Nov 2, 2017
I thought it was kinda cringey but expected somehow.

No disrespect but I hope there is a Japanese dub of this. All the silly Isekai tropes just doesn't sound great in English to me.
Oct 27, 2017
I thought it was kinda cringey but expected somehow.

No disrespect but I hope there is a Japanese dub of this. All the silly Isekai tropes just doesn't sound great in English to me.
Isekai tropes don't sound good in any language lol. I think the only Isekai anime/manga I've enjoyed are .hack and Inuyasha (and even that dragged)


Feb 21, 2019
Bet people would like this more if it was more like a anime and it was some dude who gets powerful and gets all the hot chicks.

I'm so excited to play a game with a female lead who isn't just a white girl. Something about the facial animations really bothered me though.


Dec 22, 2019
I think the dialog is on the same level as ff7 Remake. Which u thought was mediocre.

Ya know the super anime heavy handed dialog that gets worse in translation
I have a soft spot for heavy-handed, sincere anime dialogue. JRPGs are my favorite game genre, after all. The type of dialogue I REALLY don't like is the Marvel/Joss Whedon/everything is a quip and snappy and witty kind of dialogue. And that's kind of the impression I got from this. Still looks like a fun game, though! And it could be more down to the editing, I could see it being better in the game itself.

Dr. Doom

Oct 29, 2017
The dialogue and tone in the trailer were beyond awful.

I have already lost any interest I had in this game.

I also speculate this game will be a commercial flop.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I can't trust any complaint any of y'all have after we had that thread where almost half of you thought Mario was bigger than Mickey Mouse


Mar 18, 2018
Dialogue is top level cringe as everyone has picked up on but the traversal looks instantly incredible. Like, you can feel the momentum and freedom as she's leaping about everywhere.
Mar 29, 2018
The dialogue felt a bit forced, but it was akin to what you'd see in a young adult-targeted movie trailer at the cinema. So I guess it was very appropriate in that regard.

eh, this may sound like heresey but I'm not too jazzed about the music

never liked bear mccreary's work
I'm not a big fan but I actually really liked his work on Outlander. Some great tracks.


The Pyramids? That's nothing compared to RDR2
Oct 27, 2017
So NYC is a playable environment? That's interesting. I wonder if it'll just be a narrative hub area, or have meaningful combat/traversal gameplay in it.
Mar 29, 2018
Unless you're implying they brought in Youth Consultants to youth up the dialogue I don't know what this means.
pls explain the concept of writing. am confuse
What isn't how writing works?? Or does not being a professional writer mean you're not qualified to say whether you enjoy dialogue or not?

I think their point is that a good writer can inhabit a voice of any age successfully

(I don't agree or disagree, multiple extremely experienced writers and directors have opposing opinions on this)


Jul 8, 2021
The dialog it self sounded off and really muffled too. Not sure if it was just the live stream?


May 17, 2020
What isn't how writing works?? Or does not being a professional writer mean you're not qualified to say whether you enjoy dialogue or not?

Implying age has anything to do with finding the voice of a character and writing dialogue for them is ageist and not how writing works.

You, however, are overreacting like I'd expect any real boomer would with the old "kids these days." Which is embarrassing. You're more than welcome to overreact all you want. I'll just be rolling my eyes.


"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Jun 17, 2018
I've watched the trailer a third time and I just can't fathom how anyone has made any substantive opinion on the writing of this game. This place and it's obsession with being exceedingly negative on pretty much everything is so draining sometimes.


Oct 25, 2017
Oh, nice, great to see Amy working on something again.
Was already looking forward to this, so that's another cool addition along with seeing McCreary is working on this too, loved the magic and traversal.

Square always cuts awkward trailers in that regard, regardless of the final product.

Game looks very exciting

"Written by Amy Henning" yay ☺️
"Alongside Gary whitta" oh 😧
Oct 27, 2017
Implying age has anything to do with finding the voice of a character and writing dialogue for them is ageist and not how writing works.

You, however, are overreacting like I'd expect any real boomer would with the old "kids these days." Which is embarrassing. You're more than welcome to overreact all you want. I'll just be rolling my eyes.

Point to one my overreaction posts. Go ahead. I'm waiting. And I LOVE how you're calling people ageist when you literally started this by calling people "boomerific", but I guess it's not ageist when you do it. Just laughably hypocritical.


Oct 27, 2017
i actually dont think the dialogue was written all that poorly, but the va made it sound worse. especially the girl's va.


#1 Waluigi Fan! Current Status: Crying
Oct 25, 2017
hmm, looks like people can't relate to the protag

This gets dunked on, but FF: CHAOSman trailer gets a bunch of "bro, this is RAD lol."

