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May 17, 2018
I had to Google SBMM and then you guys hit me with ELO (wut?) and I'm trying to understand "sweaty" I thought that was just a word the dudes at Collider used lol.

also.. Dad Build/Wannabe Cool Kid. I don't have a group to Raid with so I don't have any of those weapons and I hate PVP so I really don't have the patience for any of those weapons either.


Oct 25, 2017
Northeast USA
I had to Google SBMM and then you guys hit me with ELO (wut?) and I'm trying to understand "sweaty" I thought that was just a word the dudes at Collider used lol.

also.. Dad Build/Wannabe Cool Kid. I don't have a group to Raid with so I don't have any of those weapons and I hate PVP so I really don't have the patience for any of those weapons either.


Due to lots of questions, we would like to provide a simple F.A.Q.

Q: Kd, KDA, KAD and you. Explain please?


  • KD - Is Kills/Deaths. This is no longer shown in-game anywhere but is one of the most important stats.
  • KDA - Is (Kills + (Assists / 2)) / Deaths. This is called `KDA` and is used in many FPS games, and the value we get from the Bungie API.
  • KAD - Is (Kills + Assists) / Deaths. This is found in the in-game emblem and is the "Efficiency" value after games. This values Assists the same as a Kill. This is found in-game, but not found in the API.
Using KDA is better because an assist is not as valuable as a kill (in our opinion). We have added KAD back though so you can see both.

Q: What is Elo?

A: Elo is ranking formula for determing skill. Bungie has no in-game ranking, so we are providing it for the community. We process every match played in Destiny 2 for every player.

Q: What factors does Elo consider?

A: Base Elo formula is solely based on Win or Loss. We use a modified version created by Nate Silver that looks at how badly you won or loss. A huge win will give you more Elo than a barely won game.

Q: I lost Elo because I got disconnected

A: Sorry to hear that. If your team lost you will still lose Elo. This is likely how an in-game system would work as well.


Now with "Dad builds":

Bygones can be earned through Gambit
Blast Furnace and Hamerhead are both from the Black Armory forges, and Jotunn is also a random drop at the Berg forge, so they are all obtainable easily.


Oct 25, 2017
Eastern Canada
I'm talking about Gambit.

Ah, we were talking about Crucible, hence my confusion.

Question though— what stops you from using LFG tools that are available to you? I'm not a dev at Bungie, but it's the same question they would ask about how to set the things they are working on— what are the limitations of the tools the community has built? Who is being left out with them? How does a built-in method serve them better? etc

I had to Google SBMM and then you guys hit me with ELO (wut?) and I'm trying to understand "sweaty" I thought that was just a word the dudes at Collider used lol.
Skill-based matchmaking.

ELO is not an acronym, just the name of a player-rating system from chess that works well enough there and translates more or less well to other 1v1 games/sports, but doesn't work as well for rating players in team games or free-for-all games; never the less, a couple of third-party Destiny sites use it for their own player rating system.

'Sweaty' means trying hard enough that you're sweating. As opposed to relaxed.

The 'dad-build' guns are mostly from Gambit or the Forges especially. You should try finding a group to raid with, though, they're fun.


Oct 25, 2017


The community liked the removal of SBMM? Uh no. No it did not. And it still does not.

They did, and that's why it's still not back in a year later.

There should be ONE playlist where you can go in and relax. If you want to play with SBMM on, go into literally any other playlist in the game. Both options can exist.


Oct 25, 2017
Northeast USA
There should be ONE playlist where you can go in and relax. If you want to play with SBMM on, go into literally any other playlist in the game. Both options can exist.

I 100% agree on that, but they have not given the option. I used to play the comp playlist solely because it was SBMM. All they really need to do is give us an option to not get pub stomped 9/10 times or be completely outclasses/skilled n every match other then when IB is around with SBMM. Just 1 play-list (not rumble) would do.


Oct 25, 2017
Northeast USA
Question though— what stops you from using LFG tools that are available to you? I'm not a dev at Bungie, but it's the same question they would ask about how to set the things they are working on— what are the limitations of the tools the community has built? Who is being left out with them? How does a built-in method serve them better? etc

For PvP/Comp... Here are some of the posts in the D2 app right now:
"Need 2 for Comp; Be Good"
"Comp 1.3+"
"Comp 1.7+ 2,100+"
"2 Comp 1.5+"
"Quickplay streak 1.4+"
"Comp 1.5kd, 2.0 k/d overall 2,800+"
"Legend Grind 1.7+ 2,100 +"
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
Remember all the multiplayer modes that Call of Duty: Modern Warfare had over 10 years ago?

