
Oct 28, 2017
So you can't fabricate your own opinion about the game and you have to rely to other people opinions? Ok.
Haha yeah, that's definitely it.


Jimbo Replacement
Oct 25, 2017
No it's not, a hot take would be if the OP didn't elaborate on their opinion at all, which they did
People with hot takes could elaborate on their hot take. Hot take purpose is to attract attention and the op got it with the thread title. His elaboration is not that great either, there is the word count but not the substance.


Oct 25, 2017
Strong lack of enemy variety, lack of (mechanically) good boss fights,

1) Fighting the apes and trolls got extremely repetitive and boring the more the game progressed. They are essentially just regular enemies ,not bosses.

Story was a gamble some aspects were good, others weren't
1)Baldur is shallow and disappointing as a character. Not a good final boss.(despite having a great final scene)
Could've made for a decent side villain but the fact that he is THE main antagonist is disappointing.

2) Brok and Sindri take too much screen time and play too big a role.The world feels somewhat empty when its nothing but those two everywhere. Ultimately Mimir is also comic relief too. The cast in general just isn't good enough as a whole.

3) Cutscene direction is stellar. Kratos/Son interactions (and their relation to Faye)are stellar but not balanced by enough antagonistic forces that actually matter.

Overall this is a good(not great game) that feels unbalanced and incomplete. It pushes amazing visuals and production values but those came at high costs. I find it very hard to want to get back to it after having completed it once


Agreed on these points. The storyline with the elves also felt like it was cut up/edited poorly. Some will say "wait for the sequel" but it just didnt feel good anyway, or realized.

I did not like Baldur. He just felt lame, and the boss fights overall were just not good. The trolls were tiring. It was disappointing going to hell to fight the guard whose heart I needed to save my son, only to realize it was a reskinned troll.

Dragon fight was the only one I enjoyed, as well as the 2 sons.

I also did not like Freya and how her whole arc played out in the end. I do not care at all about any of the characters besides Mimir, Kratos, and Son. I am hoping that the sequel has better characters as it focuses more on gods like Thor and family.

I very much did not care for Baldur and Freya and they both felt grating as it became clear they were the games final focus.


Oct 27, 2017
I have over 50 hours into the game. Its easily my most replayed action game of all time.
Plus the outcry for a New Game + was so vocal that SSM are patching it in. You don't get that for a game people think is repetitive. Sorry you're opinion is an outlier

The big issue is you have some legitimate points but your letting your frustration over those criticisms color your whole impression which is making you have this over the top hyperbole filled argument for the rest.
The enemy variety was fanatic, sure they have alot of the same type but they all have different moves and functions which changes things up.

This is a thing most Rpgs does.


Oct 27, 2017
"Very small levels"

"Narrow hallways"

This is what you get after years and years of open world brainwashing. Make some of the most intricate looping levels with clever design and they get marked down as small and narrow.


Oct 25, 2017
God of War actually has puzzles and well designed levels that are fun to explore, it's not just a straight hallway that leads you to the next encounter or cutscene. It also does a good job of giving you a more open area with exploration and side missions. Obviously it's masking loading zones sometimes but that parts of the games direction, zero cuts. It works well.

This game is also about 5x longer than the previous God of War games, it's not going to have as many boss fights, it could have had zero boss fights and i still would probably call it the best game of the generation.

Deleted member 249

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
The enemy varity was fanatic, sure they have alot of the same type but they all have different moves and functions which changes things up.
Uhhh, no, the enemy variety is one of the few things with the game that almost everyone can agree it was objectively lacking in. Especially considering this is an action game, or the variety in previous games in the series, enemies beginning to repeat themselves halfway through was a big problem.

Dick Justice

Oct 25, 2017
Not sure why you quoting me I pick a point that I 100% disagree with and it makes no sense too considering how intricate and pack the areas where.

Loot, new enemies , new areas opening up its was away something to do it was never empty.
Picked your quote by mistake, edited it soon after.
I'd elaborate but 116 people have already done it for me. If OP still believes in his views on the game despite all that, what can I say?
So essentially you have no counter-argument, and just rely on other people to form your opinions for you?


Oct 27, 2017
Uhhh, no, the enemy variety is one of the few things with the game that almost everyone can agree it was objectively lacking in. Especially considering this is an action game, or the variety in previous games in the series, enemies beginning to repeat themselves halfway through was a big mark on the title.
Ahh no I dont agree with that I still confused at people saying this.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
I just completed God of War and its a game that starts out promising but I feel hugely disappointed.

Pushing visuals came at a huge price when it comes to level design

The game's levels are tiny, bitty and severely limited in scope and design.The game feels like it has to mask loading almost all the fucking time.

1) Constant, lenghty slow door opening animations. every two feet.

2)Intentionally slow, lenghty climbing animations/obstacles that are a slog to get through after the first time.

