Deleted member 17184

User-requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
How priorities work for Gamers:

- Are you upset because CP2077 has transphobic content? No. Who cares about that? Not us Serious™ Gamers™!!!

- Are you upset because CP2077 treats all kinds of minorities badly? Of course not. It's an Immersive™ Dystopia™!!!

- Are you upset because CP2077 has major bugs and is more of an action game than RPG? WHAT?! WAIT A MINUTE!!! LET'S GIVE THEM A LOW SCORE ON METACRITIC TO SHOW WHO WE ARE!!!!!!!!! 😡😡😡😡
Oct 27, 2017
Funny how for them it ultimately comes down to them being upset because the game manages to offend their identity through its content. Huh.

Unfortunately harassment is likely the next step - unfair treatment which they've viewed efforts like this thread and the one-day thread closure as. And as the projection comes full circle, they won't even see the difference until someone gets in legal trouble. And maybe not even then.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
It really is just the perfect end cap to this whole shitty saga that the game that caused this many people to proudly go mask-off with how little they care about the trans community turns out to be a buggy, unfinished mess that barely even functions on the PS4 and XB1.


Oct 11, 2018
There is currently no way to even create a femme looking male character, because all the male facial features are firmly the chiselled action man variety, and to have softer features it requires you to switch over to the female "base body type". From there you can't do anything about having noticeable breasts, even though you have options for having a penis.

This is dissapointing to me because I plan to play this trainwreck at some point (probably after years) with both genders, and I don't like my customizable male characters too masculine, so it's another blunder on their part. I am also surprised that breasts are not as attachable as genitalia. For a game set in future, I would expect much more fluidity, but it seems worse than other recent character creators than I know of. Overall, not entirely unexpected, considering their priorities.


Oct 27, 2017
Checking the CP77 reddit page right now


Imagine your game in this state and seeing your president lose the election.


Nov 4, 2017
This game feels like another anthem situation, where they restarstared development two years ago and had to cut and redo a lot of things. It is also weird, that it still got great reviews, but a lot of gamer crowed doesn't like it now.

So hopefully CDPR will get shit on for all the wrong reasons.


The Fallen
Jul 28, 2018
And it looks like we're back to posting Digital Foundry "OMG HYPE!" threads.

Well, at least people pretended to care for a couple of days. Mostly.

Thanks, Gamers(tm).


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
Mods are on it. Sure they still have a decent backlog to clear through with everything running on top of the usual console wars nonsense. As someone in the thread said - hard to take it earnestly from a user perspective though. Not like you can go into the OT and not see why things are as they are.

Deleted member 10726

user requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I did my part and reported it as well, even posted a quote from the OT as to why there shouldn't be a separate thread.



Thanks mods, I really appreciate it. I had already ignored the thread so without this I wouldn't have known until someone said something here. :)

Overall one thing that I want to say is that I appreciate the efforts by the mod team, even if it's depressing how little some people care, I'm at least happy that the moderation is on point.


Oct 25, 2017




sorry for the screenshots, they're sourced from a tumblr post

the fact that you can't even make a cis dude who's a twink rly gives off massive "uhh but that would be GAYYY" vibes lmao


Oct 27, 2017
This is dissapointing to me because I plan to play this trainwreck at some point (probably after years) with both genders, and I don't like my customizable male characters too masculine, so it's another blunder on their part. I am also surprised that breasts are not as attachable as genitalia. For a game set in future, I would expect much more fluidity, but it seems worse than other recent character creators than I know of. Overall, not entirely unexpected, considering their priorities.

Yeah, it's just bonkers to me. You can't even put facial hair on the "female" faces.

Furthermore, every piece of clothing I've found as the female base body type with the "small" (smallest available) bust size creates an unmistakably "chesty" outline. This prolly also explains why you can't remove the breasts, because they had already modelled the clothes before they realised they should prolly do some legwork to support their flippant trans narrative, and at that point it was too much work to make changes to the basic outline of the character.

I dunno how to state this without sounding insensitive, but please rest assured first of all that I am 100% for presenting and identifying however you are comfortable with regardless entirely of physical attributes. This is not a commentary on that at all, so I hope it's taken the right way:

This game does not offer a single option or feature meant to give players access to a trans experience. It is offering the option of playing a masculine male or feminine female with whichever genitalia you want as an accessory.

