
Oct 25, 2017
I tried a few games and I really don't think this is for me. Came up to the 2 hour mark and wasn't feeling it... refunded.

If there's ever a free weekend, I'll put more hours in and see if it clicks.


Oct 27, 2017
I tried a few games and I really don't think this is for me. Came up to the 2 hour mark and wasn't feeling it... refunded.

If there's ever a free weekend, I'll put more hours in and see if it clicks.

Yea, I'm in the same boat. Bought the game late last night and can't really say I'm feeling it. It's definitely interesting, but I'm afraid this is one of those games that I'll play for a few days only to stop and maybe return in a few months later. Not sure if I want to spent the €23 on it. On the other hand, I don't know if I want to go for a refund.


Oct 25, 2017
I tried a few games and I really don't think this is for me. Came up to the 2 hour mark and wasn't feeling it... refunded.

If there's ever a free weekend, I'll put more hours in and see if it clicks.
Right on. My best bud did the same thing. The game loop just didn't grab him like it did me. Sucks but I understand — the game isn't so chill lol
Oct 27, 2017
Peak garbage tonight, good grief. First two rounds were two bosses and completely empty. Every subsequent round me and my two mates got absolutely obliterated by extremely high tier players using custom character and weapon skins. The kind of players who just crack shot you the moment you're visible and seem to always have a bead on you. Was just a totally unsatisfying experience, but that's the way it goes. Then my mate's net cut out and that was the end.

I've had a few of those recently, nothing I'm doing seems to be working. Last night as a duo my teammate and I came took out the assassin and then some other guys showed up, I drilled one of them full in the chest from very close range with the specter shotgun and he just ran off and his mate got me with some Nagine variant in a couple of hits as I reloaded. My teammate scarpered to the extract rather than help and I couldn't blame him, ha.

Genuinely surprised the guy I shot didn't die though, not sure if that was a glitch or a shit gun or whatever but I've hit people from further away with a shotgun, in the same part of the anatomy and they've died in one hit.

Oh well. Looking forward to playing more!


Dec 7, 2017
Damn. Players that are camping with the lvl 80 something melee weapon straight from
bloodborne are the worst :P

I'm level 50 on PS4. Absolutely loving the game, especially with friends.When first playing I really disliked the controls but they are not that bad. I hope the game is at least 60 fps on the next gen consoles But for now, not bad at all!


Feb 8, 2020
Damn. Players that are camping with the lvl 80 something melee weapon straight from
bloodborne are the worst :P

I'm level 50 on PS4. Absolutely loving the game, especially with friends.When first playing I really disliked the controls but they are not that bad. I hope the game is at least 60 fps on the next gen consoles But for now, not bad at all!

Bomb Lance, yeah it sucks.
Oct 27, 2017
Reminder for a couple of things;

- Sound matters. Started a round and obviously had spawned right adjacent to another group as within seconds we could hear them shooting at everything so we sat in wait for a few seconds and ambushed them as they went past banging away at everything.

- You can shoot through certain materials. I'd totally forgotten about this, was lurking in the prison with my team looking to ambush another team who were banishing the spider and we instead got ambushed, I died and spectated my surviving teammate, he missed with his first shot, the enemy ran behind a timber wall so my guy turned 90 degrees and shot through the wall and killed them. What a great shot!

Had a very enjoyable evening, some great tense matches, a few kills, and a few extractions for a change. XP definitely slowing down now though, I'm level 69 (weyyyyy) and it seems to be taking a lot longer.


Wonder from Down Under
Oct 27, 2017
Bomb lance is great! Clumsy, but an amazing anti boss weapon (except assassin) and nailing people with a bolt is endlessly satisfying.

Fucking dogs. Always at the worst time.

If you don't mind making a bit of noise, fire is your friend. Grab a lantern, run up to the pack at just the right distance to aggro them, and hurl the lantern between you and them. They'll aggro and run through the fire, instantly killing them all. Not ideal obviously given the noise, but also a painless way to clear up a whole pack if you absolutely must go through them. And lanterns breaking don't make as much sound as something like dynamite.

