
Dec 3, 2018
The tone isn't quite what I expected Dialogue-wise but it's not a dealbreaker right now. Reserving judgement to see how it feels in-context 🤔 Game looks great otherwise
This new "woke trend" about having every character be the exact same as the people writing it, or acting it, or voicing it needs to die!!

As I said before, the very day that we see yellow people voicing the Simpsons, green people voicing Gamora or a rabbit voicing Bugs bunny, I will affect that trend.

If some of it sounds ridiculous it's because it is. The very essence of writing and acting, is the ability to be, do, create something you are not!


Oct 25, 2017

How are people freaking out about this kinda-lame-but-still-pretty-whatever dialogue when most JRPGs have far, far worse dialogue and VA? I am completely mystified lol

Like Tales of Arise is getting glowing reviews and impressions and that shit was horrendous

Wat. "Sincere"? What the hell does that even mean
Eh, like, cringe but played straight and heartfelt, unapologetically and not afraid of being so, you know, instead of costantly showing off how much ironic you are and how much you're self-aware something weird is happening.


Oct 27, 2017
Louisville, KY
I really don't understand the reactions here? Sounded like basic "young adult reacts to crazy things" Hollywood dialogue.
It's one of those situations where people are use to characters acting so unnatural all the time that they don't realize what a natural reaction would be. I'm pretty sure I'd be just as excited as her If I suddenly had super powers…..or saw a fucking dragon. Lol

It's fine to not be into what you've seen so far but this isn't anywhere as bad as some are making it seem.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
It feels odd seeing all the hate here when I low-key like the sass that she has.


Gravity Is Hard
Mar 13, 2021
Final Fantasy XII (some of the best video game VA ever recorded)
Final Fantasy Tactics (writing and VA in the PSP version)
Vagrant Story (writing)
Final Fantasy VII OG (writing)
Yakuza Like a Dragon (VA)

Good point, but its like 5 games over the course of, what, 25 years? And 3 of them are by the same team.

The vast majority of jrpgs are extremely trope filled- fan service- hokey and predictable writing and I love jrpgs which is why something like this doesn't bother me


Oct 27, 2017
Liking everything about this so far, other than the apparent lack of a black writer involved. But I'm looking forward to seeing the first big gameplay demonstration in the months ahead.


Oct 26, 2017
you know isekai isn't an inherent bad thing, right?

most anime isekai crap sucks cause it's nerd wish fulfillment. hell, FFX was an isekai story
The trailer didn't help either. The character going AAHH DRAGONS THIS IS SO EXCITING was just cringey af to me. Zero confidence in this turning out to be any better than your typical isekai crap, but I hope I'm wrong.


Oct 25, 2017
Follow up being the writer on two incredibly beloved games with a cut together 30 seconds in a trailer that aren't very good and era sure can turn on you completely.

I guess Uncharted 2 isn't the darling it used to be, huh?

Just because someone wrote two great games doesn't mean that everything they do is gold. Like this belief that someone could write something bad or that the work is outside of valid criticism is kinda weird.

The dialogue in the trailer was bad, the delivery was bad. Maybe the rest is good, but from what they showed seems to put a lot of people off


Feb 25, 2020
That writing team is a big yikes for me if past work is anything to go by but eh I am still going play it because it looks awesome as fuck.
Dec 27, 2019
Maybe the rest is good, but from what they showed seems to put a lot of people off
There's essentially no negative reaction to it outside this forum though. The couple groups I watched talk over it liked it. The videos don't have a bunch of dislikes or negative comments. The stream chat surprisingly was fine. Twitter was fine. It's just here.


Woke up, got a money tag, swears a lot
Oct 25, 2017
There's essentially no negative reaction to it outside this forum though. The couple groups I watched talk over it liked it. The videos don't have a bunch of dislikes or negative comments. The stream chat surprisingly was fine. Twitter was fine. It's just here.
kinda feels like im tripping or sommit

i watch the trailer and i have no opinion on the dialogue, not good or bad, im just like "lets see this story stuff"

didn't stick out to me at all

then i come here and everyone saying it's "cringe" and i just dont get it, it just seems like normal-ass dialogue
Nov 19, 2019
It feels odd seeing all the hate here when I low-key like the sass that she has.
I want Square to branch out. I was half hoping that "final fantasy" would fade in above "Forspoken" in the title card shot.

Having one game have a distinctly different main character than what we're used to in Final Fantasy is a GREAT thing. Will they nail it? Signs say "maybe". But that's exactly their history: they knock some things out of the park and whiff on others, often in the same game.

