
One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Can someone tell this American what happened to this amendment from the the House of Lords?

Did it fail in the Commons? Hard to google the news without specifics.
It passed. But all that amendment does is forcibly recall Parliament in case of a prorogue running through October. The current prorogue ends on the 14th, so it doesn't affect the amendment.

Boy Wander

Alt Account
Oct 29, 2017
UKers its time to storm parliament and take back control of your government. Its supposed to be a government by the people in a democracy, you have that power. Set the standard the rest of the world needs to see as more and more democracies are falling into totalitarianism and corruption that the people can change their government, by force if necessary.

I don't think that would end well for anyone.


Oct 28, 2017
So he is basically throwing away democracy at this point

I guess the Tories have been doing that for years but even still
That democracy voted for a brexit. If suspension is what it takes to rip this bandaid off then that's on the people who voted for this eventual outcome. Britain voted poorly and this is a consequence of that.


Oct 25, 2017
If the manufacturer address on my medicine leaflet is in the UK does that mean the medicine itself is made in the UK? Trying to work out if I should throw myself into traffic now or wait until after we leave. (Joking. But still. God why.)


Mar 13, 2019
Not from UK and so in short, is shutting down parliament akin to government shut down in the United Shtates?


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Not from UK and so in short, is shutting down parliament akin to government shut down in the United Shtates?
It's like if Congress was shut for a month - the executive (the White House) can still go on as normal, but Congress can't meet to debate things or pass legislation.

This also means that the government can't do anything that would require parliamentary approval, but this doesn't seem to be on their agenda anyway.


The Fallen
Mar 13, 2018
Why the hell didn't parliament order a VONC before the break? Have they not learned in the past few years conservatives don't care about decorum?
Oct 28, 2017
This sounds like a very Trump-ish /GOP kind of move.

Trump can only wish he has the power to do this kind of thing. The government has royal assent to do whatever the fuck it wants. She can't really disagree with anything they propose because she wants to stay politically neutral, out of fear of appearing like a dictator, which is funnily enough exactly what the current government is acting like.
Oct 28, 2017
Oh the old lady suspended democracy


I'm not entirely sure why this is difficult to grasp but either decision she makes can be construed as 'suspending democracy'. Either she intervenes directly in parliamentary affairs as head of state and tells Boris to go fuck himself or she accedes to the Prime Minister and progogues parliament. It's lose-lose.


Oct 27, 2017
If the manufacturer address on my medicine leaflet is in the UK does that mean the medicine itself is made in the UK? Trying to work out if I should throw myself into traffic now or wait until after we leave. (Joking. But still. God why.)

That's an interesting question to which I don't have an answer. It probably isn't manufactured in the UK though.

Primal Sage

Virtually Real
Nov 27, 2017
Not from UK and so in short, is shutting down parliament akin to government shut down in the United Shtates?

Not at alle.

I think you have something you call "recess" where congress is on holiday and therefore can't pass any laws, correct? This is basically the same as Trump forcing congress to take time off so they can't pass any laws that hinder his agenda.

What Boris Johnson is doing is to send parliament on holiday (which he legally can) in order to prevent them to use september for laws that will stop him from leaving the EU without a deal.


Oct 26, 2017
That democracy voted for a brexit. If suspension is what it takes to rip this bandaid off then that's on the people who voted for this eventual outcome. Britain voted poorly and this is a consequence of that.

The vote was advisory, it has nothing to do with democracy. Rules were broken, but I don't think we have suitable laws to deal with that in a non binding referendum. It also didn't specify how we would leave, with many of the engineers of the current situation saying it would certainly be put to a second vote.


Mar 18, 2018
Ah. So was the amendment a long shot or is Boris Johnson's asking her to authorize it unusual?

I apoligise, I believe I was mistaken and Kanhir is actually accurate to the situation.

But, in general any law has to have the "royal assent" which to simplify means she has to sign off on it. She can also ignore or veto any law or amendment if she wanted to.


Oct 27, 2017
Why the hell didn't parliament order a VONC before the break? Have they not learned in the past few years conservatives don't care about decorum?
They tried multiple times but the Tories don't have spines and would rather defend their broken party above anything else.
Boris became leader of the Tories during the recess. They haven't had a chance to vote him out yet.


Oct 31, 2018
Grimsby, GB
If the manufacturer address on my medicine leaflet is in the UK does that mean the medicine itself is made in the UK? Trying to work out if I should throw myself into traffic now or wait until after we leave. (Joking. But still. God why.)

Depends. I work at a plant in the UK that processes the active ingredient but the tablets themselves aren't made here, as far as I know.
Our site is closing next year and is being outsourced to India and China ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
And I thought by Netflix standards that this queen was smart...

There's nothing she can do, as many posters have explained.

