Oct 25, 2017
I'm slightly confused sitting in the front seat is seen as weird or whatever. On my own It wouldn't occur to me to go in the back in anything other than a hackney carriage. I prefer the leg room and it's easier to talk to the driver if I want to tell them to go a different way or stop for a second or whatever, or just to talk in general if I'm feeling chatty. Obviously in this situation the dude had a fair reason to not want someone in the front and clearly advertises it.
Nov 17, 2017


Damn what more could the dude do?

"That sign can't stop me because I'm a rich white dude!"


Oct 26, 2017
Orange County
This CEO guy is a piece of shit, but I wouldn't call it weird and creepy to try and sit up front when you're just not thinking about it much. I think it's easy for people who don't cause problems for drivers to not think much about sitting up front. Of course, these people would also respect their request to sit in the back and not act like a crying racist baby too.

Yeah the guy is trash and getting what he deserved but I don't think being a psycho and wanting to sit in the front seat go hand in hand


Dec 1, 2017
The guy was an illegal immigrant for a period of time

According to OPN, Berglund was retired when he founded the company and was golfing every day and dreaming of joining the PGA's Senior Tour. "I came to the United States on a combination work/tourist visa. In the 1990s, nobody ever checked and I just stayed. 9/11 changed everything," Berglund told the newsletter.



Nov 9, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
Uber driver had waaaaaay more patience than me. I would have gone ape shit on that racist dick head.


Oct 28, 2017
User Banned (Permanent): Victim blaming. Previously banned for dismissive behaviour.
Not justifying what the CEO guy said, but it would've helped if the driver explained why he didn't like people sitting in the front.

Instant Vintage

Unshakable Resolve
Oct 25, 2017
I wonder what he considers "proportional" in language, manners, behavior and consequences?

I turned it into an online adventure game.

You awaken in the 21st century. You're an adult professional, pillar of the community and highly successful and accomplished.

> examine inventory.

In your pockets you find a Cross pen, five of your own business cards and a cell phone.

> examine business cards

your name is Hans Berglund, CEO, Agroplasma.

examine phone

"your Uber has arrived" flashes on screen. There are two doors. the passenger front side has a small indistinct sign on it.

> get into front seat

you enter the car but the driver politely requests all passengers sit in the rear. You can see the small sign more distinctly.

> threaten driver with negative review and sit in back

The driver politely begins to explain his policy, apologizing for the inconvenience

> threaten driver but remain in vehicle

The driver politely suggests you arrange a different vehicle

> call driver a n*****

You have been ejected from this server for a violation of terms of use. This violation will be visible on your profile.

This is gold. I love it.

Randy is playing the smart game, and he's going to win. Ol' Hans here fumbled the damn ball on the FIRST PLAY and statistically cannot win anymore.

Racists gonna racist.
Oct 27, 2017
Unfortunately if he's a founder and CEO then I'd guess he's pretty wealthy and he'll still be able to live out a comfortable retirement.

That Uber driver is a fucking saint though. Good on him and I hope he sees success from a lot of coverage on this story.


Oct 31, 2017
Anaheim, CA
Not justifying what the CEO guy said, but it would've helped if the driver explained why he didn't like people sitting in the front.

No he doesn't have to explain shit. It's his car and it's not a taxi and theres a sign on the door that says no frontsies. The ceo was just mad cause he didn't get what he wanted. People think that if you hail a Uber you deserved to be treated like a VIP or some shit. Its called ridesharing not indentured servant. I drove for three years in San francisco and 99.999% of the people were nice but occasionally you get a passenger who's mad that I can't magically avoid traffic or red lights.

Instant Vintage

Unshakable Resolve
Oct 25, 2017
Not justifying what the CEO guy said, but it would've helped if the driver explained why he didn't like people sitting in the front.

He doesn't have to explain shit.

There's two signs on the damn door. There's a note on his fucking Uber page. Hans just wanted to be an asshole.

CEO or dishwasher, don't come at me entitled because I have a rule you may not agree with. Either sit in the back and shut the fuck up or or or get this: FIND ANOTHER DRIVER. And also shut the fuck up.

