Who's Going to Win South Carolina?

  • Joe Biden

    Votes: 585 39.2%
  • Bernie Sanders

    Votes: 853 57.2%
  • Elizabeth Warren

    Votes: 24 1.6%
  • Pete Buttigieg

    Votes: 7 0.5%

    Votes: 16 1.1%
  • Tom Steyer

    Votes: 6 0.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I really love the frequency we amplify fake news tweets in this thread and how easily people are falling for it.


Oct 26, 2017
I'd like Warren stay in just to hedge my bets. If the winds shift against Sanders I don't want to settle for Biden or Pete. I much prefer Beto over Pete so this is being informed by those Betoregrets.


Oct 25, 2017
imagining coming in 4th 3 states in a row and still thinking you have a path to victory. what state is Warren about to win?
I imagine they are all banding together against bernie to take delegates away from him. in hopes for some superdelegate fuckery. multiple candidates should have dropped out but they just wont for some reason.

it's still too early to tell though.


Oct 25, 2017
There's going to be another debate in two days

We have fresh new state results from Nevada that put her below Buttigieg in a state with a lower percentage of whites. She should have theoritically beat him there regardless of the debate

Her debate performance is going to be old news by SC let alone by ST. Even in the YouGov poll that shows her in second she gained less than Sanders did, and Nevada is not helping.
I said it's an incredible long shot and it was what the campaign was saying, not me.


Oct 29, 2017
Warren is the second best pick next to Bernie. She is a great speaker and politician. She has the fire to stay in the race so its always a shame seeing polls with her so low.


Oct 25, 2017
I'd like Warren stay in just to hedge my bets. If the winds shift against Sanders I don't want to settle for Biden or Pete. I much prefer Beto over Pete so this is being informed by those Betoregrets.
This is what I've been saying for a long time. Things happen in campaigns. Something could happen to Sanders, whether it's a scandal, release, or health issues. Having Warren there as a safety valve is good.

Also she's incredibly progressive and driven to good policy but attracts some more moderate voters which means come convention time she can throw her support, support that may otherwise go to Pete or someone if she was out, toward Sanders or a policy concession/platform change that we all would probably like.

Plus she wants to eviscerate Bloomberg so it's good to have her stay in debates. After the last one why would you want her out?


Oct 27, 2017
i feel like "republicans will have nothing to attack bernie on" sort of implies that republicans only make truthful attacks. i also feel like perhaps people overestimate how powerful donald trump's dumbass nicknames are.
It is a matter of what will actually stick, which was the issue in 2008 against Obama. Everything before Reverend Wright was a dud. Remember Tony Rezko? Bill Ayers? "Chicago Politics"? I do, virtually no one else does though. The stuff about his wife has come up before, it just never gained traction which is a good sign.
Oct 27, 2017
Mind you, after Nevada I'm caring less and less if Warren stays in. At this point she's pretty much a nonfactor, her presence in the race is not really going to matter in the long run if she keeps notching a bunch of fourth place finishes.

EDIT: At this point my question is what exactly she think she gets out of continuing to run. If she ends up finishing fourth or fifth in total delegates she's not going to be selected at a brokered convention, and I don't know what policy concessions she'd want to or even be able to demand.
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Nov 11, 2017
Warren is hte second best pick next to Bernie. She is a great speaker and politician. She has the fire to stay in the race so its always a shame seeing polls with her so low.
Definitely agree.

Even though I do believe Bernie is in the lead because of his character and policies, so much of this process seems like luck of whether you are ebbing or flowing at just the right moment. There is some not too alternate universe where Warren is in the lead.

as a Bernie fan it's been incredible to see him hitting all the right moments consistently over the past few months, on top of clearly making wise decisions in the campaign.


alt account
Jan 25, 2020
Mind you, after Nevada I'm caring less and less if Warren stays in. At this point she's pretty much a nonfactor, her presence in the race is not really going to matter in the long run if she keeps notching a bunch of fourth place finishes.
Yeah at this point she's just sapping support from Sanders. She's trying to walk that line of being Bernie's lane while trying to come off as the more moderate candidate. I wish she'd drop out before SC, I think it'd boost Bernie's chances. Her campaign is dead in the water.

Pall Mall

Oct 25, 2017
Going to throw my vote in no matter what for Warren in CA. But im drifting more and more towards being alright with Sanders. For better or for worse, I'm trying to take confidence in the fact that he has a 'loyal' base to propel him vs Trump.


Oct 27, 2017
Lol, everyone was all over the Iowa irregularities for Bernie, but Pete trying to make sure he hits the viability threshold is somehow appalling?