I'm frankly more excited for this than FF16 (which I am also very excited for).
Oct 25, 2017
Atlanta GA
It's cool that we had a trailer for a big budget blockbuster game with a Black woman lead and all the other characters in the trailer were women except for a piece of wristwear


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
kinda feels like im tripping or sommit

i watch the trailer and i have no opinion on the dialogue, not good or bad, im just like "lets see this story stuff"

didn't stick out to me at all

then i come here and everyone saying it's "cringe" and i just dont get it, it just seems like normal-ass dialogue

Nah, this is exactly where I'm at as well. I didn't feel we had nearly enough to say one way or another. It seemed fine to me.

The only dialogue thing that stuck out to me was "freaking" here as it made me wonder if they walked back the "that's a fucking dragon!" line/mood in the original teaser. That'd make me a bit sad tbh lol.
Oct 25, 2017
Atlanta GA
The only dialogue thing that stuck out to me was "freaking" here as it made me wonder if they walked back the "that's a fucking dragon!" line/mood in the original teaser. That'd make me a bit sad tbh lol.

eh, she said "what the actual fuck" though. i think most of that dialogue was taken from other scenes in the game and thrown together for quick exposition to lay over gameplay footage. typical hollywood style trailer editing that can sometimes leave the dialogue feeling a bit disjointed or rushed, but can be fine in the final product


Oct 28, 2017
I apparently watched a different trailer as the only qualms I had were the lip sync looked off and the faces in general looked kind of off to me. Otherwise the game looked great and I thought the writing and VO was decent though it's hard to really tell off of one trailer. At bare minimum that little bit in the trailer sounded better than what I'd generally expect from English VO in a Square game.

We want to talk about embarrassing VO I don't know that I've played a FF or KH game whose English VO I didn't think was horrendous. Even FF7R is probably home to the best English VO in a FF game but there's still just enough weird/unnatural/robotic/stilted line reads/delivery's in FF7R that I found it odd how much the game's VO was praised (that's not even touching on shit like Barrett's awful voice, which lets talk about cringe…).


Oct 26, 2017
eh, she said "what the actual fuck" though. i think most of that dialogue was taken from other scenes in the game and thrown together for quick exposition to lay over gameplay footage. typical hollywood style trailer editing that can sometimes leave the dialogue feeling a bit disjointed or rushed, but can be fine in the final product

I feel like a lot of game companies, and square enix in particular, are really bad at mixing the dialogue in their trailers. They cut it into places it doesn't appear in the actual game and don't spend enough time really polishing it to sound like it belongs there because they figure it's just a one off moment in a trailer, let's not focus our resources on that, but it makes the writing and delivery sound way worse than it often does in the final product.

Whatever people might think of the writing and voice acting in Persona 5, some of the english language trailers make it sound so much worse than it is because the mix has the lines just feel like they're laying on top of all the other action, really uncomfortably standing out and unnatural feeling. As another square example, obviously I'm not going to argue on behalf of the overall writing in Kingdom Hearts 3 but the mix in the trailers was abysmal, far worse than the final product.

It's strange that this response seems to happen every time and yet companies just don't prioritize putting more time into the mix. Maybe the reaction is really localized to places like Era and nobody else cares?
Jul 20, 2020
I didn't find the dialogue bad at all. It was intriguing and fun. Like I don't want her to be extra gloomy going into an isekai world. I like that it was more light hearted and fun. Give me more #blackgirljoy


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah I hope this game turns out good but that "dialogue" jumped at me immediately and I hope the rest of the game is better written. I didn't mind the motherfucking dragon from the first trailer it was ok but this is making me feel the whole is gonna be this, and the constant talking through the gameplay oh god.
Oct 27, 2017
Huh? Did I miss something or do people suddenly not like Amy anymore?
Uncharted was a mixed bag with her writing tbh. 4 and Lost Legacy were rather noticeably different, less hokey I guess, which is a your mileage may vary thing depending on what you like about the series.

I can just write off the music now I guess.
What is this? Bear is outstanding. His Godzilla soundtrack alone is incredible, and that's just the tip of his library of amazing work.
Oct 20, 2018
Let's be honest, everything sounds the same because there is only so much ways to write a line. Even when a writer tries to break out of this, people will say it's forced. I don't look too heavily into dialog anymore, just hoping the overall story is cohesive and worthwhile


Oct 25, 2017
Look, Uncharted is good and all, but please put respect on the name of the lady who truly made the Legacy of Kain series.


Visited by Knack
Oct 25, 2017
All that talent on an isekai story, ugh.

If I'm understanding this right, isekai just refers to a story in which a character is transported to another world. Isn't that an incredibly common storytelling conceit that people from all over the world have been writing for hundreds of years, if not longer?

Why are we suddenly acting like it didn't exist before anime and now has to get lumped with a bunch of anime baggage?