
Oct 25, 2017
East Coast, USA
Can't you just explain what I'm assuming that's wrong? If I'm doing that then I'm happy to clarify or take it back but I really can't see what incorrect assumptions I'm making.

But then all you're doing is turning a simple yes/no question into a much more long winded yes/no question. When someone asks "are you a gamer" or something similar, all they're asking is "do you play video games".

Eventually you're going to tell them that you do play video games, so I guess I still don't see the point of preceding the answer with a long winded explination about how their definition of the word gamer (the one used by most people to simply mean someone who plays video game) is different from the one you and a relatively small subset of people use.

You do you but I don't get it. It's a simple question and there's no accusations or connotations other than the ones you impose on it.

Again I think there's a bunch of reasons to not want to call yourself a gamer, but this one I just don't get.
The way you have this written out sounds like you think someone just says out of the blue 'Are you a gamer?' and all they want is a yes or no answer and then they move onto the next question. This is happening during a conversation and this was not what initiated any of these discussions.

You imply I tell them a long winded explanation about what gamer gate is before I tell them 'Yes I play games.'

When having a conversation simple questions can be jumping points to have deeper, more meaningful discussions about the world at large. I'm not getting angry or confrontational any time this happens, it's a conversation. I'm not jogging and a passerby says, 'Hey are you a gamer?'


Oct 27, 2017

A "gamer" should be someone who plays it competitively imo. Makes a living out of it.

Games are just a hobby to me.


Oct 28, 2017
I think the real question is, do others identify you as a gamer once they find out its your hobby? And is it somthing you try to hide? lol

More importantly, do you identify yourself as a human? Cause most humans are quite shit in my experience...


One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
I consider someone who plays games a lot to be a gamer.

For example my brother was showing me Destiny 2 and was telling me it takes a bit to learn the ropes, but he said since I'm a gamer, I should know what to do fairly quickly. And well yeah, that is true since I know the basics of mechanics from all the games I played before hand and can apply it here.

I don't consider it as a "group" or anything. Just a discription of what I do a lot. If I plant plants a lot in a garden, I wouldn't mind someone calling me a gardener.

I also don't think about it much tbh. I don't go around calling myself a gamer or anything.


Oct 27, 2017
I love video games and a bunch of other things. Call me what you will, though I don't label myself as anything.

Personally, I think the term is silly. For whatever reason gaming is one of the few hobbies that can come with a label. It's dumb, imo.


Oct 27, 2017
No, because I see it as an inherently exclusionary term in all practical connotations, and I want to see the act of playing video games become as ubiquitous as possible, with people from all walks of life considering video games as acceptable and mundane an activity as watching tv, listening to music, or watching a movie.
I would say that the best way to achieve this is by treating the word "gamer" like "listener", or "viewer". No need to negatively load the word and put off those who would otherwise enjoy the positive things about gaming culture.

The thing about people claiming "Being a gamer just means playing video games" is that it ignores the statistics of people who actually play games and what the term gamer means and how it is used. A little over half of people who play games are female and older, thanks to the rise of mobile gaming, but the term gamer has an entirely different connotation. Certain people play a ton of games, but if they aren't a part of certain core genres or they aren't tied in to some part of the larger gaming zeitgeist that term isn't seen as applicable. My mom plays lots of mobile games regularly, my girlfriend specifically loves Animal Crossing, but you'll find next to no one who would hear that and call either of them a gamer, and they certainly wouldn't call themselves gamers either.
I'd call them gamers. I mean, not as an identity thing - but they should be included in the demographic.

I'm old and I know no gamers in real life - none of my friends, relatives or neighbours play games at all, not even a mobile game to pass the time while waiting for a bus. What people deep inside gaming culture forget is that for those outside the negative associations of gamers isn't that they are racist and/or msyogonist - it's that they are lazy bums who should go outside and do something constructive rather than going pew pew all day.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
No. Don't need men being all like "GAMER GUUUUUUURL" at me. You guys can keep that label to yourself.


