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Oct 27, 2017
I think I'm going take a sabbatical until this meta dies
This was me at the end of last season (or the one before that?) I think it was. Comp was so intolerable I didn't want to play Destiny at all because the only thing I thought was worth chasing was Luna's. Lately there has been a lot more to chase AND a lot of sweaty comp groups have invaded quickplay with their pinnacle weapons. 7 times out of 10 the best player on either team has a god roll Dust Rock and a LH/NF/Recluse and Coil. It's truly ridiculous. That said, most of them are insanely good with them so I don't get too upset. People like Kadey and Cammycakes are great role models because not only are they great situationally but they can use a wide variety of weapons against anything and win. They just play smarter than most of us.

Anyway, I know where you're coming from, but I've got 1186 Glory per the app. I'm frankly going to try 3 comp games a week (or more if we keep winning) and wait for each reset. The math is on our side! My psn is V1ctIm if you want to play. At least we can communicate which is better than silent raging at teammates solo. 👍
Dec 2, 2017
Damn, the curated Bad Omens kicks ass. Kinda regretting not chasing this back when Forsaken started.

I'd say it's easily the best legendary rocket launcher in the game, but I've got a tracking + kill clip Roar of the Bear that was hitting the boss knights in T3 Reckoning for what looked like 999 999 damage (thank you solar burn). It was like discovering the Ultima spell from Final Fantasy was hidden in Destiny.


Oct 26, 2017
This was me at the end of last season (or the one before that?) I think it was. Comp was so intolerable I didn't want to play Destiny at all because the only thing I thought was worth chasing was Luna's. Lately there has been a lot more to chase AND a lot of sweaty comp groups have invaded quickplay with their pinnacle weapons. 7 times out of 10 the best player on either team has a god roll Dust Rock and a LH/NF/Recluse and Coil. It's truly ridiculous. That said, most of them are insanely good with them so I don't get too upset. People like Kadey and Cammycakes are great role models because not only are they great situationally but they can use a wide variety of weapons against anything and win. They just play smarter than most of us.

Anyway, I know where you're coming from, but I've got 1186 Glory per the app. I'm frankly going to try 3 comp games a week (or more if we keep winning) and wait for each reset. The math is on our side! My psn is V1ctIm if you want to play. At least we can communicate which is better than silent raging at teammates solo. 👍
Thanks brother,

I love Destiny but I hate when Bungie goes full elitist against their solo queue players

I will give it a shot.

Not gonna play until at night


Nov 20, 2017
One of the things I have to remind myself from time to time is that Destiny PVP is really not worth getting tilted over. I enjoy it, most of the time, and I do want to play the best that I can but at the end of the day there are much more important things out there than my D2 Comp score. And as Gammacide said above, guys like Cammycakes do a good job of showing how to be a good player while keeping a good attitude about it which I really appreciate.

Anyway, this game loves to troll me and probably everyone else as well. Had Anteus Wards finally drop less than 2 weeks before Xur sold them and just now had Thunderlord drop as my Powerful reward from Gambit knowing full well it will be available to everyone on Tuesday via the Arc week quest. Oh well, one less thing to do next week, I suppose.
Oct 31, 2017
La La Land
Thanks brother,

I love Destiny but I hate when Bungie goes full elitist against their solo queue players

I will give it a shot.

Not gonna play until at night
As I stated before (I can't help cause I'm on X1) - wait until the next Iron Banner. Everyone will flock there for the first few days.

If you're going for Luna - hitting Fabled is your main objective. After that, its just time. The 100 handcannon headshots will probably take the longest, but as long as you don't care about Not Forgotten you can just focus on the headshots instead of having to win (although your teammates may suffer because of this, but at least this step you can do solo).

If you're going for Not Forgotten - The only advice I have is please don't pay for it. And good luck because we'll all be counting on you.

If you're going for Mountaintop - See above.


Oct 28, 2017
As a horrible PvP player I cleared a number of exotic quest steps the last time Iron Banner was active while solo queuing.


Oct 25, 2017
So I just got back in and have leveled up to 500 light. I'm not even close to getting into the end game, meta etc. I still have to complete the Foresaken storyline. Anyone want to play with me, help a brother out and get me back in the swing of things? Would love to play with some of you guys.



Unlimited Capacity
Oct 26, 2017
The Outlaw/rampage blast furnace I got is an absolute beast. I love that damn gun.


Oct 27, 2017
Started playing some comp again this season. I love the OEM nerf, since those guys can actually be traded now. Gonna try Nova Warp again and bottom tree Arc on my Warlock after the next patch. I hope Nova Warp is viable again. Else I'm just gonna enjoy my Getaway Artist extending rift with bottom tree Arc.

Lord of Wolves shreds btw in crucible.