I've had a few of those recently, nothing I'm doing seems to be working. Last night as a duo my teammate and I came took out the assassin and then some other guys showed up, I drilled one of them full in the chest from very close range with the specter shotgun and he just ran off and his mate got me with some Nagine variant in a couple of hits as I reloaded. My teammate scarpered to the extract rather than help and I couldn't blame him, ha.

Genuinely surprised the guy I shot didn't die though, not sure if that was a glitch or a shit gun or whatever but I've hit people from further away with a shotgun, in the same part of the anatomy and they've died in one hit.

Oh well. Looking forward to playing more!

Yeah, it's just those matches. The gamble of not knowing who you're up against. I'm sure I've cleaned up players who felt the same; I always feel kinda bad when I easily eat players who are obviously new to the game. But the game gets revenge on me in the end.


Nov 2, 2017
I tried a few games and I really don't think this is for me. Came up to the 2 hour mark and wasn't feeling it... refunded.

If there's ever a free weekend, I'll put more hours in and see if it clicks.

Exact same boat. It seems like a bad game to do solos as well. I don't have any friends who still play multiplayer games, so I can never really enjoy games that require intense teamwork. I successfully got to the Assassion by myself one match and then realized its health bar was balanced for more players and I didn't stand a chance...not great
Oct 27, 2017
Played with a very new player last night, they were tagging every AI enemy that moved with R1, the screen was lit up with red triangles all the time, Stop it! You don't need to tag everything! Made me chuckle.

Starting to see a lot more players with prestige now.


Oct 25, 2017
Anyone that doesn't have IRL friends that game, might want to give discord a try. I found people to play with and I've been having a blast. You'll learn shit, and you won't get wrecked compared to if you were just playing solo or with complete randoms. If you have social anxiety or something I can understand though. It's really easy to find people, and everyone I've encountered so far has been chill. Really enjoying this game.
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017
Exact same boat. It seems like a bad game to do solos as well. I don't have any friends who still play multiplayer games, so I can never really enjoy games that require intense teamwork. I successfully got to the Assassion by myself one match and then realized its health bar was balanced for more players and I didn't stand a chance...not great

I don't know if you play on PC, but the official Hunt Discord is full with people that are actively grouping up. The few games I've played were with a guy that immediately responded to my "newbie lfg" post.


Oct 25, 2017
It's more that mobs when you aren't expecting them are a big deal. Dogs suck but I can avoid them if I want. Dogs while I'm in a firefight with another group are fucking tough.

what I wish is for a mode that changes the late game. most of the time when we win, it's because we've either hunted all other players/everyone else has extracted, so we're just doing a victory lap to the boss and back. Sure, sometimes there's a lone player hiding, but it's been rare.

instead, Id love a mode where the longer the match lasts, the tougher the mobs get. So if you want to camp out and wait patiently for thirty minutes, that's fine, but you get more aggro mobs. Maybe even make the bosses tougher.


Oct 26, 2017
13k players on PC now
It feels like it's got a bit of inertia after the PS4 release. I'm glad it's finally getting some traction.

It's more that mobs when you aren't expecting them are a big deal. Dogs suck but I can avoid them if I want. Dogs while I'm in a firefight with another group are fucking tough.

what I wish is for a mode that changes the late game. most of the time when we win, it's because we've either hunted all other players/everyone else has extracted, so we're just doing a victory lap to the boss and back. Sure, sometimes there's a lone player hiding, but it's been rare.

instead, Id love a mode where the longer the match lasts, the tougher the mobs get. So if you want to camp out and wait patiently for thirty minutes, that's fine, but you get more aggro mobs. Maybe even make the bosses tougher.

I've often thought that what would be really fun in Hunt is some sort of very dangerous mob that is attracted to hunters who are staying in one place too long. Maybe it's because you're not corrupt in this very corrupt place, but the basic idea is that you need to keep moving or it's going to start getting a lock on you.


