
One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
My understanding is that the emails and texts were corroborated by the WSJ. It was referenced in Greenwald's article and linked earlier in this thread.
No emails and texts provided corroborate anything that the initial accusation posits. So yes, emails and texts exist (according to one source), but if they show nothing of interest was the initial accusation of the story actually verified? So again, why should journalists be asking questions regarding accusations that have not been verified? Why does the story deserve any air beyond what has currently been investigated?
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Oct 27, 2017
Seriously, who gives a shit about what Hunter does? As long as he isn't killing anyone and Joe isn't involved, I don't care. And it doesn't need to be a Russian op to be very clear disinfo - domestic GOP disinfo, but extremely obvious disinfo at that.


Oct 25, 2017
I used to really respect Glenn Greenwald. Man, what happened to this guy?

during the obama years he actively cultivated the image of someone who wasn't afraid to critique liberal policies in such a way that may have led you to believe he was a leftist, but then once trump got in office it became increasingly clear he didn't actually care all that much about imperialism or government corruption or government surveillance, he just really wanted to complain about The Libs


Oct 27, 2017
The emails and texts are real in my opinion based on corroboration from multiple sources and the fact that no one involved with the Biden family has refuted them. If they are real it's fair game to talk about their contents and what they might mean. What do they mean to Joe himself? Seemingly not much. But it's okay that we talk about them and be honest about what they do and don't contain. I don't know why this very simple point I'm making is hard to understand.

Sure, let's stop investigating the mass murdering psychopath and focus on the guy whose son may have gotten a parking ticket.

It makes total sense! Let's give oxygen to Trump's lies! Let's give him the benefit of the doubt! He's only cried wolf, like, what? 15,000 times? Not like he was impeached for trying to frame the laptop's owner or anything.

I. Trust. Trump. This time, he's really telling it like it is. He has changed at age 74.


Oct 25, 2017


Elizabeth, I’m coming to join you!
Oct 25, 2017

it actually repudiates the statements

The venture—set up in 2017 after Mr. Biden left the vice presidency and before his presidential campaign—never received proposed funds from the Chinese company or completed any deals, according to people familiar with the matter. Corporate records reviewed by The Wall Street Journal show no role for Joe Biden.

greenwald was referring to Strassel's opinion piece in his article.


Oct 27, 2017
From the top of the article.

corporate records reviewed by The Wall Street Journal show no role for Joe Biden

Granted that is only the beginning of the article. I will read the rest now.
I understand all this and my point has never been "OMG JOE BIDEN CORRUPT!!!!!"

Please go back and read my posts in this thread and you will see that I've never said this.

People seem to be putting a lot of words in my mouth here that I'm not saying. My questions are: is the laptop real? are the emails and texts real? if so, what questions do they / did they lead us to? and what are the answers to those questions?

My point is not "laptop prove Joe bad!" my point is that we should not shove something aside and yell Russia about it because we don't like it. That's all.


Elizabeth, I’m coming to join you!
Oct 25, 2017
I understand all this and my point has never been "OMG JOE BIDEN CORRUPT!!!!!"

Please go back and read my posts in this thread and you will see that I've never said this.

People seem to be putting a lot of words in my mouth here that I'm not saying. My questions are: is the laptop real? are the emails and texts real? if so, what questions do they / did they lead us to? and what are the answers to those questions?

My point is not "laptop prove Joe bad!" my point is that we should not shove something aside and yell Russia about it because we don't like it. That's all.

there's been no corroborating information the laptop was actually hunter's. There's been no corroborating info that the emails are real outside of one source.

said person was there on behalf of trump.


Oct 25, 2017
I understand all this and my point has never been "OMG JOE BIDEN CORRUPT!!!!!"

Please go back and read my posts in this thread and you will see that I've never said this.

People seem to be putting a lot of words in my mouth here that I'm not saying. My questions are: is the laptop real? are the emails and texts real? if so, what questions do they / did they lead us to? and what are the answers to those questions?

My point is not "laptop prove Joe bad!" my point is that we should not shove something aside and yell Russia about it because we don't like it. That's all.

Point is that the story is nothing and you keep trying to give it life.

If not then I really don't know what your aim is here.


Oct 27, 2017
there's been no corroborating information the laptop was actually hunter's. There's been no corroborating info that the emails are real outside of one source.

said person was there on behalf of trump.
Two sources, by my reading of Greenwald's article. One is implied but it personally passes the sniff test for me.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
My point is not "laptop prove Joe bad!" my point is that we should not shove something aside and yell Russia about it because we don't like it. That's all.
How was it shoved aside when WSJ reporters covered the story a few days after the Post? And other outlets did the same? Who are you arguing with? Your posts in this thread have zero consistency.


Oct 27, 2017
Point is that the story is nothing and you keep trying to give it life.
I agree that the story is probably nothing, which is why we shouldn't have been scared of it. Twitter and Facebook didn't need to censor it. We didn't need to yell about how it's "obviously Russia" despite intelligence experts involved in the investigation saying they dont think it is.


