or full home console mode, its not hard to see that, I mean sales speak for itself, Switch is basically selling to handheld and home console market in same time.
If it's overpriced, Switch wouldn't have such a big popularity and sales, just for comparison 3DS was overpriced so Nintendo needed to do price cut only 6 months after launch, Switch 3.5 years after launch still dont have price cut, because it doesnt need one.

What? Remasters? Musous? The line-up for this year is not strong, sorry.
Multiplataforms are also games and also sell hardwares btw.
But if you think the "unique experiences" justify that price, then it's ok.
I would not pay $299 today for a Switch if I didn't own one
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Oct 25, 2017
No. It was a decent though not great value at $299 in 2017, but it isn't in 2020.

$299 for a non-premium plastic single-purpose device that's three years old is not a good value.


Oct 31, 2017
Of course it is. First of all, it's a handheld system and most games are fully enjoyable this way, being unique compared to the other home consoles.

And it has the best exclusive catalogue IMO (diverse games, lots of genres, overall high quality), and most of them are "real exclusives" for Nintendo platforms, so if you like videogames having a Switch seems a no brainer as it has some of the best recent titles.


Nov 3, 2017
I mean you do you but in this case the public spoke rather loudly on this subject.
I'd even argue that it's probably undervalued in Japan all things considered.
People don't buy something they think has terrible value, if it was terrible value they wouldn't bother shelling cash for it.
Now is it good value for the crowd that post here, fuck if I know but considering the size of the market and the size of this place I don't think the answer to that question really matters.


Oct 28, 2017
I understand your point of view. Although the Switch is not all that when it comes to its game library. I mean, it's not bad at all, but I don't think it justifies the price. At least not yet. This year, for example, it was relatively weaker when compared to previous years.

Weaker for you maybe, but Animal Crossing is probably the biggest game release of 2020 and you can only play that on Nintendo Switch.

Gay Bowser

Oct 30, 2017
here's the thing

a lot of people here think that consoles become worse values over time, because the technology gets more "outdated"

to a lot of people in the general public, consoles become more valuable over time, because they can play more and more and more games


Oct 28, 2017
In 2020 it's overpriced, as a lot of things Nintendo are. But it's Nintendo so wtvr, nobody cares.


Oct 31, 2017
here's the thing

a lot of people here think that consoles become worse values over time, because the technology gets more "outdated"

to a lot of people in the general public, consoles become more valuable over time, because they can play more and more and more games
Yep that's true. Thing is, as months go, hardware components become cheaper and companies can start manufacturing the same product with cheaper, more efficient components or release "worse" version at a cheaper price.

But as Nintendo is selling every single unit they can produce (thanks to having some real exclusives that sell a ton, amongst other things), they can still sell the same product at the same launch price (and with improvements like battery life) at the same price even if they are making them for less money now.

So the value proposition is great for most consumers.


Oct 27, 2017
As another first party Nintendo machine yes, but if you are looking for it to solely be an indie player like the vita was then probably not. Most non-nintendo games have way too many compromises and performance issues to make up for their portability.
Aug 12, 2019
I don't get the whole I don't think the game's library justifies the price take unless you just don't like Nintendo games. If the Switch hasn't made its case yet and you're not a hardcore Metroid fan waiting for Metroid games to release specifically, I don't think the console is ever going to be able to make its case to you as a consumer. $200 vs $300 isn't really going to change anything about the library at this point and almost every major Nintendo franchise that is still active is now on the system, often times with some of the best titles in those respective franchises. Even if you were burned by the Wii U and hate all of the ports, there's still a sizable library of brand new and generally solid to excellent Nintendo games to try.

It's also pretty much the only portable console on the market right now aside from phones and inelegant other solutions, so it also comes down to the question of, "Is a portable console of value to you or not?"


Oct 25, 2017
Yes because at the end of the day you buy consoles to play games, and the Switch has some of the best games out there on its platform. Also, the fact that it sells the way it does indicates that the market absolutely feels that the price of admission is a fair one.


