
Oct 27, 2017
Ugh I've been abstaining for a drug test for a job I just got hired for and not smoking has caused my insomnia to come back :(


Nov 7, 2017
man, legal pot sure must be nice.

For me, the biggest revelation is knowing the TFC content in what you are buying.

"weed makes me sleepy" odds are you took too many puffs of a strong strain without knowing it, knocking your ass out. Having a thc estimate can definitely help in having a better, more responsable consumption.

Sage Anahata

Oct 6, 2019
Used to smoke a lot. Would go heavy for a few/several months, and then quit cold turkey. I imagine it helped me survive. But now continuing to go deep into meditation, getting high feels bad in comparison. Although I still enjoy experiencing new designer psychadellics, some of them are radical


Nov 1, 2017
I smoke every day. Girl Scout Cookies is my preferred strain, but I take what I can get living in Idaho where it's illegal. My guy has access to lots of good shit so I can often choose between indica and sativa (or a decent half half) at least.

I smoke joints until my my supply gets low, then I switch to pipes and my one hitter.

Getting older, I tend to wait until the end of the day to relax with some weed. I get more done that way and face less judgment from squares who think weed is for losers (while drinking all the time).


Oct 30, 2017
Nope but I vape it, fuck combustion. Have a Mighty for out and about and a log that I'm running a water rig with and it's sublime.

And pot? Only people over 60 call it that.

Deleted member 46948

Account closed at user request
Aug 22, 2018
Nope, I used to briefly in high school, but I'm not a fan of being high. Give me a nice, predictable alcohol buzz.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 27, 2017
I wish I could! Gives me anxiety. I'll certainly give a go again once it's legal in Chicago Jan 1st.

The Kidd

Oct 27, 2017
Used to, but I'd have a bad trip one of out 5 times. And have almost ruined 2 vacations cuz shit got me really bad, and made a fool of myself (At a Cali festival, and 21st bday party in Vegas. Crazy that of all the things I took those weekends, weed is what got me). About a year ago I had an out of body experience (had no idea that was possible with weed) and I'm guessing whatever part of my brain storing memories went haywire, and felt like my memories were as vivid as reality (so it felt like I was time traveling thru my past). Made me depressed af, and haven't touched it since.

Sucks cuz when im fine on it, it's a very chill experience, and would love to go swimming.

Actually cut everything off after that, drank at a party in Shinjuku this new years Eve, but that's it.

Deleted member 224

Oct 25, 2017
I used to, but a bad experience turned me off. I was with a group of people smoking and this girl that was with us started having a panic attack thinking she couldn't breathe and was dying. We almost drove her to the hospital because she was going absolutely wild, and it gave me quite a bit of anxiety.


Oct 25, 2017
I used to, but a bad experience turned me off. I was with a group of people smoking and this girl that was with us started having a panic attack thinking she couldn't breathe and was dying. We almost drove her to the hospital because she was going absolutely wild, and it gave me quite a bit of anxiety.
I think this mostly happens with newbies that are feeling a little paranoid about smoking beforehand and the pot just escalates that paranoia into a panic. Seen it happen dozens of times. I've been smoking most my life and that only started happening to me recently. I have to be in my comfort zone when I get baked now. Before I was baked everywhere I went lol


Dec 18, 2017
Roseburg Oregon
I smoke a little every day, I Have like zero tolerance lol. One small bong rip is all I need. Anything more and I don't like the feeling I get. But hey that and the price of weed in Oregon means I don't have to spent very much, couple months ago I spent 40 bucks and it lasted me like four months!


Oct 27, 2017
Denver, Colorado
I use Ripple Pure dissolvables at least a few times each week. I love living in Colorado where is this stuff is not only legal but regulated and cheap as hell. I can get my relaxation on for about $2.50 per night


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Yeah maybe 3-4 times a week.

Hitting the vape pen right before running errands with the wife is usually pretty relaxing.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm something of a connoisseur. Currently sitting on 12 strains across ~3oz. Preparing for my first grow soon.

