
Oct 27, 2017
North Carolina
Basically what im saying is marijuana isn't a one size fits all type of experience. You have to match your marijuana to your mood.

I do smoke and that's an important point about the mood you are in. It took me far too long to come to terms with the ways in which alcohol and pot both enhanced and altered my mood. I don't drink when I'm upset and I don't smoke when I'm anxious/stressed. I have a very active mind at all times, even indicas do very little to quiet that down, hence needing to monitor my mood so I don't spend a bunch of time thinking about something that is, in reality, not a major concern.

I don't smoke a lot any more, sometimes it's when I'm out being sociable, other times it is when I play a game or watch a movie with my wife.


Oct 29, 2017
For what it's worth in my opinion cannabis is a hallucinogenic enhancer. Are you funny? Lazy? Creative or love to eat certain foods? Do you obsess? For some people you may experience relief from negative ailments but typically unless you are dealing with issues in a constructive manner pot can only help so much before it can exacerbate certain issues. I highly suggest positive outlets regardless of whether you get high or not.



Oct 28, 2017
New York
Not anymore, I use to smoke almost everyday in some capacity. It got to the point where I started realizing I felt awful when I wasn't high and my end goal of the day was to get high after I got everything done. I felt mentally lagged and long story short, one day I decided to go cold turkey to focus on other aspects of my life. I don't have a problem with marijuana, people who smoke or any bad feelings against it at all. I just know its not for me and I prefer myself to be sober.

SiK SiNr1

Oct 28, 2017
Los Angeles, Ca
I do smoke and that's an important point about the mood you are in. It took me far too long to come to terms with the ways in which alcohol and pot both enhanced and altered my mood. I don't drink when I'm upset and I don't smoke when I'm anxious/stressed. I have a very active mind at all times, even indicas do very little to quiet that down, hence needing to monitor my mood so I don't spend a bunch of time thinking about something that is, in reality, not a major concern.

I don't smoke a lot any more, sometimes it's when I'm out being sociable, other times it is when I play a game or watch a movie with my wife.
If you live in a state where it's legal and you have the option to buy multiple strains I would suggest looking up the strains on Leafy, they will tell you exactly how the strains affect you.

Sometimes you may want something to relax you and get an indica strain but it's not really an indica dominant strain so it's basically a waste if you don't do your research. There are a lot of strains that don't necessarily fit into the hybrid catagory but are basically that, a hybrid.


Oct 27, 2017
North Carolina
If you live in a state where it's legal and you have the option to buy multiple strains I would suggest looking up the strains on Leafy, they will tell you exactly how the strains affect you.

Sometimes you may want something to relax you and get an indica strain but it's not really an indica dominant strain so it's basically a waste if you don't do your research. There are a lot of strains that don't necessarily fit into the hybrid catagory but are basically that, a hybrid.

PR has medical, thankfully. I'll be going to get a card in the next week or two. I'm hoping between that doctor and the dispensary that I'll get some solid recommendations based on what is available.

I'm familiar with Leafly, it's pretty great. I used to live in NYC, so I was able to play around with a large number of strains. I actually really like the hyperactive state pot usually throws my mind into, but finding something to turn that off would be nice.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm baked almost constantly. :3

I have pens, bongs, vaporizers, and pipes. Pens are probably easiest on my asthma riddled lungs, but I loooooove well iced, cold bong rips. <3

As for strains, I fluctuate between indica/high CBD strains for anxiety and stress and sativas/high THC stuff for recreation. So, basically a little bit of everything.


Nov 1, 2017
Grabbed a bag after work, finally watching Planet Earth 2. Can confirm this shit looks almost 3D on an LG OLED
Oct 29, 2017
Usually only on weekends, but on my time off this holiday it's been about one a day. Currently smoking a blunt and playing super mario odyssey with the wife.


Oct 27, 2017
Not so much anymore. My fiancee has asthma so it's no fun when she can't partake. I also don't have much spending money at the moment so weed is a no go.


Oct 27, 2017
I used to, back in high school, but not as much as my friends did. I had a hard time saying no, and it led to doing some other stuff with them, like e, mushrooms and a very small amount of coke. I then realized I didn't want to go down that path and that it wasn't me, so I stopped cold turkey. After a while it'd started to make me paranoid anyways.

It helped that my 'friend' tried to steal a bottle of booze from my parents and I caught him in the act.

I've smoked it a few times since, and been drugged by another friend who told me that the brownies he had were plain when I asked.


Nov 4, 2017
Not anymore. I did for around 15 years. Starting smoking was a huge mistake. Wasted so much of my life being stoned, not accomplishing or remembering anything.


Nov 4, 2017
No I find smoking to be disgusting and the smell to be revolting.

I do eat edibles to get high once in awhile (maybe 4 times last year?) even though they are universally tasting of ass.

