
Oct 28, 2017
Why? Short version: This game has it all.

It has thrilling combat with varied strategies and a plethora of combat tools and unique enemies.
It has an exciting cast of character, with some of the best voice acting I've heard in a video game.
It has an easy-to-follow, but heartfelt story that you uncover through interesting dialogues throughout the campaign.
The protagonist is witty, enjoyable, and designed with strong motivations - his VA is fantastic and he exudes heart.
The atmosphere is thick and interesting and varied worlds, visually exciting vistas, and a real sense of place.
The music is just...

... chef's kiss.

It looks beautiful. The world. The character art. The menus. The world hub. The environments. And it runs fantastic at a locked 720p and relatively consistent 60fps on Switch handheld. I can't wait to pick this up on PC, too, when Cross-saves hit.

The challenge and the pacing is top-notch.


I hate using the world "flawless." Sometimes flaws can be subjective - and in our hobby, video games, subjectivity is a heavy source of our appreciation or disdain for any particular title. But, Hades does it's damnest to get as close to a universal acceptance as flawless as I've seen from many games the last several years. It's truly a release that fires on all cylinders - and I struggle to point out any detractions from my experience. Let me list out a few that I think are fair, if admittedly very nitpicky:

- Some of the item descriptions or menu systems can feel a bit unintuitive or difficult to understand. Text is small.
- The framerate dipped below 60fps on Switch handheld a handful of times during my playthrough, usually during the heaviest fights
- The last area of the game is a bit cramped, and reduces the player's ability to leverage the game's great maneuverability
- On that note, the last area presents a new mechanic that can be a bit frustrating IMO, and depends a bit too heavily on random chance
- A few more enemy types after your first completed run would be nice (though maybe they're coming, this game surprises)

... that's it? That's my entire list of complaints after putting 20 hours into a game I got for $20 at release.

This game is SPECIAL. My best friend and I have an especially strong affliction toward games that feel designed to pursue a single vision, rather than "design by comittee" or "built for focus groups." And that's a broad stroke statement, that I'm sure we unfairly apply to countless "labors of love," but that sweeping statement allows us to easily categorize games based on a feeling. Hades has that vision. It feels like the result of a focused pursuit, but built with love and passion - that gives me an experience I haven't had before. Maybe something similar, but nothing like this.

Hades, to explain simply, is a Rogue-lite: you make several attempts at escaping the underworld, facing randomized environments and foes, growing your strength, as difficulty progresses... only to typically lose a fight and reset everything back to the beginning. But with one key difference - and this succinct statement I've read a few times explains it best:

"In Hades, death still = progress."

Are you like me? Do you have a full-time job? A family? Other hobbies? Are you exhausted? Do you have very finite time for video games? And as such, might the typical rogue-like/lite experience be a bit daunting? Do you look at such games... maybe even play them... and after a 40 minute run ending in failure ask yourself "did I just waste my time playing this?"

Sure, maybe you get better over time. But if I only have an hour, I'd like to show something for my efforts. And Hades gives that to you. While yes, you will die (a lot), the game does give you certain materials/exp that you can effectively "cash in" between runs for permanent upgrades. Significant increases in health, drastic improvements to damage output, different weapons, etc. Factor in the randomly assorted upgrades or "boons" you'll uncover in each run (though losing upon death), and after just a few attempts, you'll quickly find yourself in a rhythm of improving, but also uncovering unique synergies between all the tools at your disposal. A run that may feel worthless at first, has room to become something grand just a few minutes later. And while yes, there is absolutely an element of RNG - something I typically don't care for - Hades gives you so many tools and a fair bit of influence and a great deal of opportunity to pivot a build mid-run, that I always felt I was influencing my runs. Sure, luck is great. But skill and thought is always enough.

I love this game.

I don't typically care for the genre. While the art is beautiful, I won't pretend the environment's and "another Greek mythology" game weren't a bit off-putting. The constant commentary of "challenge" sounded daunting... I don't want to get mad over and over. But I played it for about 1hr my first night, and couldn't stop thinking about it. A ~week or so later, I finally escaped/"won" on attempt 30, though about five of those were runs that I intentionally cut short. 25-35 attempts and about 15-20 hours seems to be the general (general) time it takes to get your first "win," though there is MUCH MUCH more to uncover.

Way more story. All fully voiced, of course. More challenges. More things to discover. New synergies between upgrades and items. And of course, the "Real ending," though I'll probably slow down as I try for that.

This game is something special. Truly something great. Bastion and Transitor and Pyre are good games. Great games. But this is next level.

