Oct 25, 2017

Firing Actors for Being Conservative Is Another Hollywood Blacklist

What is the principled difference between barring communists and barring conservatives?

This is far from the first bad take from Chris Hayes but I guess he decided he just wanted to be the stupidest boy in idiot camp today?

In the late 1940s and 1950s, Hollywood studios — under pressure from the right — promised they would not "knowingly employ a communist." This blacklist eventually became notorious, especially in Hollywood, which came to lionize its victims in several films. And yet it is becoming increasingly difficult to distinguish the blacklist policy from the emerging current treatment of right-wingers.

Earlier this week, Gina Carano, an actor in The Mandalorian, was fired from her job after a controversy over an allegedly anti-Semitic social-media post. In short order, UTSA, her talent agency, dropped her as a client.

Many media accounts have taken the anti-Semitism charge at face value (USA Today: "… an anti-Semitic Instagram Story that she shared from another user.") The post in question, which triggered a social-media firestorm that quickly led to her firing and loss of representation, was not anti-Semitic by any reasonable definition. The post simply argued (uncontroversially) that the Holocaust grew out of a hate campaign against Jews, which it then likened (controversially) to hatred of fellow Americans for their political views:

"Jews were beaten in the streets, not by Nazi soldiers but by their neighbors … even by children. Because history is edited, most people today don't realize that to get to the point where Nazi soldiers could easily round up thousands of Jews, the government first made their own neighbors hate them simply for being Jews. How is that any different from hating someone for their political views"

The article is fucking trash but of course it is it's NY mag

Now because some people might not know Gina Carano is a MMA competitor turned shit ass actor known for her transphobia anti-semitism and covid-19 denial.
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Oct 28, 2017

Firing Actors for Being Conservative Is Another Hollywood Blacklist

What is the principled difference between barring communists and barring conservatives?

This is far from the first bad take from Chris Hayes but I guess he decided he just wanted to be the stupidest boy in idiot camp today?

This is why you don't tweet before you drink your coffee. What a fucking idiotic take from an otherwise smart person. Hmmmm, Disney and the Federal Government are exactly the same thing!


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Oh look, Chris completely bought into the right wing fantasy that Gina was fired for being conservative and wasn't actually fired for being an anti-Semitic piece of shit.


Catch My Drift
Oct 27, 2017
spreading misinformation and bigotry isn't the same thing as being conservative or expressing an opinion.

Unity™ is thinking we should work with Gina Carano


Oct 25, 2017
I like how these people are openly admitting that their Conservatism inherently involves bigotry and conspiracy theories.


Oct 25, 2017
She wasn't fired "for being a conservative" and it is kinda scary some people think that was the case because it implies ALL her shitty views are the base of "being a conservative"

...or maybe it is =P


The Fallen
The Fallen
Oct 31, 2017
The body acknowledges she was fired for questionable tweets but the headline suggests otherwise?

She didn't get booted because she presumably voted for Trump and any Republican that came before him. You just can't say what she said on an open platform in her position and not face a blow back.


Sep 16, 2020
I'm so over opinion pieces and tweets wherein the author has done zero research or investigation on the subject matter.


Oct 25, 2017
It's not for being conservative. It's for spouting conspiracies and bigotry.

And she can still say whatever idiocy she wants without consequence from law. Just don't expect that her employers will want to continue working with her, or that social media outlets will let her speak her views on their platform.


Oct 27, 2017
I guess anti Semitism is officially part of the Conservative platform now. Transphobia already was so this is a natural progression I guess.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm so fucking tired of racism, anti-vax, and transphobic views - any and all this shit really - hiding behind the veil of "It's my political views". Fuck off.


Oct 28, 2017
The heck? I always thought Hayes was one of the few reasonable people on MSNBC. I guess not.


Oct 30, 2017
Anyone who has done even the lightest bit of research into the McCarthy-era blacklist should be disgusted by this comparison.

-Carano posted her horrific beliefs of her own accord, and lost one job as a result.