Oct 27, 2017
Mind you, after Nevada I'm caring less and less if Warren stays in. At this point she's pretty much a nonfactor, her presence in the race is not really going to matter in the long run if she keeps notching a bunch of fourth place finishes.
I'm not sure about her being a non-factor, the polling numbers we're seeing nowadays often have a few candidates at or near the 15% threshold. There could well be states where Biden or Buttigieg would be below 15% if Warren stayed in, but would be above 15% if she pulled out.

EDIT: At this point my question is what exactly she think she gets out of continuing to run. If she ends up finishing fourth or fifth in total delegates she's not going to be selected at a brokered convention, and I don't know what policy concessions she'd want to or even be able to demand.
She may be preparing for a 2024 run, or perhaps 2028. Staying in the race increases her profile, helps her build her ground game in later states, and gives her more experience running a contested primary. That could all be useful in future. There's no realistic scenario where her 2020 campaign wins, but I guess it's also possible that she's hoping one of the unrealistic scenarios happens. Right now I see no harm in her staying in for as long as she can afford to do so.


Oct 25, 2017
Warren is the second best pick next to Bernie. She is a great speaker and politician. She has the fire to stay in the race so its always a shame seeing polls with her so low.
i can tell you I have a couple friends, one a moderate democrat leaning person in the northeast and another repub moderate who hates trump and they both strongly dislike Warrens personality for whatever reason i cant figure out.
Oct 25, 2017
Why would his campaign not do that if it meant he could pull cleaner into second place? The amorphus moderate blob has to be whittled down at some point, lol. Bernie is going better than could be dreamed almost at this point. If I were a big Bernie guy I wouldn't be paying it much heed.


Oct 25, 2017
Going to throw my vote in no matter what for Warren in CA. But im drifting more and more towards being alright with Sanders. For better or for worse, I'm trying to take confidence in the fact that he has a 'loyal' base to propel him vs Trump.

I'm gonna vote for sanders even though I would slightly prefer warren. Would love if she was vp, but don't see how she has a shot at this point.

I wonder if there's a way for her to give Bernie her delegates in exchange for vp? Maybe why she's staying in?

Will be certainly interesting to see the VP discussion


Oct 25, 2017
Bernie's VP pick is going to be so important because I'm struggling to imagine someone that is 82 out on the campaign trail or leaving the White House at 86. That's probably past life expectancy for people with even healthy lifestyles and good genes.


Oct 26, 2017
Why would his campaign not do that if it meant he could pull cleaner into second place? The amorphus moderate blob has to be whittled down at some point, lol. Bernie is going better than could be dreamed almost at this point. If I were a big Bernie guy I wouldn't be paying it much heed.

Nobody is allowed to try to win other than Bernie.

Also I cant believe the Warren is a moderate posts. Well I guess I can actually.

Bernie's VP pick would be way more important than most. No idea what route he goes though

Ziltoidia 9

Oct 25, 2017
Bernie supporters call THEMSELVES moderates generally because they beleive the policies he is for is widely popular, so this whole moderate vs progressive thing is meh.

Edit: I should say, they "could" call themselves moderate too.
Nov 14, 2017
I'm not sure how exactly any of this hurts him when he's got no connection to Russia and has repeatedly denounced them. Again, I'm not sure what you're getting at with saying Bernie supporters omit Russian interference with his campaign?
Yea but Bernie needs to do more to distance himself from Russia and people saying mean things on Twitter.

It's a mugs game; he can never say or do enough. It's good that he seems to be basically ignoring stuff like that.

Right, to be clear I agree with you (and in regards to the rest of your take here). I think it's really interesting how people assume that Bloomberg will help brown people when he's had no problem with stop and frisk/redlining, using prison labor for his campaign, countless racist commentary. Why the fuck would we trust that he would stick his neck out for brown kids in cages? By all accounts that I can see, that's already a part of his philosophy.
If Bloomberg was up for re-election in '24 and he thought being 'tough' on immigration would help him, he'd absolutely be as bad or worse than Trump.


Oct 25, 2017
California, USHeyHey!

Damn hackers



alt account
Jan 25, 2020
People often hate smart, over-qualified women for some reason.
My wife isn't big into politics and she dislikes Warren. She says she doesn't come off as being authentic and the Native American thing was a huge turn off. Frankly I'm still surprised she got such a pass on that Native American thing. Like you can't just claim Native identity because your family told you stories.