Why the hell didn't parliament order a VONC before the break? Have they not learned in the past few years conservatives don't care about decorum?

The new PM was elected right before the recess, so there wasn't anyone to have no confidence in until the last day. Any VoNC on the last day before the recess would have been rushed and likely not passed, thus giving Boris the mandate he wanted.


Oct 25, 2017
looks like Boris delivered one way or another. Odd that someone would seek fame tied to something so miserable.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I wonder how pissed Scotland is and how bad they just want out now


Oct 26, 2017
Also, speaking of democracy, roughly four times as many people have signed the petition against prorogation than were able to have a say on voting Boris into power.
Oct 28, 2017
The Queen absolutely has the power to tell a government it can't form, or deny any of their laws from being passed, but she won't do it because she's afraid of getting the chop. That's how we got to where we are today. Past queens and kings were threatened with riots and death if they didn't give in to the peasantry.

Why do you think they had to go "ask" the Queen if they could do this? Its not just some twee convention. Its how the UK madly operates. We need to trash everything and come up with a proper constitution.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
That democracy voted for a brexit. If suspension is what it takes to rip this bandaid off then that's on the people who voted for this eventual outcome. Britain voted poorly and this is a consequence of that.

So you're deliberately going to ignore that all the people who were elected to represent us are deliberately being prevented from doing their jobs -representing their electorate- to push through the agenda of one man who, in his own words, is "an unelected prime minister"?

My ballot said nothing about leaving the EU in the most catastrophic manner possible, and neither did any one else's.


Mar 18, 2018
We're allowed to shit talk any republican politician for following the Trump Administration's orders no matter how little power they have in the US government (and rightly so) but God help you if you criticise the Queen of England.

People defending her saying the Queen apparently had no power at all but here we are, with her actually shutting down the government and nothing that can or will be down about it.
Oct 27, 2017
Why the hell didn't parliament order a VONC before the break? Have they not learned in the past few years conservatives don't care about decorum?

Because they would probably have lost. And even if had passed, the chance of being able to form another government that can command a majority within 14 days is vanishingly small (and it's that part that is still the sticking point).

Plus, the timing of Johnson being named PM just before the summer recess adds an extra complication, as they would have also to also pass something to delay or extend that.

Hey Please

Oct 31, 2017
Not America
It's like if Congress was shut for a month - the executive (the White House) can still go on as normal, but Congress can't meet to debate things or pass legislation.

This also means that the government can't do anything that would require parliamentary approval, but this doesn't seem to be on their agenda anyway.

Not at alle.

I think you have something you call "recess" where congress is on holiday and therefore can't pass any laws, correct? This is basically the same as Trump forcing congress to take time off so they can't pass any laws that hinder his agenda.

What Boris Johnson is doing is to send parliament on holiday (which he legally can) in order to prevent them to use september for laws that will stop him from leaving the EU without a deal.

Ah! Essentially the federal legislative body is shut down. And we have Parliament too :P (shame on me for forgetting it) in Canada.

Hahahahahahahahaha! Actually mine was in reference to This.


Oct 29, 2017
Trump can only wish he has the power to do this kind of thing. The government has royal assent to do whatever the fuck it wants. She can't really disagree with anything they propose because she wants to stay politically neutral, out of fear of appearing like a dictator, which is funnily enough exactly what the current government is acting like.
Oh I realize that. I'm just saying if Trump/GOP had this option, you can bet they'd try it.


Oct 27, 2017
We're allowed to shit talk any republican politician for following the Trump Administration's orders no matter how little power they have in the US government but God help you if you criticise the Queen of England.

People defending her saying the Queen apparently had no power at all but here we are, with her actually shutting down the government and nothing that can or will be down about it.

People are not defending the queen, there are arguing with you because you're a fool chatting absolute shite. You have no idea what you're talking about.
Mar 29, 2018
I'm sick of this mentality. I'm in England and I was born in a city that was one of the few places to vote remain. None of the garbage dwellers in power represent me.
True. It's easy for us outside of England to be like "screw England".

It's just so out of whack that you guys have some like 55 million-worth of voting power, while Scotland has only 6 million and Wales/NI have substantially less. The union just doesn't make any sense, we're minor political floats thrown around in your wake.
Oct 26, 2017
True. It's easy for us outside of England to be like "screw England".

It's just so out of whack that you guys have some like 55 million-worth of voting power, while Scotland has only 6 million and Wales/NI have substantially less. The union just doesn't make any sense, we're minor political floats thrown around in your wake.
It is where people live. You'd have to have some garbage system like the electoral college in the USA to make it even but look how that turned out: the candidate with the most votes lost.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Why the hell didn't parliament order a VONC before the break? Have they not learned in the past few years conservatives don't care about decorum?
Because other groups like Lib Dems and IG don't either and will side with the Tories before letting the Labour Party win anything under Corbyn