If you even have a fleeting interest in giving it a shot, I'd encourage you to do so. Maybe the challenge will push you away (though I feel the pacing and ramp of difficulty is pretty much perfection). Maybe the characters will feel like B-tier versions of your favorite Greek Gods (but I see them, now, as THE definitive interpretations). Maybe it just isn't your type of game at all (but trust me, it wasn't mine). But if you've ever bought a game you didn't beat and could get over it, I'd implore you to take a risk on this $25 title.

Good luck on your escape!


User requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
I didn't like the gameplay even for a roguelike so that was a bust, but I'll go to bat for any game with a canon bisexual guy as the hero.

Deleted member 21709

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
It didn't blow me away when I tried it, the presentation was great though. High expectations didn't help! Will definitely play more.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 28, 2017
No, don't tell me what to do.

Im already trying to get the True Ending


Oct 25, 2017
I didn't like the gameplay even for a roguelike so that was a bust, but I'll go to bat for any game with a canon bisexual guy as the hero.
I'm not a fan of roguelikes, but between the OP and this I guess I have no choice but to buy this eventually


Oct 25, 2017
I want to buy it but when I'm done with this semester. I feel like I would become addicted to this game.


Oct 27, 2017
I do think some of the hype is oversold. The game is good, but it's kinda standard in a lot of ways. The basic gameplay is totally normal "learn the enemies, dodge their attacks, hit them whenever" kind of deal. Yeah, your attack options can get pretty varied, which is kinda nice, but your defense options really don't: unless you're using the shield, you only ever have the dash, which is just... a dash. Maybe a Deflection boon, but the best place to put that is on the dash, so...

The characters are good. The metaprogression is nice at first, although gets too RNGy in the postgame IMO, when you're trying to build up someone's relationship and they just... don't want to show up in the House. And you're left thinking, should I just be doing suicide runs to grind? Which is, yeah, efficient, but... feels super lame.

Like, the game is good, and if you've missed out on the last decade of roguelites this is a great jumping on point, but if you've been playing Enter the Gungeon and Heroes of Hammerwatch and Rogue Legacy most of it will feel pretty familiar and samey and you'll be left thinking "this is what the internet was saying is the best thing ever?"

I dunno, I'm also pretty sensitive to hype. My expectations get high, and then I get very disappointed when they're unmet. It's... it's not great for me. And there's a lot of people raising the bar on this game.


Oct 27, 2017
I hit a pretty big wall with Hades, I have 40~50 runs and have only made it to Hades twice. I just don't seem to be improving, mirror upgrades are so small percentages I barely notice them, and I end up having to rely on RNG of the boons to get me through. Had fun but I don't know how much more I have in me.


Nov 26, 2019
I hit a pretty big wall with Hades, I have 40~50 runs and have only made it to Hades twice. I just don't seem to be improving, mirror upgrades are so small percentages I barely notice them, and I end up having to rely on RNG of the boons to get me through. Had fun but I don't know how much more I have in me.

You could try god mode, at least that way you could beat it


â–˛ Legend â–˛
The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
Parts Unknown
My game of the year. It's incredible for all of the reasons listed in the OP. Got the true ending a few days ago, and I'm still playing cause there is still so much left to do and discover.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Nov 2, 2017
I bought it on EGS, but it's a little unstable on my laptop (crashed a couple times, lots of slowdown early on), so I got a refund. Looking forward to really digging in when it comes to next gen consoles though.


Oct 27, 2017
Waiting for it to come to other consoles. I'd like to see this running at high resolution and a smooth frame rate. Hoping a next-gen version is in the works.

Dr. Zoidberg

Oct 25, 2017
Decapod 10
I haven't tried Hades yet but TBH I haven't liked any of Supergiant Games' output so far. For this reason I wasn't really that interested in trying it but I probably will once it hits Gamepass, PS +, Humble Monthly, etc. Whichever comes first.

julia crawford

Took the red AND the blue pills
Oct 27, 2017


Mar 9, 2018
It might be my favorite roguelike ever and I fucking love roguelikes. It's so good.

I haven't tried Hades yet but TBH I haven't liked any of Supergiant Games' output so far. For this reason I wasn't really that interested in trying it but I probably will once it hits Gamepass, PS +, Humble Monthly, etc. Whichever comes first.

I wasn't big on Supergiant's games before Hades either


Jul 16, 2019
My GOTY, for sure. A game that nails everything it tries to do and does it in such a stylish way deserves all my love.


Oct 27, 2017
I really want to get it, but I'm holding out for a PS4/PS5 release. I think they said sometime next year maybe for platforms other than PC and Switch? But whenever that does happen, I'll get it ASAP.

