
Oct 27, 2017
Lmao wtf.

People are (obviously and predictably) shitting on a clickbait headline. How the fuck are members somehow comically finding a way to lose their shit about this? Y'all...
Era can be so frustratingly black & white sometimes. You either have to go play up this offensive 2mil "broke" fantasy or you're some asshole that can't appreciate the overall 9bil donations.


Oct 27, 2017
You all are just jelaous, with elocuent justifications, but I recognize jelly when I see it. The dude is a good person and does something to make things better.


Oct 26, 2017
Isn't this like, way better than him hoarding his wealth and keeping it within his family? I don't understand how one can nitpick a man donating 9 billion dollars but ok.

Deleted member 14377

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Thanks for donating 9 billion and helping make the world a little better. Dude is 89, I hope he uses his 2 mil to enjoy his final days.


Oct 30, 2017
Glad to see New York has improved in QoL by philanthropist such as homelessness, education and especially infrastructure.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Are we dunking on this guy for having 2 million left?
I think people are more zeroing in on the fact he could acquire the wealth he did is due to the system being broken, or that his wealth, like every billionaires, came at the expense of others so giving it back is what should be happening. Or even just that the media are selling a millionaire as broke when the general public live month to month.

There's no real harm in pointing any of these out. One billionaire giving away their money isn't going to suddenly change the status quo and people will echo that. Just as the media saying a billionaire went broke by choice is a stretched truth when they downgraded from billionaire to millionaire instead. Sure its a commendable move, but its dishonest of the publications to sell it as anything more than that. To point those out doesn't appear to be heinous offence some have taken to it.


Oct 31, 2017
When a thief steals money, giving it back is the bare minimum.

If you're donating to charity solely for the purpose of soliciting praise, you may want to rethink your values.

I mean I think I'm with you, but giving it all back is kind of the maximum by definition. What else was he supposed to do? He was doing it anonymously for years and years.


Oct 26, 2017
Guy gives 9 billion, is a thief somehow.

this goddamn forum I swear.
By many people standard being able to earn thoses 9 billion in the first place, can only be achieved by stealing money ( in the sense of not properly paying your workers compared to the money you get from their work, or/and not paying the amount of taxe that you should ).

There is nothing really surprising about it, it's simple leftist position, as in true left, not american left.


Oct 28, 2017
Although, I am against obese wealth, it seems this guy is too, having given away by far the most of his wealth. Seems a good guy if you look at his personal habits. Duty free isn't good, but this guy has conducted himself well relative to the majority of his peers.


Oct 28, 2017
ppl saying he's not broke cos he have 2mil (you don't expect him to give away until he has like $20 in his pocket, right?)

Isn't going from 9bil -> 2mil
similar to someone going from 900k in their bank account to $200? (that's pretty broke to me)

Talk about missing the forest for the trees.


You will never feel stressed being down to your last 2 million dollars.


Oct 28, 2017
It was nice of him to do, if it was done legitimately. 2 million left over, if it's to cover both himself and his wife, isn't outrageous for retirement savings. It's still high though given he's already almost 90.

An individual response to a systemic problem at the end of the day. For every billionaire that decides to do this (and even then it's a question of efficacy), how many don't?
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Oct 25, 2017
Why are people so focused on the $2 million and not the $8.8 Billion they gave away? Because the article used broke? It was a dumb word to use, but what he did was amazing.


Oct 26, 2017
- Is broke.
- Still has 2 mill.

The disconnect is real lmao.

In relative terms, it's pretty accurate though. $2 million is like 0.02% of $9 billion, right? If you lost 99.9% of your savings most people would consider that 'broke'.

In reality though, the average American earns around $2.7 million over their LIFETIME. The very existence of billionaires is proof of a truly fucking broken system.

Why are people so focused on the $2 million and not the $8.8 Billion they gave away? Because the article used broke? It was a dumb word to use, but what he did was amazing.

Probably because it's blood money made off the back of the gross theatre of human and environmental exploitation known as Capitalism?
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The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Portland, OR
There's way too many people here focused on the $2M he kept and not the $9B he gave away. He literally gave away 99.998% of his wealth, and while he was alive, no less. That's cause for celebration, not scorn.


When the music hits, you feel no pain.
Oct 25, 2017
This man is officially the only good billionaire.


"I'd buy that for a dollar!"
Oct 25, 2017
He's 89. He's not trying to retire at 40.