Alt account
Nov 1, 2019
He basiclly admitted that the story regarding Hunter Biden lead to absolutley nothing and keep in mind even fox news would not touch the imaginary laptop story that Rudi Guiliani was floating around.

And when the intercept refused to run story because it was obvious it was a bunch of bullshit he screamed censorship


Oct 27, 2017
How was it shoved aside when WSJ reporters covered the story a few days after the Post? And other outlets did the same? Who are you arguing with? Your posts in this thread have zero consistency.
Literally minutes after the NYP story went live people were saying it was Russian disinformation despite lacking any evidence of that being the case. I have a problem with that.


Oct 25, 2017
I agree that the story is probably nothing, which is why we shouldn't have been scared of it. Twitter and Facebook didn't need to censor it. We didn't need to yell about how it's "obviously Russia" despite intelligence experts involved in the investigation saying they dont think it is.

Qanon was 'nothing' it has spread to the point the GOP has Qanon believers running for office.

So tell me again why we should give oxygen to blatantly false misinformation?

Literally minutes after the NYP story went live people were saying it was Russian disinformation despite lacking any evidence of that being the case. I have a problem with that.

Oh so you believeing that we should keep this alive is because of your own personal prejudice? And who are 'people'?


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
We didn't need to yell about how it's "obviously Russia" despite intelligence experts involved in the investigation saying they dont think it is.
Maybe it was Russia. We're just asking questions. We shouldn't be afraid to ask questions.
Literally minutes after the NYP story went live people were saying it was Russian disinformation despite lacking any evidence of that being the case. I have a problem with that.
What people? Randos on the internet?


Oct 25, 2017
I agree that the story is probably nothing, which is why we shouldn't have been scared of it. Twitter and Facebook didn't need to censor it. We didn't need to yell about how it's "obviously Russia" despite intelligence experts involved in the investigation saying they dont think it is.

Considering it's a presidential race, we should not be encouraging news outlets to run non stories who's only aim is to damage a candidate.

Sorry if it's not but I can't shake the belief that your intent is to want to further explore this non-story in hopes that something may eventually lead beyond just Hunter.

If not then please prove it, because your history doesn't lend you many favors.


Oct 27, 2017
Qanon was 'nothing' it has spread to the point the GOP has Qanon believers running for office.

So tell me again why we should give oxygen to blatantly false misinformation?
I don't know why you think I'm giving oxygen to misinformation. I believe if the emails and texts are real then people should have access to read those communications and decide what they say for themselves. I have read them. I think at best there is an implication that Joe might get a cut of some foreign deal. I think people have the right to know that and decide if that means anything to them. I don't know why you are all so angry about that. If it's nothing, let people see that it's nothing. Don't try to obfuscate it by saying it's Russian propaganda when you have no evidence that it is.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Literally minutes after the NYP story went live people were saying it was Russian disinformation despite lacking any evidence of that being the case. I have a problem with that.
So why even put on a show about how all these bullshit questions should be answered when this was your main hang-up?


Oct 29, 2017
I agree that the story is probably nothing, which is why we shouldn't have been scared of it. Twitter and Facebook didn't need to censor it. We didn't need to yell about how it's "obviously Russia" despite intelligence experts involved in the investigation saying they dont think it is.

ORB Allegedly Beats His Wife, Evidence and Implications Discussed Within

Don't worry Orb, it's probably nothing, so we shouldnt be scared of starting threads and just asking the question amirite? Harmless right? Couldn't possibly lead to people that might get the wrong impression that such salacious and unverified allegations are true.


Oct 25, 2017
And so far the director of national intelligence and the FBI both say there is nothing to support that it is. Which could change. But I take their word over random forum posters whose immediate response was "I can't believe you'd fall for some obvious fake Russian bullshit"

lmao, Ratcliffe is a partisan hack that previously failed to be confirmed by the GOP after being exposed as a liar. He got thisnjob in exchange for trashing Mueller. He was just caught going rogue saying Iran was trying to hurt Trump by hacking the proud boys and sending out pro-trump threats

FBI didn't say shit


Oct 27, 2017

ORB Allegedly Beats His Wife, Evidence and Implications Discussed Within

Don't worry Orb, it's probably nothing, so we shouldnt be scared of starting threads and just asking the question amirite? Harmless right? Couldn't possibly lead to people that might get the wrong impression that such salacious and unverified allegations are true.
Am I just being really unclear in my points or are you trying to misunderstand me on purpose?


Oct 25, 2017
I don't know why you think I'm giving oxygen to misinformation. I believe if the emails and texts are real then people should have access to read those communications and decide what they say for themselves. I have read them. I think at best there is an implication that Joe might get a cut of some foreign deal. I think people have the right to know that and decide if that means anything to them. I don't know why you are all so angry about that. If it's nothing, let people see that it's nothing. Don't try to obfuscate it by saying it's Russian propaganda when you have no evidence that it is.

Its funny how you pretend to be so open-minded that your brain falls out about this story, but mention Russian propaganda.


You are giving away your agenda.

