
▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
This is probably my only gripe with the Epic store. I'll be holding out till they have regional pricing or the games I'm interested in are discounted
Too bad that "most" people here thinks that your opinion as a consumer is worth less than the developers. Pay more, most of it will go to the developer anyway!


Dec 11, 2017
I don't see this as anti-consumer, the way things have launched right now. I actually applaud that the developers are getting a bigger cut of the revenue because of this, so I'd be happy to support that. I've in the past sought out storefronts where devs got a bigger revenue share, be it Humble or But this here is nothing more than having a game available on GOG, or Origin.

Now, DRM and pricing will be key going forward. If these become unfriendly, we should vote with our wallets. Much like we did with the Microsoft store.

EDIT: Actually, I can see why everyone is miffed about Annapurna pulling their Play Anywhere games from PC GamePass. I actually was looking forward to playing them there.


Oct 25, 2017
Too bad that "most" people here thinks that your opinion as a consumer is worth less than the developers. Pay more, most of it will go to the developer anyway!

How about I don't buy the game instead? :-P
While RP remains a top priority for me, I would also like epic to address their support or lack thereof for Linux and in-home streaming.
Oct 26, 2017
Hopefully for them they'll get theirs money worth, however I won't be buying anything there in the near future and who knows if I'll still be interested in Satisfactory by that time, I do have Factorio already so...

That's precisely the risk they run!

I used to work in mobile games, and one of the big (but surprisingly not well known) "barriers to entry" in that industry is the number of clicks between first hearing about the game, and actually playing it. I can't remember the statistics exactly but it was something shocking like half your potential users will drop off after 4 clicks. If they're not in by then, you've lost them. Whilst PC gamers are much more patient, I'm sure there is a similar thing for this platform.


Oct 26, 2017
The narrative of Big Bad Epic "stealing" games from other platforms is absolutely bonkers, as if the developers didn't have a choice before their game was ruthlessly ripped from the Steam/XBL/PSN/Origin/uPlay/GoG store and held hostage in a cage of "launcher exclusivity".

But they did have a choice. These were business deals, plain and simple. If I were a struggling indie developer and Epic came knocking on my door with a huge wad of cash and the opportunity to be seen next to the biggest game in the world right now I would take the deal in a heartbeat.

Deleted member 5159

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
i cant believe people are actually throwing fits for having to install a new client to access some games. And are also stanning for a storefront, this is peak video game culture, grats guys, you manage to outdo yourselves every time


Aug 23, 2018
The difference is that Valve didn't buy exclusivity. It just wasn't worth it to release it on other platforms, especially when they get so many benefits from tying them to Steam, like Workshop and Steamworks support, not to mention the ability to sell keys off-Steam I previously mentioned.

None of those benefits makes it 'not worth it to release it on other platforms'. The reason why Steam gets so many exclusives is because of their sheer dominance - a near monopoly- of the PC gaming space. Sales on other platforms is a trickle compared to that.

If Origin store had 30% of the users Steam
Has, you'd see more devs releasing there, for example.

If you want to provide strong competition for Steam, stuff like exclusives will give you a boost.


Oct 30, 2017
Question, who the hell is Annapurna and "private division"? They announced many game yesterday, but I never heard of any of them


Oct 30, 2017
With Valve having such an overwhelming share of PC sales, using exclusives was always going to happen in order to try and make a dent in them. There's no way anyone is going to be able to catch up in terms of features with a 10+ head start, so this is basically the easiest method they have in order to gain marketshare.

Also, it'd be great if in condemning this particular walled garden you didn't wallpaper over Valve really, really awful missteps along the way, or the missteps they continue to make and have no intention of fixing, like the Steam forums being a huge mess they refuse to moderate.


Oct 25, 2017
That's the best competition, locking indie titles on your platform fucking lol

I'm open for competition but not with locking content, i can understand games owned by Epic, but moneyhatting indie titles? Yikes.

To be fair outside of indie and AA games there aren't many major publishers on PC that would be tempted by moneyhatting. Maybe TakeTwo.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
None of those benefits makes it 'not worth it to release it on other platforms'. The reason why Steam gets so many exclusives is because of their sheer dominance - a near monopoly- of the PC gaming space. Sales on other platforms is a trickle compared to that.

If Origin store had 30% of the users Steam
Has, you'd see more devs releasing there, for example.

