
Dec 4, 2017
I'm not American so i don't know if this is under the House's jurisdiction or not, but it seems to me like the priority on the Dems side should be fixing anything that has to do with elections, gerrymandering and voter suppression. It's much more important for the future than putting Trump in jail. Though that would be nice as well.


All the shit that allowed things to get where we are now need to be fixed. No more gerrymandering, kill citizens united, establish term limits for scotus and others, secure our elections, kill voter suppression, etc.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
with just the house not much except obstruction-central with bills and budgets. though to be fair that can be leveraged for other concessions and damages control until hopefully they can take the senate in 2020.
Oct 27, 2017
A house majority can't prevent a veto.

A house majority can't impeach.

The house doesn't even have the ability to remove someone from office.

So, my point is still unanswered: If there is no real pathway for Progressive policies from 2018-20, in your opinion how does the Dem caucus message their base and what expectations should be set for what can be reasonably accomplished in the next 2 years?


Oct 27, 2017
Investigating and screeching the Tr*mp administration to a halt is the bare minimum and is usually the first tool House majorities reach for. I expect to see some of the Trump kids swearing oaths in front of committees.


Oct 27, 2017
In the House, they should put forward laws that most people want, but that the GOP doesn't.

Make Trump veto the things people want.

Don't bring any GOP proposals up for a vote.


Oct 29, 2017
Neuter him and investigate everything. Go after his cabinet as well.

Impeachment is very unlikely, but bog him down under so much scrutiny that it makes him want to hide in a closet.


Oct 29, 2017
I'm not American so i don't know if this is under the House's jurisdiction or not, but it seems to me like the priority on the Dems side should be fixing anything that has to do with elections, gerrymandering and voter suppression. It's much more important for the future than putting Trump in jail. Though that would be nice as well.
Also, this.


Oct 25, 2017
Enshrine the gentleman's agreements to make shit into law.

The McConnell list.

Healthcare and taxes.

Protect your damn elections and enshrine into law.

Then hang all the transparent bullshit around the GOP.


Oct 27, 2017
They should just become complete obstructionists. Shithead already blames them for everything right now, even though they have zero power, so what would it matter if he continued to blame them for blocking his garbage?


Oct 25, 2017
Investigate Kavanaugh, the 3000 deaths in Puerto Rico, release Trump's tax returns.
Oct 26, 2017
Pack the courts.

Impeach kavanaugh

review every judicial appointment by this admin and if they are corrupt, impeach them.

No budget, shit gets shut down.


Oct 27, 2017
Not much they can do if they don't get the senate right? Except blocking all the shit republicans are trying to push through, which they should.

Empyrean Cocytus

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Upstate NY
Impeachment is the first step, it likely won't go anywhere if the Democrats don't also get 60 senate seats (which is basically impossible given they can only pick up 9 and need to run the table in November to do so), but it'll let Trump know that this Congress isn't his to control anymore.

The second thing is simple. Obstruct, obstruct, obstruct. Basically make Trump their bitch for the next two years, so he gets nothing done, and if he does, he's forced to use executive orders and look like a massive hypocrite. Then, it's just a matter of winning in 2020.
Oct 25, 2017
I'm not American so i don't know if this is under the House's jurisdiction or not, but it seems to me like the priority on the Dems side should be fixing anything that has to do with elections, gerrymandering and voter suppression. It's much more important for the future than putting Trump in jail. Though that would be nice as well.

100% this

This has far greater long term impact, and could do more to help fix the bullshit of US politics

Mr. Shakedown

Oct 27, 2017
Cincinnati, OH
Trump is very likely not going to prison until after his term is up. It's nearly impossible to remove a sitting president, since impeachment is entirely political. In the meantime, as others have said when / if the Democrats manage to flip the house then they need to obstruct anything and everything, and launch as many investigations as possible. Make the next 2 years entirely toothless, if he's getting nothing done then his approval rating will tank and there's a better shot of winning 2020.
Oct 27, 2017
Pass a new Voting Rights Act and put every state under pre-clearance rules to address SCOTUS' problems with section 5.

This change alone would throw a wrench into gerrymandering and GOP voter roadblocks


Oct 27, 2017
So many things ITT either need a Democratic president, Democratic senate, and/or a 2/3 majority.


Oct 27, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
I'm not American so i don't know if this is under the House's jurisdiction or not, but it seems to me like the priority on the Dems side should be fixing anything that has to do with elections, gerrymandering and voter suppression. It's much more important for the future than putting Trump in jail. Though that would be nice as well.
Not happening. The Democrats would need a super majority in the house and Senate to override a presidential veto.

The only thing they can do is block the GOP legislation and investigate all the GOP fuckery.

So many things ITT either need a Democratic president, Democratic senate, and/or a 2/3 majority.
Oct 25, 2017
Move left. Fight the right. Motivate people who don't fucking vote (((y o u n g p e o p l e))) and actually do something in 2020 if we get real power


Dec 7, 2017
If they only have control of the House the only thing they can really do is investigate. Any democrat legislation will get blocked in the Senate or most certainly won't get signed by Trump.


-Puerto Rico
-Trump's taxes
-Voter suppression
-That Georgia election with the wiped severs
-Kennedy's retirement and his son
-Kushner's business deals and security clearance

Probably a lot more that I can't come up with off the top of my head.
Oct 25, 2017
So many things ITT either need a Democratic president, Democratic senate, and/or a 2/3 majority.
Yeah I'm worried the #bluewave is going to demotivate people in 2020 when nothing really happens. We NEED to get people motivated and keep them politically engaged.

