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Nov 30, 2017
Oh wow, just learned about the counterattack you get in Punisher Mode. Does real good with staggering guard dogs.


Nov 15, 2017
Awesome. Thanks for quick reply. I would do some reading on FF world.
You don't even really need to do that. Every mainline game is a completely separate universe, with only a few names, items, and monsters shared between. Honestly, if you're interested, I'd jump into VII with no research at all. So many spoilers are out there that it's the best way to avoid them


The Fallen
Nov 7, 2017
LOL if Cloud manages to KO in battle I heard Barret say "I'm starting to think it was a mistake hiring you" or something along those lines.


Oct 25, 2017
Died my first time fighting the Scorpion- I got Cloud trapped in a corner behind the boss and it started charging it's tail attack- it turns out the charge on the ground does damage, and I could not figure out how to get out of the corner cause I kept getting knocked back into the corner from the consistent field till I died. I wasted a Phoenix Down thinking it would give me invincibility to get out, but nope, I just died again

I don't play many non-mobile JRPGs anymore, and I liked how this one actually had challenging combat. I'm also playing Tokyo Mirage Session on Switch, and in that game, every encounter is either a cakewalk or a "Pray for RNG to not game over", where due to the follow-up/weakness system, if you end up in a battle with a bunch of enemies that can hit your Main Character's weakness (you can't sub him out), you are going to die on the first hit and then the follow ups will kill another character. It's not actually a challenge to overcome, it's just bullshit. When I fought the boss here a second time and DIDN't get trapped in the corner for an endless loop of death, I thought it was tough, but rewarding.

Very excited to play the full game, hoping that it's closer to 30-40 hours instead of super stretched out.


Oct 25, 2017
+ Visuals are actually gorgeous.
+ VA and writing are both very good
+ The emotional heft has been increased a lot with the above, the original game wasn't lacking in this department but even with this short demo I immediately felt more emotional weight behind everything.
+ Combat is great (more below)
+ The quips between characters are really fun, Barret singing the victory jingle after a battle was charming.

- 30fps... this game really, really would benefit from 60fps so I really hope there will be a PC release in the future. It's solid performance wise, but the lack of clarity in motion really makes the battles less visually impressive. This game would look STUNNING at higher frames...
- Boob armour... come on...
- Music: it was serviceable, but the original was on another level here


The combat is still pretty much turn based. Some attacks you need to block, some you need to actively wait and dodge. Spamming attacks and healing through with potions is going to make the combat feel super clunky and I can imagine harder battles very frustrating.

Taking your time, watching enemy tells, attacking then waiting and defending dodging, playing it like an actual turn based battle is the way to win here... and they absolutely nailed the mix.

Once we get more party members, more spells/abilities/LBs.... it's going to be insane.


Oct 25, 2017
Just finished it, felt it was an improvement in every way.

The banter during fights had me cracking up in the best way and after learning the new combat system I vastly prefer it to classic.
Jan 10, 2018
It's spoilers, and has to do with Cloud and Zack's whole story, but this is why:

After Zack rescues Cloud and is gunned down on the outskirts of Midgard, at the end of Crisis Core, Cloud is confused and reduced to a mumbling husk due to Mako poisoning.

Tifa finds him at a train station basically a confused vegetable, being attended by a clerk.

She takes him home to 7th Heaven, takes care of him until he's okay. Then she asks him to help AVALANCHE as a merc so he could re-establish himself, but in truth she does that to be close and keep an eye on him and his condition.

Ah thank you! I didn't remember anything about that at all.


The Fallen
Nov 7, 2017
Awesome. Thanks for quick reply. I would do some reading on FF world.
You don't even really need to do that. Every mainline game is a completely separate universe, with only a few names, items, and monsters shared between. Honestly, if you're interested, I'd jump into VII with no research at all. So many spoilers are out there that it's the best way to avoid them

I concur with Spehornoob here.


Jan 3, 2018
The demo was awesome. I loved Cloud's stance switching and Punisher's counterattack. The slow-mo pause felt great to use, especially when I wanted to use Barrett's Thunder while still controlling Cloud, for example.

Scorpion boss fight was so fucking fun! Different phases and strats and really cinematic which is important for FF7 boss fights.

I could do with the basic running around being a bit more responsive and fast, as well as destroying boxes.

The soundtrack was AMAZING and really added to the experience. Voice acting was okay. I did like Barrett's physical mannerisms when he was getting worked up, great throw back to FF7 original.

Great graphics.

Yeah, really positive experience.


Tools & Automation
Oct 28, 2017
Few things that bothered me:

1) Winning battles is now completely uneventful. No animation, no fanfare. Just some scrolling text indicating what you've collected (exp, items). Completely boring.

2) For everything the game goes at great length explaining, there's just as many things it doesn't explain, and either assumes you know from previous FF games or will discover on your own. But the things you need to discover on your own are just as crucial in giving you a fighting chance.

