T002 Tyrant

Nov 8, 2018
I suddenly started crying when playing and I don't know why - like Daniel Faraday in Lost.

I didn't even know the original meant that much to me but apparently it does.



Keeper of the White Materia
Oct 27, 2017

(Also requires Shadowbringers PS4 ver.)

Posting here so others who have both might see it.

Ooh, I hope this drops in Australia soon.

edit: blah changing the URL and searching on the web store doesn't show it but it's in the themes section on the ps4 itself. Thanks for posting!
Dec 3, 2017
São Paulo, Brazil
I haven't played FF7 since I was in my teens. Can someone explain why Cloud needed money so badly that he decided to group up with terrorists?

It's spoilers, and has to do with Cloud and Zack's whole story, but this is why:

After Zack rescues Cloud and is gunned down on the outskirts of Midgard, at the end of Crisis Core, Cloud is confused and reduced to a mumbling husk due to Mako poisoning.

Tifa finds him at a train station basically a confused vegetable, being attended by a clerk.

She takes him home to 7th Heaven, takes care of him until he's okay. Then she asks him to help AVALANCHE as a merc so he could re-establish himself, but in truth she does that to be close and keep an eye on him and his condition.


The Fallen
Nov 7, 2017
It's spoilers, and has to do with Cloud and Zack's whole story, but this is why:

After Zack rescues Cloud and is gunned down on the outskirts of Midgard, at the end of Crisis Core, Cloud is confused and reduced to a mumbling husk due to Mako poisoning.

Tifa finds him at a train station basically a confused vegetable, being attended by a clerk.

She takes him home to 7th Heaven, takes care of him until he's okay. Then she asks him to help AVALANCHE as a merc so he could re-establish himself, but in truth she does that to be close and keep an eye on him and his condition.

Was that from the Compilation?
If so, it's kind of incredible how much from the Compilation I've completely forgotten about...


Mokuzai Studio
Oct 28, 2017
San Antonio, TX
GOSH I enjoyed that. I wish the demo had a save point at the end so I don't have to replay all of that in a month or so but I'll enjoy trying the Japanese dub.

Also I'm very pleasantly surprised by how well the English Dub fits everything. The trailers all seemed spotty, but just like everyone expected, it fits well within context.


The Wise Ones
Oct 25, 2017
I beat that boss on my first try and he isn't wrong. The game is basically asking you to play classic FF7 with a shit mash square action mini game going on while you wait for your bars to fill. That sounds okay on paper until you realize the classic FF7 game is the only one that really matters, while the faux action game on screen is basically an illusion created to satiate all those who think turn based/ATB systems are too old and "I need character control".

This thread keeps delivering.


Was that from the Compilation?
If so, it's kind of incredible how much from the Compilation I've completely forgotten about...

It's from the normal game.


Oct 27, 2017
I remember the first time I played FFVII and not knowing if Jessie was a male or female at the beginning. I forgot all about it until I saw Jessie in the demo and laughed my ass off.


The Fallen
Nov 7, 2017

(Also requires Shadowbringers PS4 ver.)

Posting here so others who have both might see it.

Any way to get this if you preorder a physical edition from Amazon? I just ordered the deluxe edition this morning, lol

Very cool theme. Saw this last week.
I, too, have an Amazon preorder for a physical copy (and XIV Shadowbringers). That will suck if only a digital order of VIIR on PSN suffices. 😞


Nov 3, 2017
Finished it once and thought it was good, but I'm new to this type of combat (I've only played turn-based FF's, the most recent being FFX) and there are definitely some growing pains. It took me 20+ potions and probably 10+ Cures from Barrett to get past the Scorpion, but hey, at least neither character was KO'd. It took probably around 15 minutes, which seems a bit much for the first boss.

