
One Winged Slayer
Oct 29, 2017
How would you use a AAA budget for that though?
In general for big budget 2D:
Large hand-drawn pixel sprites with butter smooth animation and full voice acting. Ideally a large variety of detailed places and enemies/npcs in a large world. Good and detailed sprite art isn't cheap and neither is voice acting.


Nov 12, 2017
Open world stealth ninja simulator.

Soon to be a reality courtesy of Sony's Ghost of Tsushima.

If the game is good I will love Sony forever.


Feb 7, 2018
I'd love to see a AAA, sprite based, metroidvania style Megaman X game developed by Capcom and Inticreates. No idea what that would even look like, but it would undoubtedly be one of my favorite things.

Would also like to see a new AAA Ninja Gaiden game. Have an unveiling like Devil May Cry V, where it blows people away with it's graphics, demonstrates its crazy gameplay and maybe some new game changing mechanic, and just acts as an overall celebration of it's return.


Nov 2, 2017
A stand alone military style BR game. Kind of like PUBG and Blackout. Apex has that AAA feel and polish but not the content. I want something that comes out, with support for the whole generation, with tons of content (skins, maps, weapons), updates and patches. No gimmicks like the building in Fortnite. With speed and fluidity in the movement and precision in shooting.


Nov 2, 2018
I'd kill for a big budget Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles game, something like the Batman Arkham games. I honestly thought we were getting that from Platinum, it broke my heart.

Yeah, a Rocksteady made TMNT game would make me lose my mind.

I've never been a Platinum fan, so I knew that wasn't going to be it for me, but man there are few licensed AAA games I want more.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
Even now I cannot think of a way to make this work without de-powering him.
It's easy enough. Superman canonically holds back. He can fight normal human criminals and giant space robots easily. He just doesn't hit the former all that hard. The latter get punched across the horizon.

He is, of course, invincible barring extreme circumstances. So Superman just can't die from normal attacks at all. He might flinch at getting hit by an RPG, but he doesn't get hurt by it. If fact, he probably wants to tank the hits because a wild RPG in an urban environment is a problem. That would be amusing if only because it goes against normal gameplay tactics of avoiding enemy attacks. Superman wants to get hit so no one else does!

Being invincible doesn't mean he can't lose, of course. Bad guys get away, city takes damage, disaster happens despite Superman trying to stop it. And if you go one step further, you make it so Superman can't deal with all problems as there's always at least two happening at the same time, and you suddenly have one of the core dilemmas of Superman as a game. Superman cannot help everyone, so he has to choose. Do you stop the out of control train or stop a jewel heist in progress? You cannot do both.

Being Superman is about choice. It's why he has his Fortress of Solitude. For when Superman just needs to not choose for a while. He'll still show up if a giant monster or a huge meteor suddenly shows up, but otherwise he's taking time off.

I would probably make the whole looking for trouble thing a player initiated thing. Like using his Super Senses to find areas of interest, then having to choose one. How you choose would then determine the reputation you get as Superman. You know, there's a difference between a Superman who's often seen fighting crime and one that's often seen doing search and rescue. But both are a valid interpretation of Superman, it's just your Superman. Someone else's might be something else.

That is the AAA Superman game I want. Be Superman. Be the Superman you want to be.
Oct 27, 2017
Portland, OR
A quasi-realistic skateboarding game a la the Skate series. I know there's a few in early access on Steam, but they're both smaller indie efforts and they look like they have serious issues with controlling your character. I want Sk4te. Less focus on Hall of Meat and the silly stuff from Skate 3 though.


Oct 25, 2017
NHL Hockey game. You can tell EA Vancouver doesn't get shit.

I'd even take an unlicensed hockey game if it's good.


Jun 28, 2018
But yeah, having all my favorite JRPGs revived with an amazing budget is a big deal for me too.
I would be interested to see a JRPG in the Xenoblade/Tales vein done with a AAA budget. So many of these games seem to have animation/rigging that feels like it's barely changed since the PS1/PS2 days. Characters that have maybe four stock facial expressions. Broad, exaggerated gestures that seem like they were necessary back when there weren't enough polygons or high enough textures to convey emotion properly. Or standing around during cutscenes barely moving. (And many still fall back on 2D portraits for dialog.)

