Oct 27, 2017
No, its not an important enough part of me to define myself by it, I also dont want people to assume im sloppy and rude.


Oct 27, 2017
I think there's a disconnect in the two sides here.

- The "gamer" group isn't saying it's part of their or your identity, they are saying it's just a descriptor for a hobby.
- The "not a gamer" side reactions are so strong that it's as if not being one is part of their identity.

Personally I don't understand the vehemence of the reaction to this word - it's like there's been an in-group re-definition of the term so that it has become jargon for something else. I suppose the questions for me are:-

Why does it have to be an active aspect of your identity to be one or NOT be one?
Why aren't we just using the general consensus definition of "gamer"?

Sub Boss

Nov 14, 2017
No, i just love videogames, i guess 'enthusiast' is a term that applies.

But saying that gamers are bigots its dumb too , its just a dumb term

Deleted member 2652

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Dog whistle? Please... this is a joke at this point. Any line of thinking outside of you own is racist now? The guy clearly came in and equated gamer with scum of the scum of the earth.
i'm really not interested in your concern with status quo
Not that I'm necessarily a gamer label defender, but I've reported the comment.
sorry, that wasn't meant to be mutually exclusive. I just find it strange that the ones who are so up in arms about the gamer label being mixed with toxicity are ones I never see call this garbage out.


Oct 25, 2017
Merriam-Webster's definition of gamer would certainly apply to me since I do play videogames regularly and have done so for the past twenty years. Beyond that definition of what it means to be a gamer...things are certainly in a state of flux, especially what a large segment of those that may fall under the label being rather toxic, and in that sense I haven't actually given much thought to what it means to be a gamer and the greater gamer culture.


Dec 20, 2017
I would class myself as a games enthusiast since I own a high end PC, but I haven't had a slight interest to play the following mega popular games.

Dota 2
Mind craft
The Sims

Plus loads more

Watching Twitch or YouTube bores me to death,,I certainly don't class myself as a modern gamer.


Jun 1, 2018
I think there's a disconnect in the two sides here.

- The "gamer" group isn't saying it's part of their or your identity, they are saying it's just a descriptor for a hobby.
- The "not a gamer" side reactions are so strong that it's as if not being one is part of their identity.

Personally I don't understand the vehemence of the reaction to this word - it's like there's been an in-group re-definition of the term so that it has become jargon for something else. I suppose the questions for me are:-

Why does it have to be an active aspect of your identity to be one or NOT be one?
Why aren't we just using the general consensus definition of "gamer"?
I agree with all of this, if you are into golf and your a "golfer". It doesnt imply that you belong in a cult with everyone that plays golf. It simply states your hobby.


Dec 26, 2017
Playing games is my primary hobby so yes, I'd consider myself a gamer. I don't associate the term with any specific politics or other such nonsense.

I would class myself as a games enthusiast since I own a high end PC, but I haven't had a slight interest to play the following mega popular games.

I'm the same way. However, I still play a ton of games in a wide variety of genres so I'd still consider myself a gamer.

Why does it have to be an active aspect of your identity to be one or NOT be one?
Why aren't we just using the general consensus definition of "gamer"?

There's been an unfortunate association of gamers with GamerGate, as if playing games makes you a sexist and racist asshole. I think "InternetGate" would have been a more accurate descriptor, as anonymity tends to expose the worst in people. Just peruse non-gaming Youtube channels, reddit threads or 4chan threads and it becomes pretty obvious that toxic behavior isn't limited to people who play games.
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017
Nope. "Gamer" is a term with too much ugly baggage IMO, and I don't think I gain anything by rescuing the term from the racist, sexist homophobes who fiercely (and violently) cling to it. Let them have it. Besides, it makes them easier to pick out of a crowd.

I love to play and talk about games, but I don't feel the need to incorporate it into the essence of my being.


May 27, 2018
Here's a question, why would a minority who gets harassed endlessly by those who put them self under the 'gamer' identity want to be recognized as a gamer them self?
Nov 4, 2017
Here's a question, why would a minority who gets harassed endlessly by those who put them self under the 'gamer' identity want to be recognized as a gamer them self?
Probably because they love playing, reading, and talking about games more than any other hobby.

I am a minority but I've never been harassed, so I guess I don't meet the demographic you're asking perfectly. Been to arcades in my youth and gamed with tons of people in person and had a great time. Then tons of local play pre-internet. Even some low level regional fighting game tournaments. One 7 year old made fun of me one time for sucking ass at Gears of War, but I did suck and it was the first time I played online. Now I mostly play Splatoon 2 online, and about the worst I get is someone spamming the squid dance when I get splatted.


Oct 27, 2017
I agree with all of this, if you are into golf and your a "golfer". It doesnt imply that you belong in a cult with everyone that plays golf. It simply states your hobby.