Deleted member 16657

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
The progression in the game is incredible. You get as much as you give to the game and it's a great feeling


Oct 28, 2017
My issue with it is that ultimately, there's other melee focused roguelites i feel are superior as far as content goes, story wise it wipes everything else with ease though.
Game lacks enemy variety and ultimately for me it was a one and done roguelite.
Slow grindy progression on death i consider a con in this genre, it's just annoying. You'd have wasted less time if you started at full power and then used the heat system to increase the difficulty once the game is cleared for the first time. Not to mention the joy of unlocking new weapon style only to realize you then need to grind their stats. It's dreadful progression to me.
It's not a bad game, and it's definitely a great first playthrough, but afterward it failed to keep my attention.


Oct 30, 2017
I hit a pretty big wall with Hades, I have 40~50 runs and have only made it to Hades twice. I just don't seem to be improving, mirror upgrades are so small percentages I barely notice them, and I end up having to rely on RNG of the boons to get me through. Had fun but I don't know how much more I have in me.
"God Mode" is the answer for you. You progress each run increasing your resistance.

I've not yet started using this mode, but is so brilliant that as soon as I'm near giving up, I'll use it to farm titan blood and unlock all weapons aspects.

Just enter in the option and you can activate / deactivate this mode anytime.


Oct 25, 2017
The Switch version seemed fine, all things it considered, but I need to experience this at 4K/60 + HDR so I'm waiting for the PS5 or XSX port. It looks like 1000% my shit.


Nov 23, 2019
The game is great. I think the praise is perhaps a bit overblown. It's certainly a very good rogue like, but I don't think it's anywhere near the top of the GOTY list. Particularly in a year that's had Last of Us 2, and Ghosts of Tsushima. I'm also playing through Nioh 2, and while it's obviously not the same genre as Hades, I'd put it above Hades from an action/combat perspective.

I thought the story was very interesting in Hades. It's the first rogue like I've played where I enjoyed the plot device behind resetting and starting again. Unfortunately there's very little pay off for completing the story. Once I had the credits roll, my interest dropped off significantly and I've barely touched the game since.


Jan 19, 2019
I don't doubt it's well made, but everybody loved Bastion, and when I finally bought that I played it for an hour and basically didn't enjoy it at all. I'm hesitant to try any more of their games since. Also, I generally hate roguelikes, though I hear this one takes advantage of that premise in practical ways with its narrative.


User requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
I don't doubt it's well made, but everybody loved Bastion, and when I finally bought that I played it for an hour and basically didn't enjoy it at all. I'm hesitant to try any more of their games since. Also, I generally hate roguelikes, though I hear this one takes advantage of that premise in practical ways with its narrative.

Yeah, every run is acknowledged with dozens of conversations between you and the denizens of Tartarus.


Nov 23, 2019
I don't doubt it's well made, but everybody loved Bastion, and when I finally bought that I played it for an hour and basically didn't enjoy it at all. I'm hesitant to try any more of their games since. Also, I generally hate roguelikes, though I hear this one takes advantage of that premise in practical ways with its narrative.

If it helps, I felt the exact same way as Bastion. Never got into it or understood the praise. Bought Hades and thought it was great.


The Walnut King
Oct 25, 2017
Washington, D.C.
Fact: Supergiant ain't made a bad game yet
Also fact: Everyone who wrote of Pyre because they "don't like sports games" should be ashamed of themselves


Oct 25, 2017
I have done 118 runs and the dialogue with the first boss has been different every single time. (And good, too)


Oct 27, 2017
I played for a few hours, but gameplay is really bland for a roguelike

things like Wizard of Legend are miles above


Oct 27, 2017
I hate rogue like games. Is this different in which manner?
The basic gameplay is the same. You start a new run. You progress through a random series of rooms, fighting a bunch of enemies. You collect loot, which changes your playstyle, sometimes in dramatic ways. You die, and return to the hub to start over again. Eventually you learn the levels and bosses and loot well enough to beat all the levels and win. Then you do it more times to get the true ending. And keep playing, because it's about the journey, not some arbitrary end condition.

It has some differences. It's action-based rather than turn-based (if we're being technical about what a roguelike is). In the hub, you can spend resources you've gained for permanent upgrades to make future runs easier (or just more interesting). Whenever you find loot, there's almost always a choice involved, so you're less at the whim of RNG and have more control over your build. And the characters, story, presentation, music, etc. are miles better than probably any roguelike out there. That's the biggest upgrade Hades has over others in the genre IMO.

But yeah, if you hate roguelikes and have played more than, like, Nethack, this probably won't change your mind. It's a very well-done roguelike, but it doesn't break the conventions in any real way, it just excels at it.


Oct 28, 2017
2nd best game of the year after Dreams. Just incredible. Everyone should buy it whether you like video games or not. It's THAT good.


9 Million Scovilles
Nov 12, 2017
Not again! I won't be tricked. First they said Spelunky was the greatest, and it's just eh, it's ok. Then they hyped up Oxenfree! WALK AND TALK AT THE SAME TIME!

I'm not falling for it again.