I tried to use Thunder as much as possible but I kept getting wrecked so had to use Barrett's MP on Cures more than I'd have liked. I found it difficult to get a read on the boss' moves and figure out when to go in and strike. I probably should have used (controlled) Barrett more. I'm going to give it another go and see if I can drop the boss quicker. One thing I think they should change before release is have his ATB bars fill up quicker when you aren't using him. He seems to only do bare bones attacks when AI-controlled, he should throw in the occasional strong attached and would be even better if he could use Overcharge.

The link above with 7 tips said to not attack it when it's tail is up, but I was never able to discern that myself with the hectic nature of battle. Also had a few unfortunate things happen with mid-fight cutscenes. Once I nearly had it staggered but it triggered a cutscene and when it was over I had to start from scratch. Also missed a limit break due to the boss nope-ing out when I initiated Cross Slash.

The visuals are very good, and in my opinion they do a great job paying homage to the original. Having the huge smokestack of the reactor looming over you was cool. Between this and Days Gone, I've really gained a lot of respect for what Unreal Engine can do.

Sound effects and music were very good . There was some wonky voice acting (especially from Barrett) and I could do without the weird grunts they do during dialogue.

Got me pumped. I was originally going to play it on Classic just because I'm only used to turn-based, but playing the demo on Normal has made me interested enough to learn the new combat system.

Tom Nook

Oct 25, 2017
I like Jessie in the Demo. I hope she gets at least more screen time than the original
before you know.....
Last edited:


Sep 27, 2019
Ugh...I'm gonna have to buy a PS4 Pro just to make sure the tech issues I have go away huh? Anyone who has a 4K TV with PS4 Pro be honest and let me know if the game is less blurry and dithering is less of an issue on Pro?

Check the first pages.. someone postes screens on a Pro and 1080p. The game was looking really clean.

This screens are mine on a Pro and a 4k TV.



I don't like that KH's combat is so floaty.. The aproach on FF7R is much better imo and the attacks have alot more weight.


Oct 27, 2017
Massachusetts (USA)
I beat that boss on my first try and he isn't wrong. The game is basically asking you to play classic FF7 with a shit mash square action mini game going on while you wait for your bars to fill. That sounds okay on paper until you realize the classic FF7 game is the only one that really matters, while the faux action game on screen is basically an illusion created to satiate all those who think turn based/ATB systems are too old and "I need character control".

It's not a fine blend of the two, in fact they clash terribly. Enemies can stop your ATB actions because you were trying to pay attention to that instead of whatever poorly telegraphed attack was going on on-screen. When the Scorpion put defense up I honestly have no idea what I did to bring them down, it just fucking happened. It's all just a jumbled mess for the sake of avoiding those classic player complaints about ATB but with no actual benefit to the gameplay otherwise.

It's not a matter of all flash and no substance. The substance is there don't get me wrong, (I see what is appealing about playing with ATB wish it was the whole game) but the flash (action) is blinding at times and it's only reason for existence I feel, is distraction. I really wish they had just refined the ATB instead of creating this awful Frankenstein's monster of gameplay.

I'm not saying you are wrong for enjoying it, but I'm also saying those feelings of messy gameplay are legitimate and what the Kotaku editor wrote was very descriptive of my fight too. Just constant "ands" with no pause to stop and think about what my strategy should be, which is what the original FF7 excelled at, even during this very same boss fight.

I think this is a result of simply being fresh to the game. I felt a little overwhelmed at first as well, but that was more me trying to grasp this new system. The more I played though, the better I got and by the time the demo ended I felt I had a much better grasp of the combat system. It's actually far more intuitive than I had anticipated.


Oct 27, 2017
Beautiful Province of Quebec.
Just tried Classic mode and it is really too easy...since they probably wont add a Classic Normal mode,I guess it might come in handy on hard Boss fight if some people dont feel like trying multiple times beating it...so I guess I will be playing on Normal mode,once I wasn't fumbling the controls and started using the shortcuts more,on my second run,I did a lot better and actually beat the demo ;)


Oct 25, 2017
I don't like that KH's combat is so floaty.. The aproach on FF7R is much better imo and the attacks have alot more weight.
Cloud's attacks do have weight, yes (especially the charged hits in punisher mode), though I do wish some of the bigger enemies (like that medium size robot you fight twice) reacted more to the hits. I don;t feel like Barret has any weight behind his regular attacks at all sadly. His gun feels like it's hitting people with wet tissue paper. I understand that just letting him stunlock everything would be bad design, but I do wish the first few bullets he fired had some knockback to them.


