How hyped are you for E3 2021? (out of 10 being the higest)

  • 1-2

    Votes: 655 26.4%
  • 3-4

    Votes: 457 18.4%
  • 5-6

    Votes: 435 17.5%
  • 7-8

    Votes: 414 16.7%
  • 8-9

    Votes: 289 11.6%
  • 10

    Votes: 234 9.4%

  • Total voters


Oct 25, 2017
Most of the posts in this thread are users being excited only by a single game or publisher... So I don't understand how only being excited about a Sony conference is any different and suddenly means people don't like videogames at all and have to find a new hobby. The hostility towards people simply enjoying PlayStation games is getting ridiculous here.

Eh, I feel the people only excited by a single game or publisher are also just myopic.

Even if you don't care for the E3 format, unless you're actively just ignoring large swaths of the gaming space E3 has lots of announcements for everyone, even in weaker years.


Jun 3, 2019
Eh, I feel the people only excited by a single game or publisher are also just myopic.

Even if you don't care for the E3 format, unless you're actively just ignoring large swaths of the gaming space E3 has lots of announcements for everyone, even in weaker years.

But saying people don't like the medium due to that or need to find a new hobby is still kinda uncalled for and unreasonably hostile.
Oct 26, 2017
I'm looking forward to it but not hyped or anything. Just hoping to see a couple of games that excite and that'll be all I really need

Most of the posts in this thread are users being excited only by a single game or publisher... So I don't understand how only being excited about a Sony conference is any different and suddenly means people don't like videogames at all and have to find a new hobby. The hostility towards people simply enjoying PlayStation games is getting ridiculous here.'s not as if people say something different for those other folk so I'm not sure how Era is hostile to Sony fans in particular, especially when it's generally pro Sony anyways


Apr 14, 2020
I'm looking forward to it. Especially after last year's underwhelming and messy Summer Game Fest


Jun 24, 2020
Is there any sort of calendar yet? Do we know who will be presenting on Saturday vs. Sunday?


Oct 29, 2017
*vague CG Trailer ending with 2022*

There i saved you a week.

There's tons of games where this can't/won't be the case. Some of the big potentials/almost guaranteed games that will likely have big chunks of gameplay:

- Elden Ring
- Halo
- Starfield
- Horizon 2
- Ghostwire Tokyo
- Zelda Botw 2
- Gotham Knights
- Harry Potter and the Bigotted Author
- Battlefield 6
- CoD

None of those will be CG.

Everwild likely won't be CG, we might get Fable gameplay, we might get GoW Ragnarok gameplay. There's tons more announced stuff we'll see gameplay off, and not all unannounced stuff will be CG (although I agree some will as always).


Spotlighting Black Excellence - Diversity Analyst
Oct 25, 2017
Houston, TX
I'm not really feeling the hype, to be honest. Maybe it'll feel more real as we get closer.


Dec 16, 2019
5ish? I mean, I don't feel COVID E3s are that exciting, and further, not sure if they really will be dropping a ton of news - we've been getting trickle information consistently enough that I suspect there may not be any "big moments". Maybe there will be - but I didn't feel there really wasn't many last and that was before a couple console launches.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 27, 2017
Eh, hard to get hyped when I don't even know the streaming dates yet

Lube Man

Jan 18, 2021
Absolutely zero hype.

May came too fast!!

I am not ready for E3 next month. I don't think the industry is ready for E3 next month due to COVID. Nothing AAA will be a 2021 title.


One Winged Slayer
May 22, 2018
I want to be really hyped, but I need Nintendo to announce their plans before I can make it official


Oct 27, 2017

So far it feels pretty open about what games will be there. I also assume this it will be all digital? That also makes it a bit less exciting


Apr 24, 2018
I'm excited. Last year all of the separate things and no Nintendo was a bummer. I always enjoy E3 week and this one being somewhat more normal will be nice.

Typically my interest is mostly just Nintendo, but I just picked up an XSX, so I'm paying a lot more attention to Microsoft stuff. Overall, I'm sure there will be a bunch of cool/new announcements and it'll be a fun week.

Deleted member 49482

User requested account closure
Nov 8, 2018
I'm a solid 8, mostly driven by the fact that this is the first E3 after the new console releases. Pretty much any new generation announcements are going to get me excited. The biggest problem is, I expect Covid has screwed up a lot of development roadmaps and marketing strategies. E3 2022 is probably going to be the heavy hitter, but regardless, I just haven't been able to mute my excitement that much for this year.


Oct 26, 2017
Clemson, SC
Poll results spread is fascinating.

Apparently the likes of Starfield does nothing for 50%+ of this board, lol.

There are some HUGE games that could be at this show.

Just a couple of the possible games we'll see puts me around a 7-8.

Although when I say I'm "hyped" that just means I can't wait to see these games. I'm not about to explode at the anticipation 🤣 . I'm too old for that.


"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
7-8. Over the years, I've come to like individual publisher/manufacturer presentations more than the full-scope show of E3, and I liked events like Giant Bomb's E3 After-Party more than much of the show itself.