3) Using my Limit Break on the boss and only the first hit actually doing any damage because I've hit some artificial HP threshold where the game decides "it's cutscene time!!" to show the boss pattern change feels fucking cheap. It ended up completed wasted. This would have never happened in the original.


Oct 25, 2017
Few things that bothered me:

1) Winning battles is now completely uneventful. No animation, no fanfare. Just some scrolling text indicating what you've collected (exp, items). Completely boring.

2) For everything the game goes at great length explaining, there's just as many things it doesn't explain, and either assumes you know from previous FF games or will discover on your own. But the things you need to discover on your own are just as crucial in giving you a fighting chance.

3) Using my Limit Break on the boss and only the first hit actually doing any damage because I've hit some artificial HP threshold where the game decides "it's cutscene time!!" to show the boss pattern change feels fucking cheap. It ended up completed wasted. This would have never happened in the original.
The demo literally explained every single mechanic you need to use... what do you mean with point 2?


Oct 25, 2017
Can't understand why people didn't like barret. The demo made him one of my favorite characters. And he curses!
He was exactly as the original Barret would be with VA... a macho hothead who cares deeply about his friends and the cause.

Really don't get the complaints...

Don't get complaints about cutscenes and VA either... they were all excellent.


Oct 27, 2017
Comments like this kinda blow my mind. I really don't know how anyone could find this demo confusing. It's incredibly simple unless you completely ignore reading the tutorials and even then I'm pretty sure you can figure most of it out.

I didn't find it confusing, per say, but I was having a hard time figuring out how to best work the systems during the boss fight even though I managed to beat it on the first try, and the cues for boss phase weaknesses seemed rather nonsensical to what I was seeing resulting from my attacks.

To start, the demo didn't give me a great idea about how to optimize when to switch between characters except for obvious range reasons.

The dialog at the start of the fight points out using Lightning, but that didn't really seem to be great in any sense, either damage dealing or stagger-raising (or whatever it's called), and when the shield came on, the frantic nature of the fight and the graphical representation made it difficult for me to figure out what I was actually supposed to be attacking for a good minute or so.

Then, at the end, some "repair unit" comes on and Cloud says something like "we need to finish this thing now" while at the same time suddenly the legs have become targetable (unless they always were and I just missed it). So in that phase my mind is going, "Is there a repair unit I should be attacking that I'm not seeing because of the graphical noise? Should I be attacking the legs, because why else are they suddenly targetable, or am I really just supposed to wail on this guy at this point?"

Obviously, getting the interface under my fingers and into my muscle memory will help (I kept switching characters instead of target cycling throughout the entire demo), but I'm kind of hoping the difficult curve is a bit more gradual in the actual game.


Oct 25, 2017
I didn't find it confusing, per say, but I was having a hard time figuring out how to best work the systems during the boss fight even though I managed to beat it on the first try, and the cues for boss phase weaknesses seemed rather nonsensical to what I was seeing resulting from my attacks.

To start, the demo didn't give me a great idea about how to optimize when to switch between characters except for obvious range reasons.

The dialog at the start of the fight points out using Lightning, but that didn't really seem to be great in any sense, either damage dealing or stagger-raising (or whatever it's called), and when the shield came on, the frantic nature of the fight and the graphical representation made it difficult for me to figure out what I was actually supposed to be attacking for a good minute or so.

Then, at the end, some "repair unit" comes on and Cloud says something like "we need to finish this thing now" while at the same time suddenly the legs have become targetable (unless they always were and I just missed it). So in that phase my mind is going, "Is there a repair unit I should be attacking that I'm not seeing because of the graphical noise, should I be attacking the legs, because why else are they suddenly targetable, or am I really just supposed to wail on this guy at this point?"

Obviously, getting the interface under my fingers and into my muscle memory will help (I kept switching characters instead of target cycling throughout the entire demo), but I'm kind of hoping the difficult curve is a bit more gradual in the actual game.
The combat is still, in essence, turn based.

The trick is simple: attack, then when you see the enemy tells stop ALL attacks and defend or dodge (let them take their turn, essentially), then repeat.

And then pay attention to which attacks leave them exposed for specific attacks etc...

At first I was trying to hack and slash like a character action game but it doesn't work like that. Some attacks need you to stop and acruall hold the defend button, others dodge... but you need to take that "enemy turn/defense" phase as an actual phase if you don't want to be spamming potions.

I got half way through the boss fight after using all my Phoenix downs and tonnes of potions, restarted with the above in mind, and only had to use 3 potions and a couple of heals. And it suddenly felt so much more manageable.


Sep 27, 2019
Fast kill scorpion boss

Here you can see how the battle system is supposed to work.. is not just button mashing.