I can see that if your definition of gamer has narrowed so that it intersects with the alt-right or whatever then you would object to the term.
I prefer to define it as "those that enjoy playing games as a hobby" - a definition that I believe is likely held by the majority of people so includes pretty much everyone here.

The thing is, without a common definition arguing about whether you are or are not a gamer is kind of absurd when you think about it.


Oct 27, 2017
There's been an unfortunate association of gamers with GamerGate, as if playing games makes you a sexist and racist asshole.
GamerGate are sexist/racist assholes. But people here generally aren't those things (at least not publicly) and I think most people who know about resetera would describe it as a forum for gamers.


Oct 29, 2017
New York
I'm a very fit gamer lol. Oh not racist at all in my family there are white,brown and black Hispanics. I still dont understand what Hispanic means in this country but hey... I supposed it means someone with spanish heritage.


Dec 5, 2017
I don't identify myself as such often but if someone says I am I don't dispute it, I do play games. I'm a gamer in that I am an enthusiast player of games, but I hate gamer culture, and I don't just mean the racist sexist bigots, but the socially awkward, poorly dressed man baby stuff as well.


Dec 26, 2017
GamerGate are sexist/racist assholes. But people here generally aren't those things (at least not publicly) and I think most people who know about resetera would describe it as a forum for gamers.

I agree. But some people can't separate "gamer" from "GamerGate." To them, it's one and the same. It's pretty silly but people tend to let their emotions override their reasoning.

Calling yourself a gamer is not a political statement nor does it define your principles or beliefs. It simply means gaming is your primary hobby. That's it. If you care enough about games to visit gaming forums and websites, you're probably a gamer.
Dec 4, 2017
Edit: you are talking about knowing that I am part of the gaming community or telling people "hey, I play games, I'm gamer" ?

It's like saying: I am nerd
its stupid


Patient hunter
On Break
Oct 27, 2017
I don't identify myself as such often but if someone says I am I don't dispute it, I do play games. I'm a gamer in that I am an enthusiast player of games, but I hate gamer culture, and I don't just mean the racist sexist bigots, but the socially awkward, poorly dressed man baby stuff as well.
I think the culture point is a good one. While the argument around the dictionary definition of 'gamer=someone who plays games' is one thing, the culture and discourse that surrounds games in 2018, and the way some gamers act within those, is often the more troublesome element that a strict definition revolving around 'play' doesn't quite cover. If 'gamer' only meant 'plays games' I'd probably use it with less care than it's current connection to and adoption by entire hate groups of internet shitlords (and some streamers/youtubers etc) willing to start, support or defend harassment campaigns over the mildest thing.


Oct 29, 2017
Hell no! When I hear "gamer" I think of the annoying crowd at Xbox conferences. I like video games and have no problem to admit it, but I would never use the term "gamer" to describe myself.
Oct 25, 2017
Well, viewer - so yes. But a more appropriate analogy to game -> gamer (as opposed to player) would be:

tv -> tver (as opposed to viewer)
book -> booker (as opposed to reader)
music -> musicer (as opposed to listener)

Toxicity aside, it's never made english sense. It's basically a neologism, and it just honestly makes you sound like you're 10 years old.

Except "game" is also a verb, unlike those examples, so yes actually, it does make sense. It's not even a neologism, because that term was already being used to describe gamblers for a long time.


Oct 28, 2017
I've never taken any offense to the term, but I don't open a conversation with it. If someone asks me if I'm a gamer, I'd say yes because it's a good short hand. No one needs to judge a term by the worst actors under it. Most people identify it with being an enthusiast about video games, which I factually am.


Oct 25, 2017
No, I have nobody to out myself to.

If I somehow made a friend then sure I might mention that I like games, not sure I would use the word "gamer" though.


Nov 4, 2017
I would call myself a gamer. I read and watch alot about games. Im hyped every year for e3, blizzcon & gamescom. I take days off for games.
Yes i watch movies or read books, but i would never do anything mention from above for it.


Oct 27, 2017
Same OP - I don't identify as one thing because it's limiting and people tend to assume that's it; that's all you do.

I'll say I enjoy playing video games just like I enjoy reading or watching films or cycling or listening to music. It's just one activity among many for me.


Mar 15, 2018
In my country, common people use 'gamer' to identify YouTube personalities broadcasting games, otakus, and K-Pop fans. Teenagers, anyway.

I don't use the term to define myself and my friends. We just play games. No problem with the term, anyway, i'ts not peyorative here.


Dec 26, 2017
Hell no! When I hear "gamer" I think of the annoying crowd at Xbox conferences. I like video games and have no problem to admit it, but I would never use the term "gamer" to describe myself.

Pretty sure the majority of that crowd is comprised of Microsoft employees.