Big Baybee

Oct 27, 2017
As someone who drives summers when I'm not working (I work in education), people always sit up front lol. I don't mind, but as a rider I don't feel comfortable doing it because I'm a big black dude and I want my drivers to be comfortable. Crazy how quickly that word came out of his mouth. He definitely saw all the signs and warnings on his profile about it. He just wanted to prove a point. Get fucked.

Not justifying what the CEO guy said, but it would've helped if the driver explained why he didn't like people sitting in the front.

Deleted member 13560

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Not justifying what the CEO guy said, but it would've helped if the driver explained why he didn't like people sitting in the front.

Why would a person need to tell strangers they were sexually assaulted? The notification was posted 3 times. He went beyond what he needed to do to explain to the passenger to sit in the back.


Oct 27, 2017
Not justifying what the CEO guy said, but it would've helped if the driver explained why he didn't like people sitting in the front.
Why would he need to explain the history behind his policies? If a business doesn't take prepaid Visas, as you going to ask for a dissertation as to why they don't? No, you deal with the policy and utilize another method of payment, or you leave.

If your specific Uber or Lyft driver has a policy for their own, personal vehicle you don't agree with, cancel and move to the next driver.

Mr. Keith

Oct 31, 2017
He thought he could get away with it because he didn't think there would be dash cam.

Sorry you old fuck. You're on camera for all to see.


Oct 26, 2017
Serves him well, hah.
'Ruined life'... Yeah sure. PoS

I'm regularily taking taxis when I'm wasted and I have never sat in the back ever. I also do not know anyone who ever did that here.

Must be a cultural thing. In the UK and I've never met anyone who would sit in the front unless they had to for space reasons.

Chie Satonaka

Oct 25, 2017
I think everything the CEO (Hans) did makes complete sense.

Hans saw that he was going to be picked up by a driver (Randy) that is black. He doesn't care for black people so he clicked on the Randy's profile and saw the VERY clear notice at the top of the profile about how Randy prefers passengers to be in the backseat. Hans also most definitely saw those extraordinarily clear, color-contrasting labels that Randy put on the front passenger door and window. Hans probably was grinning ear-to-ear at his chance to give a microaggression to a black guy. But Randy stood his ground, denying Hans one of the greatest pleasures he has in life and then Hans let an N-bomb slip out.

I mean if you assume that Hans enjoys being an asshole to others who just look different, everything makes sense about this.

Good post.

He knew what he was doing the whole time, and his "I'm a victim here!" stance proves it. He wanted to abuse somebody and didn't expect any consequences for his behavior.

Common Knowledge

One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
'It's so blown out of proportion, and it's ruined my life. It's ruined my company. It ruins everything about my situation right now,' Berglund said on Thursday.

Well, if it's any solace, dear Berglund, you're 71 and gonna be dead pretty soon anyway.


Nov 27, 2017
Must be a cultural thing. In the UK and I've never met anyone who would sit in the front unless they had to for space reasons.

Yeah, must be.
In fact I'm pretty sure our local taxi drivers would consider it a rather arrogant/'uppish' thing to do.
Hell, even my 92 years old granny always sat in the front. Its just normal here.


Oct 27, 2017
The old white person uses the hard R to flex, then transforms to a victim trick. Good times. Dude was fuckin buggin thinking he could throw that shit out casually and stay in his car like "I'm already in here". Bitch get out my shit before I snatch you out.


Oct 29, 2017
Not justifying what the CEO guy said, but it would've helped if the driver explained why he didn't like people sitting in the front.

I could agree with this if it weren't for the signs and the very obvious note in the app. But I'm not sure why anyone would think "Huh, says in the app I can't sit in the front seat, says on the door I can't sit in the front sit, but there's explanation of why so I guess it doesn't apply to me."


Oct 27, 2017
Glad another racist gets outed but really surprised there's such a divergence in sitting front or back. Im american and I have never considered to sit in the front whether its in a Uber/Lyft or taxi. The driver is not my friend or family so no need to get so familiar. Ive never had a driver say a single thing either.


