
Oct 25, 2017

Four-day week 'an overwhelming success' in Iceland

The majority of workers in Iceland now look set to move to shorter hours for the same pay.

Trials of a four-day week in Iceland were an "overwhelming success" and led to many workers moving to shorter hours, researchers have said.

The trials, in which workers were paid the same amount for shorter hours, took place between 2015 and 2019.

Productivity remained the same or improved in the majority of workplaces, researchers said.

In Iceland, the trials run by Reykjavík City Council and the national government eventually included more than 2,500 workers, which amounts to about 1% of Iceland's working population.

Many of them moved from a 40 hour week to a 35 or 36 hour week, researchers from UK think tank Autonomy and the Association for Sustainable Democracy (Alda) in Iceland said.

The trials led unions to renegotiate working patterns, and now 86% of Iceland's workforce have either moved to shorter hours for the same pay, or will gain the right to, the researchers said.

Workers reported feeling less stressed and at risk of burnout, and said their health and work-life balance had improved.

Will Stronge, director of research at Autonomy, said: "This study shows that the world's largest ever trial of a shorter working week in the public sector was by all measures an overwhelming success.

"It shows that the public sector is ripe for being a pioneer of shorter working weeks - and lessons can be learned for other governments."

Gudmundur D. Haraldsson, a researcher at Alda, said: "The Icelandic shorter working week journey tells us that not only is it possible to work less in modern times, but that progressive change is possible too."


Does not approve of this tag
Oct 25, 2017
You mean human beings given ample time to rest & rejuvenate function better in the workplace????



May 2, 2018
5 day work week is terrible. I gave up a huge salery to only work 2 days a week , because fuk 5 days... i want my life, i want my health, i want to focus on making the world a better place , focus on my own projects.

5 day work week is terror. To everyone young here ,,, plan your future in a way to avoid 5 days. Minimize your financial obligations , minimize your lust for money and material possessions. Do it!


Nov 6, 2017
I've worked a variety of different shifts in my lifetime. A 4 day workweek, a 7-4 7-3 shift, and the standard 5 day workweek was the worst. Regularly having at least 3 days off makes a big difference. You can actually travel and do stuff on your days off.

Even if I had to do 10 hour shifts to get 40 hours in a week, I'd do that to get 3 day weekends.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 27, 2017
Hoping this 4day work week w/same salary gets traction, but every country is different as their GDP relies on different sectors (differences in culture, society...) so it needs yo be tested on the country it will be implemented on. Successes in some countries don't guarantee a success in the others.

As a freelance, I can't see myself going back to 8h/5d work week at the office.


Oct 25, 2017
A huge part of the reason I'm switching careers is I'm tired of living for the weekend. 24 hour shifts might be a lot, but randomly getting multiple days off in the middle of the week sounds like a no brainer.


Oct 27, 2017
And depending on your line of work, you can also work with your boss to have the start of each week different in order to get six days off in a row.

That's vacation time without using PTO, which can then be saved for when you actually go on vacation.

Give me that 32 hour week kthnx.

Septimus Prime

Oct 25, 2017
"If 4-day work weeks retain 100% productivity, let's keep a 5-day week and push to 125%!" -Shit management


Dragon Girl Supremacy
Oct 25, 2017
I've thought at how much I could actually do with my life if I didn't have to work for survival. All the projects I've thought about, learning a new language, trying out drawing and maybe writing here and there...then I remember that I only have so much free time until I'm slaving at work again and go back to comfort activities.


Oct 17, 2020
Capitalism won't care and the news and journalists will tell them why it's selfish towards the companies that pay them.


Oct 29, 2017
The current worker shortage happening in many countries (it's not just a US thing) is going to push a lot of businesses to move to fewer hours and it won't reverse. So we will see this coming for big and small businesses.

"If 4-day work weeks retain 100% productivity, let's keep a 5-day week and push to 125%!" -Shit management

Nope. Same reason businesses can't just go back to on-site work instead of supporting remote work. Once businesses get the advantage, others have to follow. If four days a week is more productive over five, it won't suddenly magically be more productive with a five day work week, just more expensive.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 27, 2017
"If 4-day work weeks retain 100% productivity, let's keep a 5-day week and push to 125%!" -Shit management
And all while that boss forces everyone to stay at the office so that "he can keep an eye on everyone".

