
Oct 25, 2017
That doesn't help anyone. Instead it just leads to the same shit we're dealing with now, where the laws flip flop routinely based on who is in power at any given moment.

Like, I get not wanting to work with them because of the shit they've been doing, but the goal should be to fix the system not to 'win'

I'd take having good things cyclically over good things never.

The republicans in congress can't be worked with. They will never act in good faith, and many I would feel okay calling evil. If democrats get the opportunity, they need to wield power and exploit everything to the greatest extent possible. Kneecap them. If there's any chance they'll ever again start respecting norms or behaving honorably they have to be on the receiving end of this type of thing first.


Oct 25, 2017
Get actual important shit done (Heathcare, Student Debt, Education, Infrastructure, ect) instead of some of this petty revenge shit most people here are recommending.

I don't want to see 2 years of "Get Back at Trump". Best way to get back at them is set up policies that they're against and help people they hate.

You do realize that none of that is going to happen because Trump will just veto it don't you? Only thing they can realistically do is hold people accountable by essentially doing what the GOP did and have tons and tons of hearings where you repeat all of the fucked up shit Trump did for past 2 years and tie it to all Republicans to ensure in 2020 a dem wins the presidency.

Deleted member 8257

Oct 26, 2017
Empanel a Russia Commission. Investigate the traitors.

Like Warren Commission and 9/11 Commission before it