
Oct 27, 2017
Our aircon is rubbish. I'm sat here at work trying to do as little as possible so as not to raise my body temperature any higher, and counting down to beer o'clock and a cold refreshing pint.


Sumo Digital Dev
Oct 24, 2017
As an LA native living in the UK...



Oct 30, 2017
My hayfever's kicking in and I've got a marathon on Sunday. Fuck everything.

I wish you all the best of luck with the London Marathon on Sunday!

Three of my colleagues at school are doing it this year, and they are totally thrown off after training mostly in the cold for six months, only for it to reach the mid-to-high twenties today...

My hayfever was absolutely awful today, even after taking a Piriton tablet first thing this morning.


Oct 25, 2017
I wish you all the best of luck with the London Marathon on Sunday!

Three of my colleagues at school are doing it this year, and they are totally thrown off after training mostly in the cold for six months, only for it to reach the mid-to-high twenties today...

My hayfever was absolutely awful today, even after taking a Piriton tablet first thing this morning.
I'm doing Southampton, not London, but thanks all the same!


Jan 16, 2018
Not bad! Have been stuck inside nursing two half-broken MacBooks trying to get some jobs finished but studios pretty breezy. Heading to the seafront in an hour or two to watch the sunset with a pint of something cold(ish), life ain't bad!


Oct 28, 2017
I'm in London 30 degrees apparently. Open windows and cold drinks. Might be at work, but man I am happy. Oh and my boss told us to come in shorts. WIN!

Update. The internal temperature of my building is now around 34. Windows are open, no breeze. Air con units all stopped working an hour ago. We've run out of cold drinks and someone spilled milk near the coffee machine...

This is how I die...


Oct 27, 2017
Please use deodorant friends makes the journey on crammed train pleasant for everyone.

Getting an aircon this year finally, my room traps heat like crazy and at night i can't leave the windows because of mosquito so it will be a godsend. Just need to find a way to get the hose out these annoying casement windows without letting the hot air back in.


Oct 26, 2017
Lol 27 Celcius is only 80 Fahrenheit, which is nothing. Try 36 Celcius for a month straight in California, or when I was in Japan, 32 Celcius and 100% humidity in the summer.


Oct 31, 2017
I turned the heating on to "Summer Mode" which means completely off yesterday...

Hot weather and cheaper gas bills... good times.... Except March was so fucking cold that I spent more on gas in than I should do...

The normal British thing to do is complain... if it's above 25c.. it's too hot, we prefer our weather mild, and grey with rain every now and again...

But I'm not going to complain... this is basically our summer these 2 days... after this it may as well be autumn until it's winter.... that's British weather for you.

Deleted member 835

User requested account deletion
Oct 25, 2017
Never get use to seeing pale dudes laying around with tops off or old dudes walking round topless in shops when it gets sunny here.


Oct 26, 2017
Despite being a ginger I love the heat and sun, give me more of this! Had to go to Leeds today and it was glorious there too. Bummer being stuck on a train for part of it, but I'm on my way back to London to meet up with a mate for drinks and food, will have to find somewhere outside.


Oct 25, 2017
Never get use to seeing pale dudes laying around with tops off or old dudes walking round topless in shops when it gets sunny here.
bruh, they just can't help themselves. The second its north of 20c all I see is beer guts and muffin-tops everywhere

put it away people


Oct 27, 2017
Ben & Jerry's half price at the co-op but not Haagen-Dazs, not that they ever stock the good flavours anyway. It'll do I suppose.


Feb 22, 2018
why do people always do this in these threads

no one is impressed dude


Besides which, in the US and countries where they're used to heat all the homes and offices have air con so the only time you have to endure it is between locations if it's too hot to stay outside. If you want to hang out in the sun that's fine, if not, you can go indoors and cool down.

After a certain point here with no air con or fans in the office or at home (we do have a fan at home but it just blows hot air around - those standing ones are too expensive) temperatures start to rise to really uncomfortable levels and there's no escaping it for like 8/9 hours.

IMO that's much worse.


Oct 25, 2017
Phoenix, AZ

Besides which, in the US and countries where they're used to heat all the homes and offices have air con so the only time you have to endure it is between locations if it's too hot to stay outside. If you want to hang out in the sun that's fine, if not, you can go indoors and cool down.

After a certain point here with no air con or fans in the office or at home (we do have a fan at home but it just blows hot air around - those standing ones are too expensive) temperatures start to rise to really uncomfortable levels and there's no escaping it for like 8/9 hours.

IMO that's much worse.

Well, its also what people are used to. I freeze to death when temperatures get below freezing. Right now its 22°C in my room and I'm wearing a sweatshirt and my legs are under a blanket to keep my feet warm.


Feb 22, 2018
Well, its also what people are used to. I freeze to death when temperatures get below freezing. Right now its 22°C in my room and I'm wearing a sweatshirt and my legs are under a blanket to keep my feet warm.

Yeah obviously being used to it is a factor, I'm just saying in response to the idea that this is sooo easy because some people walk around in 36 degree heat just fine - you don't have to sit in that heat for 9 hours.

I'm too hot and have been for hours, we don't have any fans and there's no breeze. Our only tap is downstairs and I don't have the energy to keep going down there for water so I'm thirsty as heck. I'm a grumpy Brit today.
Oct 25, 2017

Besides which, in the US and countries where they're used to heat all the homes and offices have air con so the only time you have to endure it is between locations if it's too hot to stay outside. If you want to hang out in the sun that's fine, if not, you can go indoors and cool down.

After a certain point here with no air con or fans in the office or at home (we do have a fan at home but it just blows hot air around - those standing ones are too expensive) temperatures start to rise to really uncomfortable levels and there's no escaping it for like 8/9 hours.

IMO that's much worse.
Most places in the PNW of the US don't have ac as the temps are fairly mild. It sucks on those hot days but it cools down into the 50s/low 60s at night in summer here so just opening some windows is fine but ya I feel your pain with no ac lol. Does it at least cool down quite a bit there at night time? Or do you also have the nasty humidity as well which you feel all sticky...that is the worst. Glad we don't have that here. Humidity was brutal when I lived in nyc.
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Oct 26, 2017
Just spent £50 on a tower fan.

Also I saw so many white pot bellies walking out and about St John's Wood today. It was gross. Sunny weather isn't an excuse for public nudity, Brit Bros. Keep that shit in your shirt.


Feb 22, 2018
Most places in the PNW of the US don't have ac as the temps are fairly mild. It sucks on those hot days but it cools down into the 50s/low 60s at night here but ya I feel your pain with no ac lol.
Ahh that sucks. I don't think I've ever met anyone with an AC unit, seeing as we only get about 10 really hot days a year here at most people just don't spend the money on them. I've seen offices with some poor forms of AC though.

Hot nights are the worst though. You get used to it being >10c here at night most of the year, then like a few weeks it'll be in the mid-late teens at night and I literally want to kill someone.


Oct 27, 2017
Amazing, Just spent the day at salford quays in the sun reading.

Also for anyone needing a fan, maplins have some amazing ones in their closing down sale.


Oct 30, 2017
Goddamn those poor folks running the London Marathon today, and NekoFever in the Southampton Marathon too...

Currently at 23 degrees ~ it is officially the hottest London Marathon ever!

I have been invited along to a BBQ later this afternoon and am contemplating getting there on my bicycle, seeing as they live about three and a half (hilly) miles away.

How's BritEra feeling in this lovely sunshine today?


Oct 26, 2017
Hah, you're having a hotter day in Essex than I am in Marbella. Still 24º and about to have lunch at a chiringuito.