But for real, if the business wants to keep it open for 5 days, just hire more people and organize schedules.


Oct 25, 2017
9-5, 5 days a week is just pure unnecessary. No one works that much.BI'd do more work if I only had to work 3 days a week. I'd probably be more productive in those 3 days than I am right now in 5.

Currently it feels like I work 5 days a week, and Saturday is the only day I can do anything because Friday I'm spent from work and Sunday I don't really get to do much cause I have to be ready for Monday.

Better pay would help too, UK salaries are pathetic for IT industry.

Eugene's Axe

Jan 17, 2019
In my country it was 6 day work week and the fuckers who hired you would talk about the day off like you should be thankful to them for having one. On top of that, the lunch hour was outside the 8 hour shift so in reality you were 9 hours at your company every day.
Fuck that. And some people would call you lazy if you wished for something different.


Oct 25, 2017
9-5, 5 days a week is just pure unnecessary. No one works that much.BI'd do more work if I only had to work 3 days a week. I'd probably be more productive in those 3 days than I am right now in 5.

Currently it feels like I work 5 days a week, and Saturday is the only day I can do anything because Friday I'm spent from work and Sunday I don't really get to do much cause I have to be ready for Monday.

Better pay would help too, UK salaries are pathetic for IT industry.

not even 9-5 anymore. We do 9-6 because we need to bill 8 hours to clients so any lunch isnt' paid. Really sucks


Nov 6, 2017
Same pay less hours isn't going to work for employers. Less pay less hours isn't going to work for a lot of employees who need the pay.
I honestly don't mind working more than 8 hours in a day. For me the day is shot anyway, so working 10 is no different. If working 10 means I get an extra day off during the week, I'm all for it. Both the employer and employee get their 40 hours per week. Everybody is happy with a much better work schedule IMO.
Oct 25, 2017
Toronto, Canada
I've only been doing office work for 3 years, and I already feel completely burnt out. Sure the pandemic didn't help, but I often times wonder how much longer I can last. Money is good, the fact that you are on a salary means you are "expected" to be available at all times, regardless of how many hours you put in during those 5 days. Add the fact that working overtime never gets you extra pay, with the added stress of sleeping and working in the same place and yeah... Feels brutal, weekends are never enough to rest because you gotta run errands and whatnot.

I miss working an hourly wage sometimes...


Oct 27, 2017
This will remain in the realm of "trials" which are never applied in practice for the most of us, unfortunately. There is nothing in it for the companies--they will just see it as their employees slacking off for the same salary. On a related note, I was surprised to learn recently (on this very forum) that in some countries (like Mexico) the official working week is even 6 days (48 hrs). That is completely insane, and I don't think I would survive working like that.


Oct 25, 2017
Good to know. The more data there is about this, the more likely this might catch on.

If you can definitely prove that workplaces are more productive on less hours, people who only care about the bottom line might notice.

Van Bur3n

Oct 27, 2017
It's perfect because Monday becomes the only real day to dread. The end of Tuesday marks the halfway point. Wednesday is when you start getting excited because tomorrow is THURSDAAAAAAAAAAY and you're done.


Oct 27, 2017
30 hours is a good spot for a lot of people, ideally I think it should be even less but that's not realistic at the moment. At least with 30 hours you can get a full day of rest in, and have the time to do other things in your personal life that makes you happy.

Happier and healthier workers are far more productive than people being grinded to the bone and getting sick all the time, even outside of Covid.


Apr 1, 2018
Had a four day weekend and feel like my body barely started recovering.

Did Iceland recover from the financial crisis? Did they go through budget cuts and austerity? I know they got hit hard but never heard much else.


Oct 28, 2017
Good news and no surprise.

It's ridiculous with all the technological advances the planet has seen we are still working 5 days a week.

Governments and private business now like to bang on about mental health, physical health and people looking after themselves but can't seem to understand that 2 day weekends are just not cutting it.