The fact that Dems had everything in 08 and DIDN'T fix gerrymandering or the broken electoral college system is their single biggest mistake


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah I'm worried the #bluewave is going to demotivate people in 2020 when nothing really happens. We NEED to get people motivated and keep them politically engaged.

The fact that Dems had everything in 08 and DIDN'T fix gerrymandering or the broken electoral college system is their single biggest mistake

It's a founded worry for sure, but we simply don't know anything about what's going to happen between now and 2020 (namely with Trump and the Russia investigation). If the Russia investigation finds that the corruption is a far-reaching as some have said into the GOP, I don't think any of us can predict what's going to happen. We're talking a foundational, existential crisis of the United States of America.
Oct 27, 2017
The fact that Dems had everything in 08 and DIDN'T fix gerrymandering or the broken electoral college system is their single biggest mistake

Gerrymandering is a state activity and was held in-check (somewhat) by the VRA section 5. That was blown up in 2013, after the Dems lost the trifecta.

The EC requires a constitutional amendment to address.

We need both passion and proper expectations

John Rabbit

Oct 25, 2017
Yeah we should play nice. That's worked for us.
What you're suggesting would energize the far-right even more. Gaining control of the house and not immediately throwing punches in every direction isn't "playing nice". Democrats need to push a unified platform through representation and legislation; Congress isn't a reality show.


Oct 27, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
Yeah I'm worried the #bluewave is going to demotivate people in 2020 when nothing really happens. We NEED to get people motivated and keep them politically engaged.

The fact that Dems had everything in 08 and DIDN'T fix gerrymandering or the broken electoral college system is their single biggest mistake
Yup. I'm really confident that we lose the house and senate again in 2020. In the last 30 something years, the democrats have not maintained a super majority in Congress for more than a few years.


Oct 25, 2017
I care more about winning state legislatures so we can pass independent redistricting commissions.

Democrats typically win about 50% of the vote in Ohio and yet they can't win more than 4 of the state's 16 US House seats because of gerrymandering. With 50% of the statewide vote Dems can't win more than 3 out North Carolina's 13 seats. This is some banana republic bullshit and needs to end now. States using court- or independently-drawn maps such as Arizona, Minnesota, and California are far more responsive and representative.


Nov 9, 2017
They can start with the laundry list of scandals that the GOP put out to scare their voters into turning up.


Oct 28, 2017
Impeach Trump and Kavanaugh.

I would prefer they also went after the republican leadership who could be sued or prosecuted but I can settle for them pulling backroom deals where they concede nothing to Republicans besides saving them from more personal embarrassment if it means Trump can be removed. Pence can be the lameduck president.

Shutdown the detention centers for immigrants immediately. What a fucking travesty.

Push a new bill that ends the tax cut for the wealthy in year.

Since they can't fill executive branch positions they should use their power to assign budget that defacto gives every department to hire "temps" who are qualified to fill in the nearly 1000 unfilled positions this knuckledragging administration has failed to support.

I suspect the economy will start nosediving around 2019 and they will have to prepare the country for that. While they are in the process of removing Trump they need to coordinate with all the governors to come up with a plan to mitigate the fall out from the economic shock.


Oct 25, 2017
Scorched earth. No more reaching across the aisle. No more goodwill gestures. Investigations. Push for Medicare for all, student debt forgiveness, consumer protection, net neutrality, infrastructure, campaign finance reform, etc. Most of this stuff will get vetoed, but it will keep voters excited until the next cycle and minimize turnover.

Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017
Impeach Trump and Kavanaugh.

I would prefer they also went after the republican leadership who could be sued or prosecuted but I can settle for them pulling backroom deals where they concede nothing to Republicans besides saving them from more personal embarrassment if it means Trump can be removed. Pence can be the lameduck president.

Shutdown the detention centers for immigrants immediately. What a fucking travesty.

Push a new bill that ends the tax cut for the wealthy in year.

Since they can't fill executive branch positions they should use their power to assign budget that defacto gives every department to hire "temps" who are qualified to fill in the nearly 1000 unfilled positions this knuckledragging administration has failed to support.

I suspect the economy will start nosediving around 2019 and they will have to prepare the country for that. While they are in the process of removing Trump they need to coordinate with all the governors to come up with a plan to mitigate the fall out from the economic shock.
You need 2/3 of the Senate to follow through on an impeachment conviction. Trump isn't getting removed from office unless the Mueller report is so damming that about half of Republican senators want him gone.


Oct 27, 2017
Do to Trump what the Republicans were planning on doing to Hillary if she won: investigate, obstruct, attack and set up things for a Dem takeover in 2021.

Don't waste time on impeachment unless he literally does shoot someone on 5th avenue, and even in that case it's iffy if they could get 67 votes in the senate.


Oct 28, 2017
You need 2/3 of the Senate to follow through on an impeachment conviction. Trump isn't getting removed from office unless the Mueller report is so damming that about half of Republican senators want him gone.
Hence my comment about backroom deals. It's obvious this will need to be done but I would rather the dems leave Trump in there festering instead of giving Republicans any additional positive benefit through such deals. WHen it comes to this issue they should only use a stick and never a carrot. The Republicans has to own up to the fact they deserve nothing for fostering this blight to our way of life.

If the dems aren't removing Trump they should then go after the Republicans who can be sued or prosecuted.


Nov 5, 2017
don't try to reach across the aisle. Republicans are traitors to this country and should get exactly what they did the past 2 years (basically just gave democrats the finger)