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Prodigal Son

Oct 27, 2017
Imagine if they done it just one day earlier.
Texas, Massachusetts, Maine, Minnesota. Four states that probably go to Bernie + even more crushing victory in California. So fucking frustrating. It could've been so easy.
exactly the cause of my warren anger. the past is the past but she can make up for it if she does this right


Nov 15, 2017
Is it possible Warren drops, endorses Biden, and then gets picked as VP so Biden can cozy up to the progressive bloc?


Feb 28, 2018
Is it possible Warren drops, endorses Biden, and then gets picked as VP so Biden can cozy up to the progressive bloc?
There's no way tbh, Biden and Warren dislike each other and I don't see the Biden camp giving so much importance to the progressives.

Would be a sound pick though, but Hillary should have picked Warren too and we know how that went.
Dec 6, 2018
Sitting here earlier today, I was thinking about different candidates positions and I realized of the major candidates from a week ago, I probably knew the least about Biden's supposed positions. That comes in part because he almost never talks about them, focusing a lot more on continuing the legacy of the Obama years instead of what he'll actually do. I decided I should at least know though if he's our guy so I went looking. On just a few of the major issues:

Child Care: Biden is for universal free Pre-K for kids who are 3-4.

Education: Biden is for two free years of community college or technical schooling. He also supports doubling the maximum value of Pell Grants and a student loan forgiveness program which will make it so you don't have to pay anything back on student loans if you are making under 25,000 a year. He also proposes a cap on the maximum amount annually at 5% of your income over 25,000 a year with full forgiveness after 20 years. So if you make 50,000 a year, only 5% of 25,000 is your maximum yearly contribution. That's 1,250 a year. He is also for using federal funds to even out the funding for all schools so that those in higher property tax areas don't receive more resources.

Environment: Ensure the U.S. achieves a 100% clean energy economy and reaches net-zero emissions no later than 2050 . He plans to do this by focusing on wind and solar energy.

Guns: He supports universal background checks, a gun buyback program, and an assault weapon ban.

Immigration: Supports DACA and DAGA path to citizenship. Wants to end workplace raids. Plans to increase worker VISAs. Restore the asylum system and end family separation. End for profit detention centers.

Reparations: Is open to it and has promised to have a committee to look into how this could be applied.

Minimum Wage: Supports a $15.00 an hour minimum wage

Family Leave: Supports 12 weeks of paid family leave

Sick Leave: Supports universal paid sick leave, though details on how much are scarce

Iran: Will rejoin the Iran Nuclear deal

Israel/Palestine: Will support a two state solution

Criminal Justice Reform: Believes nobody should be jailed for drug use alone, wants users to be sent for treatment if anything. Eliminate mandatory minimums. Eliminate the death penalty. Eliminate cash bail. A full end to private prisons. Guaranteed housing for those leaving prison. Supports full restoration of voting rights upon release.

Marijuana: Complete decriminalization and wants to release and expunge the record of anyone in jail for it now. True legalization to be left to the states.

Internet Access: Wants to invest 20 billion in funding to expand rural broadband access.

Statehood: Is for making both Washington DC and Puerto Rico States.

LGBTQ Issues: Supports Gay marriage, the Equality Act, and Transgender military service

Health Care: Ensure a public option is created which covers primary care without co-payments. Make sure those who would qualify for medicaid if their state would only expand coverage are offered premium free coverage on the public option. Plans to offer premium tax credits which will significantly lower costs for those who have insurance they would keep. Make in-network/out of network determined solely by location and not the doctor you see to avoid surprise billing. Repeal the law stopping medicare from negotiating drug prices. Allow consumers to import drugs from out of the country, stopping the current issue where often drugs are far more expensive in the US. Protect abortion rights. Restore federal funding to Planned Parenthood.

Some will argue that many of these are half measures compared to what Bernie wants to do. They're right on many of them. They are measures though. Every single one of them if far more than the Republicans want and we will get under Trump. Even better, these are mostly pretty safe positions to take in the Democratic Party today, thanks in part to Bernie's pushing the party left in recent years. If we can win the senate, these are all actually pretty achievable. And if Biden got half of this done, he'd have far and away the most successful presidency of my lifetime. Bernie first got into the race in 2016 to try to push the party left. He didn't think he could win, he was just trying to get some concessions. That's what winning looked like at the time. Look at that list and tell me he didn't win. Now if you actually care about Bernie's revolution, let's go out in November and get it done. Then once this is the new normal, we can work to push that new normal to the left. The next time someone tells you there's no difference between Trump and Biden, go ahead and show them this.
Thank you, I tried to use Biden's website but even that I didn't think was too great at laying out his positions. It is good to know as well that Biden quietly includes nuclear energy in his climate/energy plan, something I don't think Sanders nor Warren do. Guaranteed housing for those leaving prison is pretty impressive, do we know if he has tried to limit voting restoration to nonviolent offenders? His education and loan plan is something I think could be better, marijuana too of course. Depending on who his VP is/how the rest of his campaign goes I can see some of these positions getting bolder


Woke up, got a money tag, swears a lot
Oct 25, 2017
Politico says a recent Detroit news poll taken before super Tuesday had Biden up 7 points. And that Biden was the preferred candidate of by 20% for absentee ballots. Will be interesting to see if Biden gets the same bounce from Super Tuesday as he did from SC.

‘Biden can finish Bernie off in Michigan’

The next big state on the primary calendar is looking dicey for Sanders.
Biden winning Minn., Mass, and Texas in one night should give him a boost, but i could see it cooling down a bit with the 7 day gap

but its likely Biden's to lose at this point, a lot of the upcoming primaries are rough ones for Bernie
Oct 27, 2017
This is, frankly, an insultingly stupid comment. You really think the people who go out into the streets and actually protest against shit are the ones who don't vote?