In Metroid, in the absence of hands-on storytelling you could imagine a feminist icon, but the second its creators engaged with its story and character on a deeper level, Samus was engulfed in sexist bullshit and turned into a whimpering, barely conscious weakling, taking orders from men at every turn. Likewise, in a few of the cases with Cyberpunk 2077, simply stepping back and letting players bring their own context to some of this stuff could have made for a much stronger illusion that it actually encourages gender-fluidity, non-conformity, and the freedom to be absolutely anyone you want. Instead, the Other M of this game begins almost immediately when you're greeted with the preset female or male body type, and no option beyond that point, however labelled and half-heartedly presented as progressive, really moves the needle on that naked fact. The voice tone option positioned as the deciding factor between pronouns ends up just being completely absurd, too, because you're stuck with gravely gritty mcgruff too-cool-for-cyberschool voice if you simply want to identify as male. Simply insanity.

Deleted member 50374

alt account
Dec 4, 2018
Making a character editor unrestricted from gender and sex is a better idea even on a programming level. You just have to build a flexible model and let people pick and choose the elements. Clothes only have to fit this one model, again allowing everyone to wear anything. And considering that the game is set in a cyberpunk universe, it's also quite strange that mods and such are unavailable; on a logical level, anything should be possible, specifically being non gendered, intersex and more outside of the heteronormativity.

[Also polyamory isn't really taken into account, I guess.]

It would have been better to do the same thing as Odyssey did and just have two characters, honestly. At least you aren't doing a mockery of role playing by having a generic character having an half baked personality.
Oct 28, 2017




sorry for the screenshots, they're sourced from a tumblr post

the fact that you can't even make a cis dude who's a twink rly gives off massive "uhh but that would be GAYYY" vibes lmao

How is this even a thing.

It is literally a developer screaming "THIS WOULD BE TOO GAAAAAAAY". As shit as From Software's character creators are, they at least let you do what you want in a fantasy world full of demons, ghosts, dragons and other creepy spooky things. Because it makes sense for that to be the case.


Oct 29, 2017
I just don't get why a character creator like that needs "gendered" options. It makes zero sense. I guess it makes it easier for gendered clothing looks, but that's all body shape and has nothing to do with things like facial hair etc. Especially in a game where you almost never see your character anyways


Oct 25, 2017
How is this even a thing.

It is literally a developer screaming "THIS WOULD BE TOO GAAAAAAAY". As shit as From Software's character creators are, they at least let you do what you want in a fantasy world full of demons, ghosts, dragons and other creepy spooky things. Because it makes sense for that to be the case.
Yep, it's clearly intentional at this point. They went out of their way to appease chuds.


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
The character creator was a let down from the start and always found it odd that people lauded it for the diverse heads you could create, even outside of the issues mentioned above, because surely that's the base level of what could be expected when there's like zero other form of customisation there outside of the head lol.


May 31, 2019




sorry for the screenshots, they're sourced from a tumblr post

the fact that you can't even make a cis dude who's a twink rly gives off massive "uhh but that would be GAYYY" vibes lmao
Might be misunderstanding some of these points, and many are completely valid and disappointing, but there is a clean shave option for male body V's face, as well as a couple long hair options and, while not a ponytail, there is a bun option. There are a number of piercing options available as well.

Everything else is 100% true though, kind of surprising considering the fact that there ARE different body types in the game with the NPCs. Definitely a step back from Fallout 4 and 76's character creators, which is probably the closest analogue to this.


Oct 27, 2017
It's things like this (Series X) around every corner that make it hard to even be able to appreciate the general design of Night City. When combined with low poly models and IQ it's just bluegh.

This is like this for like two-thirds of the stuff on walls lol.

Did you forget to wear your "cool futuristic" cyber glasses?

not a bug when its a feature.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 29, 2017
The fucking ad is everywhere in the game. Even when I'm just trying to satisfy my morbid curiosity of just how much if a technical clusterfuck the game is by watching perfomance analysis videos. Shitheels must be really proud of it to stick it on every surface in the game "MIX IT UP! Get it? GET IT? G E T I T ???"


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
Yep, definitely. I'm not saying it solves the issue. I'm saying the fact that you could mod the ads out of the game entirely and not create an issue where the story or characters are now referencing things that you've modded out goes to show how baseless CDPR's claims that they're important for world building are.