SiK SiNr1

Oct 28, 2017
Los Angeles, Ca
I was in a fucked up car accident 10 years ago and was prescribed some pretty heavy shit. I found that I was taking the meds to feel mormal instead of to fight the pain and decided I needed to cut that shit real quick. The withdrawal symptoms were kicking my ass so I stayed high pretty much from the time i woke up to the time I went to sleep that weekend and was withdrawal free by Monday morning. Smoking weed basically saved my live from addiction to bullshit opioids


Oct 27, 2017
I was in a fucked up car accident 10 years ago and was prescribed some pretty heavy shit. I found that I was taking the meds to feel mormal instead of to fight the pain and decided I needed to cut that shit real quick. The withdrawal symptoms were kicking my ass so I stayed high pretty much from the time i woke up to the time I went to sleep that weekend and was withdrawal free by Monday morning. Smoking weed basically saved my live from addiction to bullshit opioids

I know that feeling man. I injured my whole right arm. From wrist to shoulder and a bit of my back. Opting to go for pain killers before weed was a huge mistake. Those withdrawal symptoms destroyed me.


Oct 30, 2017
To me it's like when people non-stop talk about a show/game/movie, the less I like the person that does that, the less likely I am to watch/play that after I hear them talking about it.

Sure I have some great friends that smoke weed, and that's cool... But enough people have put me off wanting to bother with it, that I probably never will.


Oct 25, 2017
I hate how it makes me feel so, no. I'm sort of a low energy person normally so taking a drug that enhances that feeling just doesn't work. I live in Washington state and voted to legalize it and my sister works in a store that sells every variety of it. Too bad it's pretty much the only drug I've ever taken that doesn't appeal to me.


Nov 8, 2017
Can't remember if I've posted in here or not....

Been using marijuana pretty regularly since I was 14. Its always just been joints, bongs and the odd pipe/bubbler.

With all the dispensaries popping up in the last couple of years I have finally been able to get my hands on good edibles. Also access to good quality hash, oil, different concentrates and tinctures.

My preferred method is shatter with a dab pen right now. Convenient, clean, quality.
I was actually smoking a little to much because of how easy it became for me to step out and have a puff. Took a couple weeks off and just recently smoked my first joint in months and I can honestly say I don't miss it. Back to concentrates and edibles for me.

Drain You

▲ Legend ▲
Oct 27, 2017
To me it's like when people non-stop talk about a show/game/movie, the less I like the person that does that, the less likely I am to watch/play that after I hear them talking about it.

Sure I have some great friends that smoke weed, and that's cool... But enough people have put me off wanting to bother with it, that I probably never will.

I felt the same way about Star Wars till I watched the first 6 in one weekend.

Just like the movies, may not be for you, or me for that matter, but if pot can help some people I'd rather it help the people who need it


Oct 25, 2017
Did it everyday for about a couple of years, but my memory started to deteriorate. Now that I have gotten older, I don't feel the need to do it. It loses its luster when you get older. When I was high, I was relegated to passive forms of entertainment, and I didn't find my self as productive. It can provide introspection, but I look for acid if I want to that type of reflection.

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Oct 28, 2017
smoked pot for round... 14 ish years i guess from 18 to 32-33ish.

stopped once i started living with my wife. i like pot fine in a be by myself and watch movies way. i dont enjoy it anymore, the paranoia aspect irritates me and having red eyes would always up that.


Oct 25, 2017
Nah, weed was responsible for 90s hip hop. Blame modern hip hop on lean and xanax.
hrm...that's a good damn point you know. can't even fuck with these young cats and their xannies. I couldn't hang with that 20 years ago, and i can't today.

nothing says fuck rhythm and cadence like using pharmaceuticals.

Mike Jones........who?


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Not at the moment because it's illegal in Illinois and I mean like rather not risk going to jail. Once it becomes legal I intend to consume edibles because I do not wish to have smoke enter my lungs.


Nov 1, 2017
Not at the moment because it's illegal in Illinois and I mean like rather not risk going to jail. Once it becomes legal I intend to consume edibles because I do not wish to have smoke enter my lungs.
I mean, you won't go to jail for pot in illinois. If you somehow got caught with weed on you, which is super easy to avoid anyway, it's just a 100 dollar fine. Less than most speeding tickets.
Oct 25, 2017
Sometimes at night to help me sleep but that's it really. I live in a state where it is legal and just get the oil and vape it as I'm not a fan of the smell.


Oct 27, 2017
I have just always hated the smell. I remember the first time people smoked it around me back in like 7th grade and just being like "nope!" I don't mind people using it around me and think it is insane that it is in any way illegal. But, I have no desire to try it myself.

I also enjoy the false sense of superiority for having never been drunk or high in my life.


Nov 11, 2017
i'm rather stoned right now so hard, and i see you all in your worst, and i shame you for your misdeeds.



Oct 27, 2017
I only consider doing it amongst people
im cool with if the occasion calls for it

I dont go out of my way to do it or feel the urge to do it. Even when I hang out with people and it comes up I still pass on it.
I prefer a clear mind, but every now and then smoking is cool


Oct 27, 2017
About to start cleaning the apartment, so give me about ten minutes to get the volcano set up.