3) Levels are very small and empty most of the time despite looking impressive.

4) Many of the "rooms" levels are repetitive empty narrow hallways that seem to serve nothing but mask loading the next area.

5)It felt like there were too many forced slow walk sections.

Strong lack of enemy variety, lack of (mechanically) good boss fights,

1) Fighting the apes and trolls got extremely repetitive and boring the more the game progressed. They are essentially just regular enemies ,not bosses.

2) Game is overlong and padded with boring arenas of fighting the same enemies over and over.

3) Tedious encounter design on higher difficulties. Lack of manual healing made it tedious because whenever you get hit its probably a better idea to reload the checkpoint than wait for a random heal drop.

Story was a gamble some aspects were good, others weren't
1)Baldur is shallow and disappointing as a character. Not a good final boss.(despite having a great final scene)
Could've made for a decent side villain but the fact that he is THE main antagonist is disappointing.

2) Brok and Sindri take too much screen time and play too big a role.The world feels somewhat empty when its nothing but those two everywhere. Ultimately Mimir is also comic relief too. The cast in general just isn't good enough as a whole.

3) Cutscene direction is stellar. Kratos/Son interactions (and their relation to Faye)are stellar but not balanced by enough antagonistic forces that actually matter.

4) The sequel baiting and teasing felt shameless. This game actually needed Thor to feel complete.

Overall this is a good(not great game) that feels unbalanced and incomplete. It pushes amazing visuals and production values but those came at high costs. I find it very hard to want to get back to it after having completed it once

I agree with the enemy variety comments, they're pretty lackluster and you face the same giant trolls way too many times for my liking.

I think you're totally wrong about the level design. While they aren't exactly huge sandboxes of things to do, there are secrets to find, puzzles to solve and no, there are not doors to open "every two feet." Yes, I know you're exaggerating to make a point, but your point is wrong.

I'm mixed about your cutscene comments. Brok and Sindri are awesome, two brothers who hate each other because they both blame the other for creating what is essentially the atomic bomb (Mjolnir). Baldur is not great; he feels like a redneck who rounds up his brothers to beat up some visual minority. Even his relationship with Freya felt stale. Mimir, while hilarious, feels really out of place in this game. I wouldn't call Thor appearing at the end to be "shameless," but necessary. His sons are dead, of course he's going to make an appearance.

I'm surprised you went that whole post without talking about the terrible camera angles during combat, it's my absolute biggest gripe about that game.


Oct 31, 2017
I agree with some points: The enemy variety is poor, Baldur is not interesting or developed, the world traversal is really bad and it feels intentionally slow...
And I agree that the game deserves a 8 and no more.
The first hours of the game are amazing, but the bad story pacing and boring traversal made the last hours pretty boring.
And yeah the slow walk sections are... slow...
GoW is a good game but not great, is another example IMO at how Sony's first party single player games attempt to be cinematic and have "interesting characters" making the games slow with lots of cinematics and slow walking sections.
I'm pretty fed up with this approach to single player games TBH, and even if I enjoyed GoW I feel like I've played a really bloated game that doesn't have any substancial plot development besides some cutscenes at the start and the end.


Oct 31, 2017
I disagree with everything except the lack of variety in bosses and the lack of Thor/Odin.

I never once felt that the areas were too small, or that there was too much climbing/opening doors. Infact, climbing felt very realistic and added to the immersion.

Deleted member 3925

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Nah, there was nothing that felt incomplete to me. There probably could've been more bosses, but that's it.


Oct 27, 2017
The game technically had a fair amount of enemy variety, it's just not enough of them required you to change your approach in any meaningful way apart from the annoying projectile spammers. Then again, that's a problem the original games had as well, where everything was fought by just wailing on it until you needed to dodge cancel or something. The new one is actually better in that respect since it feels like each one of your attacks is actually doing something (rather than only the last hit of the chain) and you have to commit to attacks more. But it's undermined by how most of the enemies kind of all look and behave the same. It needed more stuff like the Wulvers and Snake like creatures, and fewer straight humanoid types.

I didn't actually finish the game, I got pretty close I assume but the story had kind of ground to a halt, descending into that "your objective is to get here, but every time you get there we throw a wall in your way and make you go somewhere else in a tangent 3 times in a row thing" that I hate. That combined with the fact I hadn't seen anything new combat wise for ages meant I just didn't go back to it one day.
Oct 27, 2017
People with hot takes could elaborate on their hot take. Hot take purpose is to attract attention and the op got it with the thread title. His elaboration is not that great either, there is the word count but not the substance.

I think his elaboration makes enough sense and is substantiated enough, it doesn't have to be an overly argued master's thesis like so many threads on this site. And I don't see how this thread is any more of a hot take than all the 'God of war is the greatest thing since sliced bread' threads I've seen here, which attract just as much attention.

And to be clear, I Don't even agree with OP. I think the game is complete, it just feels uninspired on every level of story and gameplay beyond the axe boomerang.