Oct 25, 2017
New Zealand
Its a portable console that also plays on the tv, it has the best Zelda, the best Mario, soon to be practically all the marios, FF7-12, Dragons Dogma, Skyrim, DOOM, and a thousand other incredible games. Its honestly my favourite console ever and my most played since it came out.
I bought it at launch price with zero regrets


Oct 25, 2017
I'd say no, but the software exclusives are strong and it's the only game in town for handheld gaming so it doesn't really matter.


Oct 28, 2017
Nobody cares because the market feels that it's priced fairly.

This isn't complicated.
I'm not looking at it from an unchecked capitalism point of view.
It should cost less but yes it is still selling like crazy so I understand why it's that way, it's pretty clear.
But I don't think it's the right price, the console has been out for three years now.
BotW and Mario kart 8 are still full price, it doesn't make any sense but hey, it still sells.


Oct 26, 2017
It entirely depends on how much you value the portability of the system. As purely a console, it feels long in the tooth especially at that price and in my opinion the build quality doesn't reflect what you pay for it. At the moment there is still enough demand to drive that price, but the second next gen systems come out, its going to seem extremely overpriced. Honestly if the joycons weren't such a waste of tech that nobody uses outside of rumble, you could probably have knocked the price down enough to be more palatable.


Oct 27, 2017
Why? I mean, I don't play tham many indies tbh, but all my friends that play mostly indies think that the Switch is the best indie machine ever. AFAIK it has more indies than the Vita ever had.

But most have significant performance issues and if I got the switch specifically for that then I would have been seriously disappointed. Other people likely have more of a tolerance for that type of stuff.

The Vita didn't have nearly as many compromises for indies that were out during its life cycle.


Oct 31, 2017
But most have significant performance issues and if I got the switch specifically for that then I would have been seriously disappointed. Other people likely have more of a tolerance for that type of stuff.
Indies have significat performance issues on the Switch? I know that most Ps4/PC/Xbox games need to be heavily compromised to run on the system, and that some Unreal Engine games have severe framerate/resolution problems, but most of the indies I play on PC or other systems are not graphicaly intensive at all and AFAIK run well on the Switch because the games are not demanding.

Also the Vita was not really more powerful on context when it was released, so I don't think indies ran better on the system (even Ps2 remasters like P4G were not even native res).


Oct 27, 2017
With the Series S at the same price,I think not,Nintendo can has the best exclusives now,but hardware wise is a weak console already compared to PS4 and XBOX.


Oct 25, 2017
If you like being on the go I'd say yes. If it just sits connected to your TV than, no.


Alt account
Jan 17, 2020
No - the tech was pretty dated when it launched. No idea why anyone would spend $299 on a switch now. I get it, they have some cool games but nothing that justifies the 300 price IMO. I've owned a Switch since day 1 and its easily my least used gaming device because I can't stand how dated everything looks.
Oct 26, 2017
Incomprehensible. The sole reason Wii U still sold 13m units is more than enough of a reason to consider fan factor. As for "appealing hardware and tech" I beg to differ. Switch lost many multiplataform( FF XV/ Darksiders 3 etc.) games because it can't pull up graphics like PS4/XONE despite having newer tech. I don't see how that can be attractive to consumers/players in order to justify the price after 3 almost 4 years and with an upcoming strong version of the console. It doesn't make sense in a rational point of view. For me, it's just fanboysm trying to justify the overprice.
Then we can say that the Vita selling the same is also proof that there is a "fan factor" to consider for the PS4?


