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Woke up, got a money tag, swears a lot
Oct 25, 2017
need some post-super tuesday polls on the march 10th states (michigan, mississippi, missouri, washington)

march 17th has some chonkers too

florida, illinois, ohio, arizona


Woke up, got a money tag, swears a lot
Oct 25, 2017
Ohhh dang, should have splurged for the exotic animal - mammal attack health insurance package.


Oct 30, 2017
This clip with Mehdi Hasan essentially outlines why I think Biden will get absolutely demolished by Trump. He hasn't been vetted publically yet and has been hiding in the corner during the debates. Once his skeletons start coming out of the closet, it's going to be attack after attack on him. I hope that I'm wrong and that democrats will come out and vote for the GE, but I'm not very hopeful on Biden's chances.

Ԍεοϝϝ 🌹 on Twitter

“"I don't think [Biden] can survive a two-hour debate with Bernie one on one." - @mehdirhasan”


Oct 27, 2017
I don't think Bernie stays in it until the convention like he did in 2016. I get the sense that he genuinely likes Biden, even if he vehemently disagrees with his policies. Whereas in 2016, there did seem to be some personal enmity between Hillary and Bernie.

It wouldn't surprise me if Biden's camp is having backroom conversations with Bernie's camp to make some concessions in hopes of avoiding a messy, prolonged primary season a la 2016.

At least that's what I would hope is happening. Or maybe Bernie really is too stubborn and proud to concede.
Oct 25, 2017
Biden is awful on the debate stage but let's not act like Trump is some incredible orator.

It's gonna be a sad sight seeing them two of them going at each on stage.


Oct 25, 2017
Richmond, VA
This clip with Mehdi Hasan essentially outlines why I think Biden will get absolutely demolished by Trump. He hasn't been vetted publically yet and has been hiding in the corner during the debates. Once his skeletons start coming out of the closet, it's going to be attack after attack on him. I hope that I'm wrong and that democrats will come out and vote for the GE, but I'm not very hopeful on Biden's chances.

Ԍεοϝϝ 🌹 on Twitter

“"I don't think [Biden] can survive a two-hour debate with Bernie one on one." - @mehdirhasan”

Joe Biden hasn't been vetted yet? Joe Biden? Former Vice President Joe Biden?

Come on.


Oct 25, 2017
Biden is awful on the debate stage but let's not act like Trump is some incredible orator.

It's gonna be a sad sight seeing them two of them going at each on stage.

Could be entertaining because Diamond Joe probably won't take any of Trump's shit. Biden doesn't have to navigate the unfortunate "likable" issues that a woman candidate like Hillary had to do and can basically tell Trump to go fuck himself.


Oct 24, 2017
North America
You can blame the voters for being too afraid to risk it on Bernie, and trying to play it safe with Biden. You can blame it on the democratic and economic establishment for coalescing around Biden. You can blame it on the media for spreading the narrative of spooky socialism. You can blame it on whoever you want. But the buck stops with Bernie. If he cannot shape his rhetoric and campaign into something that convinces and inspires a majority or plurality of democratic voters, he failed. And would likely struggle in a one v one with Trump

Ya know what annoys me about this take? Its that people think its fair that a campaign, or that even voters who don't pay attention to politics, should be to overcome what is literally a mountain of effort built squarely on the motivation on maintaining the economic system of keeping the low and middle class in extreme debt and keeping all the money and power at the top - and yet its on BERNIE that he won't overcome all of it.

And yet, when Bernie even goes a little negative on 'the establishment', he gets blasted for trying to trying to burn the party to the ground.

Despite all of this, we have a candidate in Joe who, much like HRC in 16, we have to just assume will have voters turn out for him, even though his campaign is literally anemic on the ground. Or that all of the Trump fuckery with launching investigations into his family's foreign business interests - Ukraine announced another investigation into the Bidens like a week ago - and yet we need to just assume ya know: he got this.

Americans are dumb, and the political landscape is built purely to ensure that a radical idealist will never rise to power in this country if his interests go against the upper-class. Its all good - let Joe lose while the D's sit there and wonder how they could've avoided more GOP w's.


Oct 25, 2017
This clip with Mehdi Hasan essentially outlines why I think Biden will get absolutely demolished by Trump. He hasn't been vetted publically yet and has been hiding in the corner during the debates. Once his skeletons start coming out of the closet, it's going to be attack after attack on him. I hope that I'm wrong and that democrats will come out and vote for the GE, but I'm not very hopeful on Biden's chances.

Ԍεοϝϝ 🌹 on Twitter

“"I don't think [Biden] can survive a two-hour debate with Bernie one on one." - @mehdirhasan”

Biden hasn't been vetted publicly? Odd take considering his decades of being in the political spotlight including 8 years of VP. For whatever it's worth, people like him.


