
Oct 25, 2017
I mean, the Tara Reade story could very will still be true. Like most sexual assault stories, it's a he said/she said situation.

A 1993 video exists where Tara's mother called in to Larry David to ask advice about what to do about powerful senator and her daughter running afoul and whether she should go to the press about what happened. On top of that, Biden has a history of being grabby, with at least 10 women coming forward to talk about unwanted contact they've received from him. It's not exactly outside the real of possibility that he would do something like this.

Maybe she's lying, maybe she isn't, but one shouldn't act like it's a forgone conclusion that she is lying.


Biden's accuser says mother called into 'Larry King Live' in 1993 for advice after alleged sexual assault

Newly surfaced video from 1993 appears to feature the mother of Tara Reade, a woman who accused presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden of sexual assault, calling into a cable TV show to seek advice around the time of the alleged assault.

Its not true

The PBS deep dive solidified this in stone for me

It never made sense given both peoples history and patterns of conduct. It should have never been given air

meowdi gras

Feb 24, 2018
I mean, the Tara Reade story could very will still be true. Like most sexual assault stories, it's a he said/she said situation.

A 1993 video exists where Tara's mother called in to Larry David to ask advice about what to do about powerful senator and her daughter running afoul and whether she should go to the press about what happened. On top of that, Biden has a history of being grabby, with at least 10 women coming forward to talk about unwanted contact they've received from him. It's not exactly outside the real of possibility that he would do something like this.

Maybe she's lying, maybe she isn't, but one shouldn't act like it's a forgone conclusion that she is lying.


Biden's accuser says mother called into 'Larry King Live' in 1993 for advice after alleged sexual assault

Newly surfaced video from 1993 appears to feature the mother of Tara Reade, a woman who accused presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden of sexual assault, calling into a cable TV show to seek advice around the time of the alleged assault.
I have complicated feelings about it. Initially, I believed Reade because I believe women when they say they've been sexually assaulted. It's a relatively rare instance when it's false. However, Reade historically has done just about everything imaginable to destroy her credibility in the public's mind. I'm not certain what to think about her account of alleged rape, but I felt confident enough to finally pull the lever for Biden (although I dislike him intensely).

On the other hand, I find it hard to shake the ill feelings stirred in me seeing how mercilessly she was eviscerated around here for her story. Even before the revelations about her lying history broke, folks here were letting loose at her with one utterly vile accusation after another. The ordeal educated me pretty thoroughly on the breathtaking risk a woman assumes in going public about sexual assault, particularly if the accused is a popular figure. I'm certainly extremely glad in retrospect that I never went public about my own experience with it. It's an absolute minefield of a path to follow. (My awe and admiration for women brave enough to go public knows no bounds.)


Oct 25, 2017
New Jersey
I know it has never stuck, but Trump has a history of doing significantly worse to multiple women so I'm wondering if they just wanted it to get all brushed aside.

Republicans have looked like absolute hypocrites in many things this election cycle (most notably in the nomination of ACB), I sincerely don't think they'd give a shit to bring up a possible sexual assault scandal with Biden knowing Trump has like 50 of those lol