If you want to provide strong competition for Steam, stuff like exclusives will give you a boost.
The store does not have a monopoly. Sites like Green Man Gaming, Humble Bundle etc have much better price than Steam and that is because, as been said countless of times, Valve gives out keys to games for free for them to sell on other stores if they want to. Taking the hit on unlimited downloads and all but potentially locking the game to Steam. There is a reason why Steam is first. They helped growing the PC gaming community where all others just left to consoles. Now, they all come back to get a piece of the cake and that's fine. I'v got absolutely no problems with EA games being exclusive to Origin, of course they don't wanna pay 30% on MTX on Steam, which is why they left Steam.

Exclusives gives a small short term boost for the developer, but by the time it then comes too Steam, all the steam might've already run out...


Oct 26, 2017
If Epic starts churning out AAA single player PC exclusives on the level of TLOU I'll dump my entire Steam library and hang Tim Sweeny's picture above my bed, framed and everything.

Hell they could probably develop their own console with the money Fortnite is making.

I think people are shocked because they haven't seen a company brute force their way into the industry like this before. Steam, uPlay, Origin, and Blizzard launchers were all natural, gradual extensions of their publishers' output over decades.

Meanwhile Fortnite pops up and within a year is the most popular game in the world. Epic's staff are busy with Fortnite and UE4 and don't have the back catalogue to justify their own storefront. But they have absurd amounts of cash. So what do they do? They just buy the games.


Puzzle Master
Oct 25, 2017
Yikes, PC gaming had already gotten pretty messy over the years and now we've had two new stores launch with timed exclusives over the last 3 months.

I like options, but there are limits to how many stores I'm willing to juggle. Feels a bit like how streaming subscriptions are getting crowded, and Disney hasn't even launched their service yet.
Oct 31, 2017
At this point, you're running out of reasons to trash Epic games. And it's becoming clear you cannot be relied on for a dispassionate, level take on this subject.
Just a quick history recap. And at this point is clear you're ready to make any sort of shit up to be the apologist at all costs.

And of course I'm passionate about my PC gaming experience.
Unlike you I actually play on PC, after all.


Oct 27, 2017
So what's the word on what services Epic's offering me? You know, the important things that bring users to a platform besides bribes.


Aug 23, 2018
The store does not have a monopoly. Sites like Green Man Gaming, Humble Bundle etc have much better price than Steam and that is because, as been said countless of times, Valve gives out keys to games for free for them to sell on other stores if they want to. Taking the hit on unlimited downloads and all but potentially locking the game to Steam. There is a reason why Steam is first. They helped growing the PC gaming community where all others just left to consoles. Now, they all come back to get a piece of the cake and that's fine. I'v got absolutely no problems with EA games being exclusive to Origin, of course they don't wanna pay 30% on MTX on Steam, which is why they left Steam.

It's more likely that game sales from Steam keys represent only a fraction of the total sales of games. Additionally, it still requires redemption in the Steam store, essentially serving as a means to funnel customers eyeballs to the store.

Valve doesn't really lose much from doing this.


Oct 25, 2017
User Warned: System Wars
How ironic it is when people say Steam is a monopoly when Valve aren't the ones paying for exclusivity.

Yeah, they just set arbitrary cuts depending if you are a big dog or an indie studio. "You dont want to pay 30%? well fuck you, grow like capcom and maybe we will give you a better deal"

It just blow my mind how many irrational people are here in this thread attacking "console gamers" (lmao) for giving their opinion


Some people here really believes they are the muscle guys of the right and "console gamers" dirty peasants lol.


Aug 23, 2018
Just a quick history recap. And at this point is clear you're ready to make any sort of shit up to be the apologist at all costs.

And of course I'm passionate about my PC gaming experience.
Unlike you I actually play on PC, after all.

Good news for you then; when you buy a game on the Epic store and play it on your PC, it's called PC gaming!

Unless, of course, your passion is more towards one particular PC gaming storefront.


Oct 25, 2017
i cant believe people are actually throwing fits for having to install a new client to access some games. And are also stanning for a storefront, this is peak video game culture, grats guys, you manage to outdo yourselves every time
There is no need to be reductive, there are many valid concerns like how all these stores do not offer regional pricing. For other countries, particularly developing ones, games are affordable on Steam, because games are priced according to their average wage, yet stores like Epic do not offer it. So if you are in a developing country where the average wage is 1/4 of U.S average wage, you'd have to pay the direct conversion rate, which is ridiculous, a person in a country where the average wage is 1/4 of the U.S, $60 is a lot more money for them than an American.

Click "Prices" here for example, to see it in action:

For example, Mexicans would pay Mex$ 142.39, that is equivalent to $7, that is more affordable to them, than if they had to pay the straight American dollar conversion of $16 for the game.

