
Dec 4, 2017
so what you're saying is without doing even the modicum of research that it would have taken to explain who this person is or why and why nymag a known rag might give a flawed viewpoint he just posted it while also agreeing with it in a public space? That makes him a fucking idiot at best.

Basically this. These days people don't like to research and instead let the talking heads do it for them, and now they're not even doing that. (haven't been for a long time, but that's another topic)

I don't want to be one of those "I never liked him!" people but I'm still surprised a lot of people still respect this guy after the last 4 years. The "well I'm trying to be reasonable" attitude from folks like him always end up giving the benefit of the doubt to scum.

Deleted member 5359

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
If you say that she was fired for being conservative then you're acknowledging that antisemitism is a conservative value.


Oct 26, 2017
Dallas, TX
I get the impulse to draw a high bar for cancellation for any statements that can be construed as "political opinion", but I can't imagine a bar so high Carano didn't pass it. She didn't make just one dumb comment, she's got a years long trail, and anyone actually looking at the totality of it can tell she's fallen into some pretty dark conspiratorial stuff.


Oct 25, 2017
It's America. You can be fired for any or no reason at all, depending on the terms of the contract, as long as it doesn't violate a federally protected class.


Oct 25, 2017
I listened to a podcast of his with Ta-Nehisi Coates and Chris sounded like he couldn't keep up. Her firing isn't hard to understand.


Oct 27, 2017
The man has been known as a dumbass. It's just people forget because he goes hard on Trump conservatives for a time before going back to "actually, both sides."

I wish Orson Welles were still alive to eviscerate people. You know, someone actually run out of Hollywood for the crime of being too Progressive (you know having views of equality, social justice, and socialist economic policies).


Oct 29, 2017
Hey centrists and people who like to play devil's advocate! Shut the FUCK up on any issues that are blatantly about magatry and bigotry

There are people to "that's a flawed opinion, but we shouldn't banish them" with, and then there's magats who think some races are literally subhuman


Oct 25, 2017
"Fired for being conservative"

See, this is a complete misconstruction of what is going here.
She wasn't fired for being conservative, she was fired for publicly being an asshole for quite some time now and ultimately for comparing Conservatives in the US to Jews in Nazi Germany.
That is textbook Anti-Semitism.

90% of the time when people feel attacked for their "conservatism" it is not actually conservatism but proto-fascism.

One of fascism's defining features is that it portrays itself as the victim of an oppressive evil force* even after it already reached its position of power where it continues to play the victim card in order to further eradicate opposition and solidify its position of power.

It is so eerie that at the exact moment were the last living members of the generations that lived through actual fascism in Europe have died, the same ideology pops up again and people have a hard time recognizing it.

*Hitler called it "cultural Marxism" and "conservatives" have partially adopted that conspiracy theory and woven it into their victimization stories. Like, translate Mein Kampf into English and it reads like Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley and Tucker Carlson teamed up on a creative writing assignment.


Oct 28, 2017
Just like Dave Rubin used to work for TYT but decided to grift as a conservative to better his career, I have always seen Chris Hayes as a conservative that grifts as a liberal for his career.
Apr 21, 2018
What an awful take.

She was fired for being anti-semitic, spreading covid misinformation, and being anti-BLM. Also, using her twitter account as a political tool for such idiocy and bigotry.


The strawmans, false equivalence, and whataboutism of the right-wing are aggravating.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017

He's basically going "well, what she's doing is kinda the new normal?", and while he admits it's an issue, isn't he 100% implying that if anti-semitism is popular, it's not okay to keep firing people for it?
I don't have a solution either, but I don't think "stop having severe consequences for being horrible" is a good first step.


"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
How I read this situation:

capitalism protected itself against the perceived threat of communism

now capitalism protected itself against the perceived threat of normalizing fascism.

Capitalism still enables fascism at the end of the day, but it sure needs to give the illusion that it doesn't.


Comics Enabler & Freelance Games Journalist
Oct 25, 2017
Ignoring all of the shit this may brew from reading into how this represents Chris's actual political views, how can Chris post this at all just from a base level of fact and intellectual curiosity? Anyone and everyone understands that Hollywood is rife with conservatives. They're executives in major media corporations, producers across TV to film, directors, crew, and more actors than most are willing to admit. There is zero concerted effort to remove conservatives from the industry. Joss Whedon and Harvey Weinstein are being shoved out the door alongside Roseanne and Gina.

Like, where the fuck is Chris even starting to recognize the validity of this idea? The thing that Gina was fired for has absolutely nothing to do with conservatism or conservative politics? Anti-Semitism and Holocaust denial are condemned in every industry across the United States and most of the world. This seems absolutely fucking insane for Chris to post.

Loud Wrong

Feb 24, 2020
There's a difference between blackballing someone for being conservative and not wanting to employ someone who knowingly spews offensive shit that one would normally associate with a conservative. If Hollywood was banning conservatives, explain how Rob Lowe keeps getting jobs.


Oct 29, 2017

He's basically going "well, what she's doing is kinda the new normal?", and while he admits it's an issue, isn't he 100% implying that if anti-semitism is popular, it's not okay to keep firing people for it?
I don't have a solution either, but I don't think "stop having severe consequences for being horrible" is a good first step.

an incredibly weird response of his there. "its ok if everyone is doing it."


Jun 1, 2018
I wish Orson Welles were still alive to eviscerate people. You know, someone actually run out of Hollywood for the crime of being too Progressive (you know having views of equality, social justice, and socialist economic policies).

Did he? I'm pretty sure he directed some documentaries about Spain for the Franco regime.


Dec 23, 2019
Post your favorite Chris Hayes takes



Comics Enabler & Freelance Games Journalist
Oct 25, 2017
Can we also stop for a moment and recognize that the entire argument of "Hollywood = Liberals" is just a mainstream watered-down way of presenting the decades-old bigoted idea that "Hollywood = Jews?"

Y'all, how Chris got to this point I will never understand. This is like, amateur understanding of discourse shit.


Oct 25, 2017
Not everyone's going to be right about everything, and this is one of at least a few of Chris Hayes' L's this week. He also took the joy in Neera Tanden having her feet held to the fire being solely about her Twitter shitposting, and not her being an absolute ghoul. Both this and that are stemmed from his lack of knowledge and what people are feeling justified with.

He's having a very bad week. He's looking extra fucking stupid with this take now that Carano is working with Ben Shapiro, the most popular grifter in this neo-fascism movement in America.

He's always like this.

I'm not sure how that pans out. He's one of the few journalists straight up calling the modern day conservative movement an anti-democracy party. I don't think he's openly playing defence for a party and political movement he's doing as best as he can on his show is currently an existential threat to America itself. He's just being dumb, and likely because he isn't following this as well as he should be before giving a take.