Nov 2, 2017
I don't know if you play on PC, but the official Hunt Discord is full with people that are actively grouping up. The few games I've played were with a guy that immediately responded to my "newbie lfg" post.

Playing on PC, but I've actually never played with random people or done lfg. I'm usually too scared of having to interact with actual internet people haha. But I might...


Oct 27, 2017
Playing on PC, but I've actually never played with random people or done lfg. I'm usually too scared of having to interact with actual internet people haha. But I might...


I'm slowly getting into it, and considering I have now 3 hours of playtime I can no longer refund ^^'
The games I played yesterday were with a veteran who was very nice and willing to give me a lot of tips. Few games I had today were together with someone else who was also new. Both were found through the Discord, makes grouping up so much easier.
Oct 27, 2017
Tensest moment of the evening; my team is killed as we cross a road, I run for it like a big coward, my shooting skills hopelessly outclassed - pursued and badly injured, bullets whizzing past me, then seizing my moment duck behind a tree and into some incredibly dense bushes. And there I cower as footsteps sound all around as my pursuers hunt me. They came so close! I'd love to say I popped up, killed them and saved the day, but I just hid quietly, sweating. One of the guys ran past me close enough to touch. Eventually they left and I revived my teammates.


Nov 1, 2017
Finally had my breakthrough games.

Playing with a random we start a game that is a war from the start. Guns popping off everywhere for a few minutes before dying down. As we work our way through the clues we make it to the spiders layer as gun fire picks up again. I was ready to hang back with the gunfire buy my teammate was already working his way into the lair so I had to help. So intense fight the spider while their was clearly a gun fight going off outside the building. Managed to get the boss kill and banish waiting for an attack. Only one hunter must have survived and my teammate dropped them and we booked it for extraction. Made it out ok. First boss kill, first extraction. My heart was pounding the entire time from the start of the boss fight until I saw the words "You live to see another day"

Second game, another random. We quickly gather all the assassin clues but the area sound hot so we start heading towards spider clues and grab one of those. Soon the spider is being banished and it's far off so we head back to the Assassin. Managed to get the kill even though I got put down twice. Banished and grabbed the tokens and used dark sight to see enemies directly above us waiting to strike. My teammate takes off so fuck it I have to too, I throw a bomb I looted from a box. (actually I think it was the fire diffuse) It must have cause enough distraction or another team showed up cause there was a ton of gunfire as I hoofed it into the trees and never looked back. Heart thumping as I catch up to my paRtner and extract.

I have fallen out of love with multiplayer games the last few years. Yeah I'm thinking I'm back



Oct 25, 2017
It feels like it's got a bit of inertia after the PS4 release. I'm glad it's finally getting some traction.

I've often thought that what would be really fun in Hunt is some sort of very dangerous mob that is attracted to hunters who are staying in one place too long. Maybe it's because you're not corrupt in this very corrupt place, but the basic idea is that you need to keep moving or it's going to start getting a lock on you.

would legitimately like this more than how it is now. Could even have the tough monster try and chase the boss tokens.


Oct 25, 2017
Tensest moment of the evening; my team is killed as we cross a road, I run for it like a big coward, my shooting skills hopelessly outclassed - pursued and badly injured, bullets whizzing past me, then seizing my moment duck behind a tree and into some incredibly dense bushes. And there I cower as footsteps sound all around as my pursuers hunt me. They came so close! I'd love to say I popped up, killed them and saved the day, but I just hid quietly, sweating. One of the guys ran past me close enough to touch. Eventually they left and I revived my teammates.
Sometimes hiding and waiting it out is the 200iq play! You lived and got the revives, sounds like you saved the day to me.


Oct 25, 2017
Had a power moment with the shotgun last night - wiped a 3 squad solo who had just killed the boss in the prison. Literally can't unlock Quartermaster fast enough.


Oct 27, 2017
I can't wait to get Quartermaster so I can rock a shotgun and sniper. I'm liking the Veterlli Deadeye at the moment. My highest level hunter died so that was nice. No more fanning at the moment...