He tanks with Barret.. fill the stagger fast with his special attack and swaps to Cloud for the big swings.

Sorry but imo the people complaining that the Scorpion fight was really long are just not doing it right.. it's a simple "git gud" and understand the way combat works.

Tank the boss into Fast Stagger/Use spells ( thunder is good vs the boss ) into Big damage ( in the video he makes a special move and swaps right after to attack with the other character during the animation from the first char attacking ). Also he saved his 2 BTC charges in Cloud to remove the shield in 2 seconds on phase 2.


Oct 27, 2017
I thought the demo was great, although the combat felt weird even in Classic-mode, though I probably get used to it. I dind't like the boss rename. Also minus for having Fire-spell at first and not Ice or Bolt/Thunder-magic. Barret is a great character, love that Mr. T-style even voiced.
Oct 25, 2017
Few things that bothered me:

1) Winning battles is now completely uneventful. No animation, no fanfare. Just some scrolling text indicating what you've collected (exp, items). Completely boring.
I actually really like this, personally. It should be uneventful if the fight itself was also uneventful. I don't want an annoying little cutscene every time I beat a bunch of dudes by just mashing square. Bosses are rewarded with beautiful cutscenes already, nothing else is needed.


Oct 30, 2017
Few things that bothered me:
1) Winning battles is now completely uneventful. No animation, no fanfare. Just some scrolling text indicating what you've collected (exp, items). Completely boring.

Nah you know what's boring... hearing the same music and seeing the same unskippable animations 4000 times just trying to mash X to get back to the game. This is modern, sleek and doesn't pull away from the gameplay.


Oct 25, 2017
I actually really like this, personally. It should be uneventful if the fight itself was also uneventful. I don't want an annoying little cutscene every time I beat a bunch of dudes by just mashing square. Bosses are rewarded with beautiful cutscenes already, nothing else is needed.
Nah you know what's boring... hearing the same music and seeing the same unskippable animations 4000 times just trying to mash X to get back to the game. This is modern, sleek and doesn't pull away from the gameplay.
Absolutely. I loved the original, but it was product its time. This part is a good update.


Oct 25, 2017
Here you can see how the battle system is supposed to work.. is not just button mashing.

He tanks with Barret.. fill the stagger fast with his special attack and swaps to Cloud for the big swings.

Sorry but imo the people complaining that the Scorpion fight was really long are just not doing it right.. it's a simple "git gud" and understand the way combat works.

Tank the boss into Fast Stagger/Use spells ( thunder is good vs the boss ) into Big damage ( in the video he makes a special move and swaps right after to attack with the other character during the animation from the first char attacking ). Also he saved his 2 BTC charges in Cloud to remove the shield in 2 seconds on phase 2.

The game gives you everything you need to use, and you need to actively deal with enemy attacks not just try to button mash/heal through them.


Tools & Automation
Oct 28, 2017
The demo literally explained every single mechanic you need to use... what do you mean with point 2?

Maybe I missed it, but it didn't explain the following:

- Item/Magic usage tied to ATB.
- That you actually have Magic, how it works, and how it depletes MP. (just assumes you know from FF franchise).
- Shortcuts.
- How Barret's Overcharge is not just a charging move but actually is the most powerful attack he has against those turrets and you might as well not use anything else.
- Cloud's attack can actually go airborne.
- ...and plenty of other stuff I'm probably forgetting about.
Oct 25, 2017
Here you can see how the battle system is supposed to work.. is not just button mashing.

He tanks with Barret.. fill the stagger fast with his special attack and swaps to Cloud for the big swings.

Sorry but imo the people complaining that the Scorpion fight was really long are just not doing it right.. it's a simple "git gud" and understand the way combat works.

Tank the boss into Fast Stagger/Use spells ( thunder is good vs the boss ) into Big damage ( in the video he makes a special move and swaps right after to attack with the other character during the animation from the first char attacking ). Also he saved his 2 BTC charges in Cloud to remove the shield in 2 seconds on phase 2.
You're completely right, but it's also the game's fault. As I mentioned before in this thread, it's an issue that your punishment for playing wrong is the game being boring. This doesn't encourage fun gameplay, it encourages people to think the game is boring. They're succeeding, after all.

If you're not playing correctly, the game should always kill you (at least on Normal difficulty). You should be forced to play it right and find the fun in order to succeed. Now of course quality is subjective and all that, and some people will still find it boring, but at least they'll understand the gameplay before deciding it isn't for them.

That being said, I was pleasantly surprised by how challenging I found the demo, I was expecting much worse, but I'm really into real time combat and was already willing to explore it in more depth than required, so the game asking me to heal a couple of times if I'm doing poorly is all the incentive I need. This isn't quite true for everyone, however.


Oct 28, 2017
The German dub is very good imo. Barret is spoken by Kratos' actor from God of War 2018, he makes a good job.
Subtitles off and you are in for a slick and beautifully presented game.


