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Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
... Is Venom dabbing?


Feb 25, 2018
With the success of venom, Spiderman in MCU, and the PS4 game, sony think they have the balls to make a good Spiderman film

To be fair, I was not the biggest fan of spider MCU, but hillarious on Sony's part lol


Oct 25, 2017
From what I remember with marketing and production costs amazing spiderman 2 did not make that much money. There was a reason they went to Disney in the first place

The money it made worldwide is proof there was still an audience for those movies. That they overspent in production doesn't contradict that point. Sony can look at the box office of the last couple of Spider-Man films they've made and probably feel comfortable they don't have to give in to a 50/50 split. Calling the franchise "dead" without Marvel is ludicrous.

subpar spatula

Refuses to Wash his Ass
Oct 26, 2017
I agree the 50/50 ask is a bold move, but there was going to be a point where Disney would want more money, especially if the movies are a success, built on the foundations of the MCU.
And that's incredibly stupid of Disney. They obviously didn't do their homework. Amazing Spider-Man 2 made $709 million. Far From Home made 1.1 billion. Let's say the third does comparable to Far From Home (probably not due to the Endgame bump), Sony would get just shy of $550 million. They could pump out another whatever Spider-Man film and still get a higher return than a 50/50 split. This isn't about appearances, it's about money. Disney wants more money so this is obvious, obvious to the point where Disney literally puts the shittiest deal in front of Sony (outside of 100%) and people are going, "WTF Sony you dumb! You ruined Spider-Man!!!!!!"

I think folks need to realize that no company is in it for the spectacle but money. Even Disney as they just so obviously displayed.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
I knew Venom's success would fuck all this up. They think they'll make money releasing any piece of shit as long as the character is well known.
Good luck with Morbius.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Does this mean no more Spidey in MCU movies, or just no Feige and Marvel support in Spidey movies?

If it's the latter, then eh, it sucks but I'm more into seeing Spidey/Tom Holland interact with the greater MCU cast. If it's the former... fuck this.


Oct 25, 2017
The reason the movies were good was Disney's involvement.

As far as greed, this is the entertainment industry. Everyone is greedy.

But Disney is being too greedy. And while Sony had some real stinkers as far Spiderman/superhero movies goes, they also had some great ones. Hell the best spiderman movie has nothing to do with Disney. Hell, I can think of some real stinkers in the MCU too.

As long as the same talents in writing/director/acting are there the movies will be fine. Sony is just abiding by the existing contract.


Oct 25, 2017
"Yeah, I don't know where that suit came from. The technology is pretty cool though"

"I'm sorry to hear it didn't work out Aunt May. What was his name again? Ah, you know what, don't tell me"

"What drone army?"


Oct 25, 2017
Are you serious!? WTF Sony!?

Wait... how is this going to work now? Tom Holland's spider-man is completely enveloped in the MCU.

Is there next movie just not going to have MCU characters in it? How is that going to work?

Also, does the MCU just have to forget that Peter Parker and any other Spider-man characters exist now?

Deleted member 135

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Disney was being greedy and wanted more box office revenue from the films while keeping the merchandise revenue.

So this entire mess is squarely Disney's fault.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't understand why some are celebrating the movies going to the guy who was in charge during the X-Men movies and is known for rejecting the idea of Deadpool.

I don't think that's actually in the article. I saw something that said Marvel wanted 50:50 co-financing. That's not the same as gross, is it?
Yeah, the article makes it sound like Disney was trying to split the costs 50-50 with it potentially extending to other Spider-Man films, but Sony simply doesn't want to share the property.

Donald Draper

Feb 2, 2019
Honestly I'm fascinated by this news. And it wouldn't surprise me if the sides do come back to the table.

Spider man is so engrained into the MCU character wise on this one that this could be messy for both sides.

But hey, maybe Uncle Ben can actually matter to Peter Parker again.


Oct 25, 2017

Please enjoy the latest Inhuman, Arachnid-Lad, debuting tonight in the IMPACT ZONE


Oct 27, 2017
Usually Sony f's up but not this time... no way in hell they give up 50% of the revenue. Even a crappy superhero spidey movie will make them more than sharing a blockbuster with 50% gone to Disney. Ack... damn you Disney.. I want far from home closure :(


Oct 25, 2017
New Jersey
So in hindsight should marvel had made a diffrent move in place of Spiderman 1
aka Inhumans

or was the Spiderman moments in civil war to endgame worth it?


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 29, 2017
Does this mean no more Spidey in MCU movies, or just no Feige and Marvel support in Spidey movies?

If it's the latter, then eh, it sucks but I'm more into seeing Spidey/Tom Holland interact with the greater MCU cast. If it's the former... fuck this.
Why on Earth would they include Holland's Spidey now when they have absolutely zero control over what happens in his solo films, or have zero compensation from said films?

The entire point in the first place was coherency.

subpar spatula

Refuses to Wash his Ass
Oct 26, 2017
I think the OP should put in big bold letters that Disney asked for more money (50/50) and Sony declined because it was a dumb offer. It's quite obvious people won't really read the article and just blame Sony (as I did initially).


Oct 25, 2017
But Disney is being too greedy. And while Sony had some real stinkers as far Spiderman/superhero movies goes, they also had some great ones. Hell the best spiderman movie has nothing to do with Disney. Hell, I can think of some real stinkers in the MCU too.

As long as the same talents in writing/director/acting are there the movies will be fine. Sony is just abiding by the existing contract.
Sony has nothing as good as HC/FFH (aside from Spiderverse but that's different). Everyone is saying "as long as they hire the right people they'll be fine" like they've actually managed to do that in the past.


Started a revolution but the mic was unplugged
Oct 27, 2017
It's gonna be okay. Marvel has way more characters I wanna see. No Spider-Man in MCU is okay to me. We have so many other avenues for more Spidey


Oct 25, 2017
West Coast, USA
Terrible for fans, but Sony doesn't care. They will just milk it till the wheels fall off then reboot it again. It's hard to fail with Spider-Man, though The Amazing Spider-Man 2 tested that dearly.


Nov 6, 2017
How could they screw this up at this juncture??! They've fully integrated Spider-Man into the MCU only for it to fall apart now with story threads still dangling?


Oct 25, 2017
Providence, RI
Why would you make Spider-Man such a significant part of the universe in Far From Home, when you didn't have assurances that he would be sticking around? That, to me, is the first gross sign of mismanagement from Marvel Studios? What the fuck?

There is absolutely no way they would have done what they did in FFH if they weren't pretty damn sure about the future.


Freelance Market Director
Oct 25, 2017
In this thread: people who have no idea how negotiations work.

Sony was never going to get Disney to agree to reupping the current deal and Disney was likely never going to get 50% of the revenue. They can and should have negotiated for something similar to a 75/25 split.

With that said, this was clearly leaked to the press on purpose with the aim of stirring up the hornets nest in order to get one party to move. Looking at the optics, this screams to me that Disney is trying to send a message to Sony that a lot of the reason why Homecoming and Far From Home have been so successful is because he was under the Disney wing. They are hoping strong, fierce backlash will get Sony to change their mind.

This is marketing and PR 101 and is designed to soften negotiations. While they still might not come to a deal, I fully expect both sides to "work hard" and a deal will be reached at some point.

There is too much money at stake.
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