Weird that in Destiny 2 there's only like 3 choices at most.


Oct 25, 2017
What is the phrase "Dad Builds"? I feel triggered
edit: never mind - I see the last page.

First, "Dad Rock" and now "Dad Builds".


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Echo Base
There should be ONE playlist where you can go in and relax. If you want to play with SBMM on, go into literally any other playlist in the game. Both options can exist.

Bingo, I am pretty decent and enjoy SBMM while alone but when I play with my buddies its NEVER a good time. Let us roll into a casual playlist for fun.


Prophet of Regret - A King's Landing
Dec 8, 2018
Damn didnt realize i've been running the dad build all this time.
Dec 2, 2017
This is why PvP is in such a crappy spot atm and it's not easy to figure out.

Destiny is a game that can be enjoyed by multiple different types of players and multiple different level of skilled players. Right now, the needle is pushing more to cater to the hardcore crowd and streamers. If they keep it this way when Shadowkeep drops, it's going to continue being an uninviting mess for those jumping into the game as F2P players.

The idea of pinnacle weapons is fine, but they should make progress accessible to everyone (all skills) in competitive without being penalized for losses.

QP needs a SBMM/CBMM choice. RN, being "farmed" in QP is not fun and the matches aren't even worth engaging in. They need to try and split it at a certain skill level

I think it's 100% okay if weapon quests incentivize people to get good at a part of the game. I don't feel entitled to 1k Voices without learning Last Wish. Those pinnacle quests have the side effect of making you really learn how to use the weapon type, giving you a ton of practice, then proving you can do it. They're awesome that way, they absolutely make you a better player.

If you or anyone here is getting farmed in quick play, it's 99.9% because you haven't really learned how to play it yet. I say this as a guy who is in no way amazing, but nobody's farming me (well okay, I was one of the lowest level guys in every Iron Banner lobby this time around, that got ugly). But since you're clearing raids on practically a nightly basis you absolutely have the skill to do just fine in QP, you just need to spend more time in it.

When I started back in September I was 100% potato. I thought headseeker was an awesome perk because hitting headshots was some kind of elite streamer ability. I crutched Nova Warp like I was Tiny Tim because it was the only thing that stopped me from going 9-17 every match. My aim was like drunk 12 year old-tier.

But I watched multiple PvP Youtubers religiously, like every day. Got a couple of hundred matches under my belt, and by late October I was looking okay - not great, but okay. Then a few thousand matches under my belt. Picked up a sniper in November and swore I wouldn't put it down until I got good with it. That part didn't quite happen but I did stick with it, even in PvE where it's rarely optimal.

Once I got up to about 3500 kills with various snipers across various modes, weird things started happening. Because Destiny's first person, all of those drag snipes I'd watched Geekermon do day in day out kind of became ingrained in me as if I'd been the one doing it. My thumb muscles were finally starting to catch up and I was able to pull it off every once in a while because I knew exactly what the timing was supposed to look like. Then it started getting more frequent.

Then I hit jump snipes. Quick scopes. No scopes. I sniped a youtuber out of his super.
That stuff I can't do regularly, but it all happened, and I kept the footage. I'm consistent enough that I logged ~200 snipes on the Revoker quest in 2 evenings. If you told me I'd be pulling any of that off last fall I'd have called you nuts, I'm not that coordinated. But I can do it, and that's after 7-8 months. Where will I be at in another 6 months? A year?

And that's when it hits me, most of these good players dropping 29 every match have been at this for years, since the Halo days. It's actually surprising how quickly you can get above water without a ton of practice.

So yeah, long speech but the TL;DR is that most of Crucible is learned skills and strategies that can be ingrained if players make it a real part of their Destiny time rather than letting it be this intimidating thing.

Monster energy drinks do help a lot though.

No, Decarb is right. The dad builds are weapons that are effective and relatively easy to obtain. Before Jotunn, Trust would've been considered a dad build gun. Same with Izanagi. I'd lump Arbalest, Thunderlord, Truth, and maybe even Last Word in there. I would definitely include any shotgun that can be obtained from regular drops, such as Dust Rock Blues.

Really, the only weapons that are never in a dad build are the Crucible pinnacle weapons. New weapons in any given season are initially tryhard guns, but they eventually become dad guns, as indicated by Hammerhead, Blast Furnace, Jotunn, and Kindled Orchid.
Precision weapons are excluded from dad-dom by definition. It's why Bygones is the dad meme gun. Trust is an easy-mode hand cannon, but it still requires consistent precision aim to be of any use. Kindled Orchid is absolutely a high skill weapon, at least on console. Any 140rpm hand cannon has an uphill climb there.