Oct 26, 2017
Biden is awful on the debate stage but let's not act like Trump is some incredible orator.

Right? This is one of the weirdest takes I've seen the past few weeks with people suddenly making it sound like Trump is some incredible speech writer. Dude literally says shit like:

Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart — you know, if you're a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it's true! — but when you're a conservative Republican they try — oh, do they do a number — that's why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune — you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we're a little disadvantaged — but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it's not as important as these lives are — nuclear is so powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right, who would have thought? — but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners — now it used to be three, now it's four — but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven't figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it's gonna take them about another 150 years — but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us, this is horrible.


Oct 27, 2017
Could be entertaining because Diamond Joe probably won't take any of Trump's shit. Biden doesn't have to navigate the unfortunate "likable" issues that a woman candidate like Hillary had to do and can basically tell Trump to go fuck himself.
Also, no one who already likes Biden is going to stop intending to vote for Biden because he made a gaffe or said something that made him look foolish. We're used to that. If anything, Trump's bullying is just going to make people want to vote even harder for Biden.


Feb 28, 2018
Just a thought but a two hour debate between Biden and Bernie could be pretty damaging to Biden past this primary. So far he's been shielded by the other candidates, but if Bernie starts reciting his record it'll get pretty ugly.
Oct 27, 2017
counterpoint: bernie just released an ad about how much he liked working closely with barack obama
Counterpoint: only after getting clobbered in super Tuesday. Bernie's camp purposefully never sought to embrace the Democratic establishment, going so far as having his boosters be actively antagonist towards it. But now that the establishment is no longer fractured between numerous candidates, Bernie's camp is realizing pretty quickly that maybe making enemies of everyone isn't a winning strategy going forward.


Oct 24, 2017
North America
Joe Biden hasn't been vetted yet? Joe Biden? Former Vice President Joe Biden?

Come on.
Honestly? Joe Biden really hasn't. Joe does wonders appealing to scared WWC voters, but the top of the ticket was Obama. Hes the one who got all the vetting.

Joe and his family have enough business interests in foreign countries where we are gonna see investigations, even if they don't lead into anything, get launched both here and abroad. Ukraine already announced an investigation into Joe & Hunter a week ago. You're gonna see stuff come out from the Biden's business interest in China as well. And Trump fears no retaliation for doing so - we impeached him for trying and it didn't work!

In all honesty, our best hope is the economy tanking and entering a recession. And I say this as someone who has no intention on voting for Joe Biden in the GE. This is the 'safe' choice Americans wanted right? Have at it! Enjoy Trump term 2.

Powdered Egg

Oct 27, 2017
Trump over performed during his first Clinton debate. The moderation was terrible and Lester Holt and them consistently let Trump overtalk during his turns.

He's going to use the loud and brash crap again.
Oct 25, 2017
Could be entertaining because Diamond Joe probably won't take any of Trump's shit. Biden doesn't have to navigate the unfortunate "likable" issues that a woman candidate like Hillary had to do and can basically tell Trump to go fuck himself.

Joe might be fine for the first 5 minutes but then after that he'll need a nap meanwhile Trump will power through for another hour because he's fuelled by a small mountain of coke and the fact he speaks in gibberish no longer holds any shock value to us.

It will be a car crash.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Ya know what annoys me about this take? Its that people think its fair that a campaign, or that even voters who don't pay attention to politics, should be to overcome what is literally a mountain of effort built squarely on the motivation on maintaining the economic system of keeping the low and middle class in extreme debt and keeping all the money and power at the top - and yet its on BERNIE that he won't overcome all of it.
Yes, it is on a presidential campaign to actually win.


Oct 25, 2017
Biden is a terrible candidate and I have million fucking things to do that are better than voting for someone as dumb as him. I live MA so what does it even matter? But whatever ignore that keep calling people "weak willed" that's gonna get people side with you.
Like what?


Jun 13, 2018
Could be entertaining because Diamond Joe probably won't take any of Trump's shit. Biden doesn't have to navigate the unfortunate "likable" issues that a woman candidate like Hillary had to do and can basically tell Trump to go fuck himself.

Also, it was a lifetime ago, but Biden trounced Paul Ryan in the VP debate back in 12. Admittedly that was with 8 less years of brain decay, but he could well be better in a 1 on 1 debate. Being more consistently engaged will give his mind less room to wander


Oct 27, 2017
I'm a big Bernie fan. He's my first choice. I've given him a stupid amount of money and phone banked for him. If Bernie can not convince people that he's the right choice to take on Trump, he's failing as a politician. I dunno what else to tell you.

You can blame the voters for being too afraid to risk it on Bernie, and trying to play it safe with Biden. You can blame it on the democratic and economic establishment for coalescing around Biden. You can blame it on the media for spreading the narrative of spooky socialism. You can blame it on whoever you want. But the buck stops with Bernie. If he cannot shape his rhetoric and campaign into something that convinces and inspires a majority or plurality of democratic voters, he failed. And would likely struggle in a one v one with Trump

There's not really much a correlation here.