I kind of wish they made aiming with the mouse a little harder (in this and in most shooters on PC). It's too clean which is not reflective of shooting these type of weapons in real life.
Oct 27, 2017
Had a power moment with the shotgun last night - wiped a 3 squad solo who had just killed the boss in the prison. Literally can't unlock Quartermaster fast enough.

I looooove the prison. I mean I love all the locations, they're all fantastic with their various entrances and exits and tunnels and they're all overflowing with atmosphere, but the prison I particularly enjoy.


Mar 23, 2018
Still new to the game, tried to play with some randoms and failed, so I went solo. Had a match where I killed 3 hunters and was able to kill/banish/extract a boss. Have not been able to replicate that level of success! haha


Oct 25, 2017
I can't wait to get Quartermaster so I can rock a shotgun and sniper. I'm liking the Veterlli Deadeye at the moment. My highest level hunter died so that was nice. No more fanning at the moment...

I kind of wish they made aiming with the mouse a little harder (in this and in most shooters on PC). It's too clean which is not reflective of shooting these type of weapons in real life.
Sadly, it used to be harder, and many people think the gunfights were better when it was. The sway on all guns was a good deal higher, and differences between guns with stocks and pistols was more pronounced.

Far less instant headshots back then, and there was a very noticeable increase in headshot kills when they dropped the sway. Since the first sway reduction, they added back a little, but still nowhere near where it used to be.

Speculation was that they lowered sway for consoles, to make it easier to aim on a stick. (The change happened around when the xbox port happened) But who knows, it's been like this a while, so Crytek seems happy with where it's at.

Put me in the camp that misses the original sway, and more difficult headshots.


Oct 27, 2017
Sadly, it used to be harder, and many people think the gunfights were better when it was. The sway on all guns was a good deal higher, and differences between guns with stocks and pistols was more pronounced.

Far less instant headshots back then, and there was a very noticeable increase in headshot kills when they dropped the sway. Since the first sway reduction, they added back a little, but still nowhere near where it used to be.

Speculation was that they lowered sway for consoles, to make it easier to aim on a stick. (The change happened around when the xbox port happened) But who knows, it's been like this a while, so Crytek seems happy with where it's at.

Put me in the camp that misses the original sway, and more difficult headshots.

Didn't realize this either. Interesting. Really they should have differences between game pad and mouse and keyboard. Personally I think it's a little more fun when you have to take time and aim and there are more variables in your aiming. With this kind of game, the aesthetic, and the weapons used it's okay for aiming and shooting to be messy.


Oct 28, 2017
wonder when the 1.3 patch will show up but the patch process will most likely be PC test server > PC live 2 weeks later > Console live 1 week later

Slick Butter

Oct 25, 2017
man I still don't really like the current unlock system. been pretty consistently using the nagant officer since it unlocked and I have made a point to actively use it and it still took over 20 ranks to get the nagant officer carbine unlocked.

Still, been having GREAT matches recently. Lots of PvP encounters and come out of most of them alive! Also surprised I'm sitting at the top of my friends list in terms of K/D (except one friend who refunded it with 1 kill and 1 death), because while I play Hunt the most out of my friends, I am far from the best at shooters out of them. I guess Hunt requires its own unique skillset though!


Wonder from Down Under
Oct 27, 2017
Population seems like it's definitely spiked. The Aussie PC community has always been small; I see a lot of the same names killing me. But tonight's rounds were PACKED. Had a good few solo rounds (so duos max), and then trios, and all of them had a really large assortment of players. Weird for a Tuesday night, when the weekend is usually most active, but very welcome. Exciting shootouts.


Oct 25, 2017
Night time matches are so incredibly tense. I was playing a trio game and literally most of the match was just waiting for the enemy players to make their move. We won the match but we never even killed the final team because we couldn't get a bead on them and decided to bail and escape.

It went down at Alain & Son's Fish.


