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Teyvat Traveler
Oct 28, 2017
It'd be funny if they would re-release the trailer during the nighttime and named it "edgy version" or something.


Oct 27, 2017

How does this not look like what we saw in the CGI trailer?


Oct 31, 2017
Honestly, some replies in here are pathetic. Absolutely pathetic. Complaints about it not being dark - in a game that will no doubt have day and night cycles.

Character customisation is in - it is in the hidden trailer message.
Oct 29, 2017
People also lost their shit when Blade Runner 2049 trailer had scenes in open space. What's up with that?

Do you imagine there are freaking buildings in the sea in Snow Crash as well?


Oct 25, 2017
I can't believe I almost missed this trailer. Was scrolling through the threads watching everything and thought this was an old thread for the original teaser.

This is my highlight of Microsoft's event. So damn good.


You know what that means
Oct 25, 2017
So cyberpunk has to be exclusively set in the rain at night with a bunch of fluorescent lights to satisfy a bunch of y'all? Da fuq?

The art direction shown off in the trailer is amazing. It already fixes one of the problems I had with Witcher 3: boring game world. If this game has interesting/fun quest design, characters, traversal, and combat then it will have fixed everything. That's a tall order to accomplish that kind of pivot and many were clearly more forgiving of W3 than I was, but this trailer does inspire more optimism than I anticipated.


Oct 27, 2017
Since you forgot:

Now that they've shown the aesthetic they've settled on (which isn't "bad"), I'm more worried about the actual gameplay. Which hasn't been shown yet, but appears to be another run of the mill open world game where you drive around and blow shit up.

I've seen it. If that trailer were set in the daytime I'm positive it wouldn't get that unwarranted dark and gritty label. It was loud and the cops looked like they take their uniforms to the cleaner after every shift. Not to mention the structures didn't even look run down, the streets were clean as hell. What am I missing that makes it dark and gritty?


Oct 25, 2017
Cyberpunk 2077 is based on the Cyberpunk 2020 games so it fits the old 80s idea of what Cyberpunk looks like before Bladerunner started influencing everything else in the Cyberpunk genre. (Bladerunner had been out for a few years when Cymberpunk 2020 came out, but it hadn't influenced anything by then and Akira was 1991 as well, and GITS was a few years away too)

That's what tabletop Cyberpunk was. It was very much colorful and punk.

I mean, it's a world where one of the classes is "Rocker". That should tell you the tone of the world
Not quite sure where people are getting this notion.

To quote Mike Pondsmith himself

The backstory is that my favorite story of all time is Blade Runner. When I got into Blade Runner originally, my girlfriend and I went to see it. At the time everybody went "Oh yeah, that's kind of a not great movie" but I saw the potential and I said, "one of these days, I gotta do something along this line." At the time there was pretty much only D&D though, so there wasn't much to work with. As time went on and I developed more role playing games, I thought, I think I'll do a Blade Runner like game.

And when you read certain descriptions in the guidebooks or see certain images from them, it's pretty obvious:

That's not to say that CDPR isn't allowed to deviate from that by any means (and I'm personally not even "concerned", it looks good) but the original source material absolutely took inspiration from Blade Runner.

Lots of people confuse Cyberpunk and Neo Noir.

Movies like Blade Runner and Dark City are neo noir, not cyberpunk.


Nov 4, 2017
People will complain literally about everything.

What's next, the game looks very similar to theme of Shadowrun?


Oct 25, 2017
Frisco, Tx
Don't get me wrong, this is my most anticipated gave ever, but i feel the trailer did more to confuse people about what this game is then sell it. I mean if you had to look for secret embedded messages in the video just to know there is a create a character instead of generic space marine, you kinda failed explaining the game.

Again, most anticipated game, just confused by why they choose to show a trailer like this.

Dream Machine

Oct 25, 2017
Seriously. This was so disappointing to me.

It feels like a normal open world Rockstar city with some sci fu stuff going on :/
All it says to me is that there will be varied environments and varied types of characters. Why did you ignore all the other imagery and decide this is the games defining image?


Oct 25, 2017
This looks amazing. It's been years since it's was announced, but it's finally coming. Can't wait to see the character creation.


Nov 29, 2017
I may be biased because I'm actually a bit familiar with the pen&paper RPG and this is going beyond my expectations, but Jesus Christ, the overwhelming majority of the complaints in this thread read as complete fucking nonsense to me.

"It looks for teenagers", "it's too sunny". WHAT?
"I don't like the protagonist". Which isn't even supposed to be set in the game.
"I get a Ubisoft vibe". HOW? You didn't even see how the game plays at all.
"It doesn't remember the original teaser at all". In what way? There isn't literally a single second in this trailer that is in conflict with that.

I'm scared that CDPR might change its vision based on this type of "complains". They nailed Cyberpunk with this trailer.
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