Edit: I'll also add that it seems like a lot of warrens motivations stem from political calculation rather than personal conviction. The Native American thing is one example. Letting the "Bernie said a woman couldnt beat trump!" story blow up while also claiming that it's not a big deal and doesn't need to be discussed. Saying that campaigns shouldn't be financed by Super PACs. Refusing to tax the middle class to pay for Medicare For All when it would save them money. Just to name a few.
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Hey Please

Oct 31, 2017
Not America
Looking into some old footage of Birdie Sanders, that man, if nothing else, has been persistent about his messaging w/o fail and obstacles. And now, after around 30 something years, it feels like this may be, just may be, his time.

Tiger Priest

Oct 24, 2017
New York, NY
Not going to lie - that was a pretty impressive win by Bernie last night. Starting to get onboard with the idea of him as the nominee even if I'm skeptical of his chances. If he wins SC then it's definitely over and we all need to get behind him.


Dec 12, 2017
My wife isn't big into politics and she dislikes Warren. She says she doesn't come off as being authentic and the Native American thing was a huge turn off.

I've heard this sentiment from various folks in my social circle as well. FWIW I've always liked Warren's demeanor and personality. She reminds me of every school teacher I had growing up who actually gave a shit about me.

Deleted member 3812

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Can this get threadmarked?

Here's a site to keep in your bookmarks/favorites to look at after each state's primary/caucus because it keeps track of who is currently leading in delegates.

For Democrats, a Democratic candidate needs 1,991 total delegates to win party nomination, as of February 23rd, the AP reports that Bernie Sanders is leading in delegates with 31 delegates, he needs a total of 1,960 delegates currently to win:



Oct 26, 2017
Like you can't just claim Native identity because your family told you stories.
The vast majority of people base their identity off of things their parents told them. Religion, sports, hobbies, politics, ideology, etc. Not that it excuses Warren but its common to think the stories your family tells are true. Most people don't go fact-digging on their own histories.


Oct 25, 2017
i can tell you I have a couple friends, one a moderate democrat leaning person in the northeast and another repub moderate who hates trump and they both strongly dislike Warrens personality for whatever reason i cant figure out.

It shouldn't take you that long to figure out.

I'd guess they also disliked Hillary for inexplicable reasons.
Oct 27, 2017
My wife isn't big into politics and she dislikes Warren. She says she doesn't come off as being authentic and the Native American thing was a huge turn off. Frankly I'm still surprised she got such a pass on that Native American thing. Like you can't just claim Native identity because your family told you stories.
The Native American stuff felt like one of those taboo topics you aren't allowed to bring up during the primaries because it would be too damaging to her brand if she were to end up as the nominee. It's also not the type of thing that Dems like to bring up anyway, they at least have the veneer of focusing on policy.

It's also why I feel all the 'Bernie is unvetted' concern trolling is especially ironic coming from Warren's camp, because while Dems might ignore it, you KNOW Trump would hammer her on it day in day out. I actually think Bloomberg might be the one to finally break the seal on that line of attack after she massacred him in the last debate.
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alt account
Jan 25, 2020
I've heard this sentiment from various folks in my social circle as well. FWIW I've always liked Warren's demeanor and personality. She reminds me of every school teacher I had growing up who actually gave a shit about me.
Yeah I think if you strip away the political stuff she has a great personality. But when it comes to politics I think she struggles to exude the same level of authenticity that you see with Sanders.

Prodigal Son

Oct 27, 2017
for anyone who's old enough. were people sure that obama was gonna beat mccain? was there any anxiety about running him? been talking to some of my older AA relatives about why people's uncertainty about whether bernie can beat trump is an asset


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
for anyone who's old enough. were people sure that obama was gonna beat mccain? was there any anxiety about running him? been talking to some of my older AA relatives about why people's uncertainty about whether bernie can beat trump is an asset
There absolutely was anxiety about whether Obama would be able to make it against Clinton much less McCain. My folks were worried the man would be assassinated before getting into office.

Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017
i can tell you I have a couple friends, one a moderate democrat leaning person in the northeast and another repub moderate who hates trump and they both strongly dislike Warrens personality for whatever reason i cant figure out.
I know plenty of democrats who dislike Warren bc of her personality too. It isn't rocket science on why they dislike her unfortunately.

Prodigal Son

Oct 27, 2017
Hell no people were nowhere near sure Obama was going to beat McCain.

There absolutely was anxiety about whether Obama would be able to make it against Clinton much less McCain. My folks were worried the man would be assassinated before getting into office.

for comparison sake, its fair to say that plenty of people were pretty confident clinton would destroy trump, right?

I'm making the case that everyone's worry that Sanders cant do it (even though they'll all vote for him in the general) is good. You dont want someone who everyone feels sure will win in the event that that reduces turnout
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