Oct 25, 2017
Glad another racist gets outed but really surprised there's such a divergence in sitting front or back. Im american and I have never considered to sit in the front whether its in a Uber/Lyft or taxi. The driver is not my friend or family so no need to get so familiar. Ive never had a driver say a single thing either.
Not about "getting faniliar" in some negative way.

I personally like to have a conversation with the person driving me, and not treat them as just a service to ship me around which is what it feels like getting in the back.

A simple "mind if I sit up front?" has never been turned down. Always have a good chat, always get good feedback.


Oct 27, 2017
Not about "getting faniliar".

I personally like to have a conversation with the person driving me, and not treat them as just a service to ship me around which is what it feels like getting in the back.

A simple "mind if I sit up front?" has never been turned down. Always have a good chat, always get good feedback.

Thats great but surely youre in the minority (in terms of your reason to sit up front). Im no introvert but rarely would I even have the energy or motivation to strike a convo. Its hard enough to engage with a chatty driver just for appearance sake. I would assume the same for the driver. This is a transportation service. Nothing more.

Deleted member 49482

User requested account closure
Nov 8, 2018
I'm regularily taking taxis when I'm wasted and I have never sat in the back ever. I also do not know anyone who ever did that here.
It's a cultural thing. Ever watch U.S. TV shows or movies where they hail a taxi? They always sit in the back. Furthermore, in the modern taxis I've been in recently in large U.S. cities, by default you can't even sit in the front, there is plexiglass between the driver and backseat, and the payment processing terminal for credit cards is in the backseat.

I think, generally, Americans have taken this taxi custom and applied it to rideshare vehicles. Though, there are always going to be large pockets of people who don't care for the custom or simply don't know of it (the U.S. is a large country with many cities that have no public transportation and/or need for taxis).


Oct 25, 2017
Thats great but surely youre in the minority (in terms of your reason to sit up front). Im no introvert but rarely would I even have the energy or motivation to strike a convo. Its hard enough to engage with a chatty driver just for appearance sake. I would assume the same for the driver. This is a transportation service. Nothing more.
And in my experience it's not the same for the driver at all. Literally (the real literally) ever.

In my experience Uber drivers are very friendly, enjoy conversation. Ask questions, answer, etc...

It's not just a transportation service, it's another human being. I like to treat them as such.

I get if you're not the social type, more than cool. Just some weird framing happening.


Oct 25, 2017
Not justifying what the CEO guy said, but it would've helped if the driver explained why he didn't like people sitting in the front.
No, they have literally no need to do that. It is on their page, and on the door. Ot is their vehicle. If they say "no", you say "ok" or you call a new car.


Oct 25, 2017
Richmond, VA
Not about "getting faniliar" in some negative way.

I personally like to have a conversation with the person driving me, and not treat them as just a service to ship me around which is what it feels like getting in the back.

A simple "mind if I sit up front?" has never been turned down. Always have a good chat, always get good feedback.

It is just a service to ship you around. I mean, that's literally what it is. You aren't hiring a friend for 30 minutes.


Oct 25, 2017
Richmond, VA
I prefer to treat them like people. You do you.

The implication being that sitting in the back is not "treating them like people? I mean, come on.

I always tip well, and I'm a courteous passenger. That's how i treat drivers and how I would expect to be treated. They are professionals, and should be treated as such.


Oct 25, 2017
The implication being that sitting in the back is not "treating them like people? I mean, come on.

I always tip well, and I'm a courteous passenger. That's how i treat drivers and how I would expect to be treated. They are professionals, and should be treated as such.
And I like to treat as people before service and it has always gone well with good feedback

Like I said, you do you.


Jan 24, 2018
Yeah, you traditionally sit in the front seat in Australia.

If you've got work or just don't want a conversation, then you sit in the back. But front is usually the way to go.

However if the driver requests IN MULTIPLE FORMATS that you sit in the back, then follow the instruction.


Oct 29, 2017
And I like to treat as people before service and it has always gone well with good feedback

Like I said, you do you.

Not everyone likes to make small talk. If you've found that drivers want to talk 100% of the time, great, but insinuating that anyone who doesn't share your preferences is treating drivers as less than human is ridiculous.