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Oct 27, 2017

Do the maths again.

How much this costs in long term? Better to buy console than this.

Even for a casual gamer its expensive.
How much does this cost in the long term? $0. Unless you are counting the internet cost, but I assume you are using your internet for other things, and would have that anyways...


Oct 28, 2017
It's not like getting a game console for free.

It's more like buying a movie off itunes that you can only stream. Do you say "it's like getting a BluRay player for free?"
I mean sort of. I have no need for a blu Ray player if I can just buy the movies online and watch them (and this doesn't go into the inherent advantages of digital streaming)

I'm not saying that this is better or worse, but the free tier is sorta like getting a free console (but we don't know of the console is good or not)


Oct 26, 2017
Can somebody alot smarter than me explain this to me and what I'm missing.

speedtest says I have this speed


and google says I have this speed

There seems to be a difference of 220 Mbps?


Oct 26, 2017
Because in order to access that virtual machine you have to have very good internet connection and reliability. Most mobile networks are not set up for streaming high performance games. Either way they are doing a port, because Stadia doesn't just run PC games as is, they have to be ported. You haven't made a convincing argument for why Stadia is a more attractive option for the developer and the consumer.

I haven't made a convincing argument about why it's better because I haven't been trying to. As I just said. Why not both.

Hear you describe legitimate problems for many players, but not all. While they require a port to stadia, I think that would bring plenty of players by being an option that is attractive in its own ways.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
Winnipeg, Canada
I agree with you completely. I pay $5/mo for PS+ and I still have to buy new games that come out on the system AND, like you said, I have to pay up front for the hardware. I'll be glad to get out of buying hardware for a small increase in my monthly gaming service charge.

That is what a lot of people seem to be missing here. I don't have a gaming pc and see this potentially relaxing my next gen purchase


Oct 27, 2017
I agree. I think internet connection is the biggest concern, especially with the marketing pushing the play anywhere aspect. But for those with sufficient internet speeds, it could be a viable alternative to a console just in terms of playing at home with a stable connection and being able to use multiple screens.

I was actually surprised that my speed tested fast enough for 4k since I live in a smaller town. Unfortunately, my ISP has a 1TB data cap so I'm out on Stadia unless something changes.
I actually don't have a data cap so I'd forgotten about that as a factor.

That's a big one.

That is what a lot of people seem to be missing here. I don't have a gaming pc and see this potentially relaxing my next gen purchase
It's a very contextual value proposition. If your internet is too slow or has a lower data cap you're completely out by default.


Developer at Pixel Arc Studios
Oct 26, 2017
Harrisburg, Pa
Ultimately, the real news is that it's the first game streaming service that I'm aware of that will have a subscription free option, which is going to be a massive boon for indies and free to play games. In comparison, Stadia Pro is currently poor value for money, since it'll just increase the max resolution of the stream and include access to one game. Admittedly, that one game is Destiny 2, which ain't nothing.

With that all said: the Founder's Edition pack isn't bad. I'm not going to lie, it is within "worth a punt" territory. That said, I am going to wait and see if Microsoft announces Xcloud on Sunday before pre-ordering anything.

But.... you don't get any games to play with the subscription free option... it will just allow you to use the service and play the games that you purchase. Not really sure how that's a massive boon for indies... free to play on the other hand, sure.


Oct 26, 2017
Definitely did not expect them to offer free version. Although the fact that not even the paid version supports more than 6ofps seems to ruin one of the best parts of PC gaming (high framerates).

The announced regions also kind of suck. I'm pretty sure I'd be closer to some Italian datacenters than a large number of Americans will be to their datacenter, but I can't even try the thing because I don't live in the correct country.

As for the premium price, $10 seems about right. I'm not going to pay for it, but PCs that get that performance do cost quite a bit of money, so it's the price I was pretty much expecting. Although again, I'd really expect 144fps support at that price. Especially considering Nvidia's streaming service does support it (I think it was for select games only right now, but it's definitely doable in a streaming platform). And a PC that can do 4K/60fps should be capable of 1080p/144fps.


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
You pay monthly a fee.
You have to pay for the game you want to play
Main thing of the system is streaming
600 bucks for 5 years gaming with 4K and for games you have to pay like on consoles.

Yep this is the future if you have a big wallet.