Oct 31, 2017
I'm surprised you went that whole post without talking about the terrible camera angles during combat, it's my absolute biggest gripe about that game.
I forgot this one.
The close and personal camera works well to make the player feel more like Kratos, but during combats with many enemies or enemies that can move fast, the camera is really really bad.
Oct 26, 2017
It's meant to be a wide linear game. It's not meant to be an open world. No matter when it was made, it would always be like this.

I mean, Mankind Divided and the original Deus Ex aren't open world either but they're massively more reactive than God of War is.

Throwing the axe around demonstrates just how few objects have any physics to them and how Kratos can touch and interact with almost nothing in the environment.

And of course, Kratos being unable to climb or jump up 10-15 foot walls and having to do a long detour happens at least like 6 or 7 times in the game.


Feb 1, 2018
It's meant to be a wide linear game. It's not meant to be an open world. No matter when it was made, it would always be like this.
"Very small levels"

"Narrow hallways"

This is what you get after years and years of open world brainwashing. Make some of the most intricate looping levels with clever design and they get marked down as small and narrow.

I hate empty open world design ,and that's not what I wished for the game to be like.

But this isn't great wide linear design.

Its hyper linear narrow design.It harkens back to last gen's hyper linear hallways.

Deleted member 8408

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
It's the most complete AAA game I've played all generation.

I'd like some recommendations from you OP since you seem so wise.


Oct 27, 2017
This is probably the worst take I've seen around here in a very long time. "Hampered and incomplete." Get outta here man. I dont even know where to start with this dumpster fire of a post. But suffice to say, you kinda missed the point on Baldur.

Deleted member 8408

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
I hate empty open world design ,and that's not what I wished for the game to be like.

But this isn't great wide linear design.

Its hyper linear narrow design.It harkens back to last gen's hyper linear hallways.

Actually scrap that, I don't want any recommendations from you. You're straight up trolling at this point.

Deleted member 249

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I mean, Mankind Divided and the original Deus Ex aren't open world either but they're massively more reactive than God of War is.

Throwing the axe around demonstrates just how few objects have any physics to them and how Kratos can touch and interact with almost nothing in the environment.
Because God of War is not a systemic immersive sim like those two?
Like- "Kratos can't interact with most things in the environment", this is true for most games. There are very few games that allow for undefined interactions with the environment.

I hate empty open world design ,and that's not what I wished for the game to be like.

But this isn't great wide linear design.

Its hyper linear narrow design.It harkens back to last gen's hyper linear hallways.
Now we're moving into the territory of opinion. I'll just say I disagree and leave it at that.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
I forgot this one.
The close and personal camera works well to make the player feel more like Kratos, but during combats with many enemies or enemies that can move fast, the camera is really really bad.
Or when there are enemies behind you that are belting you with long-range attacks and you have to close in on them, but when you turn around, you get dicked on by melee enemies you were fighting and pelted with long-range attacks.

It sucks. I get that it's a huge departure from the combat of the other games, but there's a reason people liked the combat of the other games.


Oct 31, 2017
I mean, Mankind Divided and the original Deus Ex aren't open world either but they're massively more reactive than God of War is.

Throwing the axe around demonstrates just how few objects have any physics to them and how Kratos can touch and interact with almost nothing in the environment.
Yeah, take Metroid Prime or Resident Evil 4 for example.
Even if the two games don't have a good world interaction, I found the linear exploration in these games far far better than in GoW.


Jan 16, 2018
The level design is really bad. They clearly removed the jump button because the game is stuffed full of invisible walls everywhere. And the looping level design in parts feels ridiculous because it only works because there's no jump button but Kratos is shown to have MCU superhero jumping abilities.
jumping would've most definitely been awful with the camera. It doesn't feel like it was cut, it feels like it wasn't there day one, what are you even saying


Jan 16, 2018
Ah another hot take thread. Can't say I agree with any of it, although I did get kinda tired of the enemy design.


Jimbo Replacement
Oct 25, 2017
I think his elaboration makes enough sense and is substantiated enough, it doesn't have to be an overly argued master's thesis like so many threads on this site. And I don't see how this thread is any more of a hot take than all the 'God of war is the greatest thing since sliced bread' threads I've seen here, which attract just as much attention.

And to be clear, I Don't even agree with OP. I think the game is complete, it just feels uninspired on every level of story and gameplay beyond the axe boomerang.
His elaboration is full with hyperbole similar to the title. And yes people who make this thing is greatest ever are also making a take.


Oct 27, 2017
Tbh, tiny linear levels feel like a breath of fresh air to me at this point. Im sick of huge open world games that are half game half busy work


Oct 25, 2017
Couldn't disagree more.

The ONLY thing about God of War I didn't like was the kinda cheesy fast travel loading. Made it a bit tedious and dragged out to travel anywhere.