The fact that many of the reveals and such occur within "Direct" style presentations nowadays diminishes my personal desire for a one-stop, days-long show like E3. I still imagine a good few publishers/developers will just be presenting Direct-style shows this year, anyway. I'm always excited for that sort of thing, but I no longer feel like it needs to be confined to something like E3.

That all said, this year's E3 is probably just a bunch of those mushed together so I'm still kinda excited to see how it shakes out, but I really don't care much for the mid-day, Live-at-E3 style broadcasts anymore, where I have found the last few (up to 2019) to be kind of boring showcases of games I don't have a lot of interest in back to back interviews and hoping I get to see something more from a game I'm interested in. It's not that I don't think those games don't deserve a shot at attention, it's just not the most engaging format anymore -- it's really only the keynotes that get my attention anymore at E3 and those keynotes are easily replaceable with Directs/State Of Play/etc, arguably without the risk of awkward celebrity appearances, business execs missing the mark hard, etc...


Nov 4, 2017
Eh, I feel the people only excited by a single game or publisher are also just myopic.

Even if you don't care for the E3 format, unless you're actively just ignoring large swaths of the gaming space E3 has lots of announcements for everyone, even in weaker years.
I agree. I don't understand a lot of people here. It's that time of year. Even though last years format was super disappointing, I still enjoyed seeing what everyone across the industry was working on.

It's like video game Christmas. Hype is one thing but peoples levels at 1-2? 0? That's wild to me.


Oct 25, 2017
GiantBomb was such an integral part of my E3, it's pretty difficult to get excited about the event now. I don't want to watch the press conferences without a running commentary. I don't want to have the nights go by without an evening interview/party show.


Oct 25, 2017
I voted 7-8. I'm always really excited for E3. Even like a relatively "bad" E3 is still a lot of fun because they announce new stuff or show me more of games I was already looking forward to. Would have went higher but Sony not being there knocks it down a little. Hope they do their own thing around that time. Nintendo's upcoming slate is looking a little thin so excited to see what they are up to. Would love some BotW2 info. Maybe another Rabbids-Mario game from Ubi. Microsoft have a lot of cool stuff announced that we haven't gotten good looks at. I'm hoping to grab a Series X by year's end so I'm excited to see more on what their new studios are up to. And then whatever the third parties are showing. Haven't thought too deep on them yet.

Deleted member 1839

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Probably a 5, if Sony was there then it would be an 8 just because they tend to bring the best announcements third party and first party.


Oct 27, 2017
Pretty hyped, 8. Hoping for lots of good stuff since I feel like many of the publishers I follow have been quiet lately.


Apr 19, 2018
Im tentatively excited for it.

Im sure we'll be seeing the covid impact this year from last year.. But at the same time, Nintendo must be cooking up something for later this year. Def am most excited for their conference.

As GoW is supposedly coming out this year, would like a glimpse of that. The E3 where that was shown for the first time was damn good.

And Xbox.. I think this could be their E3. They could be showing a lot of great titles.

Oh and if we see Elden Ring, I'll be very happy


Sep 27, 2020
I'm hyped. E3 has always been a holiday for me and this year is no different. Sure there are new console shortages and COVID-related delays, but I think we will see some cool stuff. Even if some games are a ways out, I enjoy the reveals.

I'm hoping the big 3 have great shows (assuming Sony does something on their own around E3). All 3 have big potential - MS with recent acquisitions, Sony with investment in their big first party IPs, and Nintendo with a potential new iteration of the Switch. Bring it on!


Oct 25, 2017
Not sure if I'm super excited yet, but I like the big gaming news being concentrated over a few days, so I'm looking forward to it.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm surprisingly pretty excited, for the show proper, and for whatever Sony might do around that timeframe.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Holy fuck we're almost halfway done with the year already!? Slow down 2021...
Weirdly enough I'm not too hyped, guess that's because there's too much to play currently that more game announcements are only going to make me think of the backlog instead of being excited lol, it's weird. In the last few weeks I've bought Returnal, NioH Collection, want to buy Judgment (gotta find a physical PS5 copy) and NieR Replicant, will get ME Trilogy and also Ratchet when they drop...


Oct 25, 2017
5-6, but probably 5, as I'm only really interested in Nintendo... which means I should have even lower expectations.


Oct 25, 2017
1-2. E3 press conferences are a waste of time in general and it's going to be extra terrible because of Covid.


User requested ban - Corrupted by Vengeance
Mar 21, 2021
Buenos Aires, Argentina
I don't think we'll see many exiting reveals if none at all because of COVID-19 delays. But God of War and FF XVI new trailers are enough for me to be hyped!


Oct 25, 2017
E3 literally used to be like Christmas morning for me. Its insane how little I care now. I'm excited to see new Nintendo stuff mostly.


Oct 27, 2017
Super excited for this one, as we'll finally most of the major publishers showing their games.
I'm especially excited for MS, Capcom and Nintendo.