You dont HAVE to pay a monthly fee though, unless you want 4K and discounts.

Its like saying have to pay for PS+ to play your PS4. sure you will miss out on some quality features but its not required


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
If there's this much confusion in this thread about Stadia, Google has a problem.

I still remember reading up on and generally agreeing with the skepticism over the lack of clarity/details about Stadia from the original reveal. Now we have some details and people are still unsure about what exactly the service is or how exactly it works.

I think they're vastly overestimating the audience for people willing to stream games like this atm. That's all my thoughts on this.

Pretty much how I feel. To me the approach and details given for the service feels very oddly specific, to the point that I don't think the pitch they are selling will entice a general audience. Maybe if buying games to stream (old and new) was stupidly cheap, and the game library was vast and varied, and the streaming quality was as good as it's being touted to be across the board; then I could maybe see this service getting momentum beyond a niche demographic. But I can't say that I believe that Stadia will being able to meet all three of those goals at some point in its lifespan, let alone the idea that Stadia will tick any of those boxes starting at launch.


Dec 21, 2017
My thoughts: I like what they're trying to do, and I hope they're successful in the future, but right now it's not worth it for me. Having said that, come November of 2020 I might be more interested in going with Stadia instead of paying $500 for the next Xbox or PS5. It just depends on what kind of software they have at that time.

As it is they really, desperately need more games.


Oct 27, 2017

Do the maths again.

How much this costs in long term? Better to buy console than this.

Even for a casual gamer its expensive.
Depends on many variable. A new Playstation or Xbox owner may pay upwards of $500 or more for the new system that might not even play the games with as high of settings. Those new console owners will also likely be paying a monthly fee for Xbox Gold or Playstation Plus. Stadia also won't be static, the hardware will get better, your new console will stay the same. Your games will also likely only be played on that system only. There is also a free option coming next year.

I love how the first game you get with Stadia Pro is basically free for everyone now xD

It's been said multiple times that is only the base game they will get for free, Stadia players get the full package and new content coming.


Nov 3, 2017
I agree with you completely. I pay $5/mo for PS+ and I still have to buy new games that come out on the system AND, like you said, I have to pay up front for the hardware. I'll be glad to get out of buying hardware for a small increase in my monthly gaming service charge.

Same. I don't think I could ever give up on consoles strictly because of Nintendo and Sony exclusives, but if Stadia is successful I could see it being my main choice for 3rd party games moving forward.

Deleted member 11413

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I haven't made a convincing argument about why it's better because I haven't been trying to. As I just said. Why not both.

Hear you describe legitimate problems for many players, but not all. While they require a port to stadia, I think that would bring plenty of players by being an option that is attractive in its own ways.
But if they port to mobile then there is little reason to port to Stadia. You aren't accessing a new audience at that point.

Deleted member 2379

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Great post in the other thread that really nailed a lot of the issues people need to expect.

Traveling where? Hotels? Nope. Playing on a mobile device on a train or plane? Nope. Public wifi? Nope. 4G LTE? Nope.

Remember that the bitrates quoted are for the dedicated stream, not for your entire home connection. Which is to say that if you have a 50mbit service to the home, 35mbit needs to be dedicated to your Stadia stream. Have people in the house fire up Netflix, have a Ring camera go off, etc.

Not to mention that the vast majority of people playing will fall into the 1080p/stereo crowd. How will that constantly fluctuating stream on a 4K tv look? Cloud gaming, as a straight replacement for owning a console, is a solution in search of a problem that just creates more problems than it solves.

60fps at widely varying bitrates? What's the point? Would you rather use the bandwidth to have 30fps but more consistent image quality? The problem with cloud streaming games, with ALL services, is that it is so deeply dependent on things the provider can't control.

Oh, and what happens when the service is at capacity? You are literally waiting in a queue to play a game that you may have paid for. If Netflix operated this way, would you use it?


Oct 26, 2017
Can somebody alot smarter than me explain this to me and what I'm missing.

speedtest says I have this speed

and google says I have this speed

There seems to be a difference of 220 Mbps?

I have a similar disparity.

I wonder if the test also includes a decode aspect - and it tests what 'throughput' your machine can handle end-to-end, not just on the network side, but also in terms of video bitrate decode speed. Maybe that's the bottleneck? (Might make sense for my laptop - not sure about your machine).