I don't mean to pick on the Xenoblade or Tales series specifically, they're just the first ones that come to mind. Lots of games have this problem, and it's irrespective of the overall quality of the game. But it just kind of bugs me. I just know PC and console hardware isn't holding developers back, in this respect, it's just that character animation doesn't get prioritized, either because it takes a lot of time and money to do so, or it's just incrementing on a formula that's been used for decades and nobody's really complained.

TL;DR: Make 3D JRPGs have better, more impressive character animation.


Oct 27, 2017
I wish there was a FFVII remake featuring the original turn based gameplay, unaltered story, married to current gen graphics, all in one release and support at launch for all consoles with a AAA budget.

Brodo Baggins

Oct 27, 2017
A AAA space game like No Man's Sky, Elite: Dangerous, or Star Citizen made by a reasonable dev team (which disqualifies Star Citizen imo). I'm holding out hope Beyond Good and Evil 2 is decent because I really want a good space exploration game, but even that is contained to a smaller scale than what I want. I just wanna explore space man.

NMS is the closest for me, but damn do they need a saavy gameplay designer to help them direct their efforts into creating more rewarding end game encounters/progression.


Senior Engineer @ Epic Games
Oct 27, 2017
Austin, Texas
A first person adventure game in the vein of Gone Home or What Remains of Edith Finch where you are exploring a single space solving some kind of mystery. It would be hard to justify a really "AAA" production for that but perhaps if you committed to completely bespoke assets with a realistic level of intractable detritus, a large enough house/space, and lots of one-off mechanics you could start to get there. Maybe it's a Sherlock Holmes (Consulting Detective...) type experience with flashback sequences as you reconstruct what you think went on.
Oct 28, 2017
A classic turn based JRPG that has combat that is completely menu based and shows absolutely no influences from WOW. Yes I mean random encounters where you can't see the enemies on the map beforehand, where the gameplay is fairly linear, and the overall action isn't flashy at all. Basically if FF13 would have been made with FF6 sensibilities.


Oct 4, 2018
Nintendo Rhythm game.

For which I mean a Theathrythm Final Fantasy type of collection but with a shitload of licensed Nintendo music.


Oct 25, 2017
I would be interested to see a high budget, AAA, Phoenix Wright game. Throw all the money at the animation, maybe fully voiced, heavy synth soundtrack, etc.

Like damn.
Feb 10, 2018

A TNG game, complete with space combat missions, space command missions and away missions, done by BETHESDA and respawn.


Oct 30, 2017
Las Vegas
I would be interested to see a JRPG in the Xenoblade/Tales vein done with a AAA budget. So many of these games seem to have animation/rigging that feels like it's barely changed since the PS1/PS2 days. Characters that have maybe four stock facial expressions. Broad, exaggerated gestures that seem like they were necessary back when there weren't enough polygons or high enough textures to convey emotion properly. Or standing around during cutscenes barely moving. (And many still fall back on 2D portraits for dialog.)

I don't mean to pick on the Xenoblade or Tales series specifically, they're just the first ones that come to mind. Lots of games have this problem, and it's irrespective of the overall quality of the game. But it just kind of bugs me. I just know PC and console hardware isn't holding developers back, in this respect, it's just that character animation doesn't get prioritized, either because it takes a lot of time and money to do so, or it's just incrementing on a formula that's been used for decades and nobody's really complained.

TL;DR: Make 3D JRPGs have better, more impressive character animation.

Take this cutscene for example. I think a LOT of JRPG's and Japanese games in general tend to do the same thing that this cutscene perfectly illustrates.
They Are using in game models and locations with in game textures to produce these cutscenes. Now I think Xenoblade 2 stepped it up cinematically but still suffers from this. I don't know if they have higher res models for cutcenes but if they do It's not really helping. Imagine then if they had little set pieces that you used for making cutscenes with higher res assets and better looking models. These conversations are also not being acted out but generated by an in game idle and some procedural mouth motion, and single pose expressions that blend on or off on the face.
So If they actually built sets for cutscenes that took into consideration where the camera was going to be, for example, you wouldnt end up with something that looks like this:

Clearly the ground texture was never meant to be seen this close up... and all it has is a texture and a normal map on flat geometry. Bigger budget would allow for more attention to detail and the polishing up of these lesser important scenes to at least look and feel like they matter.

But I feel like this happens a lot in games ... they just set up cameras in this huge open world and don't care how bad it looks.