Oct 28, 2017
Went in solo with free loadout, found the butcher and 2 hunters there, killed them both, looted a Pax, scoped vetterli and i found 1000 dollar on one of them. Went to the extraction immediately :D



Oct 27, 2017
Got my first double bounty. A group got the Butcher and we ran across them and another team(s) all on the way to the spider. I saw a pack of dogs sneaking up on one guy so I just kind of got his attention and he missed every shot before the dogs swarmed him lol. Then when he was fighting them off I tagged him and that was that. Turns out he had the bounty and his friend was dead a little ways up the hill. There was no one else on the map so we got the Spider and got out. Fun stuff.


Oct 29, 2017
Sadly, it used to be harder, and many people think the gunfights were better when it was. The sway on all guns was a good deal higher, and differences between guns with stocks and pistols was more pronounced.

Far less instant headshots back then, and there was a very noticeable increase in headshot kills when they dropped the sway. Since the first sway reduction, they added back a little, but still nowhere near where it used to be.
The only thing about the game that pisses me of. I get that high skilled aimers should be rewarded, but being rewarded (and punished on the other side as the one being headshot) with an instant kill in a game where death really hurts (time, money, hunter) is too much for my taste. It should be more about positioning, flanking, map awareness. Not saying this doesn't play a role now, it's just the headshot/aim factor is a bit too strong for my taste. At least they could a bullet drop to make it more consistent with the feature of bullet velocity. The game is still intense without the fear of 8 out 10 deaths being by headshots, but it would be much less frustrating. There's nothing you can really learn from being headshot apart from shit happens (pretty often, though...). Being outflanked, outplayed, however, is something else you can capture on video and learn from it.


Writer at
Oct 28, 2017
I feel like melee weapons are OP. I went with the Machete and killed someone before he even got to shoot at me. Feels cheap but hey. Also I feel like killing the bosses first is not worth it. You'll 100% get ambushed before retrieving the tokens so the pressure's on your team. But I had a match where we killed the butcher and I downed two hunters who tried to ambush us by shooting from a window.


Wonder from Down Under
Oct 27, 2017
I'm not toooooooo fussed with the aiming system as it is. I like the ballistics, I wouldn't change those. But like many others I joined in early access when there was less sway and the headshot ratio definitely spiked as they reduced it. It leads to a lot more quick crackshots right in the head from the most talented players, which is definitely annoying.

To be fair though it seems like they're adding in a hardcore mode, which might make a difference.

Had a power moment with the shotgun last night - wiped a 3 squad solo who had just killed the boss in the prison. Literally can't unlock Quartermaster fast enough.

Shotgun sprees in Hunt are exhilarating. The dropoff is hard so you're busted at rang, but maaaaaaaaaaaan in close quarters they're just incredible. Very well balanced. Nailing a shotgun round into another hunter just feels so fucking good. A single BOOM and they're down. Clearing a squad, particularly interiors, with a shotgun is very rewarding.

I feel like melee weapons are OP. I went with the Machete and killed someone before he even got to shoot at me. Feels cheap but hey. Also I feel like killing the bosses first is not worth it. You'll 100% get ambushed before retrieving the tokens so the pressure's on your team. But I had a match where we killed the butcher and I downed two hunters who tried to ambush us by shooting from a window.

I think they're pretty well balanced, precisely because they are OP if you get the jump. It ties into the game formula well, how if you're out in the open and want to get all shooty shooty you can nail kills over distance with a single headshot but if you want to risk interiors you're going up against melee. I honestly don't think a lot of players realise how damn useful it is. Put away your guns and get out your machete or axe.


Oct 25, 2017
Cologne, GERMANY
I feel like melee weapons are OP. I went with the Machete and killed someone before he even got to shoot at me. Feels cheap but hey. Also I feel like killing the bosses first is not worth it. You'll 100% get ambushed before retrieving the tokens so the pressure's on your team. But I had a match where we killed the butcher and I downed two hunters who tried to ambush us by shooting from a window.
Totally agree. I always poke around the area and wait for them