With some more time with it today, I've had a few genuine moments of getting absorbed in the world for a few minutes, Mirror's Edge-ing my way across gantries and rooftops, only to be broken out of it by a giant billboard of the guy with a butt sticking in his face.

Any sense of immersion lost for a joke that isn't funny, and that applies to every single one I've seen. They could have just had relatively bland adverts for in-universe products, and ended up with a city that just felt better.

I too look forward to seeing what modders can do to be more sensible (and let's be honest, we want to see the ones from Blade Runner).

Deleted member 17184

User-requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
The character creator was a let down from the start and always found it odd that people lauded it for the diverse heads you could create, even outside of the issues mentioned above, because surely that's the base level of what could be expected when there's like zero other form of customisation there outside of the head lol.
But Kyuuji!!! Don't you know that the only body parts worth changing in a dystopia are the genitals and women breasts? It's SO E D G Y and H O T!!!!



Oct 25, 2017
The character creator was a let down from the start and always found it odd that people lauded it for the diverse heads you could create, even outside of the issues mentioned above, because surely that's the base level of what could be expected when there's like zero other form of customisation there outside of the head lol.
Actually, are all of Cyberpunk's NPC bodytypes even available to players in the character creator? I've seen pictures of heavier characters walking the streets and there's one gang made up of super-buff men and women, but I haven't seen any Vs shaped like that.

I'm honestly disappointed you can't at least look like Kusanagi at the end of the first Ghost in the Shell movie.


Oct 12, 2018
So it's looking more and more like this game was tailored to white supremacists incel trump supporters? Good grief.


Oct 25, 2017
ERA's Game of the Decade, everyone:

Honestly, I'm almost fond of the amount of "jank" in this game that's been posted all over the place because I tend to like titles that punch above their actual weight.

But I imagine it must be frustrating for the developers and players alike since by all indications this could have used an extra delay or two and less of a "death march" schedule.

Pointing out the obvious, but it sounds like they also didn't do anything to comment on the transphobic advertisements either. If they had a quest that had some characters criticizing the effects of that type of marketing, in-universe, then maybe it'd make a degree of sense on paper, but nothing of the sort seems to be included. I hope there'll at least be a mod to replace them at some point.

Should I be glad I have no idea what this meme is?

I don't get it either, but from the's probably not a good thing.


May 19, 2019
It's not a meme, it's just an altright talking point. Jontron infamously outed himself as a shitheel when he said it in the destiny interview.
Yeah, it's about how x% of people are black, but they commit y% of the crimes, where y > x (can't recall the exact numbers), and it's an argument for how black people are inherently more violent or something... it's really gross.


Oct 25, 2017
I want to thank Kyuuji and the rest of era's transcommunity for trying to educate users here about the issue this company has, but unfortunately people seem to be (willfully) ignoring those: that controversial games thread is such a dumpsterfire, holy shit. You people deserve so much better!

Concerning the IP of cyberpunk (I'm talking about the rpg by Mike Pondsmith), am I misremembering or does CDPR (co)own the IP now?

Deleted member 50374

alt account
Dec 4, 2018



Tomaskiewicz: Of course. It's a very sensitive and important subject I believe. We have put a lot of thought into this. One of the things we want to do in the final game (which we couldn't show in the demo yet, because as you mentioned it's a work in progress) is to give the players as many options of customization in the beginning of the game as we can.

For example, we want to do this thing where, as you create your character, after you choose the body type, you can, for example, use physical traits as you build your face that could be assigned to a man or a woman.

Or nonbinary?

Tomaskiewicz: Or nonbinary. The idea is to mix all of those up, to give them to the players, as they would like to build it. Same goes for the voice. We wanted to separate this out, so the players can choose it freely. This is something we are still working on, it's not as easy as it sounds.

This is one part of it. In terms of how we depict the characters within the setting itself, of course, yes, we are paying a lot of attention to it, we do not want anyone to feel like we are neglecting this, or treating it wrongly.



The GIFs of Us
Jun 25, 2020
the wilderness
So are same sex relationships possible in the game? particularly for men? Like can you character be bi?

They are possible, but very limited. I don't think your character can be bi.

From grand:

There are 4 main romance options and they all fall into the mainstream sexuality vs gender quadarant:
  • The lesbian alternative girl
  • The effeminate stylish gay man
  • The bald muscular COP with a heart of gold
  • And [insert female here] for the straight guys