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Alt Account
Apr 16, 2018
My favorite scene in the trailer:



Oct 29, 2017
We're going to need a thread that explains this game's source material, as people are real ignorant on the fact that this game is using Cyberpunk IP, the TTRPG.

I know you want to display your culture and this is a very informative display, but the problem is rather the shift between the intention of the 1st teaser and this trailer.

Sure this one is closer to the source material but this is not where expectations were set.

Deleted member 1067

User Requested Account Closure
Oct 25, 2017
The artstyle looks bad, yeesh

Not sure why they're even calling it Cyberpunk, honestly, as the aesthetic looks nothing like a cyberpunk game.


Jan 16, 2018
I don't understand, why do the vast majority of people just make up this bullshit and agree that it's the case.

Cyberpunk is totally just the genre of a cyber dystopia, and there's tropes that can be deviated.

But let's not pretend that the genre wasn't borne out of Heavy Metal Magazine, Neuromancer, and Blade Runner. Or that maybe people were expecting more of a dark tone from the first trailer.

For example, some people could want daytime skyboxes could be polluted instead of bright, or that slums and other areas be less glamorous when they are more traditionally painted as sleazy.

This is something some people don't seem to get. One of the defining aspects of Cyberpunk is that it's a dark, gritty dystopian setting, it's the themes of technological progress outpacing societal progress, basically - a setting that involves a future that isn't quite as bright as it seems. It isn't "Well it's Cyber themed and it has 80s punk so that makes it CyberPunk!",. The Deus Ex series is Cyberpunk as well and that has plenty of daylight included, it's absurd to think the concerns here are just "Why isn't it night time?!".

The trailer does have some of the themes of the genre, but it terms of overall tone in comparison to the original trailer, it is quite different.


Oct 25, 2017
We're going to need a thread that explains this game's source material, as people are real ignorant on the fact that this game is using Cyberpunk IP, the TTRPG.

Cyberpunk 2020 is my favourite TTRPG ever, but people seem to be unaware that this isn't a new CDPR IP, it's based on an existing IP and the original creator is involved with the game. this guy, Mike Pondsmith. He created one of the most developed universes in the Cyberpunk genre, and CDPR has adapted it beautifully with the trailer (which looks like Night City) - we'll have to see how they adapted the mechanics, but aesthetically it is on point.

You can start reading up on Cyberpunk (the IP) HERE:

Yeah, given how much he seems to be involved, its hard to imagine that CDPR is creating something that doesnt match his vision of what Cyberpunk "should be".


Oct 27, 2017
Goodness, this doesnt look anything like I expected. I was hoping for a darker tone similar to witcher? But this looks quite... well, immature? Not sure how to describe it. I actually got grand theft auto vibes from that trailer. Maybe they are aiming for a Rockstar esque open world but with more of a focus on RPG and npc interactions?
This is one thing I wasn't a fan of either. Maybe they really are going for more of a satire of American culture vibe here with the tone.


Oct 27, 2017
Devs are really steeping up on graphics for these new games. Can you imagine next gen!?
This is next-gen.

That's what makes me wonder at the apparent 2019 release, since CDPR has hinted pretty strongly that the game isn't being designed around PS4/XB1, but whatever's coming after them. They don't want to be held back, and I'm pretty sure those systems already can't do what we saw in this trailer.


Oct 27, 2017
Just when you think you start to become numb to the art and aesthetics of Cyberpunk

...then this comes along


Xaero Gravity

Oct 25, 2017
We're going to need a thread that explains this game's source material, as people are real ignorant on the fact that this game is using Cyberpunk IP, the TTRPG.

Cyberpunk 2020 is my favourite TTRPG ever, but people seem to be unaware that this isn't a new CDPR IP, it's based on an existing IP and the original creator is involved with the game. this guy, Mike Pondsmith. He created one of the most developed universes in the Cyberpunk genre, and CDPR has adapted it beautifully with the trailer (which looks like Night City) - we'll have to see how they adapted the mechanics, but aesthetically it is on point.

You can start reading up on Cyberpunk (the IP) HERE:
Unfortunately I feel like this is something that is going to need to be responded in every single CP2077 thread.

lvl 99 Pixel

Oct 25, 2017
not that it looked CG/prerendered in the first place but how are people confusing it for CG when the thing starts with the label "in engine footage"


Oct 25, 2017
create a character sounds fucking awful if true. I love characters already made with a story that fits them.

Ge was giving me GTA Cyberpunk vibezzz

Depends on how it is done. I prefer games that let me play my own story. New Vegas is an excellent example of how they can do good story and let you have your own character. The story isn't really about your character... your character is a conduit through which you experience hte story. The story being of hte world and the factions and the friction happening in the world. Your character gets to influence that but he/she really isn't the main part of the story but making their own story within that story. The whole initial story they give you that it's about your character out to get revenge is just a way to get you to go experience the world and find out about it.

Honestly, I prefer RPG games that are fashioned after the original RPG, pen and paper. WHere you create a character and you decide what your character is doing. I know that it will always be more constrained when it's a computer game cause they have to guess what choices you make beforehand, but some games manage to do it better than others (turn based games usually better than any action games honestly but New Vegas did a great job of action plus that which is why it's my favorite game ever).

It's why despite all their faults I still prefer Bethesda games to Witcher (I won't say cyberpunk cause from what I've heard it sounds like cyberpunk may be more up my alley than Withcer was).


Oct 26, 2017
United States
This is the game that will get me to upgrade my graphics card whenever it comes out. Expecting it to set the precedent for graphics requirements for awhile once it hits.

Truly Gargantuan

Still doesn't have a tag :'(
Oct 25, 2017
Depends on which version of GitS you're talking about. The first movie is pretty much 90s Hong Kong with a dash of Blade Runner. The show more closely matches a modern megacity. Neither really have loud colorful aesthetics. Maybe the manga is different.
Is the aesthetic in this trailer anymore loud than what is present in GitS? Really I just don't see it. They actually nail all the Cyberpunk tropes pretty well. Neon & holographs everywhere, massive divide between classes, the further intergration of technology in our day to day lives, etc. Etc.
Pretty much the only thing that was missing was a dude in a trench coat walking in the rain.
I just don't see what's more loud than what comes to mind when one hears the term "Cyberpunk". I think of pretty much everything I saw in this trailer


Feb 7, 2018
It's almost as if the teaser footage can coexist with this trailer if they took place in a different part of the city with different weather conditions...


User requested permanent ban
Oct 27, 2017
A very good trailer, but still need more information. I trust in CD PROJEKT RED.
Oct 29, 2017
my favorite part is that guy getting his head fried and the flight attendants freaking out

edit: chances are this is also the player character, right?

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Dec 25, 2017
looked incredible. I'm 100% in. The atmosphere and style is just what I was hoping it would be
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