It's not an indictment on the majority of people who would have good reason to protest, and doing so with the best of intentions.

But yes, I think a contingent of the my-way-or-the-highway online exhibitionists would want something for Instagram and Twitter.

Deleted member 11413

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
It's not an indictment on the majority of people who would have good reason to protest, and doing so with the best of intentions.

But yes, I think a contingent of the my-way-or-the-highway online exhibitionists would want something for Instagram and Twitter.
Have you ever actually been to protests before, or are you just talking out of your ass?


Oct 25, 2017
I'm confused by this post.
Fuck, I thought you said Biden/Warren. Was thinking that since it was the latest news she was also talking to Biden.

Honestly if either of them secures Warren VP I'd vote that.

Did you mean switch from Biden to Sanders?

I messed up. Currently I'm a very very likely Sanders voter. If Biden grabbed Warren VP and support of the wealth tax or something I'd probably swap over.

But if Bernie got her I'd probably stay.


This Guy Helps
Oct 27, 2017
Biden/O'Rourke. Those disaffected young people get a kindred spirit in Beto and he's also a bridge to the Hispanic community.
Oct 27, 2017
You have to sign a legally binding contract to run for president as a Democrat saying you will be officially registered as a Democrat nationally for as long as you represent the party in the primary, general, and as president.

Also that's a pretty shitty excuse when Biden literally prides himself on conceding to Republican demands.
But it's so much more than that. Bernie has shown a distinct unwillingness to work with his colleagues or build alliances to achieve common goals during his tenure as a senator. Not to mention spending a several years campaigning on the claim that every Democrat that does not specifically align with you is part of the *establishment" and therefore an enemy is generally not a great way to win endorsements.


Oct 27, 2017
Biden should be the nom. The fact the intercept is coming hard against him makes it even more clear who Putin doesn't want to be the nominee.

Fart Master

Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
A dumpster
Crazy how easily Democrats are manipulated by Republicans. We are so weak-willed that we'll just sit around and jack off on our own self pity while Trump strolls into term 2. Democrats are pathetic.
Biden is a terrible candidate and I have million fucking things to do that are better than voting for someone as dumb as him. I live MA so what does it even matter? But whatever ignore that keep calling people "weak willed" that's gonna get people side with you.

Deleted member 18324

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
It's not an indictment on the majority of people who would have good reason to protest, and doing so with the best of intentions.

But yes, I think a contingent of the my-way-or-the-highway online exhibitionists would want something for Instagram and Twitter.

I too love to decry "pathetic, performative crying / fake, cynical anger" while making up an imaginary cohort of people politically engaged enough to protest yet simultaneously not engaged enough to vote so I can (performatively) attack them.

If Biden loses it will be because he won't have done enough to drive engagement among normal people who are working all day rather than engaging politically in their free time, not because a scattering of people concentrated in safe D states don't turn out.


Woke up, got a money tag, swears a lot
Oct 25, 2017
biden is gonna pick someone that will net him something

either a state or a lot of support

i could see him reaching out to warren, but like i said before, i dunno if she'd be up to it

in the end it'll probably end up being a safe pick aimed at helping him win a swing state


Oct 26, 2017


Oct 8, 2018
This would be the better play

Yeah, if she could negotiate herself a cabinet position, or even the vice presidency, then she would lend him credibility with left wing voters while also guaranteeing someone on the inside to more forcefully push for more progressive legislation.

Going with Bernie is very likely her just shutting herself out of a position of influence. But this assumes she has the leverage to get something big from Biden, which I don't know she does. She has the leverage to get pretty much anything she wants out of Bernie, though.
Biden winning Minn., Mass, and Texas in one night should give him a boost, but i could see it cooling down a bit with the 7 day gap

but its likely Biden's to lose at this point, a lot of the upcoming primaries are rough ones for Bernie

Unless Tuesday was just a total fluke, and demographic preferences and turnout are
very, very different in the majority of other states, I just don't see how Bernie pulls this one out. Even with 100% of Warren's voters, something he's not getting.


Woke up, got a money tag, swears a lot
Oct 25, 2017
anyone else from texas that could be a vp pick besides beto?

anyone really well liked who wouldnt be missed?


Oct 25, 2017
But it's so much more than that. Bernie has shown a distinct unwillingness to work with his colleagues or build alliances to achieve common goals during his tenure as a senator. Not to mention spending a several years campaigning on the claim that every Democrat that does not specifically align with you is part of the *establishment" and therefore an enemy is generally not a great way to win endorsements.

counterpoint: bernie just released an ad about how much he liked working closely with barack obama


Oct 25, 2017
But it also sends the message to shitty would-be candidates that you can be as vile as you want in a reasonably blue district without facing repercussions (on the contrary, you could even get the continued support of leadership!)

Enforcing a bare minimum standard of at least not voting with Trump 75% of the time or else you won't get public support from the leadership shouldn't cause any infighting whatsoever. That's an ultra low bar.
It's ultimately up to that district to remove them. Open primaries are THE thing keeping guys like that barely afloat.


Oct 25, 2017
Damn it Biden.

Anyway I think he needs to reach out to the more progressive wing somehow in his VP pick.


Oct 25, 2017
If they wanted to go progressive but not "too progressive", they could do a lot worse than Cory Booker. Supposedly he has the third most liberal voting record in the Senate and would be a POC on the ticket.


Oct 25, 2017
Biden-Sanders/Sanders-Biden unity ticket, they take turns being President and Vice President each year
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