Again, stores like Epic do not offer this. These sort of things matter, and Steam is the only place on PC to offer regional pricing. Games being affordable to people from all these countries is important. It's also not just developing countries, even countries like Canada games are priced appropriately, for that same game they would pay equivalent of $13, instead of $16, so maybe not such a big deal there, but for countries like Mexico, Brasil, Indonesia, South Africa, Chile, Taiwan, India, Thailand, etc? It's a big deal, because games otherwise would cost 2-3x.

Games becoming store exclusive yet the stores do not offer even close to the amount of features Steam does. It's stupid. Even those in developed countries people take for granted the things like all the CDNs Steam has in almost every country (including developing ones), it's why on Steam I can get my 1Gbps speeds for game downloads, where I can't even get that on PSN/Xbox or any other stores (usually most I get is 20% of my speed), and I don't see Epic offering that either, let alone the rest of Steam's social features.

That's before we even get into regional pricing, and

I don't care if you want to exclusively release a game on a store on PC, but it's shit when that store is worse to use as an end-user.
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Jan 17, 2018
I wouldn't bitch about Epic games' being Epic Games store exclusives, but moneyhatting 3rd party publishers for store exclusivity (even if it's short-termed) is a new fucking low. In what world does it inspire competition? In which way does it benefit customers? Hopefully all these indie devs took a good money and will be happy after they cut at least third of available userbase. I ain't gonna pay more for Journey than I paid for it when it still was a console exclusive.


"This guy are sick"
So, when will Epic allow me to stream my games to my other tvs with a push of a button and use any of the controllers I have floating around my house? Oh, I will still need to use Steam?

Hmm, sounds like the devs should just release the games there so I, the customer, can have an easier time playing their game.


Oct 28, 2017
i cant believe people are actually throwing fits for having to install a new client to access some games. And are also stanning for a storefront, this is peak video game culture, grats guys, you manage to outdo yourselves every time really haven't read up on what they did with Ashen then. Less than a day ago, I was gonna play the game on my PC with my gamepass subscription...not until I went to the store just to see it not be Play Anywhere anymore...then an hour later see it's on Epic's Store. Not only would I have to download a launcher (which isn't a problem for me) but now I would have to pay $40 bucks instead of nothing. So you should actually read and understand why people are upset rather than have a quick hottake.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Epic is such a joke.

Crying about walled garden and how MS is closing down Windows and then they turn around and do this.

There's absolutely no added value from the customer's perspective, the worse thing is that they're fucking over backers with that move.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017


Don't do this to me.
Just kidding, of course they wouldn't do something like that. That means someone actively has to work on something that won't bring in money!

It's more likely that game sales from Steam keys represent only a fraction of the total sales of games. Additionally, it still requires redemption in the Steam store, essentially serving as a means to funnel customers eyeballs to the store.

Valve doesn't really lose much from doing this.
Of course not. The point is that they can either sell it e.g. DRM-free on Humble Bundle and with a Steam key on GMG and guess where most people would buy the game?

Just look at GTA V, only on Steam can you get on Steam, yet it sold shitloads on Steam. It was 30% off on key sites and slightly less on sites like GMG etc yet over 50k still plays right now on Steam. Consumers wants the games on Steam.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Arghhh I truly hate reading all these posts about so called "competition". Removing choice is not "competing".

Good luck to the Devs that decided to rip their games that were scheduled to be/were available on other storefronts/platforms as I don't see any long term benefits to it. Certainly would be supporting that practice.

Timed third party exclusives on PC leaves a bad taste in my mouth but is mostly ok as long as it's not for a long period.

Am curious to see how this all works out for Devs doing these exclusive deals as whilst there is more eyes around their games in terms of marketing now, the potential target audience likely is much less because the amount of people wanting to explore the store may be low. There is also no guarantee the store will be successful could easily be another Win store situation which makes the revenue split less relevant if you're getting significantly less sales than being available on multiple platforms.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
It's more likely that game sales from Steam keys represent only a fraction of the total sales of games. Additionally, it still requires redemption in the Steam store, essentially serving as a means to funnel customers eyeballs to the store.

Valve doesn't really lose much from doing this.
As of yet though, no other store has Ashen up for sale afaik. Is that competition? That we have to adhere to Epics pricing?


Oct 27, 2017
Exactly how is this MS' fault? If the publisher decides they don't want to honour previous agreements and wants to take money from Epic instead and make their games exclusive, there's not much Microsoft can do. It sucks, and it's put me off the publisher's output, but I don't see how this is anything MS can really control. Considering Ashen is still listed as Play Anywhere on, I wonder how much MS even knew about this considering the suddenness of it.
I'm not raging at Microsoft or anything, but the agreement they had must have either lapsed or not been too strong to begin with, that's all. I just find it strange to see something that I had thought they'd be quite serious about (advertising a game as "Play Anywhere") being brushed aside like that. I'd have thought that they'd want to fight to keep it that way.