Actually knows the TOS
Oct 25, 2017
Precision weapons are excluded from dad-dom by definition. It's why Bygones is the dad meme gun. Trust is an easy-mode hand cannon, but it still requires consistent precision aim to be of any use. Kindled Orchid is absolutely a high skill weapon, at least on console. Any 140rpm hand cannon has an uphill climb there.
Really? Perhaps we're discussing the differences between PC and console but I've always understood the dad build as weapons easy to obtain, not necessarily easy to use. To me, it's supposed to a reflection of time commitment, not actual skill. You can be a dad and still good at the game, but you just don't have the time to grind out Crucible pinnacles or the patience to deal with comp

Plus, pulse rifles don't seem like easy mode to me...why wouldn't they use autos?
Dec 2, 2017
Destiny players' loadout memes:

Dredgen Dad Gamer: Bygones, Jotunn, Hammerhead. Uses this loadout for every activity.

Tryhard comp kid: Dust Rock, Luna/NF, Coil. Uses pvp loadout in pve.

Cool kids club: Mountain top, Recluse, 1KV. The new hotness.

Wannabe cool kids club: Outbreak Prime, Loaded Question, Wendigo. Can't afford comp guns.

The original hipster: Bow, Fusion, Sword.

Wannabe Hipster that no one likes: 110 RPM Hand Cannon, Fighting Lion, random heavy. Never uses heavy, thinks FL is the best gun in Destiny history.
I rep scout rifles.

I'm not even in Destiny >_>


Speaking of which, if anyone gets some variation of this roll - Opening Shot + Zen Moment with decent stability, KEEP IT.

It's a legendary Jade Rabbit.

A little less range & stability, but after about 200 kills across PvP/PvE I can say it feels like 95% identical. Opening shot makes the first crit easy to land, which makes Zen moment kick in so it becomes super stable. Plus it gets that kickass chevron sight.

Same TTK as Not Forgotten, almost no recoil, crazy range. It was doing solid work in Nightfalls last night, it's my new favourite thing.


Oct 25, 2017
Eastern Canada
For PvP/Comp... Here are some of the posts in the D2 app right now: [...]

Yeah, so... how would in-game be better? Those are not that different than the platform LFG from XBL.

most of Crucible is learned skills and strategies that can be ingrained if players make it a real part of their Destiny time rather than letting it be this intimidating thing.

Hear, hear.

Monster energy drinks do help a lot though.

What about Doritos?

I've always understood the dad build as weapons easy to obtain, not necessarily easy to use. To me, it's supposed to a reflection of time commitment, not actual skill. [...] why wouldn't they use autos?

I think it's mostly ease of use given when it's used disparaging. re: autos— autos aren't as competitive as pulses and fusions so the person casting shade isn't as likely to be killed by an auto. I'm sure it'd be tossed out when it happens, though.
Dec 2, 2017
Really? Perhaps we're discussing the differences between PC and console but I've always understood the dad build as weapons easy to obtain, not necessarily easy to use. To me, it's supposed to a reflection of time commitment, not actual skill. You can be a dad and still good at the game, but you just don't have the time to grind out Crucible pinnacles or the patience to deal with comp

Plus, pulse rifles don't seem like easy mode to me...why wouldn't they use autos?
No, the joke is that old guys are slow and timid and uncoordinated. It's a crucible joke, not a grind thing.

Autos could totally fit the description, but this became a meme because of so many people using Bygones. Not so many autos out there.

Deleted member 4413

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
You gotta be kidding me. Destiny 2 maintenance ALL DAY tomorrow? Literally the only day I get to really play a good amount.


Oct 25, 2017
I have no idea why I was putting off MWing this Go Figure...

AP rounds / Zen / Rampage / Range MW / Rampage Spec is awesome. I'd prefer outlaw, but whatever.

5 more cores to go...

Also 8 Blast Furnaces in and 3 in a row air based perks. Bler.


Oct 25, 2017
Northeast USA
I think it's 100% okay if weapon quests incentivize people to get good at a part of the game. I don't feel entitled to 1k Voices without learning Last Wish. Those pinnacle quests have the side effect of making you really learn how to use the weapon type, giving you a ton of practice, then proving you can do it. They're awesome that way, they absolutely make you a better player.

If you or anyone here is getting farmed in quick play, it's 99.9% because you haven't really learned how to play it yet. I say this as a guy who is in no way amazing, but nobody's farming me (well okay, I was one of the lowest level guys in every Iron Banner lobby this time around, that got ugly). But since you're clearing raids on practically a nightly basis you absolutely have the skill to do just fine in QP, you just need to spend more time in it.

