Dark Knight

One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Unintentional or intentional. Whatever amount of time you personally consider to be nap-length. I'm really curious as to what others' patterns are in terms of napping. Also I'd be curious about your age if you don't mind sharing it. I know some who live by/for naps and others who oddly despise naps. I enjoy a good nap myself though I suppose I wonder if I take too many and would be better suited to try and get more sleep during real sleep time so to avoid taking them as often. So, do you like to nap often?


Banned for use of alt account
Oct 30, 2017
i take nap after intense weekend workout. so 8 times? I am 27


Oct 31, 2017
I used to take one every day for a while. Now I haven't in a few months. I would rather just go to bed really early at like 7pm.


Oct 27, 2017
I'd say maybe three or four times a month, no longer than an hour but usually 20-30 minutes. It usually hits when I'm doing something grindy in a game... my eyes will start to get heavy and I'll just set a timer to wake me up in 25 mins. Occasionally I'll turn the timer off and nap a little longer.
Oct 28, 2017
Seven plus 9...carry the one...taking into account quantum time dilation...7. I nap 7 times a month. I'm in my mid 30s.


Into the Woods
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Parts Unknown
The only times I have napped were when my mother forced me to stay in bed to "rest" when I was sick as a child, even then I was asleep like 1 hour out of the many hours I would lay in bed
I cannot take naps, on a biological level, my body will not fall asleep in the middle of the day


Oct 25, 2017
30+ Usually one a day, I get sleep when and where I can so that I can be available to my kids in the morning and when they get home from school, but also be awake at night to spend some time with my wife.

I've been sick as hell the last week, so I've been napping twice as much thanks to medicines.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm 31, and I'm on team no-nap. Napping screws with my nighttime sleeping schedule so I avoid it.


Self-requested ban
Oct 28, 2017
I'm insanely sleepy after lunch, which isn't good because we have an open office and I need to look busy. :(


Oct 25, 2017
My sleep schedule is absolutely fucked due to working third shift and constantly having different school schedules since going back, so I have to nap nearly every day I have to just so I can function.


Restless Insomniac
Oct 25, 2017
Currently, 0. I've had horrible insomnia my entire life and would nap a lot during the daytime, but inexplicably it just stopped being a problem for me over the last 6 months or so, which is absolutely unreal and has been a weird blessing.

It turns out....not being depressed helps!

H3rTz DoNuT

Oct 30, 2017
You sleep 12 hours a day?

Fuck me, my head would explode from that. I would get a headache if I sleep more than 6 hours lol

I take naps from time to time but not often and not for a long time. I usually get around 4 hours of sleep, I work out every day, I have a kid and a wife so after a week or two the lack of sleep may catch up to me and I might need a nap for an hour or so.

When my son was younger and was still napping I would nap with him but those days are gone lol


Oct 25, 2017
Usually one a day. My gf gets home later than I do so I usually nap until she gets home.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm 31 and if I had to guess the number of naps... 0.1-ish?
I pretty much only take naps when I'm sick or have a bad headache.
I almost took one today because I didn't get enough sleep last night (thanks, cats) and I was kinda tired for a bit, but I didn't.
Ever since I was young, taking naps has always felt to me like a waste of time. I could be doing something productive or "productive" instead of just sleeping. So whenever I take a nap I'm always just overcome with this, "You could be doing literally anything better with your time right now," feeling.


Oct 25, 2017
Daily. Usually between 11 AM and 1:30 PM. Sometimes 20 minutes sometimes 90.

I'm 40 and this is habit since I've been 25 or so. It's so important to my day that even my wife and kids know every day around that time is "do not disturb" time.


Oct 25, 2017
0-2 times a month. Sometimes I'll crash after work or mid-day on a weekend but it's quite rare. Mid 30s.

I took more in my 20s before I had a family.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't nap. If I take a nap I end up feeling horrible. I wake up feeling like I'm in a dream state and I wake up at a weird hour in the middle of the night after I go to bed.