They've made a lot of noise about their Windows strategy again recently, and talked about Gamepass on PC. Play Anywhere was given a decent amount of fanfare when it launched and I hope this doesn't indicate that Microsoft are doing their usual bullshit backtracking from PC gaming that they've done time and time again.


Oct 27, 2017
Paid exclusivity is completely antithetical to the open nature of PC gaming and its culture of providing consumers with choices and options. Epic is going about establishing its presence in the PC digital download space in the absolute worst possible way for the standards and expectations of consumers on this platform.

Antithetical? The game develppers really owe you nothing and has nothing to do with a personal computer and rules you may want to apply to anyone releasing content on it. The PC allows a free market and they are using that by choosing Epic. You as a PC gamer are not being locked out like we see on the console level where hardware now becomes the barrier. You simply need to install a new launcher and that to you is antithetical?

Deleted member 32374

User requested account closure
Nov 10, 2017
Ah, I don't see the huge deal, as we've been dealing with PC store launchers for almost a decade now.

Hopefully the features of epic store come close to what steam offers.


Oct 25, 2017
Antithetical? The game develppers really owe you nothing and has nothing to do with a personal computer and rules you may want to apply to anyone releasing content on it. The PC allows a free market and they are using that by choosing Epic. You as a PC gamer are not being locked out like we see on the console level where hardware now becomes the barrier. You simply need to install a new launcher and that to you is antithetical?

And consumers owe developers nothing especially when they run way from Refunds, Regional Pricing and many of convenience features for users.


Oct 25, 2017
The curation on steam is still laughable and epic is providing better cuts for devs. I'll still use steam duh I have a shit ton of games but I'm getting tired of valve not releasing cool new games because of steam. And no, artifact is not cool.

You want to bring up developers not making games?

What has Epic made? Fortnite doesn't count.


Oct 25, 2017
Are we still unable to change our email address associated with our Epic Games account? I used a throwaway at first for Fortnite, but I've wanted to change it for awhile now. Epic Games for the longest time hasn't supported something as simple as that. Not sure I'd want to start paying for a games collection with Epic Games when they don't support the basic features that other platforms offer their customers.

It's not like they're too small of a company to actually invest and upgrade their features, especially if they want their storefront to be taken seriously. Looking forward to them making some big upgrades in the next several months.
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Oct 27, 2017
And consumers owe developers nothing especially when they run way from Refunds, Regional Pricing and many of convenience features for users.

If this is such a big issue for you then don't buy the game or wait. Simple. See, the PC allows competitive storefronts so I don't understand this entitlement from you as a consumer that demands all games to be on Steam. We can provide millions of examples how the PC really isn't obliged to be open sourced. Do NVidia cards allow support for freesync monitors?

The game developers are not saying to you now you need to buy this add-on to get access to our digital store. If Epic Store is such a tradgedy don't use it but on the same token don't be surprised to see deals made to coerce gamers to break that umbilical cord they have with Steam. As a business you will do what you can to get peoples business, that's normal. Epic is launching it's new store and they will do what they can to get you there. The PC argument has no merit.


Oct 25, 2017
If this is such a big issue for you then don't buy the game or wait. Simple. See, the PC allows competitive storefronts so I don't understand this entitlement from you as a consumer that demands all games to be on Steam. We can provide millions of examples how the PC really isn't obliged to be open sourced. Do NVidia cards allow support for freesync monitors?

The game developers are not saying to you now you need to buy this add-on to get access to our digital store. If Epic Store is such a tradgedy don't use it but on the same token don't be surprised to see deals made to coerce gamers to break that umbilical cord they have with Steam. As a business you will do what you can to get peoples business, that's normal. Epic is launching it's new store and they will do what they can to get you there. The PC argument has no merit.

Third world counties are entitled because they wanted proper regional pricing and not shitty conversion that are 1:1 conversion from US price to local currency?

How nice of you to stand at your first world country ivory tower and preach.


Dec 9, 2017
Ugh, more cruddy launchers that try to force you to use them by locking games to them. Until they have features competitive with Steam's long list, it's dead to me.

Although I suppose I am a bit intrigued at the idea of them being able to find AAA PC games, but they seem off to a bad start.


Oct 29, 2017
Decent lineup.

lol @ people complaining about exclusives when most PC releases are defacto stream exclusives in the first place -_-
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