Prophet of Truth
Oct 26, 2017
But.... you don't get any games to play with the subscription free option... it will just allow you to use the service and play the games that you purchase. Not really sure how that's a massive boon for indies... free to play on the other hand, sure.
Indie games are cheap, and I imagine it'll be far easier to convince a non-gamer to spend a one-time fee of $10-$20 then a one-time fee of $60.

Palette Swap

The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Wait, are they saying you need a mobile phone to play on a tv?

⁵Stadia Controller requires a Wi-Fi® network and a mobile device running Android 6.0, Marshmallow or later, or iOS 11 or later. Availability and performance of certain features, services, and applications are service-, device-, and network-dependent and may not be available in all areas. All features, functionality, and other product specifications are subject to change without notice. Additional terms, conditions, and/or charges may apply.

⁶Chromecast Ultra requires a TV with an HDMI port, a Wi-Fi network, and a compatible (Android or iOS) mobile device. Minimum OS requirements are at Availability and performance of features and services are application-, device-, and network-dependent and may not be available in all areas. More information is available at the Chromecast Help Center.

This sounds incredibly complicated.


Nov 10, 2017
If Netflix also made you pay for each episode you want to watch on top of monthly fee.

I feel whole need to purchase games you want to stream on top of monthly fee little bit defeats point of streaming service.

If you play on PS4 (1080p), you spend $60 on new games + $60/yr to play online + $300 for the system.

If you play on Stadia (1080p), you spend $60 on new games, but you get high-end PC graphics on any device.


Oct 27, 2017
I was skeptical at first when I heard the rumored pricing for Stadia. But after digesting it a little, I don't think it's too bad. Sure, the content isn't what I want right now, but it'll get there. They're subscription library will take time to be on the level of Game Pass for sure. But overall, it's not a bad pricing structure and I can see it being very successful.

Now I'm curious what xCloud will bring. I've been tied to the Xbox ecosystem for nearly two decades. If Microsoft does something similar, they'll have me for another two easy.


Dec 10, 2017
If this works I am so in. Let me play destiny 2 on my iPad Pro in bed was like this thing was made for me. Getting 55mbs so I really hope it works.


Oct 27, 2017
Great post in the other thread that really nailed a lot of the issues people need to expect.
I think this bit right here is the key:

"Remember that the bitrates quoted are for the dedicated stream, not for your entire home connection. Which is to say that if you have a 50mbit service to the home, 35mbit needs to be dedicated to your Stadia stream. Have people in the house fire up Netflix, have a Ring camera go off, etc"

That right there is going to sour a lot of people that try it and as soon as someone else in their house goes to stream Netflix they get booted or it becomes unusable and people quickly giving up. This will happen A LOT and spread via WoM quickly I bet.


Banned for misusing pronouns feature
Oct 30, 2017
Wait, are they saying you need a mobile phone to play on a tv?

This sounds incredibly complicated.

You need an app (Google Home) on your phone to sync the controller with your router. Something like that.

One feature that wasn't quite working was the Wi-Fi connectivity of the controller – the controller needed to be plugged into a laptop for our tests but, when it launches, Google says that it will be connected to your home network via the Google Home app. Once implemented, connecting directly to your router could cut out crucial milliseconds of delay and save you lives in platformers and frustration in the real world.



Oct 26, 2017
I have a similar disparity.

I wonder if the test also includes a decode aspect - and it tests what 'throughput' your machine can handle end-to-end, not just on the network side, but also in terms of video bitrate decode speed. Maybe that's the bottleneck? (Might make sense for my laptop - not sure about your machine).

Yeah, not entirely sure. I'm on my PC which is decent and I'm hardwired in not using wifi or anything. I should probably check my laptop away from my modem to see what it's like.


Nov 3, 2017
Yea it seems like a good deal especially as they should update the hardware at some point like you said. I want to know what online shooters would be like, didn't DF say the xbox 1x has high(er) latency or am I remembering wrong. Buying games digital would be like whatever as it would be no differene to buying on a console really. So much that needs to be known still.

I think it's interesting that the controller connects with the server directly or something like that, so maybe that would help with latency. Hopefully, it will be at E3 so we can get a better idea of what its performance looks like.
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