Bold Bur3n Wrangler
Oct 25, 2017
You could do this with any other class when it's Grenadier like in this video. But don't let me ruin your party
Nah, Titan's have the best nades and abilities to help the neutral game.

Although that buff for top tree ticklefingers will help give the Warlock some better offensive bite on that front.


Oct 25, 2017
Feeding Frenzy+Rampage is bad? Both barrel and magazine column can be better (I'd personally go with chambered and ricochet) but are also totally serviceable as a PvE roll.
Compared to the other possible rolls yeah. Feeding Frenzy is pretty worthless and handling masterwork isn't the best. Only talking about PvP obviously.
Dec 2, 2017
Drifter needs to yell out reminders for titans to always switch to rally barricade for gambit prime. I actually got tilted last night when some guy threw his towering barricade up in the middle of my chaos reach, stuffing it. I've had people do it right as I fire wardcliffe, blowing us all up. Blueberries, you are not being a hero with this thing.

The Outlaw/rampage blast furnace I got is an absolute beast. I love that damn gun.
Yep, this is mine, my go-to legendary primary:


I suppose feeding frenzy might have been better than outlaw, and steady rounds over accurized, but the range + stability on this thing is still straight nonsense, I feel no need to farm for another. I have a feeding frenzy + kill clip roll, but this is still the one I run with.

No decent rolled BFs will drop for me with a satou scope.
Mine has Satou, which would push the range to 100, but I go with Meyrin for the wider visibility.


Oct 25, 2017
Northeast USA
I love my Satou scoped Rampage/Zen Moment BF that I've been using. It also has accurized rounds, so it hits accross the map nicely.

I am now that BF/Jotunn/Hammerhead Meta whore in PVP/PVE.

I went through all that anguish to get TLW, but it feels awkward shooting it in PvP. I need more practice with it.


Nov 20, 2017
Yup, a well-rolled BF is fantastic. Between my new one (Steady Rounds, Zen Moment, KC + Stability MW) and my previous one (Drop Mag, Quickdraw, Rampage + Stability MW) I have great rolls for PVE and PVP. It's a workhorse gun.

I also found a Nightshade with Steady Rounds and Rangefinder and it has completely changed my opinion of that gun. Steady Rounds fixes the stability issue and Rangefinder pushes the range out to acceptable levels even while using the cleanest, shortest range scope. Mine has High Caliber Reserves for the last perk, which is ok, but if it had KC or Rampage it would be perfect.


Oct 27, 2017
I can finally say good bye to bygones and move on to Blast Furnace. Took me all weekend but I got meyrin RDL, accurized, feeding frenzy and kill clip with stability masterwork. Guess it's time to start working on the redrix quest just to get it out of my inventory.


Oct 27, 2017
Finally got off my arse and finished the Last Word quest. Any suggestions for decent PvP energy snipers to pair it with?

Bold One

Oct 30, 2017
I have enough tigerspites to build a brand new dreaming city.


I just need planning permission from the tech-witches, and good insurance, apparently the DC is a flat earth?

There is nothing supporting l that structure... 😐
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Oct 27, 2017
I've been trying to get the ghost from DC since inception, and to this day have not received it. I will probably break something if I get it week 1 of the patch. Lul
Dec 2, 2017
Yup, like the shell, ship and sparrow, it;s a DC item that doesn't exist......

From looking online, it looks like:

Twilight Oath, Persuader, The Long Goodbye, Tatara Gaze, Fate Cries Foul are the popular picks.
Twilight Oath has the highest aim assist, rate of fire & lowest zoom of any sniper, its only weakness is lack of range.

Tatara Gaze is all around great, with highimpact & a large hit box, but it has relatively high zoom & small mag (mine has extended mag + backup mag to remedy this).

Persuader is solid with good field of view. I'm not a big fan of Fate Cries Foul because of the tiny reticle, but it's also fine. The strength of these two is they're easy to farm for good rolls.

I don't have Long Goodbye, but I understand that it's considered one of the best snipers in the game.


Oct 25, 2017
Eastern Canada
Hallowfire Heart is the difference maker. I could see Locks having the second best amount of fun with Sunbracers.

Sunbracers are better with brawler than grenadier since the the grenade spam is triggered off charged melee kill. Best warlock grenadier build is probably stormcaller with Crown of Tempests. Grenadier and conduction tines x3 and you can just spam away.

Edit: Or top-tree voidwalker with Contraverse Holds. Nothing Manacles for the modern age.
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Nov 20, 2017
20 blast furnaces, and not one had rampage.
Wow, that is some bad luck. I know its disheartening but at least all frames will be available starting tomorrow so you can potentially try as many times as you want to. And it's definitely worth the grind although you might need to take a day or two off just to protect your sanity!
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