Lady Bow

Nov 30, 2017
Unless your living is literally playing video games/ seems silly to identify yourself a gamer just because you play video games, but that's just me. If somebody asks me about my hobbies I tell them I like playing video games, watching movies, etc etc. What's your take?


Woke up, got a money tag, swears a lot
Oct 25, 2017


Oct 26, 2017
If you're on resetera, you're "gamer" lmao.
"I'm not a gamer, but I visit this niche videogame forum and post on it everyday" Yeah ok.

Pall Mall

Oct 25, 2017
I definitely used to, now internally maybe but not very much externally to other people (unless I know that they're also really into games). Definitely not 'Gamer' with a capital G, as if its some like special/unique class of people. Just a fun hobby!


Oct 27, 2017
No. I play video games, it doesn't identify me.

I'm not a "reader" because I read books, why would I be a gamer because I play games?


Nov 4, 2017
Sometimes yeah, sometimes no. Gamer carries the stigma of "obviously you play all the hot new hyped games right??" and nooo... I haven't cause they're more often than not my thing. Really comes down to whether or not I feel like explaining what I do play and why not others.


Oct 28, 2017
Raleigh, NC
Definitely not.

'Gamers' is a way to quickly describe a culture around video games that most anyone (especially here) instantly recognizes and understands though.

Sir Guts

Use of alt account
Oct 26, 2017
Unless your living is literally playing video games/ seems silly to identify yourself a gamer just because you play video games, but that's just me. If somebody asks me about my hobbies I tell them I like playing video games, watching movies, etc etc. What's your take?
If you play video games and into the industry and how they develop games, why shouldn't you be considered a gamer? You don't have to play video games for a living to be one..
Oct 27, 2017
Who cares about labels like that? Yeah sure, if someone asks if the are any gamers in the house I'd raise my hand. Im also a worker, a father, a husband, a driver etc.


Dec 8, 2017
Yup. I call myself a movie/animation buff and a comic book nerd and all of those because it's just easier for me to get across what I'm a fan of and I don't have a problem with anyone else that does, either, nor should anyone else. It's none of anyone else's concern what you define yourself as and no one has the right to tell you otherwise. People making dumb assumptions about others, doesn't help. You can call yourself whatever you like as long as you aren't a dick, the internet needs less of those.
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Oct 25, 2017
Nah, it's just a hobby, I don't identify myself by the stuff I sometimes do during my free time.


Oct 25, 2017
Nashville, TN
I always just tell people that I love games. Something like this: "I love games, movies, really anything with a great story and interesting art, music, design".

This usually works better since many people don't really know what to do with "I'm a gamer" or "I play a ton of video games"


Jun 16, 2018
I am a person who likes to play video games and am interested in them a great deal, so I guess by definition I am a gamer per se. The term has sort of a negative stigma behind it now thanks to all the twelve year olds and other racists on the internet, so I guess I'd rather refer to my self as "one who plays video games" lol.

Deleted member 14313

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Yes, I am a gamer just as I am a reader. I do not get the controversy.

Yes some who identify as gamers are racist but that is true of any sufficently large group that isn't defined by not being racist.
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Oct 25, 2017
I really don't know, there's so much stigma attached to the label between the cringy and the outright malicious. There are parts of the gaming community I adore like nothing else but many others are filled with the worst kind of people.
I think in general the hobby is diverse enough at this stage to have sub-identities to better represent people than the single umbrella term.
Oct 25, 2017
I mean, I don't tell people "I'm a gamer", that sounds ridiculous, just like I don't introduce myself as "anime fan", or "weeaboo". But I never felt the need to say "no, I just like videogames, I don't identify myself as a gamer" to correct people either. I'll never say "I'm a gamer" unprompted, but if someone asks me if I'm a gamer for whatever reason, I'll just say "yeah".


Oct 28, 2017
i barely identify as a human being, so...

If you're on resetera, you're "gamer" lmao.
"I'm not a gamer, but I visit this niche videogame forum and post on it everyday" Yeah ok.

i mean, that's fair, but ultimately fallacious. i like games, and i like playing them, when time and money allows. which, honestly, they dont: the only physical copy of a game i still own is Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter, the last AAA game i bought was maybe Persona 5, and last new game i actually played was The Banner Saga 3 which i paid for 6 years ago. i consider a gamer to be someone who "games" as their primary (if not ONLY) hobby, to the degree that a lot of their personality and lifestyle is super inclusive of that. otherwise, youre just someone who likes to play video games. there's a significant difference IMO.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm a carer whilst we're at it.

Because I like driving my car, not looking after people.


Oct 25, 2017
"Gamer" doesn't have enough edge to it. I identify as a Hardcore Gamer and always look people square in the eye when I say it.

Deleted member 11934

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Defining hobbies under a label is stupid.

Going to see the Marvel movies each year makes you a cinephile?

How many books do you need to read each year to make you a reader? Do nonfiction count?

Enjoying a couple manga makes you a weeaboo or something? Do you even need to enjoy anime and manga to be a weeaboo?



Oct 27, 2017
Yes, and no amount of negative connotations that I have nothing to do with will change it. I've been a "gamer" since the mid 80s, and simply "played video games" before that. It's almost like we're right back before '97 where the hobby was seen for only losers or nerds, then it blew up and became somehow "more socially acceptable" to play video games, until finally a decade later it went mainstream and no one associated playing video games with something to be ashamed of. Then gamergate happened and now the word is considered dirty again by many.

Some gamers are assholes, just like some "people" are.

Gamer, cinephile and audiophile aren't used to describe someone that simply does a thing. They're used to describe those that are really into any given hobby, more than the average person would be. That's it.

I mean, I don't tell people "I'm a gamer", that sounds ridiculous, just like I don't introduce myself as "anime fan", or "weeaboo". But I never felt the need to say "no, I just like videogames, I don't identify myself as a gamer" to correct people either. I'll never say "I'm a gamer" unprompted, but if someone asks me if I'm a gamer for whatever reason, I'll just say "yeah".

That too. Even though technically, I suppose I just did.
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Feb 25, 2018

Its like identifying yourself as a 'music listener'

Plus everyone who addresses themselves as a 'gamer' is unfortunatly followed by some awful connotations.