Baji Boxer

Chicken Chaser
Oct 27, 2017
based on corroboration from multiple sources
Well, that's definitely not true. The corroborating source is one guy who was involved in some Hunter Biden venture that fell through, making no money for anybody. He provided some emails to the press that he claimed implicated Joe Biden, when in fact they had no mention of Joe, and the rest got "lost in the mail". At least one person involved in the deal said Joe was never involved in any way.

The press found no evidence Joe was involved in any of this, and there was nothing in his financial records indicating it was so. Reputable journalists decided not to run with a complete non-story about some failed buisiness venture Hunter was involved in in China.

Edit: On Russia, it probably became the narrative due to the "revelation" that Giuliani was being used by Russian intellegence to get disinformation to Trump around the same time Giuliani produced this laptop. It could be coincidence though, as Giuliani doesn't necesarily need Russia to get disinformation out there.
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The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017

Who can be shocked someone who wrote this (and these are just excerpts, the whole thing is fucking long) would end up caping for white nationalists and a wannabe fascist.

I'm just kinda speechless at this. Did people here defending Greenwald in the past know about this?

Ignatz Mouse

Oct 27, 2017
The funny yet sad aspect of this is that Greenwald is saying it's not about Hunter, but about Ethics in Political Journalism.

We've circled back to gamergate.


Oct 25, 2017
Well, that's definitely not true. The corroborating source is one guy who was involved in some Hunter Biden venture that fell through, making no money for anybody. He provided some emails to the press that he claimed implicated Joe Biden, when in fact they had no mention of Joe, and the rest got "lost in the mail". At least one person involved in the deal said Joe was never involved in any way.

The press found no evidence Joe was involved in any of this, and there was nothing in his financial records indicating it was so. Reputable journalists decided not to run with a complete non-story about some failed buisiness venture Hunter was involved in in China.

Also said business guy is now in debt to china for a about 600K.


Oct 27, 2017
Well, that's definitely not true. The corroborating source is one guy who was involved in some Hunter Biden venture that fell through, making no money for anybody. He provided some emails to the press that he claimed implicated Joe Biden, when in fact they had no mention of Joe, and the rest got "lost in the mail". At least one person involved in the deal said Joe was never involved in any way.

The press found no evidence Joe was involved in any of this, and there was nothing in his financial records indicating it was so. Reputable journalists decided not to run with a complete non-story about some failed buisiness venture Hunter was involved in in China.
I am not saying "corroborated" in the sense that he had evidence that Joe Biden himself did something shady. I mean that he was able to confirm that the emails and texts were legitimate. And my understanding is that he was according to the WSJ.


Oct 25, 2017
There has to be something I'm just not understanding.

If the aim of the story was to implicate Joe Biden and nothing can corroborate that Joe Biden was involved then why should we ask questions and keep pursuing where the existing emails ultimately lead?

Like, what's the point? This is where it has me all confused.


Woke up, got a money tag, swears a lot
Oct 25, 2017

Glenn is going to clear his name on truth-sayer Tucker Carlson.

odd, tucker carlson's program isn't classified as 'news' by Fox themselves

why would he appear on an 'entertainment' program masquerading as a news program?

why would a professional journalist do such a thing?

🤔 🤔 🤔


Oct 29, 2017
Am I just being really unclear in my points or are you trying to misunderstand me on purpose?
You continue to advocate giving life to questions and stories that there is zero credible validation of.

The only emails anyone has access to have no mention of Joe at all And show no improprieties.

There is zero evidence of the laptops existence, zero evidence that has been credibly corroborated about any improprieties involving Joe Biden, or Hunter for that matter, yet you are advocating for those viewpoints to get oxygen and airtime under the guise of what's the harm?

The harm is that when you give oxygen to unverified allegations you signal to a number larger than zero that the allegations being made have credibility or the issue being highlighted is deserving of consideration.

It is reckless and I would be banned for starting a thread alleging you to be a wife beater without corroborating evidence, same as it would be reckless to give oxygen to unverified allegations against a political candidate in the closing weeks of an election.

We literally played this game in 2016 when allegations of all manner of ginned up improprieties turned out to be untrue in the Podesta/DNC emails and the remnants of the damage from giving oxygen to those allegations without verification is still with us today.


Elizabeth, I’m coming to join you!
Oct 25, 2017
There is a reason why everything leads back to opinions.



Oct 27, 2017
The only emails anyone has access to have no mention of Joe at all And show no improprieties.
I NEVER SAID THERE WAS. My point, in the most basic way I know how to make it, is that it was bad to immediately jump to the conclusion that this leaked information was a Russian op instead of hoping that other journalists would try to continue the investigation, corroborate any evidence, and follow the questions that any resulting information led to.

So far those investigations seem to lead to nothing implicating Joe Biden directly in any misdeeds. Great! I'm just glad the investigations happened. I'm glad journalism was performed.

But when the original story came out, people all over the internet, randos and professionals alike, were immediately decrying it and saying it was "obviously Russia" despite the fact that intelligence agencies say they have no evidence that's the case.

Truth is important, even when we believe it is messy or uncomfortable.