The hell are you talking about? The entire reveal and everything about that game is just Johnny McTshirt and his quest to kill CHAOS. The game is a meme. Fromt he demo it's FF Nioh which is cool (I've not played the demo) but the entire story and character stuff is constantly dunked on and memed. No one thinks that shit is rad.


Dec 25, 2017
Jos , Nigeria
The dialogue needs to die. It was not good. Really needs improvement

Edit: so I need to clarify that I am hyped for the game. As a sucker for open world games. Definitely getting this if I have a PS5, plus a black actress, I am looking forward to it. I came off overly negative but that dialogue really rubbed me the wrong way.
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Oct 25, 2017
I think the game looks really cool; seems pretty "fairy tale superhero" in story, so I doubt the writing will even matter that much.

The trailer dialogue was fine; it's corny.. but that's all "discovering my powers" dialogue.. and it was clearly a trailer edit and not something you'll see in the game endlessly.


Dec 25, 2017
Jos , Nigeria
I don't think anyone has made a final opinion on the writing of this game. The dialogue in the trailer was not good. Hope it's not representative of the full game.

Is it just me or those the character model look lesser in quality


Prophet of Regret
Oct 30, 2017
I have to agree the dialogues are kind of not good, every else about the game looks awesome though whether it's the gameplay, traversal, character looks even I think the voice acting is good but just not the writing. Really hope it improves.


Oct 29, 2017
Truly feel like Amy hennig gets too much credit now a days. She hasn't officially done really anything in so long and the dialogue here is absolutely dreadful.


Dec 25, 2017
Jos , Nigeria
Please give me an example of what you'd want the dialogue to sound like I am so curious lol
Not going to give you an essay on what good dialogue should sound like. A game with great Dialogue is kid Icarus uprising.

Now the content of the dialogue was fine in my opinion the execution was not what I was expecting at all, especially in the first part of the trailer

Edit: so rewatching the trailer again, the dialogue between her and the cuff specifically felt really off to me. Like maybe it's the way things are marketed to the younger generations now but I didn't like the execution. Not assuming for everyone but I believe that's what most people had complaints about.
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Mar 29, 2018
hmm, looks like people can't relate to the protag

This gets dunked on, but FF: CHAOSman trailer gets a bunch of "bro, this is RAD lol."
People are laughng AT the Chaos Man, not WITH the Chaos Man

but yeah i think people are going overboard on this one. My inclination would be they simply included slightly too much dialogue. everything we heard would probably land fine with a gamepad in your hands - minutes of gameplay on either side - but in a trailer it's too much.
Aug 13, 2019
Surprised to see the first page full of complaints about the dialogue. I thought it was fine for the most part. I was more bothered by the lipsync. It felt kinda off throughout the trailer.


Oct 30, 2017
yeah the lip sync is weird. But only seems like that for the main character (who is bodymapped by the way). I just don't get it.
Please give me an example of what you'd want the dialogue to sound like I am so curious lol
you know a manly quip like "Guess we're in a JAM amirite??!" /s

Rewatched the trailer as I didn't listen the first time and it is fine. She's excited as would most people in this thread be if they could shoot earth bullets at a goblin. Given peoples taste I didn't know we had a bunch of Pulitzer writers on the forum.

Solid Shake

Oct 28, 2017
Not going to give you an essay on what good dialogue should sound like. A game with great Dialogue is kid Icarus uprising.

Now the content of the dialogue was fine in my opinion the execution was not what I was expecting at all, especially in the first part of the trailer

Sounded fun to me.


Oct 25, 2017
With all due respect, the first three Uncharted have mediocre writting and by the trailer today this game will be even worse. Thankfully as far as the gameplay go, it looks incredible.


Oct 25, 2017
I agree that the dialogue was pretty bad. I expect better from those writers but hopefully they were brought in later and will change.


Oct 25, 2017
Strong Island NY
I'm sorry to say this but I feel some of the cut scenes seem jank. To me, I think this game needs a power house like Sony's 1st party managing the animations or scenes.

I can dig the art work, the world setting and the character designs but

Also good lord the dialog is straight out of some C tier film. Like why does the main character have so many bad lines?

Sorry yall but the gameplay is likely gonna be carrying this game I feel. Also not sure if I'm supposed to be exited with all those people from the tweet when the dialog seems really bad so far.


Jul 9, 2019
I feel like the dialogue in the trailer is just a matter of editing trying to hit you with the "wow I'm in another world" and overdramatizing it. It will probably be more natural in the game

It's a little over the top but I feel like people are overreacting to it

Yeah, probably all of the dialog in that trailer is from the first 20 minutes of the game, so judging the entire game based on it seems more than a little hasty.