I agree at 89, he should be comfortable with 2 million but, eh, I wouldn't retire at 40 with 2 million either. It's not nearly enough to retire at that age.

Why are people so focused on the $2 million and not the $8.8 Billion they gave away? Because the article used broke? It was a dumb word to use, but what he did was amazing.

Heh, don't you mean $8.998 billion? But ya, it's weird people are so focused on that rather than giving all that money away and not wanting credit for it.


Losing is fun
Oct 28, 2017
A billionaire going "broke" while still being more than set for life really highlights the grotesque inequity of our society. 99% of people will never reach his current level of destitution no matter how hard they work, and 99% of billionaires just keep running up their score (absurd, functionally useless wealth) like it's a video game.

Good on this one guy being less of a ghoul, though.


Oct 25, 2017
Isn't this like, way better than him hoarding his wealth and keeping it within his family? I don't understand how one can nitpick a man donating 9 billion dollars but ok.

Because they should have never been allowed to horde that much wealth to begin with?

The Top 1% of Americans Have Taken $50 Trillion From the Bottom 90%—And That's Made the U.S. Less Secure

A report shows that a $50 trillion redistribution of income to benefit the richest has made America less healthy, resilient, and secure

Yes all billionaires are thieves for actively not doing the right thing... Hell they likely actively endorsed, spent time and money to put themselves in these positions at the detriment to our entire society for generations to come

And not enough of them will give enough back THAT THEY OWE to make a dent in saving our broken country


Oct 30, 2017
This always brings out the worst in me. I like to tell myself, "YES! I would do the same!" But I can't say that for sure because.....well I am never going to have that kind of money to give away. I hope that should it ever happen I am able to be wise and follow in these kind of footsteps.


Oct 25, 2017
Way to miss the forest for the tree, folks.

Good on him, and should be an example for all in essence. Government still should be taxing his tax bracket considerably more.

Deleted member 11413

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Dude did the right thing in my book. Outside of giving cash to Cornell (profit, non-for profit colleges get my ire) this is a solid hitlist:
Damn so he's basically the source of Cornell's endowment. Of course, they wouldn't use it to keep classes online and pay faculty and staff the same rates but that's not his fault necessarily. Honestly should've given that money elsewhere, but the other causes are quite good.

Billionaires still suck though, but at least he did something good.


Oct 26, 2017
Dunedin, New Zealand
What charities? If he gave away $9B to the Homeless Bigoted Republican Youth charity then we're back to square one.

We want them to pay taxes in the societies they live in. "Charity" is vague as hell and doesn't avoid the fact that they are tax cheats. So they rob from the American people and build 9 Racquetball Courts in Prague, why should we praise them again?

The system being broken doesn't take away the good deeds of the people within said system.

Deleted member 11413

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
The system being broken doesn't take away the good deeds of the people within said system.
That's not even what the post you are quoting is talking about though, they are saying that donations to charities can be bad if the charities themselves are bad. This guy seems to have donated to many good causes but the broader point Powdered Egg is making can definitely be true.


Oct 25, 2017
This "relatively broke" nonsense should just underline how absurd a billionaire is. You can give away 99.9% of your worth and still be in the 1%.

Obviously it's good he did it, but what would be even better is a system where this doesn't happen in the first place or if he had just paid reasonable salaries. I'm sure everyone working for him is happy that what they earned was given to someone he considered more deserving.

meowdi gras

Feb 24, 2018
Yeah, but how many actually do?
To be clear, I'm not saying this dude giving away almost the whole entirety of the fortune he made off the backs of who knows how many people isn't a good thing. But the phenomenon being extremely rare in no way means they deserve a pat on the back for it. And if his heart is in the right place, he wouldn't expect one.

We need to stop with this madness in our culture of being so eager to worship and venerate billionaires. Particularly when their class is responsible for shit like this destroying our society.

I mean I think I'm with you, but giving it all back is kind of the maximum by definition. What else was he supposed to do? He was doing it anonymously for years and years.
Actually, as with the thief, the maximum would've been to not steal the money in the first place. Sure, it's nice to see a billionaire not hoarding his billions for once. But how much of his fortune is going directly back to all those countless folks he exploited to become monstrously wealthy in the first place? Will these billions undo all the untold damage already done to people's lives in the process of their accumulation?

There's only so much gratitude these robber barons deserve from us, the exploited, no matter how "less awful" they are.


Dec 5, 2018
I suppose that to the wealthy 2 million is broke. I mean, how could someone possibly survive on that little? /s