Oct 29, 2017
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No Fear, Only Math
Oct 25, 2017
it's baffling that tech has come so far and yet there are companies that demand a 40 hour work week, five day work weeks, and working in an office.

seven hours a day, four days a week, with an extra (non-paid) hour for lunch and you probably get as much out of office workers as you do a current 40 hour work week.


Oct 25, 2017
They did it the right way. People like to say they'd willingly do 4x10, but it needs to be 4x8.


Oct 28, 2017
I recently had a schedule change from 4/10s to 5/8s to cover a heavy staffing shortage and I'm pretty miserable.
I *need* that third weekend day to rest so I can get stuff done the other two days; otherwise I try to cram everything into the one day I have left and that's no weekend at all.
I told my boss I want to go back to 4/10s as soon as humanly possible.

Honestly though after doing 4/10s for several years I still feel like that's too much.
The problem with 10 hour shifts is that if you try to sleep 8 hours a day you're immediately down to just 6 hours a day for yourself, and if you factor in commutes that takes you down to maybe 4... not counting getting ready for work, potential unpaid lunch hours, etc.
It becomes a 4-day work sprint of doing nothing but working and sleeping that leaves you wiped by the end of it so that extra third weekend day is spent recuperating from all the work you just did.

There are people in my building who do 3/12s and I'd *love* that shift since I end up doing 10s to 12s anyway when scheduled for 8s, but unfortunately they don't qualify as full-time workers (and thus only receive part-time benefits) since they're 36 hours a week and not 40.

...and honestly if it was legal I'd do 2/20s, easily.
Give me 5 days off every week.
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Oct 25, 2017
as a zookeeper, I don't that ever happening for me. They would have to hire more people.


Oct 28, 2017
No job I've ever worked would be amenable to shortened weeks as I've always been paid by the hour Ina post that has to be manned 24/7. The only way to make that possible with less work hours is to pay the same but also hire more people.

Still itwould be nice for office workers guess.


Oct 25, 2017
This will remain in the realm of "trials" which are never applied in practice for the most of us, unfortunately. There is nothing in it for the companies--they will just see it as their employees slacking off for the same salary. On a related note, I was surprised to learn recently (on this very forum) that in some countries (like Mexico) the official working week is even 6 days (48 hrs). That is completely insane, and I don't think I would survive working like that.
Yea in India work week is Monday to Saturday, with Saturday bring half day.

You get conditioned for it from childhood since schools follow the same suit of 5 full days and 1 half day.

Lys Skygge

Shinra Employee
Oct 25, 2017
I start my 4 day work week schedule this week.

It helps that my dad is my boss though (we work in construction as contractors). At the beginning of the year after feeling intense burnout, I told my dad that I can't do 5 days anymore and asked if I can drop to 4. He was cool with it, and I stayed on for a few months at 5 days until he could find another guy that can work the couple days I'm off. He hired a new guy and I start my new schedule this week 😁.


Teyvat Traveler
Nov 9, 2017
This is the first time in my life where I haven't absolutely HATED working 5 days a week, and that's only because I'm work from home and there's no commute.

That said, I would immediately 100000000% take a four-day work week, especially if it was 35/36 hours total.

My last job was 4 10s and that was still far preferable to 5 8s.


Nov 4, 2019
Isn't this also a cost savings for businesses as well in terms of costs of functioning? I'm failing to see why this isn't being implemented other than just people in power being boneheaded rather than listening to research. Which happens often.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017

I already work 4, but only because 5 in food service was sending me into so much stress that when they cut my hours due to Covid I demanded it stay that way. The loss of money freaking sucks, but at least I don't break down as much anymore.


Oct 27, 2017
-Less resources used at the company site. Employees are not free to "house" during a work day.
-Better productivity due to increased rest, happiness, and overall moral.
-Most white collar jobs don't use the full 8 hours anyways and that adds up over the work.
-Better employees means better business, they work better and attract more customers while increasing customer satisfaction.

It's just a no-brainer for so many jobs and it's sad that "you're a lazy fuck" attitude ruins everything.