do you want Buepoint to continue as the remake studio?

  • Yes, I want them to continue remaking classic PlayStation games

    Votes: 450 55.0%
  • I want them to develop new games w/ established IP (e.g. Demon's Souls 2)

    Votes: 100 12.2%
  • I want them to create a new IP

    Votes: 268 32.8%

  • Total voters


Oct 26, 2017
Make 2 teams: one doing full remakes, one doing 4K collections of 1st party games from PS2 and PS3.


Oct 25, 2017
I want them to do whatever they want to do. Listening to them talk about Demon's Souls and the process of making it made it seem like they really enjoy doing what they do so if that's what they want then keep it rolling. They're really good at it.

If they want to try an original game I wouldn't want that creativity stifled.


Oct 27, 2017
I want them to make nothing but remakes.

And when they run out of games to remake I want them to remake their remakes.


Games User Researcher
Oct 28, 2017
If I were forced to choose between focusing on remaking games, and focusing on new IP, I would want them to focus on the former, because I think Sony really need that, they have a lot of older IPs that aren't given love which would really benefit from ressurection. With that said, eventually they need to transition to working on their own games, because there's only so many revivals that make good financial sense. Reviving more niche titles like Legend of Dragoon, Alundra or Ape Escape, I feel like those don't make a lot of sense. Maybe games like Jack and Daxter would make sense, but there's only so many games that are likely to be worthwhile.


Oct 4, 2020
I'd like to see what they can do with a new IP...if it fails then they can go back to the remakes.


Oct 28, 2017
If the acquisition happens I hope Sony let them do whatever they want, but if they are going to work on another remake I would like to see one of Legend of Dragoon in the same style of FFVIIR.


Oct 27, 2017
Don't really care; I'll play whatever they put out. Even though I'm not in love w/ Demon's like I was with it on PS3, I appreciate and commend what they accomplished!


Oct 28, 2017
Don't really want them anywhere near another remake. They ruined the music in Demon's Souls. Iconic game music should not be rewritten. The original music was a big part of the game. To simply erase it is disrespectful to the original creator.

I have no idea why they did this. At least give people a choice and let them choose between classic or new music.


Oct 28, 2017
Whatever they're comfortable with.

That said, Sony's approach to it's teams seems to be develop multiple itnernal studios, so maybe they can have 1 team dedicated to remakes and 1 for new IPs?
Oct 25, 2017
I don't really know what's in Sony's back catalog that would be as big of a deal as SotC or DeS were. Like if it was up to me, I'd have them remake Ape Escape but that's not really a big budget endeavor lol.

Bluepoint has been hinting in interviews forever now that they are ready to tackle their own original project. I think it's time to let them.

I really hate the idea of having them do sequels to something like DeS or Bloodborne though. From Soft is what makes those games special, I don't want to see someone else tackle those franchises.


GOTY Tracking Thread Master
Oct 26, 2017
You know, maybe using Bluepoint to remake/remaster older Sony IPs is not a bad strategy for the studio. Sony could use those remasters/remakes to gauge out interest for any particular property. Basically look at what happened with Crash; 2 successful remakes led to a new sequel/mobile game spin off. Obviously this is Crash so nostalgia played a HUGE part but its fail safe way of potentially giving old IPs a 2nd chance.

Now obviously if they want to standout and make their own games then by all means go for it.


Nov 3, 2020
Firstly, are there credible new rumours that Sony is buying Bluepoint? I saw that there were new comments in that thread but when I went to go check it out it seemed like a lot of people just throwing insults at each other so I ignored it. If there are, let me secondly say that I'm against acquisitions and would prefer them to stay independent (even though with their history they're really semi-independent at best)

Now that that's out of the way, in the hypothetical situation that Sony do buy them, I'd love a Jak remake

And finally (as a joke, seriously, don't take this seriously), Microsoft should hire them to remake Halo Infinite and give the fans the definitive version of the game faster than 343i can get it out the door even


Oct 25, 2017
Honestly the perfect solution would be to grow them to be a two team studio with rotating remake / new ip projects.

Whether they have a "remake team" and a "new ip team" or whether they have Team X and Team Y and rotate who does what.