Hillary was defeated by Trump, yet she defeated Bernie, who was projected to be the stronger opponent against Trump. Just because Bernie is struggling here doesn't mean he has a worse shot at Trump or is the weaker/failing politician. Especially considering there are a lot of factors here contributing to Biden's victories, that have nothing to do with Biden "inspiring" people.

Saying "he's doing poorly, so he's a weak candidate if he can't do anything here" is a very simplistic way of looking at it.


Oct 25, 2017
Richmond, VA
Honestly? Joe Biden really hasn't. Joe does wonders appealing to scared WWC voters, but the top of the ticket was Obama. Hes the one who got all the vetting.

Joe and his family have enough business interests in foreign countries where we are gonna see investigations, even if they don't lead into anything, get launched both here and abroad. Ukraine already announced an investigation into Joe & Hunter a week ago. You're gonna see stuff come out from the Biden's business interest in China as well. And Trump fears no retaliation for doing so - we impeached him for trying and it didn't work!

In all honesty, our best hope is the economy tanking and entering a recession. And I say this as someone who has no intention on voting for Joe Biden in the GE. This is the 'safe' choice Americans wanted right? Have at it! Enjoy Trump term 2.

That's not vetting you're talking about. It's ratfucking. And Trump is going to ratfuck anyone and everyone. Doesn't matter who the nominee is. No one is safe from made up bullshit.


Oct 24, 2017
North America
Could be entertaining because Diamond Joe probably won't take any of Trump's shit. Biden doesn't have to navigate the unfortunate "likable" issues that a woman candidate like Hillary had to do and can basically tell Trump to go fuck himself.
Joe Biden does incredibly well against politicans. Trump is NOT a politican - he's an entertainer. Joe Biden taking Paul Ryan to task works when you're framing the debate squarely along the lines of political attacks.

Trump doesn't go for political attacks cause he's a moron on politics, but a part of him knows he is. Instead, Trump relies on his showmanship, and Americans lap that shit up. Again - HRC ran circles around Trump and Trump was still being viewed as having won at least the 2nd debate. And if Trump does falter at all, Fox News is there to spin the propaganda on his behalf. And all of this is assuming Trump even shows up, which nothing even states he has to.

Heck, Trump could very well launch investigations into the Biden's foreign business deals and then claim he will not attend the debates because he refuses to debate candidates who are under investigations. Why the fuck not - just puts Joe squarely in the frame of being under investigation, which is exactly what the GOP wants in someone they are running against. Something which we are gonna hand them.


Oct 25, 2017
This would be a hilarious move on her part, considering she got her start in politics opposing Biden's bankruptcy bill. That just might destroy her reputation with said progressive bloc
Said progressive bloc don't even vote, just retweet.
This clip with Mehdi Hasan essentially outlines why I think Biden will get absolutely demolished by Trump. He hasn't been vetted publically yet and has been hiding in the corner during the debates. Once his skeletons start coming out of the closet, it's going to be attack after attack on him. I hope that I'm wrong and that democrats will come out and vote for the GE, but I'm not very hopeful on Biden's chances.

Ԍεοϝϝ 🌹 on Twitter

“"I don't think [Biden] can survive a two-hour debate with Bernie one on one." - @mehdirhasan”
Biden has been in politics for fifty years, he was VP for 8 years and a Senator for 30. You actually believe he hasn't been "vetted"?


Oct 24, 2017
North America
How popular is Biden in the Rust Belt compared to Sanders? Would think his support for NAFTA wouldn't help there.
That's not vetting you're talking about. It's ratfucking. And Trump is going to ratfuck anyone and everyone. Doesn't matter who the nominee is. No one is safe from made up bullshit.

Trump will ratfuck any & everyone. But in Biden's case, Trump gets to ratfuck a guy who supported NAFTA, a thing the rust belt hated so much they legit hate-voted against HRC in 16. And Trump ALSO gets to say he signed the trade deal that upended NAFTA.


User requested ban
Dec 13, 2019
That's not vetting you're talking about. It's ratfucking. And Trump is going to ratfuck anyone and everyone. Doesn't matter who the nominee is. No one is safe from made up bullshit.

There's a difference between ratfucking and holding official investigations into Joe's family, as stupid as they are. Then again, the American people continue to vote against their interests over and over again so I don't know why I'm surprised.


Oct 25, 2017
Trump will ratfuck any & everyone. But in Biden's case, Trump gets to ratfuck a guy who supported NAFTA, a thing the rust belt hated so much they legit hate-voted against HRC in 16. And Trump ALSO gets to say he signed the trade deal that upended NAFTA.
Yeah I don't think that's why they voted against Hillary.
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