Unshakable Resolve
Sep 27, 2019
I finally got my go at the demo last night. Played through three times. Thoughts below:

1) It's not simple. It's not hold down one button to win. It's challenging and you are required to use your abilities. While you won't die in two hits, you'll be healing a lot more than you should early on. In a way the entire demo feels like one long raid boss. If you are inefficient in fighting early on, you will suffer during the actual boss fight. Very much feels like an action game from that standpoint. Think any Mega Man game. You want to try to avoid using energy tanks in a level where you don't know the boss just yet, because you want to have some leeway during the fight. If you suck at the level, you will not beat the boss. It's like that but with a bit more leeway offered.
2) My first two runs, I blew all my phoenix downs. I found that blocking is immensely helpful (sounds obvious but it isn't while you're playing), mostly because many attacks will hit multiple times (like the scorpion's missiles) and you can basically say, okay I can suffer 140 damage over three hits or 70 damage. Fail to do this a couple of times and you'll be using an extra potion.
3) My mother always used to tell me never to let my gas tank fall below half full in the winter, just in case you get stranded somewhere in the cold and need heat. The same can be said of potion usage. Always keep yourself up and heal after battle as much as you can without overhealing.
4) Speaking of potion usage, binding potions and cures to ATB is a brilliant change and instantly ramps up the difficulty. Coming from FFXV where healing items were both easy to get and terribly overpowered, this is welcome. You need your attacks to hit so you can heal yourself, but you have to choose, in the heat of battle, whether to heal or get off a spell or weapon ability. That choice can make the might easier or harder if you don't make the correct one.
5) This game does not play like any FF game you've ever played. Full stop. Almost every FF was 95% about party setup before battle. Now it's about what you can do when you're in battle because you have almost every tool available to you and it's still not easy. What is stunning about it is that the fighting in this demo has so much depth already, and you haven't even crossed the threshold of materia loadouts yet, or of weapon skills that become a factor in later portions of the game. Just based on what we see here, some skills are going to be more important for damage, some for staggering, and some for support.

All in all, this is a game I really just can't wait to sink my teeth into more.


Oct 25, 2017
Cloud's attacks do have weight, yes (especially the charged hits in punisher mode), though I do wish some of the bigger enemies (like that medium size robot you fight twice) reacted more to the hits. I don;t feel like Barret has any weight behind his regular attacks at all sadly. His gun feels like it's hitting people with wet tissue paper. I understand that just letting him stunlock everything would be bad design, but I do wish the first few bullets he fired had some knockback to them.

Looking forward to how Tifa going to feel , i will most likely stick more to physical attack base characters because of the feed back .


Nov 15, 2017
Following both this and Baldur's Gate III has been fun.

One fanbase clamoring for turn-based combat, gets a real-time with pause system.

One fanbase clamoring for Real Time With Pause, gets turn-based.


Oct 26, 2017
I've never played FF games. Do I have to play previous games to understand the story/plot or I can just jump right in?


Nov 15, 2017
I think we should try to avoid spoilers outside of maybe the really big one that everyone knows. Plenty of Zoomers haven't played VII.


Oct 30, 2017
I still haven't heard Barret sing/hum the Fanfare theme yet in 3 runs through this demo.

He only does it after one fight for me. Its after you leave Jessie behind and start traveling down to the reactor. There is one optional fight that you can skip if you simply go down the ladder. If you run past the ladder however and get at the enemies + chest, he performs the fanfare. Hopefully that works!