Oct 27, 2017
Just finished it on Pro and my, does it look stunning. Also combat is satisfying for me, but hearing the soundtrack and Cloud's voice (is it the same en actor?) warms my heart.


Oct 27, 2017
Your not inspiring a ton of confidence in me when i play this tomorrow
Late response, but i mean in terms of: you're really just walking through corridor after corridor. When the combat starts, the camera is all over the place, mostly because of how sporadic the enemies' movement is. They tried to go for a controlled chaos feel and it ends up overdone. The dialogue is hamfisted af and I miss the more semi-serious and dark tone of the original bombing mission. Just a demo of course but I was very underwhelmed. Hope you enjoy it and are able to give your impressions of it today if you haven't already.


Keeper of the White Materia
Oct 27, 2017
Maybe I missed it, but it didn't explain the following:

- Item/Magic usage tied to ATB.
- That you actually have Magic, how it works, and how it depletes MP. (just assumes you know from FF franchise).
- Shortcuts.
- How Barret's Overcharge is not just a charging move but actually is the most powerful attack he has against those turrets and you might as well not use anything else.
- Cloud's attack can actually go airborne.
- ...and plenty of other stuff I'm probably forgetting about.
I think most, if not all, are explained in the guides section of the menu. At least, shortcuts and overcharge is.


Oct 30, 2017
Maybe I missed it, but it didn't explain the following:

- Item/Magic usage tied to ATB.
- That you actually have Magic, how it works, and how it depletes MP. (just assumes you know from FF franchise).
- Shortcuts.
- How Barret's Overcharge is not just a charging move but actually is the most powerful attack he has against those turrets and you might as well not use anything else.
- Cloud's attack can actually go airborne.
- ...and plenty of other stuff I'm probably forgetting about.

Resetera has the strangest relationships with games. Wants them to explain nothing, then explain everything, wants to remove all indicators but then will complain there's no clear direction.

I don't remember the exact text from the pop-up tutorials but I have to believe they explained each action uses AP, since it tells you basic attacks charge AP letting you use the special attacks, they explain how to charge the bar faster, etc. You guys just don't read, blast through, then bitch about it.


Oct 25, 2017
Man I enjoyed the demo and combat but I'm not sure. The boss fight was exhausting rather than fun or exciting. Felt like it went on too long and his phases were kind of a chore. I enjoyed all the other combat. The other thing is I don't really have much interest in midgar as a location. I was way more excited for what was beyond those walls and the idea of the game just being midgar is a big turnoff and I feel like it'll kill a lot of the variety I enjoyed from the first one. Getting out felt like a big payoff but instead we have to wait years and spend money again to get out, so I'm kind of torn if I want to get this at launch of just get it later on. Dang.


Oct 25, 2017
New York City
It was fantastic, positioning for attacks and encouraged to switch. Gotta know when to block, dodge is used more in the context of gathering yourself (at least early on).

Punisher mode counters, honestly I got no complaints.


Oct 25, 2017
Maybe I missed it, but it didn't explain the following:

- Item/Magic usage tied to ATB.
- That you actually have Magic, how it works, and how it depletes MP. (just assumes you know from FF franchise).
- Shortcuts.
- How Barret's Overcharge is not just a charging move but actually is the most powerful attack he has against those turrets and you might as well not use anything else.
- Cloud's attack can actually go airborne.
- ...and plenty of other stuff I'm probably forgetting about.
I honestly don't see how any of that needed an explanation... and I can't think of anything that would fit "plenty of other sruff". Not meaning to be rude, I just don't get it....

All of that you can work out just by playing and observing.


Nov 15, 2017
Maybe I missed it, but it didn't explain the following:

- Item/Magic usage tied to ATB.
- That you actually have Magic, how it works, and how it depletes MP. (just assumes you know from FF franchise).
- Shortcuts.
- How Barret's Overcharge is not just a charging move but actually is the most powerful attack he has against those turrets and you might as well not use anything else.
- Cloud's attack can actually go airborne.
- ...and plenty of other stuff I'm probably forgetting about.
The only thing I can agree on here is Shortcuts. The rest of it all seems to be stuff that's either explained in tutorials or is something that seems like it's meant to be figured out during gameplay. Like, the game shouldn't tell you how to deal with certain enemies, that should be the kind of thing you figure out as you learn your characters' movesets.


Oct 27, 2017
The audio mixing is horrible in stereo too once you're nearing the boss fight, voices sound muffled as hell.

I think it's just bad audio mixing in general, not specifically 5.1, which is better because it makes it more likely it'll be fixed.

It wasn't just me then...the audio was loud and clear during the cut scenes when whisper quiet when it transitioned out of them, or when talking to any characters. I kept changing the volume up and down during the demo, then just dealt with it, was a bit strange and annoying.