Oct 27, 2017
Auckland, New Zealand
I do but that is just part of who I am. I'm also a husband, a dad, a team leader, a snow boarder etc.
I would never label myself as just one thing but if someone asks if I play games I say yes, I'm a gamer.


Oct 27, 2017
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Some of y'all need to stop being so fucking precious about video games

"Bu bu bu- you play games like me! and I'm a gamer! so you're a gamer too!"

Not, get the fuck over it. Also, stop being such colossal shit bags to anyone that isn't a straight white guy. Also, fuck off with the "We're all humans, don't you identify as human???" lazy ass strawman. Shit's getting more than a little pathetic 19 pages in.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
It'd just be gamer. Im a nurse who's s guy but people don't say hey "male nurse"!
Yeah, you don't get it.

And no, it wouldn't. Only times I've been actually treated well were the times I'd say I was a guy, and would avoid voice chat like the plague. So no I have my reasons to not want to call myself "a gamer" lmao.


Jun 1, 2018
Some of y'all need to stop being so fucking precious about video games

"Bu bu bu- you play games like me! and I'm a gamer! so you're a gamer too!"

Not, get the fuck over it. Also, stop being such colossal shit bags to anyone that isn't a straight white guy. Also, fuck off with the "We're all humans, don't you identify as human???" lazy ass strawman. Shit's getting more than a little pathetic 19 pages in.
Just wow, whoever gets offended by being called a gamer when they spend alot of time playing games need to get over themselves. However If its said in a way thats supposed to be insulting its rather different.

Mass Effect

One Winged Slayer
Oct 31, 2017
More importantly, do you identify yourself as a human? Cause most humans are quite shit in my experience...

Last time I checked, people weren't born gamers.

No. Don't need men being all like "GAMER GUUUUUUURL" at me. You guys can keep that label to yourself.

We don't want that shit neither

Some of y'all need to stop being so fucking precious about video games

"Bu bu bu- you play games like me! and I'm a gamer! so you're a gamer too!"

Not, get the fuck over it. Also, stop being such colossal shit bags to anyone that isn't a straight white guy. Also, fuck off with the "We're all humans, don't you identify as human???" lazy ass strawman. Shit's getting more than a little pathetic 19 pages in.

Thank you. Seriously, all of this. This desperate attempt to try to rope us in with their merry little band is obnoxious.

these people be like "UR A GAMER TOO WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT"

lmao shut up


Oct 25, 2017
I don't define nor identify myself with the hobbies I enjoy. It'd be like telling people I'm a "Reader". Sure, I read books, like lots of other people. And I play games, too. Don't need of want a label for that. And that term has way too much baggage anyway.


Oct 27, 2017
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Maybe you could get the fuck over it, you pop in a thread acting all precious like your voice is the only one that matters. What a shit bag thing to do.
Thank you for proving my point. Some of y'all really can't handle that people don't want to be associated with your shitty ass fandom

Just wow, whoever gets offended by being called a gamer when they spend alot of time playing games need to get over themselves. However If its said in a way thats supposed to be insulting its rather different.
I spend surprisingly little time playing games, mostly due in part to how fucking shitty the 'community' at large is.


Oct 25, 2017
I enjoy videogames a lot but I don't wear gaming themed clothing or own any gaming knickknacks. I don't discuss games with people who don't play games. It's a hobby to me.


Oct 30, 2017
Thank you for proving my point. Some of y'all really can't handle that people don't want to be associated with your shitty ass fandom
My point is you're being dense as fuck, it's a harmless word that most "regular" people associate with nerd or geek... not incel, racist and bigot. For some reason you and others are trying to connect the two and it just doesn't check out with the majority of rational people.

If you play games you are technically a gamer. I don't call myself one and don't address others by it but by definition it's the case. To argue otherwise is illogical.

Andy Mac

Jun 28, 2018
Some of y'all need to stop being so fucking precious about video games

"Bu bu bu- you play games like me! and I'm a gamer! so you're a gamer too!"

