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The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
CDPR needs to show some night time screenshots to shut people up. What were you expecting, 100% nighttime only? Do you think this is 100% daytime only? /boggle


Nov 15, 2017
Not a fan of the pink and bright-blue skies ala gta v in a cyberpunk world, but the game looks fantastic. Hopefully they can, at least, add more weather conditions to give us a bit of everything. I want rain, pollution, neon, and dystopian darkness too.


Oct 27, 2017
Cologne, Germany
i think it´s awesome, they have done their own spin and it is synthwave inspired, not the samey Blade Runner aesthetic that was used numerous times. Looks more fresh this way...


Oct 27, 2017
Lots of people confuse Cyberpunk and Neo Noir.

Movies like Blade Runner and Dark City are neo noir, not cyberpunk.
No, neo-noir refers to noir films post the 1950s. Films such as Taxi Driver, Chinatown etc. While Blade Runner would also qualify as neo-noir because it has noir elements its aesthetic is cyberpunk - regardless of whether or not it depicts an inter-connected (cyber) world.


Oct 26, 2017
All it says to me is that there will be varied environments and varied types of characters. Why did you ignore all the other imagery and decide this is the games defining image?

I am just disappointed it is not as futuristic as I thought...

I am still excited for the game. It is probably going to be amazing. I just didnt like some stuff in this trailer that made it feel too much like a Rockstar open world experience. The kind of american satire stuff that GTA usually likes to play with... I did not expect that.


Oct 25, 2017
I mean, i already said they will show more. In the statement they said basically 'only so much to show here, we have a booth!"


Oct 25, 2017
Lots of people confuse Cyberpunk and Neo Noir.

Movies like Blade Runner and Dark City are neo noir, not cyberpunk.

They can be both at the same time. Blade runner was both. Sin City is neo noir but not cyberpunk. This looks like cyberpunk but not neo noir from what is shown. Then again this is probably just a small glimpse of the game. I have no doubt the story will have some dark elements/storylines when all is said and done. Witcher had some great dark mysteries in the same world as some beautiful vistas. It would be boring if this game was always dark and rainy like the trope suggests.


The Fallen
Oct 31, 2017
As long as you keep applauding you should be safe though

You okay?? You're in a video game forum, chill tf out lol. Comparing some random post with a suggestion that would never be enforced at ERA to tactics used by the USSR seems like the thought process of a child. It's just a video game trailer and no one is actively working to take away your right to comment on this forum post positively or negatively.


Oct 28, 2017
I have no problem with the aesthetics of the game. If anything, it's nice to know there's some diversity. [Edit: Actually, I can go further: it's nice that they seem to be using the 'cyber' to emphasize culture, instead of muddying it all under the same grim shades. What they've shown is that this game should cover the full spectrum of cyberpunk.]

I am pretty miffed over the lack of gameplay, though. I want to know if they've been able to improve over Witcher 3's weakest areas, namely combat, movement, and environment interaction. With the game not coming out until 2020, I doubt I'll get my answers just yet... Ah well. Still looking forward to it.


Oct 25, 2017
Czech republic


Solo V


Corporate V


Nomad V


Fixer V


Netrunner V

Fuck where is my cop V? :p

Truly Gargantuan

Still doesn't have a tag :'(
Oct 25, 2017
While Blade Runner is an important piece of the Cyberpunk puzzle,my favorite bit of Cyberpunk media is Ghost in the Shell. Which I felt a lot of that same look came through in the trailer.


Oct 30, 2017
We now live in a world where "too much sunlight" makes a bad trailer boys. It's cyberpunk not neo noir.


Oct 27, 2017
Looks like a lot of people here wanted a Blade Runner game and not a Cyberpunk one

And If this one is like The Witcher, It will have a lot of comedy and funny moments in some missions


Nov 2, 2017
Lots of people confuse Cyberpunk and Neo Noir.

Movies like Blade Runner and Dark City are neo noir, not cyberpunk.
I don't understand, why do the vast majority of people just make up this bullshit and agree that it's the case.

Cyberpunk is totally just the genre of a cyber dystopia, and there's tropes that can be deviated.

But let's not pretend that the genre wasn't borne out of Heavy Metal Magazine, Neuromancer, and Blade Runner. Or that maybe people were expecting more of a dark tone from the first trailer.

For example, some people could want daytime skyboxes that are polluted instead of bright, or that slums and other areas be less glamorous when they are more traditionally painted as sleazy.

Different opinions and expectations =/= "Wow, that's pathetic, you don't really get cyberpunk."
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Oct 25, 2017
Looks really good. Though some one a while back had told me that they had said htey wanted this one to be where you created your own character... where as this trailer says to me they definitely have a character for you to play. I wonder if it will be like Witcher where they pretty much given the character a personality and you just play how you think he'd solve something (but within reason for the character) or if you at least get to really choose who the character is personality wise, how he solves things, and who he decides to help (or what his motivations are).


May 27, 2018
Looks amazing! I love that scene with the girl putting on make-up.

Looking forward to reading what the journalists are going to be shown.
Oct 29, 2017
This looks so fucking amazing. It's like they personally asked me to design a game world. Whenever and however, it will be my mission to play this on day 1


Oct 27, 2017
Buffalo, NY
I must be in the minority here.

I hate character creation in games. Stories almost never end up as good as they can be compared to when you have a fully voiced pre-made character like Geralt, Nathan Drake, Aloy, etc.

Dream Machine

Oct 25, 2017
I am just disappointed it is not as futuristic as I thought...

I am still excited for the game. It is probably going to be amazing. I just didnt like some stuff in this trailer that made it feel too much like a Rockstar open world experience. The kind of american satire stuff that GTA usually likes to play with... I did not expect that.
Even if it's the future, not everyone in the world can afford to live in skyscrapers, drive fancy cars, and get cybernetic implants. Cyberpunk is a wider aesthetic than people seem to think.

Surely this will be more of a Witcher 3 open world experience than a Rockstar one, right? I don't feel Rockstar has sole ownership of trashy white people existing in games, try as they might.


Oct 29, 2017
They can be both at the same time. Blade runner was both. Sin City is neo noir but not cyberpunk. This looks like cyberpunk but not neo noir.

And the teaser was neonoir. So somehow they changed plans and push towards the punk.

But this is radically different. Even the use of Bullets from Archive at the beginning feels now out of tone.

And this is not about night / day.

This is chara design, world design, lights, colours, speech, world - basically everything is far away from the teaser even though it is closer to what Cyberpunk refers to.


Dec 19, 2017
User Warned: System Wars
I wonder how much more universal the praise around here would be if it was unveiled at a Sony conference.

(I don't wonder actually; I think we all know).
Oct 26, 2017
I have a feeling it will be more of a background for the character rather than their current profession.

This is a good point. I mean, there will be classes or subclasses to choose, but the reality is that this is a video game, an Action RPG like Witcher 3, so a good part of it is going to be combat. Real time combat. Mostly shooting people with guns, they hired designers for that. So for that, they need for everyone to be some kind of 'up and coming hired gun'. No, you aren't going to be able to pick a rocker and have a main quest about your climbing up to rock stardom or be a journalist and play the game without violence.
There will be more 'freedom' than the Witcher series, I think, but the genre is the genre. Action RPG.
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