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Oct 26, 2017
Part of me wants to continue to save all my primogems until Zhongli but the other part is too impatient and wants to just go through like 13k on Klee. I thought she was kinda bad during her trial but I didn't delve too deeply into her skillset and she's apparently a top tier DPS. Not having Diluc is another major reason I want her too besides just being adorable.
Yeah, I'm kinda in the same boat. Got a bunch of Primogems and I want to hold onto them but I don't have enough information to know what's worth waiting for right now. Also don't know whether or not more 5 stars will get added into the character banners later on, meaning it will be even more difficult to get 5 stars moving forward.
I gave her Lost Prayer (one of the two 5* weapons I have, the other being Skyward Atlas). I've been reading online that it's pretty solid for her.
Wow yeah. That weapon is definitely strong. I only suggested Prototype Malice because it heals you, but if you've got a healer that weapon's definitely better.


Oct 26, 2017
Is it worth crafting the weapons from the blacksmith? Where do I get great weapons besides from pulls?
All the best weapons are from pulls. That said, Prototype Malice is a great weapon, as are Prototype Aminus and Crescent Pike. The craftable 4* sword is pretty meh, but still usable (though many would tell you to use Fillet Blade until you get a good 4* or 5*).


Oct 25, 2017
I wasn't originally planning on pulling on the Klee banner at all and just waiting to see which new characters end up being featured when 1.1 makes its way out, but I feel my resolve starting to weaken on that...but not because I'm interested in or even want Klee. I'm considering it mostly for the sake of getting some Noelle duplicates to get her a bit more along her constellation (I already have her first constellation unlocked and she's gradually wound up as the most built-up member of my current B-team, her playstyle continues to grow on me over time), but having finally seen some more of her playstyle I'm actually starting to consider trying to go for Sucrose too, and using her to replace my Traveler in the B-team. I like the idea of using her for Swirl supports and occasional burst damage and it would let me focus elsewhere on a true point-character, as right now that secondary team has a bunch of ok "options" for point but it feels like all four characters there all kind of mush into the same general category. B-team right now also has zero ranged option at all so that would be nice.

Xinqiu...if I get him I guess he's handy for item synthesis at least, I guess. It's just that right now while I like my two teams okay enough, neither one of them feels exactly right and I think a bit of reshuffling would be good, but I'm at a bit of a loss for how to best go about it with the characters I currently have. Something new to break up the stalemate wouldn't be bad...just slightly regretting not picking up any Fischl even though I still don't really like her design or character, it's just a shame there aren't many similarly-minded options right now. Hell, now that the Venti banner is over, Amber and Fischl are literally the only two archers available anymore, right? That hurts.


Oct 30, 2017
I've decided to use my little token things on the klee banner (15) but still saving all my primogems for Xiao when he comes out. The only reason i'm even rolling on the klee banner is because Sucrose and Xianqiu are my two best units.


Oct 26, 2017
I want Keqing so I can swap her with Fischl. Plus a Keqing, razor, fischl team sounds nice for the Oceanid xD


Oct 25, 2017
Seeing that the Klee banner is ending the day before 1.1 is coming out leads me to believe that Xiao's banner is not next and instead is gonna be either a Zhongli banner or a Childe banner with whoever of the two who's not having the banner going to the Standard banner. Xiao's banner probably won't come out till after that banner or closer to the Lantern right festival event.


Oct 25, 2017
Oooof I am *not* a fan of the guy MC's hair. Shoulda picked the girl.
I wish I went with the girl as well. The English dub assumes you picked girl with how many times they vocally reference your "brother", even when playing a guy despite the subtitles mentioning "sister" in the dialogue. They could have just said "sibling" to keep it neutral for both MCs, but I guess whoever is in charge of the English script and/or VA direction never thought of that.

Why would they throw a new character into the standard banner like that, that'd be horrible
It would be extremely stupid, unless they have a rate up for the new unit for a few weeks.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
I wish I went with the girl as well. The English dub assumes you picked girl with how many times they vocally reference your "brother", even when playing a guy despite the subtitles mentioning "sister" in the dialogue. They could have just said "sibling" to keep it neutral for both MCs, but I guess whoever is in charge of the English script and/or VA direction never thought of that.

It would be extremely stupid, unless they have a rate up for the new unit for a few weeks.
Playing the sister constantly refers to you as the brother as well. The English dub is just completely borked when it comes to messed up dialogue placement.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Just reached AR30. Any tips on what I should be doing on a daily basis? What do people do to reach AR40


Oct 25, 2017
I just found this cool looking 3* greatsword embedded on a mountain. Is it any good?

It was on one of the islands near the geo boss.


Oct 25, 2017
I use Chongyun as main DPS as well, so it'd benefit me to put another Cryo character on my team, but I don't like Kaeya, so... :(


Fallen Guardian
Oct 31, 2017
is there any way to confirm we already got gems from Blessing of the Welkon Moon beside "Days remaining : xx (Already claimed today)" ?
i don't remember my gems yesterday :(


Oct 25, 2017
Where do you see your characters star lvl in the game... they all show as 0 stars even though I pulled 2 that are 4 stars


Oct 25, 2017
Just reached AR30. Any tips on what I should be doing on a daily basis? What do people do to reach AR40
Daily commission will give 1400/1500 xp
Daily resin will give roughly 900 xp (1 resin = 5 AR xp)

Story quest from AR32 is about 1500 xp and AR34 is 2000ish xp, forgot about AR36 quest
World quest if you haven't done it
Most of ruins at Liyue will give world quest and lots of chest too
The rest is basically from opening chest, so keep exploring and looks for anything that will give you chest (puzzle, challenge, etc)


May 8, 2018
If anyone have not listened, the latest Waypoint podcast had a good portion of Genshin talk.

They also delved into some of the controversies the game faced. I thought they were really good discussions.

Scrooge McDuck

Oct 25, 2017
Seeing that the Klee banner is ending the day before 1.1 is coming out leads me to believe that Xiao's banner is not next and instead is gonna be either a Zhongli banner or a Childe banner with whoever of the two who's not having the banner going to the Standard banner. Xiao's banner probably won't come out till after that banner or closer to the Lantern right festival event.
I feel like Zhongli would only has his banner when the Liyue chapter ends and I kinda doubt 1.1 is that.


Oct 26, 2017
Where do you see your characters star lvl in the game... they all show as 0 stars even though I pulled 2 that are 4 stars
I don't think it really does anywhere honestly besides the initial card you pull. You can always go by character background color though.

Gold is 5*
Purple is 4*
The stars you're talking about are tied to ascension levels.

This is kind of a small thing but I like that the game doesn't force your character to stand up when interacting with cooking/npcs and so on like some other games I've played. You can just sit down and chill.



Stumbled upon a bunch of huts knocked down and abandoned with a bunch of pets still nearby.



Oct 25, 2017
I could use Sucrose but I think I'm going to be pulling on the regular banner. I need carries, and literally any of Keqing/Diluc/Razor/Chongyun would immediately take over the carry spot on my primary team (never mind needing another for a second team). I could try doing a Noelle Geo team if I got Ningguang too.

I'm using Xiangling as my carry right now but her true home is as a subcarry - same with Fischl.
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