Dec 5, 2017
What? Remasters? Musous? The line-up for this year is not strong, sorry.
Multiplataforms are also games and also sell hardwares btw.
But if you think the "unique experiences" justify that price, then it's ok.
I would not pay $299 today for a Switch if I didn't own one

Any reason for ignoring one of biggest game of hole generation and probably biggest Switch game (Animal Crossing)?
They are, but Nintendo hardware is selling for Nintendo games on 1st place, not for multiplatform games,
I mean look lists of best selling games for almost any Nintendo hardware and you will get picture.
I just saying what general market "thinks", and Switch sales and popularity proves that, offcourse, not every person thinks like that,
especially people that only care about home console gaming, care about power of hardware and don't care about Nintendo games.
Oct 26, 2017
As another first party Nintendo machine yes, but if you are looking for it to solely be an indie player like the vita was then probably not. Most non-nintendo games have way too many compromises and performance issues to make up for their portability.

The Vita didn't have nearly as many compromises for indies that were out during its life cycle.
...unlike the Vita, which didn't have compromises and performances issues with it's indie titles and multiplatform titles? I mean, even 6th generation remasters didn't always run the best on it, from what I recall. Never mind that the Switch is getting more of them by a wide margin anyways and most indie games run fine on it

That might also be because it just flat out rarely, if ever, got the more mid to high end indie titles


Dec 5, 2017
No - the tech was pretty dated when it launched. No idea why anyone would spend $299 on a switch now. I get it, they have some cool games but nothing that justifies the 300 price IMO. I've owned a Switch since day 1 and its easily my least used gaming device because I can't stand how dated everything looks.

Actually tech was not dated when Switch was launched, when Switch was launched Tegra X1 was less than 2 years old.


Oct 27, 2017
Actually tech was not dated when Switch was launched, when Switch was launched Tegra X1 was less than 2 years old.

Yeah the Switch launch a little over a year after the Google Pixel C tablet did (a tablet with the same Tegra X1 processor), and that was $500-$600.

As for price drops ... good luck with that when its the best selling game system on the planet. Microsoft has to price Series S at $299.99 because they are the lowest selling hardware manufacturer.


Oct 31, 2017
Then we can say that the Vita selling the same is also proof that there is a "fan factor" to consider for the PS4?
The Vita is a good example. Both 3DS and Vita were released at 250€, having the 3DS weaker hardware (by a huge margin). Both had good price cuts on the following months (both were 70€ cheaper before the year the systems were released ended), being the 3DS a surprise considering how Nintendo manages their prices.

But the 3DS, even if it was less powerful and had the 3D thing that nobody liked, sold like 5-6 times what Vita sold, and this is because Nintendo decided to developer more software for the system and Sony abandoned it really quickly and only niche Japanese games were released for the Vita during the following years.

So keeping software releases for the system seems an important point of the "value" of buying a system.

Rune Walsh

Too many boners
Oct 25, 2017
I really want a Switch but at that price and the possibility of a "pro" model or replacement coming in the next year has me waiting. That's just too much money for what should be a $200 console. Kind of bums me out too because I preordered the special edition physical copy of Stardew Valley on the Switch thinking that I would get one by November. We'll see what Black Friday has in store.


Jul 31, 2020
I will say I'm confused by those saying it's less valuable with more content than it had on launch, and assume all of that is a result of the assumed upcoming hardware & the Next Gen of consoles around the corner. Like, as a simple example - at launch day itself there really weren't many titles, therefore it was less worthwhile unless you wanted BoTW (which many did ofc, including me). But now there are so many good titles it's silly - the backlog is massive, and that's not even counting non first-party titles. Yes, this year isn't great, absolutely, but how does that... decrease the value? We know what games are coming, they're big titles, and sure they're not now and instead we've got an ok year at best. I just don't see that impacting the value.

So the only thing I understand is the new hardware for all consoles around the corner, rumored or announced, right?

EDIT: I do also get that the hardware is ofc 3.5 years old. That applies, but still hinges on newer hardware replacing - at the moment literally nothing replaces it, but that may change ?soon?


Jun 15, 2018
For me personally? Absolutely not, it's extremely expensive for weak hardware with known reliability issues. Nintendo are selling them as fast as they can make them though, so obviously many people don't feel the same way.