Not, get the fuck over it. Also, stop being such colossal shit bags to anyone that isn't a straight white guy. Also, fuck off with the "We're all humans, don't you identify as human???" lazy ass strawman. Shit's getting more than a little pathetic 19 pages in.


Plays video games, posts on video game forums AND is irrationally angry.

You certainly match the stereotype of the toxic gamer.

Good for you, I guess.

Have you tried not being angry online?


Oct 27, 2017
Some of y'all need to stop being so fucking precious about video games

"Bu bu bu- you play games like me! and I'm a gamer! so you're a gamer too!"

Not, get the fuck over it. Also, stop being such colossal shit bags to anyone that isn't a straight white guy. Also, fuck off with the "We're all humans, don't you identify as human???" lazy ass strawman. Shit's getting more than a little pathetic 19 pages in.
I rarely see people get so pissed about dictionary definitions


Oct 29, 2017
It's sad how so many people can't separate assholes who identify as gamers and gamers.
Yes I identify myself as a gamer, but no I don't go around telling people for that above reason.
I'm just a person who's main escape is gaming and has always been, that's pretty much it.

Some of y'all need to stop being so fucking precious about video games

"Bu bu bu- you play games like me! and I'm a gamer! so you're a gamer too!"

Not, get the fuck over it. Also, stop being such colossal shit bags to anyone that isn't a straight white guy.

You sound like you are what you hate. That naive generalisation too.... fucking hell you actually believe so firmly that anyone who's a gamer must be something that fits your warped idea of one.

Chill out, racist.


Jun 1, 2018
Thank you for proving my point. Some of y'all really can't handle that people don't want to be associated with your shitty ass fandom

I spend surprisingly little time playing games, mostly due in part to how fucking shitty the 'community' at large is.
Then perhaps the term isnt applicable for you, I stopped playing online games mostly myself because I find many competetive communitys toxic.

But atleast where I am from (Sweden) the popular belief of the term is just "someone who plays games and takes them seriously". What seriously would Imply is up for debate, In a 2013 research 25% of youth, ages 15-24 considered themselves gamers (again, Sweden), so here its a fair word to use without implying other things, generally speaking.

The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017
No, I don't identify as a 'gamer,' but I'm not shy that I like videogames. I don't see gaming as something that is part of my identity, I see it was an activity that I do and an industry I follow.

When I refer to people like us on this forum and elsewhere, I usually say "videogame enthusiasts," because these days talk more about videogames than I play them.


Patient hunter
On Break
Oct 27, 2017
My point is you're being dense as fuck, it's a harmless word that most "regular" people associate with nerd or geek... not incel, racist and bigot. For some reason you and others are trying to connect the two and it just doesn't check out with the majority of rational people.

If you play games you are technically a gamer. I don't call myself one and don't address others by it but by definition it's the case. To argue otherwise is illogical.
Technically correct but lacking nuance.

If 'gamer' encompasses everyone from someone playing Flappy Bird for two minutes a week on their phone to someone who logs xx hours a week on dedicated hardware and spends a large chunk of their disposable income on it, it's pointless as a descriptive when it's clearly used to describe one of those types of behaviour more often than the other or both together.

I go to the cinema once every six months, 'cinephile' is generally used to describe those whose media use and level of knowledge goes above passing interest. Same for 'bookworm', it's not used to describe someone who only reads the latest airport thriller on the beach once a year.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I'm a gamer by definition, but I'd never self-identify that way. I'm a guy who loves videogames. I'm a horror movie buff too, but I identify as a guy who loves horror movies. Both those terms imply a dedication to each hobby that I don't care to be judged against. And these days, gamers have a vile reputation. No interest in being associated with racist Twitter psychos with anime avatars who hate women.


Oct 27, 2017
Sure, why not. It's just a term like Audiophile or film buff. Just because a vocal minority are shit heads doesn't mean we have to get rid of something that was perfectly fine as a term before.