Also I'd like to see them, and other major studios, have a spin-off department where team members can work in smaller passion projects here and there. I understand the industry issues with workloads would never allow this but it would be really great if it was at all possibility. Imagine if BluePoint, Naughty Dog etc had smaller departments where people rotated in and out off to work on smaller passion projects. Essentially indie games developed by top tier professional developers and colleagues in top tier environments as side-projects. We'd see some really interesting games out of that, just because you're working on $500m Uncharted 7 doesn't mean you should be locked out of making a Braid without ending your career.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah. Their remakes are great

The Demon Souls 2 wishes are really confusing to me. Can't have a Souls game without FromSoftware and Miyazaki


Oct 28, 2017
They remade two games and got 90+ MC on both with 2 years between them. That's not easy to do.
I wasn't criticising them or anything. They've found a distinct niche for themselves, which is more than most studios can say. It's just that what they've been hired to do in the past has been to solve a engineering problem.
Now their role has been expanded with their work on the Shadow of the Colossus and Demon's Souls remakes to include some more creative aspects since those projects require new art and sound. However these are not Final Fantasy VII style remakes, the underlying logic is basically left completely untouched, so I don't think we can't say much about their game design chops at this point.


Oct 27, 2017
Yes. Bend made their name downporting games to mobile platforms and made a game that was already 5 years out of date when given their own titles. Wouldn't want to see Bluepoint suffer the same.


Oct 27, 2017

Who the hell else is going to remake Omega Boost then?



Prophet of Regret
Apr 17, 2020
The fact that they are so experienced and talented on the technical side already puts them above a lot of studios, giving them a bigger budget and increasing their size in order to make a new I.P is not a crazy thought or anything, every studio has to start somewhere, if this is what they want to do(which is the case accorindg to some rumors) why stop them? And why not help them since they showed more than once to be talented and effective?
They've shown talent and efficiently remastering old games. Developing a new games is a different beast and I think it would be a risk. Don't get me wrong, if they want to do a new IP let them.

But I think they should start small and not trying to develop a Order 1886 like experience. Didn't work out for RAD and they arguably had more experience developing own games, because they actually did develop GoW spinoffs for handhelds.
The good thing about Sony is that they let their studios do what they want to do. If Bluepoint want to do a remake of something then let them do it. If they want to do a new IP then do that.
True, but there are boundaries to that, because Santa Monica got a game cancelled iirc. So there is some form of restriction, even though Sony is one of the publishers who give more creative freedom than others. But not unlimited as your post seem to suggest.


Jan 9, 2021
New IP or an existing unused IP that they are excited for and can put a new spin on. Obviously they would need lots of new talented writers to take on their own project however.


Unshakable Resolve - One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Whatever they want to do. Though I'd like a little of column A and a little of column B.


Nov 12, 2017
Remakes. We have literally every other PlayStation studio for sequels and new IP. Bluepoint have shown that they are fantastic at remakes, and there's no reason to believe they would suddenly be great at making original games - they take entirely different skills and specialities that aren't a factor in remakes.


Oct 25, 2017
Strong Island NY
People always love remakes but at the same time complain about the need to create new IP.

This will always be an issue with an enthusiast forum that is always looking for new new new.

Look its really not what we want, at the end of the day it's what the dev team wants or what Sony has them doing.


Oct 27, 2017
We don't have many great remake makers(!), so I like to see more remakes from Bluepoint.
But at the same time, I like to see a new small game from them too, with second small team. If they can make amazing new games like their remakes, Sony(?) should expand studio to both making big games and remakes with two teams.


▲ Legend ▲
Aug 28, 2019
They should get to pitch ideas for new IPs and if it's any good, then get funded. Creating a new IP requires really pretty different talent, but if they want to do it they should get the chance to pitch at least.

I don't think you can just assume they'd create a great new IP out of thin air tbh. I don't say this in a dismissive way, only to emphasize that it's really very difficult


Nov 18, 2019
No, id want them to have a crack at a new IP, or after demands souls, let them make a second one, or make bloodborne 2.


Oct 28, 2017
Why bother buying BP if you're just going to make them a remake farm? It would be cheaper to just maintain the status quo--hiring them on a per game basis.