-Blacklisted writers and actors could lose everything and face serious legal penalties (including deportation in some cases) based on whatever bullshit Ronald Reagan wanted to make up about them.

The level of persecution is not even close to comparable.
Oct 30, 2017
She wasn't fired for being conservative. There's just a lot of overlap between conservatism and horrible shit.

"I'm a conservative" doesn't get you fired.
"I believe in small government" doesn't get you fired.
"Low taxes, help small businesses" doesn't get you fired.
"I believe in the second amendment" doesn't get you fired.
"Balanced budgets are important" doesn't get you fired.
"God in schools is good" doesn't get you fired.

Hell.. you can probably get away with a lot more than that.

"Protect our borders"
"Preserve American values"
"Protect our elections"

and other similar cries are all dog whistles for some other gross shit. But that likely won't get you fired either.

Spreading fake news, referring to conservatives as victims of the holocaust, doxing and harassing people, advocating to overturn a democratic election, calling for the death of your political opponents and other shit that conservatives regularly do will get you banned.

C'mon Chris Hayes. He's usually pretty sharp. Though you tend to see these kinds of takes from media figures. They all realize that a slip up could cost them a job. But I think their concern is largely misplaced.
Oct 27, 2017
She wasn't fired for being a conservative. She was fired for being a fucking piece of shit who says horrible things about other people. So horrible that it will effect the company.

It just so happens that Conservatives tend to have these traits. That's a "them" problem.


Mar 9, 2018

I've been getting a lot of mileage out of this tweet lately. She wasn't "censored for being a conservative", fuck off Chris.


Oct 27, 2017
Chris is good people, I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt on this one. The article does not contain anything close to an exhaustive list of her "conservative viewpoints".


Oct 27, 2017
Racism and nazism is part of conservatism. I rest my case, judge.

and lol at the failure to recognize the Trumbo thing was the government while this was a private corporation who wanted to rid themselves of an embarrassing boil.
Oct 30, 2017
The heck? I always thought Hayes was one of the few reasonable people on MSNBC. I guess not.
People have bad takes. People are generally not logically consistent for everything. Much like most pundits and activists, they're a mixed bag.

I'm not going to write someone off for a bad take when this person regularly has good takes on a lot of issues. He's also done a fair bit to platform progressive people on his show.

For a cable news anchor, he's about as good as it gets.
Nov 16, 2017
If she had put forth a desire for smaller government or fewer taxes, she'd still be cashing them disney checks. This isn't about being a Republican.


Oct 25, 2017
A lot of white male journalists, seemingly completely oblivious to her past tweets/statements, coming to her defense based on this shit article.


Oct 25, 2017
Being an asshole and saying asshole things is not a conservative principle. I don't understand how people pretend otherwise.
Daniel Westlake
Oct 25, 2017
Chris is good people, I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt on this one. The article does not contain anything close to an exhaustive list of her "conservative viewpoints".
so what you're saying is without doing even the modicum of research that it would have taken to explain who this person is or why and why nymag a known rag might give a flawed viewpoint he just posted it while also agreeing with it in a public space? That makes him a fucking idiot at best.


Oct 25, 2017
Is the thing where she compared persecution for political views as similar to the persecution of Jews leading to the Holocaust the only thing she said that's being called anti-Semitic? I only ask because, at face value, it seems more like a terrible case of persecution complex rather than being anti-Semitic, but I'd appreciate more understanding.

Even still is a ridiculously stupid thing to say, and she's said plenty of other stuff that warrant her firing.


Oct 27, 2017
so what you're saying is without doing even the modicum of research that it would have taken to explain who this person is or why and why nymag a known rag might give a flawed viewpoint he just posted it while also agreeing with it in a public space? That makes him a fucking idiot at best.
I think his mistake was probably not clarifying what his issues with the article were. I think he probably will clarify it in the future, and I think immediately demonizing someone like him for something like this is a huge mistake.