Oct 26, 2017
"Im not a gamer! Im not a gamer!!", I continue to insist as I spend every waking hour on a gaming forum.

And not just any gaming forum, but a very enthusiastic one that only small portion gamers would know about. Sorry I meant, people who frequently play video games and read about gaming news and business

I'll make sure to also never refer to a person in the driving seat a driver again. He is just a person who rides a car.


Oct 27, 2017
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
It's sad how so many people can't separate assholes who identify as gamers and gamers.
Yes I identify myself as a gamer, but no I don't go around telling people for that above reason.
I'm just a person who's main escape is gaming and has always been, that's pretty much it.

You sound like you are what you hate. That naive generalisation too.... fucking hell you actually believe so firmly that anyone who's a gamer must be something that fits your warped idea of one.

Chill out, racist.
Not wanting to be lumped in with a scene that propped up and still feeds gamergate makes me a racist now. Good job gamer bro, you sure showed me.

Andy Mac

Jun 28, 2018
Technically correct but lacking nuance.

If 'gamer' encompasses everyone from someone playing Flappy Bird for two minutes a week on their phone to someone who logs xx hours a week on dedicated hardware and spends a large chunk of their disposable income on it, it's pointless as a descriptive when it's clearly used to describe one of those types of behaviour more often than the other or both together.

I go to the cinema once every six months, 'cinephile' is generally used to describe those whose media use and level of knowledge goes above passing interest. Same for 'bookworm', it's not used to describe someone who only reads the latest airport thriller on the beach once a year.

I think that's a good point actually and maybe "gamer" ought to be used in a way that describes someone with more than a passing interest.

I think people in movie communities would be annoyed at least if folks were trying to connect being a cinephile to awful shit. I am sure there are bad people who do bad stuff who are also REALLY into a movies.


Oct 27, 2017
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
He passively shit on whites, straights and males all in one sentence.
I'm all of those things, and never once have I ever started screaming racist or sexist obscenities during a video game, but I've had it screamed at me. So please, save your concern trolling for someone who gives a shit.

It's not all 'gamers' but it's enough of 'em that I don't want to be associated with the community. If you don't like it, or can't handle that opinion, then tough shit. Call yourselves whatever you want.


May 27, 2018
He passively shit on whites, straights and males all in one sentence.

They aren't though? A straight white male is pretty much the default gamer identity and calling that out isn't racist, especially when minorities get shit on by said identity endlessly for just trying to exist in the same space all because the share the same games.
There's a reason having a LGBT/POC character is seen as "controversial" in this industry.


Oct 27, 2017
You are one of them now, Grimminski, don't deny it. Accept the gamer identity, be part of the hive mind.


Oct 27, 2017
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
You replied and tried to save face, clearly showing you give a shit.
You keep going, obviously I'm going to reply back.

We all get it. Gaming is super important to a lot of you, and if you want to make it the core of your identity, then go ahead. Don't get your panties in a bunch when anyone says that want no part of it.

They aren't though? A straight white male is pretty much the default gamer identity and calling that out isn't racist, especially when minorities get shit on by said identity endlessly for just trying to exist in the same space all because the share the same games.
There's a reason having a LGBT/POC character is seen as "controversial" in this industry.
Take the battlefield 5 reveal, jfc the shitstorm that brewed over having women in the game. So fucking embarrassing.


Oct 29, 2017
I'm all of those things, and never once have I ever started screaming racist or sexist obscenities during a video game, but I've had it screamed at me. So please, save your concern trolling for someone who gives a shit.

It's not all 'gamers' but it's enough of 'em that I don't want to be associated with the community. If you don't like it, or can't handle that opinion, then tough shit. Call yourselves whatever you want.

Congratulations you are a good person. See how easy it is? You don't want to be associated with all the above yet you literally also take part in the topic at hand.

Do you really not understand what generalisation is? Are you one of those people not capable of getting past that? The very people you hate are also doing the same thing.