So yeah, long speech but the TL;DR is that most of Crucible is learned skills and strategies that can be ingrained if players make it a real part of their Destiny time rather than letting it be this intimidating thing.

Monster energy drinks do help a lot though.

Precision weapons are excluded from dad-dom by definition. It's why Bygones is the dad meme gun. Trust is an easy-mode hand cannon, but it still requires consistent precision aim to be of any use. Kindled Orchid is absolutely a high skill weapon, at least on console. Any 140rpm hand cannon has an uphill climb there.

Or, they are not just as great players, so having a skill based queue can only help them while playing against equal skill and learn the game that way. I play quite a bit and have improved a bit by taking less risks and sitting behind teammates and use them as meat shields, which has been OK, but I would not be able to compete on a 1:1 basis regardless.

Yeah, so... how would in-game be better? Those are not that different than the platform LFG from XBL.
No, the whole point is that there is no PvP support unless you pay for a recov or your lucky enough to get a carry from some of the awesome sherpas in Discord.

I have no idea why I was putting off MWing this Go Figure...
AP rounds / Zen / Rampage / Range MW / Rampage Spec is awesome. I'd prefer outlaw, but whatever.

That's a great roll and the one I used from the time Forsaken dropped until I got my Rampage/Zen BF. Zen is so underrated for the pulse rifles for some reason... It makes them stable af.


Oct 27, 2017
Bungie changed the nightfalls to Lake of Shadows, Insight Terminus and Inverted Spire


Oct 25, 2017
Just play 3 games of comp a week. You get bonus points on reset. It starts out at 160, but when you reach Heroic I believe it drops to 120. So you only need to reach 1980 before reset to hit 2100

If you can win at least 1 out of 3 you should come out positive every time.
So I need to start this at the beginning of next season? I'm terrible in PVP but that recluse is so tempting.


Oct 25, 2017
Or, they are not just as great players, so having a skill based queue can only help them while playing against equal skill and learn the game that way. I play quite a bit and have improved a bit by taking less risks and sitting behind teammates and use them as meat shields, which has been OK, but I would not be able to compete on a 1:1 basis regardless.

No, the whole point is that there is no PvP support unless you pay for a recov or your lucky enough to get a carry from some of the awesome sherpas in Discord.

That's a great roll and the one I used from the time Forsaken dropped until I got my Rampage/Zen BF. Zen is so underrated for the pulse rifles for some reason... It makes them stable af.

Most god roll videos/discussion center around PvP which prioritize Kill Clip and Outlaw is a natural perk to pair with Kill Clip.


Oct 25, 2017
Ha I always forget there's a cover system in this game. Really should use rally barricade more...


Oct 25, 2017
I notice a difference when I have Zen on my pulses from one burst to the next. It really helps me and my daddy aim.

Same here. Then again, I don't claim to have the same skill set as some of these streamers. I imagine in the right hands the weapon shines with the recommended specs. Personally, I need the added stability.


Oct 25, 2017
Same here. Then again, I don't claim to have the same skill set as some of these streamers. I imagine in the right hands the weapon shines with the recommended specs. Personally, I need the added stability.
Also greatly depends console vs PC. On PC recoil is nothing compared to console, it feels like a different game at times.
Oct 25, 2017
Destiny players' loadout memes:

Dredgen Dad Gamer: Bygones, Jotunn, Hammerhead. Uses this loadout for every activity.

Tryhard comp kid: Dust Rock, Luna/NF, Coil. Uses pvp loadout in pve.

Cool kids club: Mountain top, Recluse, 1KV. The new hotness.

Wannabe cool kids club: Outbreak Prime, Loaded Question, Wendigo. Can't afford comp guns.

The original hipster: Bow, Fusion, Sword.

Wannabe Hipster that no one likes: 110 RPM Hand Cannon, Fighting Lion, random heavy. Never uses heavy, thinks FL is the best gun in Destiny history.


and all are apt (sorry John :P)


Oct 27, 2017
for some reason I decided to start the grind to get the mountaintop.
I should have known better but it's too late to retreat.
I will hate this so much


Oct 27, 2017
Bungie really needs to change how the Nightfalls in this game work. It's long overdue at this point. I've been waiting around 2 months for Strange Terrain to come back so I can try to get the weapon to earn my title. I was looking at some Nightfall history and one of the strikes happened on December 25 and then didn't come back into the game until March. Like there is no reason people should have to wait that long for a chance for something they need.

Put the Nightfalls on 3 per week rotation until you go through all of them and then start the cycle again. That way the longest anyone is waiting for something is maybe a little over a month. It's such a simple thing and they just refuse to do it.
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