Deleted member 224

Oct 25, 2017
I think this mostly happens with newbies that are feeling a little paranoid about smoking beforehand and the pot just escalates that paranoia into a panic. Seen it happen dozens of times. I've been smoking most my life and that only started happening to me recently. I have to be in my comfort zone when I get baked now. Before I was baked everywhere I went lol
Yeah it was her first time. I was totally relaxed and eating pizza until she started panicking. We spent the entire night trying to calm her down and it just made me wish I wasn't high.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah it was her first time. I was totally relaxed and eating pizza until she started panicking. We spent the entire night trying to calm her down and it just made me wish I wasn't high.
I wouldn't let that ruin your thoughts on it tho. Just smoke at a spot you feel comfortable. At home if possible. Then just put on a movie or something. At least you know if you're gonna start trippin you can just crash lol

Deleted member 18360

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
For me it's a mild anxiolytic that produces some warm fuzzies, a pleasant ability to fall into or immerse myself in things, along with less typical mental associations. So that's a yes, at least sometimes.


Restless Insomniac
Oct 25, 2017
I pretty much stopped after college. I enjoy smoking with friends but I've discovered that left to my own devices I just don't care to put the effort in.

Gaf Zombie

The Fallen
Dec 13, 2017
It's my intoxicant of choice.

I'm afraid of trying most other drugs and I've never been a huge fan of alcohol.

Weed is fun, easy on my body and relatively inexpensive. Makes sex much better as well.

Only downside is the smell. Edibles have done nothing for me thus far.


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, I never do anything high though. Just watch videos , play a game, and eat. I remember in university going out to the store baked and that just seems crazy to me now.


Oct 25, 2017
I used to, a ton, and I liked it a bunch, but it kinda started to induced panic attacks at a certain point, so I stopped.

Boiled Goose

Nov 2, 2017
Not really.

1) I don't like smoking in general.
2) high feeling doesn't do much for me. Prefer the alcohol buzz

If someone is smoking and offers I might take a hit, but it's just not interesting enough for me to seek it.


Oct 25, 2017
some of these responses are mind-boggling! it's the most benign and harmless 'drug' ever. it's pretty good but no one is getting physically hooked on it, especially compared to something like alcohol or prescription drugs, which are 'socially-acceptable' but about a billion times more destructive and can actually kill you! no one is dying off a bong rip or dab hit

i swear, if some of you just took a little bit, enough for a 'buzz' you would realize that all this fuzz and worry is over absolutely nothing. it relaxes you and gets you more social/hungry/sleepy/horny, nothing bad at all.

also, some of y'all need to realize you don't need to smoke to get high at all. that's one way, but not the only way. so that's not even a real excuse against it. it won't smell, you won't get it on you hahaha
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Oct 25, 2017
Nope. Never understood why people like it. Doing something that makes you cough isn't enjoyable, and then I just want to fall asleep. What the hell is the point?


Nov 25, 2017
I've switched exclusively to edibles they are fantastic.
It's easy to get carried away and spend too much on this stuff though honestly, I had to check myself.


Oct 25, 2017
I've switched exclusively to edibles they are fantastic.
It's easy to get carried away and spend too much on this stuff though honestly, I had to check myself.

Yeah, edibles can get crazy expensive. I've never much cared for them - too unpredictable. Sometimes I barely feel anything, sometimes I get so high I have a panic attack.


The Fallen
Oct 29, 2017
Syracuse, NY
I started back up as a regular smoker once I got my job in the spring. I smoke at least once before bed so I can relax a little better. If I have no reason to leave the house and don't have work or anything going on I'll smoke a bowl and listen to music or play games or something. My relatives know about it because of some issues with my mental health fraying over the summer but my friends still don't have a clue.

It's also not legal here in NY yet so it's an annoyance to buy.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
Hell no. The gateway drug? No thanks.